What is event.preventDefault preventing despite the event? - angularjs

One goal of my main controller is to prevent users from going to urls of other users. That works perfectly fine with listening on $locationChangeStart and using its events preventDefault method. Unfortunately calling this method has the strange side effect of somehow "interrupting" the work of the function "handleNotification" which has the goal of notifying the user for 2 seconds that she or he has done something illegitimate. If I comment out event.preventDefault(), everything works as expected. So my question is: What is the 'scope' of the 'default' preventDefault prevents that I don't have on my mind and which keeps the handleNotification function from working properly?
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
ifUserIs('loggedIn', function() {
if (newUrl.split('#/users/')[1] !== $scope.user.userId) {
handleNotification('alert', 'You are not allowed to go here.');
function handleNotification (type, message) {
$scope.notice = {
content: message,
type: type
$timeout(function() {
delete $scope.notice;
return true;
}, 2000);

Update below
Ok. The problem is somewhere else. In the related jsfiddle everything works fine. After finding the source which is responsible for this strange behaviour I will let you know.
<html ng-app="mapApp">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<global-error message="{{notice.content}}"></global-error>
And the code.
var mapApp = {};
mapApp = angular.module('mapApp', []);
mapApp.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope, $location, $timeout) {
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
handleNotification('alert', 'You are not allowed to go here.');
function handleNotification(type, message) {
$scope.notice = {
content: message,
type: type
$timeout(function () {
delete $scope.notice;
return true;
}, 2000);
mapApp.directive('globalError', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
message: '#',
type: '#'
template: "<div class=\"alert-box {{type}}\">\
Ok. One step further. And the problem is still there. Right now I know that changing the path in the browser is something different than changing the url by putting $location.path('users/2') inside the code (see above). While $location.path('users/2') works as expected, changing the path in the browsers address bar manually just makes the address jump back to the old address without displaying the notice. So event.preventDefault() works correctly but handleNotification('alert', 'You are not allowed to go here.') isn't. Strange.
Update 2
Adding $scope.$digest() to the end of the handleNotification function did the trick.


How to call an Angular method when browser closes

I'm relatively new in AngularJS and I have been asked to modify our application so that when the user closes the browser, we also log them out of Auth0 service.
I have the code below but I can't get it to fire. Kindly help.
$rootScope.$on("$destroy", function() {
lockService.logout() holds the functionality that successfully logs out the user when they click logout button, including the Auth0 signout function.
Somewhere I read that I can use the $on.$destroy of the main Controller but I am not sure how to do this. The above code is in fact inside the mainController function but it still doesn't work.
This is where I found my answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36444134/1168597
You can add a directive like this to your body element.
<body body-unload></body>
app.directive('bodyUnload', [
function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: false,
link: function (scope, element) {
function cleanupApp(){
// do cleanup here
element[0].onbeforeunload = function() {
I have found a much cleaner and more effective approach.
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function () {
if (!($window.performance.navigation.type === 1) && lockService.isAuthenticated()) {
So here if window.performance.navigation.type is 1, it means the page was refresh-ed. What I do then is if it is not refreshed AND my lockService.isAuthenticated() returns true, I logout the user.

Implementing component require property in Angular 1.5 components

I am having no joy with implementing require: {} property as part of an angular component. Allow me to demonstrate with an example I have.
This is the component/directive that supposed to fetch a list of judgements. Nothing very fancy, just a simple factory call.
// judgements.component.js
function JudgementsController(GetJudgements) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.Get = function () {
function (data) {
ctrl.Judgements = data.judgements;
}, function (error) {
// show error message
ctrl.$onInit = function () {
//.component('cJudgements', {
// controller: JudgementsController,
.directive('cJudgements', function () {
return {
scope: true,
controller: 'JudgementsController',
//bindToController: true,
I am trying to implement component require property to give me access to ctrl.Judgements from the above component/directive as follows:
// list.component.js
function ListController(GetList, GetJudgements) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.list = [];
ctrl.Get = function () {
function (data) {
ctrl.list = data.list;
}, function (error) {
// show error message
//ctrl.GetJudgements = function () {
// GetJudgements.get().$promise.then(
// function (data) {
// ctrl.Judgements = data.judgements;
// }, function (error) {
// // show error message
// });
ctrl.$onInit = function () {
.component('cTheList', {
bindings: {
listid: '<',
controller: ListController,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
require: {
jCtrl: 'cJudgements',
template: `
<c-list-item ng-repeat="item in ctrl.list"
obviously the reference to judgements here needs to change
or even better to be moved into require of cListItem component
Nice and simple no magic involved. A keen reader probably noticed GetJudgement service call in the ListController. This is what I am trying to remove from TheList component using require property.
The reason? Is actually simple. I want to stop database being hammered by Judgement requests as much as possible. It's a static list and there is really no need to request it more than once per instance of the app.
So far I have only been successful with receiving the following error message:
Error: $compile:ctreq
Missing Required Controller
Controller 'cJudgements', required by directive 'cTheList', can't be found!
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
PS: I am using angular 1.5
PSS: I do not mind which way cJudgement is implemented (directive or component).
PSSS: If someone wonders I have tried using jCtrl: '^cJudgements'.
PSSSS: And multiple ^s for that matter just in case.
#Kindzoku posted a link to the article that I have read before posting the question. I hope this also helps someone in understanding $onInit and require in Angular 1.5+.
Due to popular demand I made a plunker example.
You should use required components in this.$onInit = function(){}
Here is a good article https://toddmotto.com/on-init-require-object-syntax-angular-component/
The $onInit in your case should be written like this:
ctrl.$onInit = function () {
#iiminov has the right answer. No parent HTML c-judgements was defined.
Working plunker.

