Auto increment a bigint column? - sql-server

I want a bigint ID column for every row of data that i insert into a table. I want Sql server to generate the numbers. I tried to create a table with a bigint column ID. I want this to be autoincrement with the first value as 1. I tried using [ID] [bigint] AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, in my create table statement, but I got the error - Incorrect syntax near 'AUTO_INCREMENT'. How do I do this ?

Can you not just declare it as an IDENTITY column:
[ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL;
The 1,1 refers to the start index and the amount it is being incremented by.
NOTE: You do not have to provide a value for the ID column when you do an insert. It will automatically choose it. You can modify these values later if required.
Alternatively, you can use a stored procedure to handle all the inserts.
Stored Procedure will take in variables as you would a normal insert (one variable for every column). The logic within the stored procedure can select the max value currently existing in the table and choose that as its max value.
DECLARE #yourVariable = SELECT MAX(ID) FROM YourTable
Use #yourVariable as your insert value. You can increment it or change value as necessary.

I got the answer here -
SomeOtherColumn char(1)
INSERT INTO Test (SomeOtherColumn)
values ('a')


Reinsert primary key in the same record

I need to insert records into a production table. The problem is that one of the fields needs to be the same value as the primary key.
In the example below, the Insert query is dropping '99' into [AlsoMyID]. But that's just a placeholder. It needs to be whatever value is going into [MyID].
How do I write the Insert query so that the system will add the same PK value to both [MyID] and [AlsoMyID]?
Drop table #mylittletable
Create table #Mylittletable (
[AlsoMyID] int,
[ActualData] varchar(1))
Select * from #Mylittletable
Insert into #Mylittletable values (99,'x')
Select * from #Mylittletable
If you're interested in the background, the developer is using AlsoMyID as a linking field so any number of records can be linked together using the original primary key value. That said, I have no control over the table structure.
Firstly, you cannot specify the value for identity column unless you use set identity_insert on. so according to your requirement, you need to insert the same value to AlsoMyID as MyID.
You can work it out as flowing:
insert into Mylittletable
select ##IDENTITY+1,'1'
With this trigger on the table you can insert anything on the alsoMyID-column and that will be overwritten with what get's set in the myID-column.
create trigger tr_Mylittletable ON Mylittletable
declare #ID int = (select MyID from inserted)
update Mylittletable set AlsoMyID = #ID where MyID = #ID
NOTE: This only works when making inserts of one line at a time!

SQL Server : identity and autoincrement for varchar

This is my first question on this platform. I am working on a database project. I want to use autoincrement for my primary key for id, but also want to add an alphabet before it. Are there other ways to do it apart from using 2 columns declaring one as identity and casting the other? I have worked with stored procedures and triggers.
Thank you
PS: I want to do it using one column if possible
You won't be able to do this with just one column.
The best solution is to use
an ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) column to get SQL Server to handle the automatic increment of your numeric value
a computed, persisted column to convert that numeric value to the value you need
So try this:
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblCompany
CompanyID AS 'CMP-' + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(ID AS VARCHAR(5)), 5) PERSISTED,
.... your other columns here....
Now, every time you insert a row into tblCompany without specifying values for ID or CompanyID:
INSERT INTO dbo.tblCompany(Col1, Col2, ..., ColN)
VALUES (Val1, Val2, ....., ValN)
then SQL Server will increase your ID value, and CompanyID will contain values like CMP-00001, CMP-00002,...... and so on - automatically. The CompanyID column will be fill automatically, by SQL Server, upon inserting a new row - so there's no need for triggers or stored procedures or anything else - just this declaration in your table definition.
UPDATE: if you're using SQL Server 2012 or newer, you can do it with just one column - if you also create a SEQUENCE - like this:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Company
CompanyName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
----- other columns here
Now if you make sure to insert with omitting the CompanyID column in the insert statement, like this:
INSERT INTO dbo.Company (CompanyName)
VALUES ('Company #1'), ('Company ABC'), ('Company Three');
then you get CMP-1001', 'CMP-1002 etc. as your CompanyID, again, automatically handled by SQL Server upon inserting a new row.

INSERT INTO, but retain blank columns?

In a stored procedure I'm creating...
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##SUBOSummary') IS NOT NULL
/*Then it exists*/
--RowID int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
RowNum int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Dept nvarchar(25) NOT NULL,
Last24 int,
WTD int,
MoTD int,
YTD int
I then want to add a series of data from another view, and I'll then fill the rest of the data rows in seperately:
INSERT INTO ##SUBOSummary SELECT DISTINCT vw_EmployeeDepartment.Dept FROM vw_EmployeeDepartment
I'm getting the following error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
I'm hazarding a guess that this is because I'm only populating a single field by the insert statement.
Is there a better way to acheive this?
The error, in truth, is quite clear here:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
In your INSERT statement you're implying you want to insert values into all the columns (as you're not specifying which one), yet you're only supplying one column in your SELECT, so where does that value go? SQL Server has no idea.
You need to supply your column(s) in your INSERT clause:
INSERT INTO ##SUBOSummary (Dept)
SELECT DISTINCT vw_EmployeeDepartment.Dept
FROM vw_EmployeeDepartment;
On a different note, however, don't use a Global Temporary Table, they often perform very poorly.

