In essence this is what I want to create
import numpy as np
lowerB = [-5.12] * D # LOWER BOUND (IN ALL DIMENSIONS)
X = np.empty([N, D]) # EMPTY FLIES ARRAY OF SIZE: (N,D)
for i in range(N):
for d in range(D):
X[i, d] = np.random.uniform(lowerB[d], upperB[d])
but I want to do so without the for loops to save time and use List comprehensions
I have try things like
np.array([(x,y)for x in range(N)for y in range(D)])
but this doesn’t get me to an array like array([100,30]). Does anyone know a tutorial or the correct documentation I should be looking at so I can learn exactly how to do this?
I cannot understand how axis in numpy works for any general n-D array.
For example, np.mean(array, axis=1) will give an expected array regardless of the shape of the array.
If I want to make a code without using numpy, I can make averaging function for k-D array, e.g., mean_1d, mean_2d, ... with axis option. However, I cannot imagine how to make a single function which works for any input array with any k value. So far, I couldn't find an explanation how numpy axis works. Can anybody help me understanding what's going on behind the scene?
Added: My original goal was to make a code to do a fast array combination with outlier rejection (i.e., sigma-clipped median combine of a list of n-D arrays and obtain an (n-1)-D array) using numba.
If the size of your arrays allow you can see it recursively. I have just tested the code below and it seems to work fine for sum function along axis 3. It is simple but it should convey the idea :
import numpy as np
a = np.ones((3,4,5,6,7))
# first get the shape of the result
def shape_res(sh1, axis) :
sh2 = [sh1[0]]
if len(sh1)>0 :
for i in range(len(sh1)) :
if i > 0 and i != axis :
elif i == axis :
# shrink the summing axis
return sh2
def sum_axis(a, axis=0) :
cur_sum = 0
sh1 = np.shape(a)
sh2 = shape_res(sh1, axis)
res = np.zeros(sh2)
print(sh1, sh2)
def rec_fun (a, res, cur_axis) :
for i in range(len(a)) :
if axis > cur_axis :
# dig in the array to reach the right axis
next_axis = cur_axis + 1
rec_fun(a[i], res[i], next_axis)
elif axis == cur_axis :
# sum along the given axis
res[0] += a[i]
rec_fun(a, res, cur_axis)
return res
result = sum_axis(a, axis=3)
I'm trying to plot a live graph (a graph about the evolution of a stock trading) with pyQtGraph and have some questions I haven't been able to solve checking the examples:
I want the graph to start painting from left to right (this is what happens by default) and when it reaches right side of bounding box instead of resize it to make all new data fit I would like it to scroll making new data enter from the right and old data dissapearing to the left.
I know that appending data to a numpy array creates a new instance of the array. I don't want this. Is there any way to tell pyQtGraph plot to just get data in a range of the numpy array? For exmaple could I instantiate initially an array of 10000 floats and tell pyQtGraph to just plot the first 100 floats?
On the other hand I have come across that I could just modify the array in-place and shift the numbers to simulate the scrolling. Is there any way to make pyQtGraph use a numpy array as a ring? This way I would only need to tell that the graph starts at an index and everything would work without allocations, etc...
Here the code I have so far, pretty simple:
class Grapher(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.graphicsView.setTitle('My Graph')
self.graphicsView.setLabel('bottom', 'X axis')
self.graphicsView.setLabel('left', 'Y axis')
self.graphicsView.setLimits(xMin=0, yMin=0)
self.graphicsView.showGrid(x=True, y=True)
def update(self):
self.x=np.append(self.x, [self._timerCounter]);
self.y=np.append(self.y, [math.sin(self._timerCounter)])
self.graphicsView.plot(self.x, self.y)
Thanks in advance.
This is how I would do it. If, say, you have an array of 1000 points but you only want to plot 200 points:
class Grapher(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.graphicsView.setTitle('My Graph')
self.graphicsView.setLabel('bottom', 'X axis')
self.graphicsView.setLabel('left', 'Y axis')
self.graphicsView.setLimits(xMin=0, yMin=0)
self.graphicsView.showGrid(x=True, y=True)
self.plot = self.graphicsView.plot()
self.ptr = 0
self.x = np.zeros(1000)
self.y = np.zeros(1000)
self.xPlot = np.zeros(200)
self.yPlot = np.zeros(200)
self._timer = QtCore.QTimer()
self._timerCounter = 0
def update(self):
xNew = self._timerCounter
yNew = math.sin(xNew)
self.y[self.ptr] = math.sin(self._timerCounter)
self.x[self.ptr] = self._timerCounter
if self.ptr < 200:
# Normal assignment
self.yPlot[self.ptr] = self.y[self.ptr]
self.xPlot[self.ptr] = self.x[self.ptr]
self.plot.setData(self.xPlot[1:self.ptr + 1],
self.yPlot[1:self.ptr + 1])
# Shift arrays and then assign
self.yPlot[:-1] = self.yPlot[1:]
self.yPlot[-1] = self.y[self.ptr]
self.xPlot[:-1] = self.xPlot[1:]
self.xPlot[-1] = self.x[self.ptr]
self.plot.setData(self.xPlot, self.yPlot)
self.ptr += 1
In this associative lstm paper,, they ask to permute a complex tensor.
