Raw sockets linux - c

May be the question is a bit stupid, but I'll ask it. I read a lot about raw sockets in network, have seen several examples. So, basically with raw sockets it's possible to build own stack of headers, like stack = IP + TCP/UDP + OWN_HEADER. My question is, is it possible to get some kind of ready frame of first two(IP + TCP/UDP) from the linux kernel and then just append own header to them? The operating system in question is linux and the language is C.
I cannot find any function which can do such a thing, but may be I'm digging in a wrong direction.

I would rely on existing protocols (i.e., UDP for best-effort and TCP for reliable) and encapsulate my own header inside them. In practice, this means embed your own protocol over a standard UDP/TCP connection. This way, you can use existing kernel and user-level tools.
If you want to do the other way around (i.e., UDP/TCP encapsulated in your own header) you have to design/implement your own protocol in the linux kernel, which is quite complicated.

No, that is not possible for raw sockets.
You either sit on top of TCP/UDP, in which case the IP stack takes care of the headers and the operation of the protocol(e.g. in the case of TCP how to slice up your data into segments),
So, if you want to add stuff on top of TCP or UDP, that's what a normal TCP or UDP socket is for.
Or you sit on top of IP, in which case it is your responsibility to craft whatever you want on top of IP - That's what a raw socket is for. Though in this case you can construct the IP header as well, or opt in to have the IP stack generate the IP header too.

I don't think you understand what RAW sockets are for. With RAW sockets (s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) you have to build everything above the physical layer yourself.
That means you build the IP header (if you want to build your protocol on top of IP of course), you could do your own thing here with AF_PACKET. And if you want TCP, you build the TCP header yourself, and add it to the IP header. In most cases when you use RAW sockets, this is where you would start building your own protocol in place of TCP or UDP, otherwise why use RAW Sockets in the first place? IF you wanted to build your own ICMP or SCTP implementation for example, you would use RAW Sockets.
If you really want to understand how this works I suggest building your own version of "ping" (ICMP echo request implementation, in other words). Its easy to do and easy to test and will force you to get your hands a little dirty.
The man pages cover this entire topic quite well if you ask me. Start at socket.


disabling TCP stack in kernel and creating Userspace TCP stack -- call it a server for something -- what may be the challenges

if I malfunctioned my computer TCP stack in kernel just commenting out single important line of code or compiling with excluding TCP stack and install. Then What are the steps in I need to take in coding. Do I need to Implement Ethernet (if creates layer 2 Socket in my stack implementation) then do I need to implement IP because that comes with if I am using layer 2 socket then implement TCP (this is what final code will be)
If that's so
Then what are the supported protocols I need to implement to cover ethernet layer, Ip layer and (TCP layer -- that I can know I may have used it in code)
Can anyone please tell the machining protocols with each layer
whats before?-->ethernet --> ip -- tcp --> http <--protocol names please that may be needed
the whole thing is just for as a research thing or learning for my self or just may be programming
I'll assume you want to be able to do something like request https://example.com from a web server.
For this the following procotols are diretly necessary:
HTTPS (i.e. HTTP and TLS), but that's usually already implemented in user space, no change here
DNS to resolve example.com to an IP address. Usually implemented in user space as well, based on UDP
UDP to run DNS on top of. Usually implemented in the kernel on top of IP.
TCP to run HTTPS on top of. Usually implemented in the kernel on top of IP.
IP to run both TCP and UDP on top of. Usually implemented in the kernel on top of Ethernet.
Ethernet to send/receive IP packages. Usually implemented in the kernel, with the help of hardware-specific NIC drivers.
But even if you had implemented those, you wouldn't be done. For example, you wouldn't know what your local IP address is.
To do this, you'd implement DHCP. You could get away without implementing this, if you just configured your IP address to a fixed value (as long as it's within the allowed range of your network and doesn't conflict with other devices, this is not a problem).
But when you try to send your first IP packet to the DNS server, you'd realize that you don't know what Ethernet address you should send that to. So you'd need to implement ARP as well. Again, you could theoretically have a static routing table and "fake" the ARP responses by your router this way, but this could be way trickier than just hard-coding the IP adress.
I may have missed some protocol (and I'm sure comments will pop up, if I did), but that should be roughly everything that you'd need to get going.

