Better structure to watch window level DOM events in Marionette? - backbone.js

In a CompositeView, I implemented infinite scrolling like this
List.Foo extends Marionette.CompositeView
initialize: (collection) ->
#page = 1
$(window).on('scroll', #loadMore)
loadMore: =>
if _nearBottom
App.vent.trigger('list:foo:near_bottom', #page)
_nearBottom =>
$(window).scrollTop > $(document).height - $(window.height) - 200
# Then I have the controller to process the event "list:foo:near_bottom",
# to ask for adding one more page of data in collection.
The code basically works as expected. But I can't find it satisfactory as I think this ComposteView watches some DOM events outside of its scope, aka, the window level DOM events.
I thought to use a layout to watch such events and broadcast it, but my top level layout seems still not broad enough to cover window/document :)
My question is, what would be a better structure to watch these kinds of window/document level DOM event in Marionette? Thanks!

This question has not been answered for a long time, and I changed implementation in that project so I didn't touch it.
Nguyen's comment provided very nice point and reminds me to review this question.
I also have new understanding similar to Nguyen's point.
Something has to be global, we can't avoid it.
These things include but not limited to:
Page scroll
Page load
Window resize
Global key stroke
Backbone has Routes to take care of routing events. The others things are not so important and so popular but they still need to be treated similar to routing.
A better approach would be, in my opinion: Watching the global DOM events at global level, send App event which don't care whoever may be interested in it.
If I re-do this feature, I will do something like this(pseudo code)
# App
App.on "initialize:after", ->
#navigate('somePath', trigger: true) # Normal steps
# WindowWatcher module
ExampleProject.module "WindowWatcher", (WindowWatcher, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
class Watcher
constructor: ->
watchPageScroll: ->
$(window).on('scroll', #_checkScroll)
_checkScroll: ->
if #_nearBottom:
$(window).scrollTop > $(document).height - $(window.height) - 200
WindowWatcher.on 'start' ->
new Watcher()
Then List.Foo controller will watch the App event scroll:bottom as he like, and supply next page.
There may be other parts interested in this event, for example in Footer view popping a button saying you are at bottom, or another notification saying if you want to see more you need to sign up, etc. They can also listen to the the App vent without need to manage window level DOM, thanks to the beauty of Marionette.
Important update
If you watch App vents directly inside controller but not at module level, make sure the controller will stop listen to this vent otherwise the listeners will increase in App.vents which is a memory leak.
# FooController
onClose: -> 'scroll:bottom'


Backbone best practices where to fetch models/collections

I've inherited a codebase that follows the format of: a router sets a controller, the controller fetches the collection/model needed, then the controller set/passes the view the collection/model.
The current View I'm working on loads a collection, and now I need to build in a feature where I fetch a single model after the view has rendered, based on an id clicked (note the model is from a different collection).
I only want to load the model when/if they click a button. So my question is, can I setup the model/fetch in the View, or should I be doing that in the controller? Is there a backbone best practice when adopting a controller/view setup like this?
I primarily ask because it seems easier for me to add this new feature right in the View. But is that a bad practice? I thought so, so I started down the path of triggering an event in the View for the controller to the fetch the model, and then somehow pass that back to the View (but I'm not sure really how to even do that) seems like a lot of unnecessary hoop jumping?
Its OK to fetch collection via views. As 'plain' backbone does not Controller, View in charge of it responsibilities.
But imho fetch collections via controller is better practice, its easier to scale and support and test.
The only difficulty is to set communication between Controller and View context event. One of the approach is trigger Message Bus event on context event like
events: {
'click .some': function() {
this.trigger('someHappend', { some: data })
and listen to this event in Controller
this.on(someViewInstance, 'someHappend', function() {
// do something in controller
If you already inherited code with structure you described you'd better follow it. Also you might be interested in MarionetteJS as significant improvement. Also highly recommend you to checkout BackboneRails, screencasts not free but very usefull, especially in large scale app maintain

How do I get /mylink#sectionid to work in angularjs?

