solr wikipedia error in adding the WikipediaTokenizerFactory - solr

I am trying to use the WikipediaTokenizerFactory
But when I start solr I get
{msg=SolrCore 'collection1' is not available due to init failure: Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] fieldType "text": Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] analyzer/filter: Error loading class 'solr.WikipediaTokenizerFactory'.
Is this Tokenizer removed in solr 4.5.1, or what am I missing here?

WikipediaTokenizerFactory is now part of Lucene repository. You can try using the respective package name.
Note: I haven't used this tokenizer myself, so can't guarantee it would work.


Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] fieldType "pfloat": Error loading class 'solr.FloatField'

Could not load conf for core nutch: Can't load schema D:\solr-6.5.0\server\solr\nutch\conf\schema.xml:
Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] fieldType "pfloat": Error loading class 'solr.FloatField'
I'm finding this error, can anyone help to fix it?
FloatField was removed in Solr 5. Use solr.TrieFloatField instead.

PageableManagerInterface error in SonataAdminBundle

I'm trying to configure SonataAdminBundle and SonataUserBundle to use mongodb and am getting the following error:
ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load interface "PageableManagerInterface" from namespace "Sonata\CoreBundle\Model" in /Users/me/Sites/mynamespace-webtools/vendor/sonata-project/user-bundle/Model/UserManagerInterface.php line 25. Do you need to "use" it from another namespace?
Can anyone shed any light on what might be causing this? I was also getting the symptoms described here and have tried the answers suggested there.
Can anyone confirm if the mongodb functionality is just broken? Am also wondering if this error relates to this commit?
This appears to be a dependency error within the Sonata system itself, and not strictly related to the MongoDB module.
The PageableManagerInterface class is provided by the Sonata Core Bundle. Make sure that you have it in your composer.json file:
"require": {
"sonata-project/core-bundle": "dev-master",
After that, make sure your install is up to date and clean your cache, as usual:
php composer.phar self-update ; php composer.phar update

Error instantiating class: 'org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.KStemFilterFactory

My solrconfig.xml worked fine in SOLR 4.1 but when I upgraded SOLR to 4.5.1, I started getting the following error:
Error instantiating class: 'org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.KStemFilterFactory'
Any idea what went wrong? I can still see the same class exists in 4.5.1 so I have no clue.
you need lucene-analyzers-common-4.5.1.jar in the relevant folder (as given by sharedLib="lib" in solr.xml if you are using that) or otherwise explicitly include it in solrconfig.xml

How to configure custom solr instance to use Morfologik?

I have a custom solr instance running in tomcat. I followed tomcat deployment tutorial in SolrWiki. I want to index my data which are in Polish language and I want to use Morfologik. So i followed I've created lib folder in SOLR_HOME, added all libraries to this folder, changed schema to use solr.MorfologikFilterFactory but i still get such error:
'collection1: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] fieldType „text_pl”: Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] analyzer/filter: Error loading class "solr.MorfologikFilterFactory"'
I assume there is a problem with paths. I hope so, because if not it might by quite hard to solve...
Anybody can help me? Thanks!
you can add lib path to the solrconfig.xml - see the xml supplied with example.
are you using the SolrCloud mode or standalone?

Error loading class org.apache.solr.handler.component.CollapseComponent while starting solr

using Tomcat 6.0
I have configured CollapseComponent in solrconfig.xml but am getting a error loading class:
<searchComponent name="collapse" class="org.apache.solr.handler.component.CollapseComponent" />
Solr version 3.6.1
Solr field collapsing was released as a part of stable release 3.3 and does not require special configuration.
As well, it does not require any special components to be included. So you can remove it.
Passing group=true&group.field=some_field should have it working without any changes.
