LLVM IR limitations - c

I am looking to generate LLVM-IR code from C code and was wondering how well is the IR generation for functions in:
stdio.h, string.h, stdlib.h and generally the standard memory based functions such as malloc, calloc, since I have not been able to find most of the common functions in:
http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html and was wondering about the limitations of this representation and whether I might be required to add my own intrinsics just to deal with standard/most popular c functions.
I am looking to change the code at runtime, so was wondering which kind of approach will give me the most flexibility eg: Manipulate the code at AST level instead.

Emitting LLVM IR from C is exactly what the industrial-strength compiler Clang does. I suggest running Clang on small snippets of C code with -emit-llvm (details in this document: http://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html) and observing the resulting IR.
You can even do this in your browser: http://ellcc.org/demo/index.cgi
That will allow you to see how builtins like memcpy are handled and any other similar doubts.
Note that neither LLVM nor Clang carry a full C library with them, but they can be used to compile an existing one. newlib is a popular portable C library designed specifically for being built on various new platforms. PNaCl, for example, uses it to build C/C++ code into portable executables - it compiles newlib with the user's code together into a single LLVM IR module.


What are Vectors and < > in C?

I was looking at the source code for gcc (out of curiosity), and I noticed a data structure that I've never seen in C before.
At line 80 and 129 (and many other places) in the parser, they seem to be using vectors.
80: vec<tree> incomplete_record_decls;
129: ridpointers = ggc_cleared_vec_alloc<tree> ((int) RID_MAX);
I've never encountered this data type in C, nor these: < >. Are they native to C?
Does anyone know what they are and how they are used?
Despite the .c filename, this code is not valid C; it is C++, using that language's template feature. If you inspect the gcc build process, you will find that this file is actually compiled with a C++ compiler.
The directories gcc, libcpp and fixincludes may use C++03. They may also use the long long type if the host C++ compiler supports it. These directories should use reasonably portable parts of C++03, so that it is possible to build GCC with C++ compilers other than GCC itself. If testing reveals that reasonably recent versions of non-GCC C++ compilers cannot compile GCC, then GCC code should be adjusted accordingly. (Avoiding unusual language constructs helps immensely.) Furthermore, these directories should also be compatible with C++11.
Keep in mind that although compilers will usually by default infer a source file's language from its filename, this default can always be overridden. It is entirely possible to have C++ code in a .c file, or C code in a .bas file for that matter; you just may have to tell the compiler some other way what language is in use.
I expect that gcc chose this file naming convention because this code was originally written in C and later converted to C++, and they found it too much of a pain to change all the filenames. It would mean a lot of work to update all the makefiles, etc. It may have been less of a pain to just change which compiler was used, and to explain the convention to all the developers. Of course, in general it is better programming practice to name your files in the standard way, but apparently the gcc developers felt it was not the best course of action in this case.
GCC has moved from C to C++ since GCC 4.8
GCC now uses C++ as its implementation language. This means that to build GCC from sources, you will need a C++ compiler that understands C++ 2003. For more details on the rationale and specific changes, please refer to the C++ conversion page.
GCC 4.8 Release Series - Changes, New Features, and Fixes
The work has actually begun long before that, with the creation of gcc-in-cxx branch. The developers first tried to compile the source code with a C++ compiler, so there weren't any name changes. I guess they didn't bother to rename the files later when merging the two branches and officially have only one C++ branch
You can read GCC's move to C++ for more historical information

Can I write (x86) assembly language which will build with both GCC and MSVC?

I have a project which is entirely written in C. The same C files can be compiled using either GCC for Linux or MSVC for Windows. For performance reasons, I need to re-write some of the code as x86 assembly language.
Is it possible to write this assembly language as a source file which will build with both the GCC and MSVC toolchains? Alternatively, if I write an assembly source file for one toolchain, is there a tool to convert it to work with the other?
Or, am I stuck either maintaining two copies of the assembly source code, or using a third-party assembler such as NASM?
I see two problems:
masm and gas have different syntax. gas can be configured to use Intel syntax with the .syntax intel,noprefix directive, but even then small differences remain (such as, different directives). A possible approach is to preprocess your assembly source with the C preprocessor, using macros for all directives that differ between the two. This also has the advantage of providing a unified comment syntax.
However, just using a portable third party assembler like nasm is likely to be less of a hassle.
Linux and Windows have different calling conventions. A possible solution for x86-32 is to stick to a well-supported calling convention like stdcall. You can tell gcc what calling convention to use when calling a function using function attributes. For example, this would declare foo to use the stdcall calling convention:
extern int foo(int x, int y) __attribute__((stdcall));
You can do the same thing in MSVC with __declspec, solving this issue.
On x86-64, a similar solution is likely possible, but I'm not exactly sure what attributes you have to set.
You can of course also use the same cpp-approach as for the first problem to generate slightly different function prologues and epilogues depending on what calling convention you need. However, this might be less maintainable.

