How to config a angular.js provider dynamically? - angularjs

The use case is that I have a custom service which needs to be configured based on user input.
So I created a service provider for that service, but now I can only config the provider inside the module.config call, which I think it is loaded only once during the life of the app.
Any solution for this?

Have your service provide some sort of a configuration API to set these configuration values as needed. As a simple example you might do something like this:
function myController(myService, $scope) {
$scope.config = myService.config;
// You can manipulate various config options now through direct binding.
However remember that AngularJS services are singletons, which means they will all share the same state. If you need different state, or need a "new" one each time you will want to do something more like the way $resource or $http works which is basically a factory.
function myController(myService, $scope) {
$scope.config = { value1: 'default', value2: 'default' };
var thisService = myService($scope.config);
// You can manipulate various config options now through direct binding.
Just remember that services are basically objects and you can manipulate them as per your design as you need. So these are probably not the only, or even necessarily the best way to accomplish your goal. You have total flexibility here.

I don't think a service's provider is what you are looking for here because it is precisely just what you describe it.
As Chris stated, angular services are singletons. However, if you want your service to output "instances" based on user input, I like the following approach.
function myController(myService, $scope) {
var config = { value1: 'default', value2: 'default' };
app.service('myService', [function(){
function serviceInstance = function (config){
//take config and return output object
return {
create: function(config){
return new serviceInstance(config);
I haven't thought about being able to manipulate the config variables as Chris suggested. I don't think it would work in my example but you could data bind to the $scope.newInstance


In my angular service, how do I initialize a variable one-time from a $resource

What I want to do is once-only load an object from a resource which will be the constant template for various calls served by my service later on. I'm thinking my service factory function would look something like this:
function assetService($resource, DataConstants){
var assetTemplate = $resource(DataConstants.PATH_GET_ASSET).get({});
return {
createAsset: createAsset
function createAsset(subscription){
var Asset = $resource("/assets");
var newAsset = new Asset(assetTemplate);
newAsset.serialNo = subscription.serialNumber;
return newAsset.$save().$promise;
I'm thinking that my code has issues... what if my $resource code for initializing assetTemplate fails? Can I get some advice on the best way to one-time initialize a variable used over and over again in my service?
The best way is to use a service or localStorage. This way the variable can persist. You would need to inject the service everywhere that you need access to the data.

Hold data between pages in angular js

I am new to angular js.Please suggest which one is better . I have a page where I can select a no of check boxes and navigate to 2 nd page.I want to show the checked values when I press back button in browser.
Which one is better using $rootScope or stateparam or localstorage.Please consider performance also.
Going through your options one by one:
$rootScope: You should try to avoid using this option as it is associated to the global state. Use this option only if you want the data you set to be globally available throughout the app and do not want to reuse the same variable names anywhere else.
$stateParams: These typically go into the state URI as a dynamic part of the whole URL. This has only limited usage, and may not be a good idea for your use case where you need to store data from multiple checkboxes.
localStorage: This is slower than using a JavaScript variable, and hence not a good idea.
Here is a better solution for you, entirely within the AngularJS paradigm: AngularJS services
Excerpt from the link in point 3:
Data should also be stored in services, except where it is being bound
to the $scope. Services are singletons that persist throughout the
lifetime of the application, while controllers are transient between
application states. If data is stored in the controller then it will
need to be fetched from somewhere when it is reinstantiated. Even if
the data is stored in localStorage, it's an order of magnitude slower
to retrieve than from with a Javascript variable.
You can use the service to set and get your data inside your controller anywhere in the app in a consistent manner.
Here is an indicative example:
app.factory('formDetails', formDetails);
function formDetails() {
var formData = {};
return {
getProperty: function () {
return formData;
setProperty: function(values) {
formData = values;
Use it in your controller as:
app.controller('MyController', [ '$scope', 'formDetails' , function($scope, formDetails) {
$scope.checkboxData = {};
// on load call service 'get' function
$scope.checkboxData = formDetails.getProperty();
// on some event/watch function call service 'set' function

Use return data from an angular service resource across all controllers with only one call