Error while inserting data with stored procedure in table with shared identity primary key

I've got a few tables linked together where data should be inserted to using a stored procedure. The tables are:
create table contactpersoon
contactpersoonnr integer identity(1,1),
klantnr integer,
naam varchar(50) not null,
telefoonnr varchar(10) not null,
emailadres varchar(50) not null,
constraint pk_contactpersoon
primary key(contactpersoonnr, klantnr),
constraint fk_contactpersoon_klantnr
foreign key(klantnr) references klant(klantnr)
create table klant
klantnr integer identity(1,1) primary key,
bedrijfsnaam varchar(50) not null
create table Logins
GebruikersNaam varchar(30),
Wachtwoord varchar(30),
Klantnr int,
MdwNr int,
constraint pk_logID primary key(GebruikersNaam),
constraint fk_klantnr foreign key(klantnr) references klant(klantnr),
constraint fk_mdwnr foreign key(mdwnr) references medewerker(mdwnr)
Stored procedure for adding data to these tables:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'spKlantAanmaken')
DROP PROCEDURE spKlantAanmaken
Create Procedure spKlantAanmaken
#bedrijfsnaam as varchar(255),
#contactnaam as varchar(255),
#telnr as integer,
#email as varchar(255),
#gebruikersnaam as varchar(255),
#wachtwoord as varchar(255)
Begin transaction
Declare #klantnr integer
Declare #contactpersoonnr integer
Insert into Klant Values (#klantnr, #bedrijfsnaam);
Insert into contactpersoon values(#contactpersoonnr, #klantnr, #contactnaam, #telnr, #email);
Insert into Logins values (#gebruikersnaam, #wachtwoord ,#klantnr, NULL);
Select * from contactpersoon
IF ##ERROR <> 0
RAISERROR ('Error tijdens uitvoeren van stap 2.', 16, 1)
I don't know if it is necessary to use these identity values in the inserts.
If I try this stored procedure I get the following error:
Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spKlantAanmaken, Line 923
An explicit value for the identity column in table 'Klant' can only be
specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
If I remove the identity values from the insert I get this error:
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spKlantAanmaken, Line 923
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
What am I doing wrong?
When you use Identity, the columns on which the identity is applied need not be in your INSERT statement VALUES. So edit your code like below
It also seems you are missing out the columns you are trying to insert into
Insert into Klant (bedrijfsnaam) Values (#bedrijfsnaam)
Insert into contactpersoon (klantnr, contactnaam, telnr, email) Values (#klantnr, #contactnaam, #telnr, #email)
It seems all the answers saying the same thing so hope your issued is solved
Since you have identity columns, you must specify the list of columns to insert into, in your INSERT statement, and not supply a value for the identity column - like this:
Instead of
Insert into Klant Values (#klantnr, #bedrijfsnaam);
Insert into Klant(bedrijfsnaam) Values (#bedrijfsnaam);
and do this for all your INSERT operations.
This is a generally accepted "Best Practice" for any time you insert something into a table - it is recommend to always explicitly specify the list of columns in your table that you're inserting into (to avoid annoying errors and surprises).
Avoid the identity columns klantnr, contactpersoonnr in the INSERT query and explicitly define your column names:
So the below code will work in your case:
Insert into Klant(bedrijfsnaam) Values (#bedrijfsnaam);
Insert into contactpersoon(klantnr, naam, telefoonnr, emailadres) values(#klantnr, #contactnaam, #telnr, #email);
Just specify the column names AND the contents in the INSERT statement like:
INSERT INTO klant (bedrijfsnaam) VALUES ('XYZ');
If you don't specify the column name list, the SQL interpreter implies, you want the identity column, too. In this case you would want to set data for 2 columns, but only provide one content element, which explains the latter error message.
Edit these two lines in your SP
Insert into Klant (bedrijfsnaam)
Values (#bedrijfsnaam);
Insert into contactpersoon(klantnr,naam,telefoonnr,emailadres)
values(#klantnr, #contactnaam, #telnr, #email);
Provide a column list, excluding the identity columns in the insert statements

Inserting concatenate Identity column with other column

I have a identity column and i have other column while inserting a new row in
table i need to insert into third column with concatenate of two columns result
For reference please see below table
A | B | c
1 | 33 | 133(1 [identity result] + 33)
2 | 112 | 2112
Please help me to solve this issue.
There is already an answer to this question but i think is not the best way to achieve it.
Here's an example on how to achieve it with a computed column.
CREATE TABLE dbo.calculatedTEST (
insert into dbo.calculatedTEST
select * from dbo.calculatedTEST
A computed column is computed from an expression that can use other
columns in the same table. The expression can be a noncomputed column
name, constant, function, and any combination of these connected by
one or more operators. The expression cannot be a subquery.
Unless otherwise specified, computed columns are virtual columns that
are not physically stored in the table. Their values are recalculated
every time they are referenced in a query. The Database Engine uses
the PERSISTED keyword in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements
to physically store computed columns in the table. Their values are
updated when any columns that are part of their calculation change. By
marking a computed column as PERSISTED, you can create an index on a
computed column that is deterministic but not precise. Additionally,
if a computed column references a CLR function, the Database Engine
cannot verify whether the function is truly deterministic. In this
case, the computed column must be PERSISTED so that indexes can be
created on it. For more information, see Creating Indexes on Computed
Don't need to insert Column C, You can easily get Column C using Select Statement.
like this.
select A,B,cast(Cast(A as varchar(max))+cast(B as varchar(max)) as
varchar(max)) as C from Your_Table_Name
If you really need to insert column C, then you have to run insert and Update query at the same time to inset value in the C column of the table.
insert into Table_Name(B) values('33');Select IDENT_CURRENT();
--you'll get the inserted Identity.
--now run the Update query for Identity you get from the insert query.
create table #tab1
Id bigint identity(1,1) primary key,
a int,
b varchar(50)
insert into #tab1(a) values(88);
declare #id1 as bigint set #id1=(select SCOPE_IDENTITY());
update #tab1 set b=cast(id as varchar(max))+cast(a as varchar(max)) where Id=#id1