If I wasn't using angular, then the route mylink would be loaded, then the browser would scroll down to the sectionid section.
In Angular it doesn't scroll. I read some completely crazy whacky solutions involving injecting multiple modules and having crazy unique URLs. I refuse to do things like this.
I want my href values to remain standard. Is there any way in Angular to do this?
Keep in mind, if "mylink" was already loaded, then the links work fine, but if I'm on a different page, say "home", then I navigate to mylink#sectionid, then the scrolling won't occur.
(I mean... if Angular can't do this, I would consider that a bug. It'd be absurd to not support a regularly used syntax since the 90s that is still used today)
EDIT: I think the issue may be the amount of AJAX on this website.
It is certainly possible, you will need to inject in $anchorScroll into your controller
The example from the angular site:
function ScrollCtrl($scope, $location, $anchorScroll) {
$scope.gotoBottom = function (){
// set the location.hash to the id of
// the element you wish to scroll to.
// call $anchorScroll()
From anther route you could handle this via parameter being passed into the route and scroll upon initialization based upon the route param.
I'm not a big fan of my solution, but I listen to onRouteChange, then inject anchorScroll and simply call anchorScroll after a 1000 ms timeout and because the hash is already set nothing more needs to be done. [giving time for all angular stuff to work its self out (the site I'm working on has entirely too much AJAX, but I don't have control of the data yet, so there is nothing I can do about that)]
Anywho, manually initiating anchor scroll works. If anyone knows a better way to do this, that'd be swell.

Backbone. Dispatch/listen to events between views

Im a bit confused over how to handle events between views in Backbone. Right now i have two partial views rendered at the same time on a website. Now i want one of the views to dispatch an event that the other view can listen to. How would i do that?
In the view that dispatches the event i run:
And in the view listening i run:
this.bind('myEvent', this.myFunc);
But nothing seem to happen at all.
If you're triggering an event on v1 with:
this.trigger('myEvent'); // this is v1
then you'd have to listen to events from v1 with:
v1.on('myEvent', this.myFunc); // this is, say, v2 here.
The events aren't global, they come from specific objects and you have to listen to those specific objects if you want to receive their events.
If you bind the views directly to each other, you'll quickly have a tangled mess where everything is directly tied to everything else. The usual solution is to create your own event bus:
// Put this where ever it makes sense for your application, possibly
// a global, possible something your your app's global namespace, ...
var event_bus = _({}).extend(Backbone.Events);
Then v1 would send events through the event_bus:
and v2 would listen to the event_bus:
this.listenTo(event_bus, 'myEvent', this.myFunc);
I've also switched from bind to listenTo since listenTo makes it easier to prevent zombies.

Test Driving Backbone view events

I am trying to test drive a view event using Jasmine and the problem is probably best explained via code.
The view looks like:
App.testView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: { 'click .overlay': 'myEvent' },
myEvent: function(e) {
console.log('hello world')
The test looks something like:
describe('myEvent', function() {
it('should do something', function() {
var view = new App.testView();
// assertion will follow
The problem is that the view.myEvent method is never called (nothing logs to the console). I was trying to avoid triggering from the DOM. Has anyone had similar problems?
(Like I commented in the question, your code looks fine and should work. Your problem is not in the code you posted. If you can expand your code samples and give more info, we can take another look at it. What follows is more general advice on testing Backbone views.)
Calling the event handler function like you do is a legitimate testing strategy, but it has a couple of shortcomings.
It doesn't test that the events are wired up correctly. What you're testing is that the callback does what it's supposed to, but it doesn't test that the action is actually triggered when your user interacts with the page.
If your event handler needs to reference the event argument or the test will not work.
I prefer to test my views all the way from the event:
var view = new View().render();
Like you said, it's generally not advisable to manipulate DOM in your tests, so this way of testing views requires that view.render does not attach anything to the DOM.
The best way to achieve this is leave the DOM manipulation to the code that's responsible for initializing the view. If you don't set an el property to the view (either in the View.extend definition or in the view constructor), Backbone will create a new, detached DOM node as view.el. This element works just like an attached node - you can manipulate its contents and trigger events on it.
So instead of...
View.extend({el: '#container'});
new View({el:'#container'}); should initialize your views as follows:
var view = new View();
Defining your views like this has multiple benefits:
Enables testing views fully without attaching them to DOM.
The views become reusable, you can create multiple instances and render them to different elements.
If your render method does some complicated DOM manipulation, it's faster to perform it on an detached node.
From a responsibility point of view you could argue that a view shouldn't know where it's placed, in the same way a model should not know what collection it should be added to. This enforces better design of view composition.
IMHO, this view rendering pattern is a general best practice, not just a testing-related special case.