I have a custom Web API written in .NET that returns user's information that will be used in my AngularJS application. I want to be able to call my API once, and then use that returned JSON across my entire AngularJS application without having to recall the API within each of my controllers.
I currently have a factory of services, one of which returns all of the client's details I need to use the in rest of the services.
.factory('customApiService', function ($resource) {
return {
userInfo: function(userId, callback){
var api = $resource('../../api/UserInfo/:userId', {
userId: userId
}, {
fetch: 'JSONP',
'query': { isArray: false }
api.fetch(function (response) {
Now I don't want to call this userInfo service in every controller, but I do want the data to be passed into each without calling my API multiple times.
customApiService.userInfo(userId, function (d) {
var gaProfileId = d.gaProfileId;
var yelpId = d.yelpId;
var tripAdvisorId = d.tripAdvisorId;
var facebookPageName = d.facebookPage;
var twitterHandle = d.twitterHandle;
var clientName = d.clientName;
var searchlightAccountId = d.searchlightAccountId;
var searchlightDomain = d.searchlightDomainId;
You can try global variables .
use a $rootScope
$rootScope is available in all controllers an templates .Just inject $rootscope in your controller or wherever required.
From what I read of your description and responses to other questions, it sounds like you're trying to make an asynchronous call before the rest of your app starts up. This is possible, but complex, and sort of voids the point of Angular in the first place. As I see it, you have two options:
QUICK HACK: If you really want this kind of behavior, why start your app at all? Do your request first, before you define your app in the first place, then define your app in the result handler for the request.
RIGHT WAY: Alter the behavior of your services and controllers to tolerate not having enough information to fully start. A lot of times this is less difficult than it sounds. Usually you can just chain a promise into their initialization block of code to wait for the data you need. Take a look at Brian Ford's "Angular Modal" project, at the lines of code I've highlighted here:
This technique sets up a promise to return from the function. If the data it needs is already loaded from the service, it resolves the promise immediately. Otherwise, it makes the call to get what it's after, and you can see later (line 39) that the module uses promise.then() to wait until it has the data it needs to run.
This is a great pattern for both controllers and services when working with asynchronous data.
If using a $resource call instead, note that most $resource calls return a promise in a property called $promise. You can do something like this:
var MyController = function($scope) {
// This will get set soon!
$scope.myData = null;
var myResource = $resource('/path/to/:someId', { someId: '#id' });
myResource.get({ someId: 1 }).$promise.then(function(data) {
$scope.myData = data;
You can do more things in the .then() resolution callback for the promise, like initialize more parts of your controller, etc. There are also ways you can delay starting your entire controller until the resource is available. One really cool way is if you happen to be using the Angular ui-router module, there is a "resolve" option when defining each route. You can use that to call the $resource as shown above, and ui-router will wait to start your controller/view until it has what it needs.

How to create generic controllers in AngularJS?

I am looking for advice with regards to creating a generic controller which I can reuse in my application. As an example I have created the following GIST:
but here is the relevant code snippet:
angular.module('genericTestApp', [])
.factory('Names', function() {
return {
names: []
.controller('IndexController', function(Names) {
Names.names = [
{firstname:'Sarah', surname:'Schmitt'},
{firstname:'Paul', surname:'Wells'},
{firstname:'Felix', surname:'the cat'}
.controller('SecondIndexController', function(Names) {
Names.names = [
{firstname:'Octo', surname:'Cat'},
{firstname:'Beth', surname:'Appleby'},
{firstname:'Fred', surname:'Bloggs'}
.controller('TableController', function($scope, Names) {
$scope.names = Names.names;
What feels very wrong to me is that the TableController in this example relies on the fact that the injected Names factory needs to have been configured previously in the IndexController.
The next developer that comes along will just inject Names, and will have no idea that it needs configuring prior to that.
Is there a better way of doing this with Angular?
You're right in your approach – Configuring a factory in a controller is always a bad idea. A controller is supposed to contain view specific logic, and in my opinion should even only be included when that particular view is rendered. (that's how I write my apps anyway)
To configure anything when the application loads up, you need run, that should contain all the initial stuff that your app needs to do in the beginning.
This might be a good read.

AngularJS Download Settings from Servers

We have an endpoint on our API that includes a set of settings (like default text, other endpoints, etc.). Our frontend is written in AngularJS and we're trying to figure out the best way to get them back to the client, and make them available throughout all directives in the application. Right now our best solution is to include settings as a directive:
.factory('settings', function ($http) {
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/settings';
return function (callback){
But then all the other calls are wrapped asynchronously.
Is there a better way to do this?
Since the settings come asynchronously from the server, their availability will inherently be asynchronous. If your logic depends on the settings being available, then there is probably no better solution than using promises.
angular.module('ourapp').factory('settings', function($http) {
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/settings';
return $http.get(url); // returns a promise
You could use $route to resolve the promise before instantiating controllers. The settings would then be synchronously available in the controllers.
You can also simulate promise unwrapping, i.e. immediately (synchronously) returning an object, which later will be filled with real data. This is great for scopes and templates, and was previously a feature of Angular itself. Be aware that the simulated promise unwrapping may cause bugs if not used cautiously, because the settings data may or may not be there.
angular.module('ourapp').factory('settings', function($http) {
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/settings';
var settings = {};
$http.get(url).success(function(data) {
angular.extend(settings, data); // fills in data from server
return settings; // immediately (synchronously) returned