Compiling OpenMP code to C code

Is there a way I can compile code with OpenMP to C code (With OpenMP part translated to plain C), so that I can know what kind of code is being generated by OpenMP. I am using gcc 4.4 compiler.
Like the other commenters pointed out gcc doesn't translate OpenMP directives to plain C.
But if you want to get an idea of what gcc does with your directives you can compile with the
-fdump-tree-optimized option. This will generate the intermediate representation of the program which is at least C-like.
There are several stages that can be dumped (check the man page for gcc), at the optimized
stage the OpenMP directives have been replaced with calls to the GOMP runtime library.
Looking at that representation might give you some insights into what's happening.
There is at least http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~openuh/ OpenUH (even listed at http://openmp.org/wp/openmp-compilers/), which can
emit optimized C or Fortran 77 code that may be compiled by a native compiler on other platforms.
Also there are: http://www.cs.uoi.gr/~ompi/ OMPi:
The OMPi compiler takes C source code with OpenMP #pragmas and produces transformed multithreaded C code, ready to be compiled by the native compiler of the system.
and OdinMP:
OdinMP/CCp was written in Java for
portability reasons and takes a C-program with OpenMP
directives and produces a C-program for POSIX threads.
I should say that it is almost impossible to translate openmp code into Plain C; because old plain C has no support of threads and I think OpenMP source-to-source translators are not aware of C11 yet. OpenMP program can be translated either to C with POSIX threads or to C with some runtime library (like libgomp) calls. For example, OpenUH has its own library which uses pthreads itself.

How to create a C compiler for custom CPU?

What would be the easiest way to create a C compiler for a custom CPU, assuming of course I already have an assembler for it?
Since a C compiler generates assembly, is there some way to just define standard bits and pieces of assembly code for the various C idioms, rebuild the compiler, and thereby obtain a cross compiler for the target hardware?
Preferably the compiler itself would be written in C, and build as a native executable for either Linux or Windows.
Please note: I am not asking how to write the compiler itself. I did take that course in college, I know about general compiler-compilers, etc. In this situation, I'd just like to configure some existing framework if at all possible. I don't want to modify the language, I just want to be able to target an arbitrary architecture. If the answer turns out to be "it doesn't work that way", that information will be useful to myself and anyone else who might make similar assumptions.
Quick overview/tutorial on writing a LLVM backend.
This document describes techniques for writing backends for LLVM which convert the LLVM representation to machine assembly code or other languages.
[ . . . ]
To create a static compiler (one that emits text assembly), you need to implement the following:
Describe the register set.
Describe the instruction set.
Describe the target machine.
Implement the assembly printer for the architecture.
Implement an instruction selector for the architecture.
There's the concept of a cross-compiler, ie., one that runs on one architecture, but targets a different one. You can see how GCC does it (for example) and add a new architecture to the set, if that's the compiler you want to extend.
Edit: I just spotted a question a few years ago on a GCC mailing list on how to add a new target and someone pointed to this
vbcc (at www.compilers.de) is a good and simple retargetable C-compiler written in C. It's much simpler than GCC/LLVM. It's so simple I was able to retarget the compiler to my own CPU with a few weeks of work without having any prior knowledge of compilers.
The short answer is that it doesn't work that way.
The longer answer is that it does take some effort to write a compiler for a new CPU type. You don't need to create a compiler from scratch, however. Most compilers are structured in several passes; here's a typical architecture (a lot of variations are possible):
Syntactic analysis (lexer and parser), and for C preprocessing, leading to an abstract syntax tree.
Type checking, leading to an annotated abstract syntax tree.
Intermediate code generation, leading to architecture-independent intermediate code. Some optimizations are performed at this stage.
Machine code generation, leading to assembly or directly to machine code. More optimizations are performed at this stage.
In this description, only step 4 is machine-dependent. So you can take a compiler where step 4 is clearly separated and plug in your own step 4. Doing this requires a deep understanding of the CPU and some understanding of the compiler internals, but you don't need to worry about what happens before.
Almost all CPUs that are not very small, very rare or very old have a backend (step 4) for GCC. The main documentation for writing a GCC backend is the GCC internals manual, in particular the chapters on machine descriptions and target descriptions. GCC is free software, so there is no licensing cost in using it.
1) Short answer:
"No. There's no such thing as a "compiler framework" where you can just add water (plug in your own assembly set), stir, and it's done."
2) Longer answer: it's certainly possible. But challenging. And likely expensive.
If you wanted to do it yourself, I'd start by looking at Gnu CC. It's already available for a large variety of CPUs and platforms.
3) Take a look at this link for more ideas (including the idea of "just build a library of functions and macros"), that would be my first suggestion:
You can modify existing open source compilers such as GCC or Clang. Other answers have provided you with links about where to learn more. But these compilers are not designed to easily retargeted; they are "easier" to retarget than compilers than other compilers wired for specific targets.
But if you want a compiler that is relatively easy to retarget, you want one in which you can specify the machine architecture in explicit terms, and some tool generates the rest of the compiler (GCC does a bit of this; I don't think Clang/LLVM does much but I could be wrong here).
There's a lot of this in the literature, google "compiler-compiler".
But for a concrete solution for C, you should check out ACE, a compiler vendor that generates compilers on demand for customers. Not free, but I hear they produce very good compilers very quickly. I think it produces standard style binaries (ELF?) so it skips the assembler stage. (I have no experience or relationship with ACE.)
If you don't care about code quality, you can likely write a syntax-directed translation of C to assembler using a C AST. You can get C ASTs from GCC, Clang, maybe ANTLR, and from our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.

Linking against libraries from LLVM IR

Currently I'm playing around with LLVM and am implementing my own toy compiler and programming language. Are there any good tutorials or examples on how I can call external library functions (e.g. from libc or whatever) from the IR decomposition of my own language?
You'll need to declare the functions you want to call in the LLVM IR. If you don't provide a body for a function, it works just like a declaration in C. You're probably aware of this, but the linker only checks the function name, not the type. Make sure you match the types up in the declaration or you'll get some strange results and no warnings.