How to create a custom packet in c?

I'm trying to make a custom packet using C using the TCP/IP protocol. When I say custom, I mean being able to change any value from the packet; ex: MAC, IP address and so on.
I tried searching around but I can't find anything that is actually guiding me or giving me example source codes.
How can I create a custom packet or where should I look for guidance?
A relatively easy tool to do this that is portable is libpcap. It's better known for receiving raw packets (and indeed it's better you play with that first as you can compare received packets with your hand crafted ones) but the little known pcap_sendpacket will actually send a raw packet.
If you want to do it from scratch yourself, open a socket with AF_PACKET and SOCK_RAW (that's for Linux, other OS's may vary) - for example see http://austinmarton.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/sending-raw-ethernet-packets-from-a-specific-interface-in-c-on-linux/ and the full code at https://gist.github.com/austinmarton/1922600 . Note you need to be root (or more accurately have the appropriate capability) to do this.
Also note that if you are trying to send raw tcp/udp packets, one problem you will have is disabling the network stack automatically processing the reply (either by treating it as addressed to an existing IP address or attempting to forward it).
Doing this sort of this is not as simple as you think. Controlling the data above the IP layer is relatively easy using normal socket APIs, but controlling data below is a bit more involved. Most operating systems make changing lower-level protocol information difficult since the kernel itself manages network connections and doesn't want you messing things up. Beyond that, there are other platform differences, network controls, etc that can play havoc on you.
You should look into some of the libraries that are out there to do this. Some examples:
libnet - http://libnet.sourceforge.net/
libdnet - http://libdnet.sourceforge.net/
If your goal is to spoof packets, you should read up on network-based spoofing mitigation techniques too (for example egress filtering to prevent spoofed packets from exiting a network).

User-mode TCP stack for retransmits over lossy serial link

I believe that my question is:
Is there a simple user-mode TCP stack on PC operating systems that could be used to exchange data over a lossy serial link with a Linux-based device?
Here is more context:
I have a Linux-based device connected via a serial link to a PC. The serial link is lossy so data being sent between the two devices sometimes needs to be retransmitted. Currently the system uses a custom protocol that includes framing, addressing (for routing to different processes within the Linux device), and a not-so-robust retransmission algorithm.
On the Linux device side, it would be convenient to replace the custom protocol, implement SLIP over the serial link and use TCP for all communications. The problem is that on the PC-side, we're not sure how to use the host's TCP stack without pulling in general IP routing that we don't need. If there were a user-mode TCP stack available, it seems like I could integrate that in the PC app. The only TCP stacks that I've found so far are for microcontrollers. They could be ported, but it would be nice if there were something more ready-to-go. Or is there some special way to use the OS's built in TCP stack without needing administrative privileges or risking IP address conflicts with the real Ethernet interfaces.
Lastly, just to keep the solution focused on TCP, yes, there are other solutions to this problem such as using HDLC or just fixing our custom protocol. However, we wanted to explore the TCP route further in case it was an option.
It appears that the comments have already answered your question, but perhaps to clarify; No you can not use TCP without using IP. TCP is built on top of IP, and it isn't going to work any other way.
PPP is a good way of establishing an IP connection over a serial link, but if you do not have administrative access on both sides of the computer this could be difficult. 172.16.x, 10.x, and 192.168.x are defined as being open for local networks, so you should be able to find a set of IP addresses that does not interfere with the network operation of the local computer.
From the point of view of no configuration, no dependencies, comping up with your own framing / re-transmit protocol should not be too hard, and is probably your best choice if you don't need inter-operability. That being said kermit, {z,y,z}modem would provide both better performance and a standard to code against.
Lastly, you may be able to use something like socat to do protocol translation. I.e. connect a serial stream to a TCP port. That wouldn't address data reliability / re-transmission, but it may be the interface you are looking to program against.