Angular UI Router Reload Controller on Back Button Press

I have a route that can have numerous optional query parameters:
$stateProvider.state("directory.search", {
url: '/directory/search?name&email',
templateUrl: 'view.html',
controller: 'controller'
When the user fills the form to search the directory a function in the $scope changes the state causing the controller to reload:
$scope.searchDirectory = function () {
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email
}, { reload: true });
In the controller I have a conditional: if($state.params){return data} dictating whether or not my service will be queried.
This works great except if the user clicks the brower's forward and/or back buttons. In both these cases the state (route) changes the query parameters correctly but does not reload the controller.
From what I've read the controller will be reloaded only if the actual route changes. Is there anyway to make this example work only using query parameters or must I use a changing route?
You should listen to the event for succesful page changes, $locationChangeSuccess. Checkout the docs for it https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$location.
There is also a similar question answered on so here How to detect browser back button click event using angular?.
When that event fires you could put whatever logic you run on pageload that you need to run when the controller initializes.
Something like:
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
Or better setup like:
var searchDirectory = function () {
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email
}, { reload: true });
$scope.searchDirectory = searchDirectory;
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
Using the above, I was able to come up with a solution to my issue:
controller (code snippet):
...var searchDirectory = function (searchParams) {
if (searchParams) {
$scope.Model.Query.name = searchParams.name;
$scope.Model.Query.email = searchParams.email;
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email,
}, { reload: true });
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
//used $location.absUrl() to keep track of query string
//could have used $location.path() if just interested in the portion of the route before query string params
$rootScope.actualLocation = $location.absUrl();
$rootScope.$watch(function () { return $location.absUrl(); }, function (newLocation, oldLocation) {
//event fires too often?
//before complex conditional was used the state was being changed too many times causing a saturation of my service
if ($rootScope.actualLocation && $rootScope.actualLocation !== oldLocation && oldLocation !== newLocation) {
$scope.searchDirectory = searchDirectory;
if ($state.params && Object.keys($state.params).length !== 0)
{..call to service getting data...}
This solution feels more like a traditional framework such as .net web forms where the dev has to perform certain actions based on the state of the page. I think it's worth the compromise of having readable query params in the URL.

Dynamically added element's directive doesn't work

I'm trying to build a simple infinite scroll. It loads the data fine but after loading, new added elements' directives don't work.
This is relevant part of the scroll checking and data loading directive.
.directive("scrollCheck", function ($window, $http) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function() {
// calculating windowBottom and docHeight here then
if (windowBottom >= (docHeight - 100)) {
// doing some work here then
$http.get('service page').then(function (result) {
if (result.data.trim() != "") {
var newDiv = angular.element(result.data);
// doing some other work
},function () {
// error handling here
Service page returns some repeats of this structure as result.data
<div ...>
<div ... ng-click="test($event)"></div>
<div ...>...</div>
As i said data loads just fine but those test() functions in ng-clickdirectives don't work. How to get em work?
I believe you are going to need to compile the html element returned. Something like this
$compile(newDiv)(scope); // Corrected. Thanks
You'll need to be sure and pass in $compile into your function

AngularJS - change $location silently - remove query string

Is there any way to silently change the route in the url bar using angular?
The user clicks a link for the email that goes to:
When the page loads I want to read the verificationCode and then clear it:
if($location.path() == '/verificationExecuted'){
this.registrationCode = this.$location.search()["verificationCode"];
this.$location.search("verificationCode", null); //Uncomment but make this silent!
if(registrationCode != null) {
else $location.path("/404");
What happens when I clear it is the remaining part of the route ("/verificationExecuted") remains buts the route re-triggers so it comes around again with no verificationCode and goes straight to 404.
I want to remove the code without doing anything else.
You can always set the reloadOnSearch option on your route to be false.
It will prevent the route from reloading if only the query string changes:
controller: 'MyController',
templateUrl: '/path/to/template.html',
//Secret Sauce
reloadOnSearch: false
try this
See documentation for more details about $location
I had a similar requirement for one of my projects.
What I did in such a case was make use of a service.
app.factory('queryData', function () {
var data;
return {
get: function () {
return data;
set: function (newData) {
data = newData
This service was then used in my controller as:
app.controller('TestCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', 'queryData',
function ($scope, $location, queryData) {
var queryParam = $location.search()['myParam'];
if (queryParam) {
//Store it
//Reload same page without query argument
} else {
//Use the service
queryParam = queryData.get();
if (queryParam) {
//Reset it so that the next cycle works correctly
else {
//404 - nobody seems to have the query
I solved this by adding a method that changes the path and canceling the event.
public updateSearch(){
var un = this.$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', (e)=> {
if (!keep_previous_path_in_history) this.$location.replace();