They have provided their code here:
I'm trying to replicate this in tensorflow. Here is what I have done:
# shape: C x F/2
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
permutations = []
indices = numpy.arange(self._dim / 2) #[1 ,2 ,3 ...64]
for i in range(self._num_copies):
numpy.random.shuffle(indices) #[4, 48, 32, ...64]
[ind + self._dim / 2 for ind in indices]]))
#you're appending a row with two columns -- a permutation in the first column, and the same permutation + dim/2 for imaginary
# C x F (numpy)
self.permutations = tf.constant(numpy.vstack(permutations), dtype = tf.int32) #This is a permutation tensor that has the stored permutations
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
def permute(complex_tensor): #complex tensor is [batch_size x cell_size]
gather_tensor = tf.gather_nd(complex_tensor, self.permutations)
return gather_tensor
Basically, my question is: How efficiently can this be done in TensorFlow? Is there anyway to keep the batch size dimension fixed of complex tensor?
Also, is gather_nd the best way to go about this? Or is it better to do a for loop and iterate over each row in self.permutations using tf.gather?
def permute(self, complex_tensor):
inputs_permuted = []
for i in range(self.permutations.get_shape()[0].value):
tf.gather(complex_tensor, self.permutations[i]))
return tf.concat(0, inputs_permuted)
I thought that gather_nd would be far more efficient.
Nevermind, I figured it out, the trick is to just use permute the original input tensor using tf transpose. This will allow you then to do a tf.gather on the entire matrix. Then you can tf concat the matrices together. Sorry if this wasted anyone's time.
I am trying to do some numpy matrix math because I need to replicate the repmat function from MATLAB. I know there are a thousand examples online, but I cannot seem to get any of them working.
The following is the code I am trying to run:
def getDMap(image, mapSize):
newSize = (float(mapSize[0]) / float(image.shape[1]), float(mapSize[1]) / float(image.shape[0]))
sm = cv.resize(image, (0,0), fx=newSize[0], fy=newSize[1])
for j in range(0, sm.shape[1]):
for i in range(0, sm.shape[0]):
dmap = sm[:,:,:]-np.array([np.tile(sm[j,i,:], (len(sm[0]), len(sm[1]))) for k in xrange(len(sm[2]))])
return dmap
The function getDMap(image, mapSize) expects an OpenCV2 HSV image as its image argument, which is a numpy array with 3 dimensions: [:,:,:]. It also expects a tuple with 2 elements as its imSize argument, of course making sure the function passing the arguments takes into account that in numpy arrays the rows and colums are swapped (not: x, y, but: y, x).
newSize then contains a tuple containing fracions that are used to resize the input image to a specific scale, and sm becomes a resized version of the input image. This all works fine.
This is my goal:
The following line:
np.array([np.tile(sm[i,j,:], (len(sm[0]), len(sm[1]))) for k in xrange(len(sm[2]))]),
should function equivalent to the MATLAB expression:
repmat(sm(j,i,:),[size(sm,1) size(sm,2)]),
This is my problem:
Testing this, an OpenCV2 image with dimensions 800x479x3 is passed as the image argument, and (64, 48) (a tuple) is passed as the imSize argument.
However when testing this, I get the following ValueError:
dmap = sm[:,:,:]-np.array([np.tile(sm[i,j,:], (len(sm[0]),
len(sm[1]))) for k in xrange(len(sm[2]))])
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with
shapes (48,64,3) (64,64,192)
So it seems that the array dimensions do not match and numpy has a problem with that. But my question is what? And how do I get this working?
These 2 calculations match:
octave:26> sm=reshape(1:12,2,2,3)
octave:27> x=repmat(sm(1,2,:),[size(sm,1) size(sm,2)])
octave:28> x(:,:,2)
7 7
7 7
In [45]: sm=np.arange(1,13).reshape(2,2,3,order='F')
In [46]: x=np.tile(sm[0,1,:],[sm.shape[0],sm.shape[1],1])
In [47]: x[:,:,1]
array([[7, 7],
[7, 7]])
This runs:
sm[:,:,:]-np.array([np.tile(sm[0,1,:], (2,2,1)) for k in xrange(3)])
But it produces a (3,2,2,3) array, with replication on the 1st dimension. I don't think you want that k loop.
What's the intent with?
for i in ...:
for j in ...:
data = ...
You'll only get results from the last iteration. Did you want data += ...? If so, this might work (for a (N,M,K) shaped sm)
np.sum(np.array([sm-np.tile(sm[i,j,:], (N,M,1)) for i in xrange(N) for j in xrange(M)]),axis=0)
z = np.array([np.tile(sm[i,j,:], (N,M,1)) for i in xrange(N) for j in xrange(M)]),axis=0)
np.sum(sm - z, axis=0) # let numpy broadcast sm
Actually I don't even need the tile. Let broadcasting do the work:
np.sum(np.array([sm-sm[i,j,:] for i in xrange(N) for j in xrange(M)]),axis=0)
I can get rid of the loops with repeat.
sm1 = sm.reshape(N*M,L) # combine 1st 2 dim to simplify repeat
z1 = np.repeat(sm1, N*M, axis=0).reshape(N*M,N*M,L)
x1 = np.sum(sm1 - z1, axis=0).reshape(N,M,L)
I can also apply broadcasting to the last case
x4 = np.sum(sm1-sm1[:,None,:], 0).reshape(N,M,L)
# = np.sum(sm1[None,:,:]-sm1[:,None,:], 0).reshape(N,M,L)
With sm I have to expand (and sum) 2 dimensions:
x5 = np.sum(np.sum(sm[None,:,None,:,:]-sm[:,None,:,None,:],0),1)
len(sm[0]) and len(sm[1]) are not the sizes of the first and second dimensions of sm. They are the lengths of the first and second row of sm, and should both return the same value. You probably want to replace them with sm.shape[0] and sm.shape[1], which are equivalent to your Matlab code, although I am not sure that it will work as you expect it to.