How to bind a Raw Socket to a specific port?

I am currently working on a programming assignment. The assignment is to implement a client,network emulator, and server. The client passes packets to a network emulator, and the network emulator passes to the server. Vice-versa applies as well. The prerequisite for the assignment is that I may only use raw sockets. So I will create my own IP and UDP headers. I have tested my packets with wireshark. They are all correct and in the proper format(it reads them properly).
Another requirement is that the emulator, client and server all have specific ports they must be bound to. Now, I do not understand how to bind a raw socket to a specific port. All my raw sockets receive all traffic on the host address they are bound to. According to man pages, and everywhere else on the internet, including "Unix Network Programming" by Richard Stevens, this is how they are supposed to work. My teacher has not responded to any of my emails and I probably will not be able to ask him until Tuesday.I see two options in front of me. First I can use libpcap to filter from a specific device and then output to my raw socket. I feel this is way out of scope for our assignment though. Or I can filter them after I receive them from the socket. This apparently has a lot of overhead because all the packets are being copied/moved through the kernel. At least, that is my understanding(please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong).
So my question is:
Is their an option or something I can set for this? Where the raw socket will bind to a port? Have I missed something obvious?
Thank you for your time.
The man page for raw(7) says:
A raw socket can be bound to a specific local address using the bind(2) call. If it isn't bound all packets with the specified IP protocol are received. In addition a RAW socket can be bound to a specific network device using SO_BINDTODEVICE; see socket(7).
Edit: You cannot bind a raw socket to a specific port because "port" is a concept in TCP and UDP, not IP. Look at the header diagrams for those three protocols and it should become obvious: you are working at a lower level, where the concept of port is not known.
I would think you're expected to filter the packets in your software. It sounds like the exercise is to learn what the different components of the IP stack do by recreating a simplified piece of it in user space. Normally in the kernel, the IP code would process all packets, verify the IP headers, reassemble fragments, and check the protocol field. If the protocol field is 17 (udp), then it passes it to the UDP code (every UDP packet). It's up to the UDP code to then validate the UDP header and determine if any applications are interested in them based on the destination port.
I imagine your project is expected to more or less mimic this process. Obviously none of it will be as efficient as doing it in the kernel, but since the assignment is to write (part of) an IP stack in user-space, I'd guess efficiency isn't the point of the exercise.

Socket programming at low level

I am unable to understand or grasp rather; what it means to program at a lower layer in socket programming. I am used to working with tcp/udp/file system sockets. These are all wrapped around their own protocol specifications ... which as i understand would make it working at the application layer in the stack.
In the project i am on , i have seen some files which are "named" LinkLayer, TransportLayer... but i don't see any more calls other than standard socket calls....send /recv/ seletct...
Does the fact you are setting a socket options mean you are programming at a lower level ? Is it just restricted to it? Or are there other API's which grant you access at the representation in kernel ?
Typically this refers to using SOCK_RAW sockets, which requires you to assemble your own packet headers, calculate checksums, etc. You still use send/recv/etc. but now you are responsible for making sure every bit is in the right place.
You can use SOCK_RAW sockets to implement protocols other than TCP or UDP, or to do things with the Internet protocols that higher-level interfaces don't accommodate (like tweaking the TTL of your packets to implement something like traceroute).
This usually means working on a lower OSI-Layer, for example, not directly sending TCP-streams or UDP-packets, but crafting own IP or even Ethernet packets or other low-layer protocols which would - in normal case - be handled by the operating system.
This can be done done via specific socket options which enable you to receive or send data on any layer, even layer 2 (Data Link).
