Dhtmlx mobile scheduler month view scroll - mobile

does anyone know if it is possible to scroll the calendar-month view in dhtmlx mobile scheduler?
In small devices the calendar view could look like the screenshot above. You have no chance to scroll down for looking to the events of a day. Is it possible to add a scroller to this view?
Without scrolling it is impossible to see the list of dates for a day like in picture above.
Thanks for help.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to scroll the Month View in landscape mode. The scroll works only for the list of events in portrait mode.


How can I disable lightbox2 on mobile

Just discovered this code and implementation of lightbox2 and added the needed code to some of my webpages.
Looks very good o desktop and also on tablet but I don't like the lightbox in mobile view.
The pictures that are shown on mobile are smaller than the 'normal' responsive view that I get when not using lightbox2.
So my question is in the title: How can I disable the lightbox on mobile?
Regards Arno
Unfortunately this is not possible at this time. The Lightbox script on load will attach event handlers to the target images.
To get around this, you can use different markup on mobile and show hide the content with CSS media queries.

How to animate this transitions?

My ionic app consists of a number of views and transitions between them is smooth and animated as expected. Nevertheless, due to design reasons, one of the pages has a pseudo-navigation where using two buttons (advance day, and decrease day to show events in a calendar), contents are redrawn on the same view by JS. This redraw has no animation and contents change abruptly. Is there a way to simulate the normal views transitions when re-drawing a view using ionic?
Thanks in advance

Highstock not redraw immediately while dragging the navigator in mobile

I am using high stock to draw a stock chart, while moving the navigator, the chart should redraw and the setExtremes event should be triggered.
it works fine on the desktop browser, but in mobile, i found the chart is not re drawed immediately while dragging the navigator, util i let go, thus i can not get the date range while moving the navigator, that is not really good user experience.
Does anyone has a solution?
The behavior in mobile client seems the adaptToUpdatedData attribute is set to false

Capture clicks on a Sencha chart label

Since I'm updating my application from Ext JS 4.2.1 to Ext JS 5.1, I took the chance to upgrade my old charts to the shiny new sencha charts. I've been trying to set up an interactable stacked bar chart that looks like this
Users should be able to click on the bars or on the labels on the left to check out the details.
I've managed to capture mouse events on the chart bars (using the chartitemevents plugin), but I'm stuck trying to capture click events on the labels.
I've tried using the spriteevents plugin on the chart, but on 5.1 it simply doesn't work, and it's broken on the 5.1.1 nightly builds (you always get the background sprite no matter what). Even if it did work, getting the correct sprite would only get me halfway there as I would have no clue about which series does that label belong to.
Here's a fiddle with an example of the situation: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/hjm
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
As and added bonus, it would be great if it was possible to capture onmouseover and onmouseout events too, so I could change the cursor to pointer whenever a label is hovered.
i just created a plugin for axis click: Sencha Forums
Ask me anything if the plugin usage is not clear.

Extjs Bar Chart For Live Data

My Application get live data from server, which includes number of operations executed and time at which it executed.
Now I am trying to implement a bar chart out of it which looks like splunk event chart which displays bars for every minute and should allow user to zoom in and zoom out.
I tried extjs stackedBarchart but it didnt looked like the one which i want to use.
Any ideas?
Appreciate your help! Thanks