Backbone Marionette using Require.js, Regions and how to set up

I'm currently writing a Backbone Marionette app which ultimately amounts to about 6 different "screens" or pages which will often times share content and I am unsure of how to best structure and access Regions.
I am using the app/module setup described here: StackOverflow question 11070408: How to define/use several routings using backbone and require.js. This will be an application which will have new functionality and content added to it over time and need to be scalable (and obviously as re-usable as possible)
The Single Page App I'm building has 4 primary sections on every screen: Header, Primary Content, Secondary Content, Footer.
The footer will be consistent across all pages, the header will be the same on 3 of the pages, and slightly modified (using about 80% of the same elements/content) on the remaining 3 pages. The "morecontent" region will be re-usable across various pages.
In my app.js file I'm defining my regions like so:
define(['views/LandingScreen', 'views/Header', 'router'], function(LandingScreen, Header, Router) {
"use strict";
var App = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
header: '#mainHeader',
maincontent: '#mainContent',
morecontent: '#moreContent',
footer: '#mainFooter'
App.addInitializer(function (options) {
App.on("initialize:after", function () {
if (!Backbone.History.started) Backbone.history.start();
return App;
Now, referring back to the app setup in the aforementioned post, what would be the best way to handle the Regions. Would I independently re-declare each region in each sub-app? That seems to be the best way to keep modules as independent as possible. If I go that route, what would be the best way to open/close or hide/show those regions between the sub-apps?
Or, do I keep the Regions declared in app.js? If so, how would I then best alter and orchestrate events those regions from sub-apps? Having the Regions defined in the app.js file seems to be counter-intuitive to keeping what modules and the core app know about each other to a minimum. Plus, every example I see has the appRegions method in the main app file. What then is the best practice for accessing and changing those regions from the sub-app?
Thanks in advance!
I actually have a root app that takes care of starting up sub-applications, and it passes in the region in which they should display. I also use a custom component based off of Backbone.SubRoute that enables relative routing for sub-applications.
check out this gist:
You could easily adapt it to send a "config" object for addRegions that defines multiple regions, instead of the region value I'm sending to the sub-applications' start method
Keep in mind that whenever you call in Marionette, it's going to first close whatever view is currently being shown in it. If you have two different regions, each defined in its own app, but both of which bind to the same DOM element, the only thing that matters is which region had show called most recently. That's messy, though, because you're not getting the advantages of closing the previous view - unbinding Event Binders, for example.
That's why, if I have a sub-app that "inherits" a region from some kind of root app, I usually just pass in the actual region instance from that root app to the sub-app, and save a reference to that region as a property of the sub-app. That way I can still call and it works perfectly - the only thing that might screw up is your event chain if you're trying to bubble events up from your region to your application (as the region will belong to the root app, rather than the sub-app). I get around this issue by almost always using a separate instance of Marionette.EventAggregator to manage events, rather than relying on the built-in capabilities of regions/views/controllers/etc.
That said, you can get the best of both worlds - you can pass the region instance into your sub-app, save a reference to it just so you can call "close", then use its regionInstance.el property to define your own region instance pointing to the same element.
for(var reg in regions) if regions.hasOwnProperty(reg) {
var regionManager = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(regions[reg].el,
thisApp[reg] = regionManager;
It all depends on what your priorities are.
I personally prefer to use the modules in my Marionette application. I feel it removes the complexity that require.js adds to your application. In an app that I am currently working on, I've created one app.js file that defines my backbone application but I am using a controller module that loads my routes, fills my collections and populates my regions.
app.js ->
var app = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
region1: "#region1",
region2: "#region2",
region3: "#region3",
region4: "#region4"
app.mainapp.js ->
app.module('MainApp', function(MainApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// AppObjects is an object that holds a collection for each region,
// this makes it accessible to other parts of the application
// by calling app.MainApp.AppObjects.CollectionName....
MainApp.AppObjects = new App.AppObjects.Core();
MainApp.Controller = new Backbone.Marionette.Controller.extend({
start: function() {
// place some code here you want to run when the controller starts
} //, you can place other methods inside your controller
// This code is ran by Marionette when the modules are loaded
MainApp.addInitializer(function() {
var controller = new MainApp.Controller();
You would then place your routes inside another module that will be accessed in the controller.
Then in the web page, you would start everything by calling.
$(function () {
Marionette will automatically run and load all of your modules.
I hope this gets you started in some direction. Sorry I couldn't copy and past the entire application code to give you better examples. Once this project has been completed, I am going to recreate a demo app that I can push to the web.
