Unable to preview Extjs app in browser by Sencha Architect? - extjs

I am developing a large scale extjs app in Sencha Architect. While working with it suddenly I was unable to get preview of the app in browser. It shows blank page. I have checked that framework & CSS have been loaded. But the app is shown. There is no error in Architect too.
I am unable to find the problem caused.
Help will be appreciated.
Thanks much!

Have you used Firebug (or other debug tools) in your browser? Its likely a minor code issue which is throwing out your page rendering, using a debug suite will help to quickly identify and resolve the issue.
Alternatively, it may be a result of your app not being instantiated correctly (if you aren't using a viewport, or haven't explicitly rendered the main view)


Winappdriver and selenium in the same automated test

Hi I could do with some help / more experienced eyes.
I have a WPF application which I have started automating some UI tests for using winappdriver, upon further investigation it has embeded html in it - webview, and can fire off requests to open the default browser with app related content - such as help files.
Has anyone had experience in working with this? For example:
open the WPF app,
click on help button on the WPF app which will open a browser and
then continue the test to ensure that the correct help page has been launched with the correct content in relation to the WPF page it was fired from.
Presumably this can be done in my case with chrome driver (winappdriver cannot see the content on the webpage). I have tried using selenium's window handles, but it's like the driver can't see the already open browser page. So I am at a bit of a loss and really not sure what to do.
In previous roles I was used to using Ranorex, which does both windows and web based UI automation. So I have never had any experience using multiple driver types to do the one test.

Ui-inspector tools for expo (react native app) for debugging styling

I'm new in react native development. The first issue i faced is that i didn't found the way to inspect my ui elements.
I am using expo-cli to run react native app in my android phone.
and I didn't found the way to debug or inspect my ui elements.
Can anybody Please help me regarding this.
because i think there is definitely a way to inspect ui-elements in react native as we do for react-web-app with chrome inspector tools.
You can use Developer Mode
React Native includes some very useful tools for development: remote JavaScript debugging in Chrome, live reload, hot reloading, and an element inspector similar to the beloved inspector that you use in Chrome. It also performs bunch of validations while your app is running to give you warnings if you're using a deprecated property or if you forgot to pass a required property into a component, for example.
a link with a detailed description of this

Blank page with Electron Application

I have a big issues with electron.
It's seems to "Crash" when html animation's fired. So exactly electron show me a blank page (html, localstorage, scripts ecc were deleted), we have no logs in console and terminal.
Is there a way to debug verbose application?
Somebody can help me?
EDIT: i have test a lot and i found problem. I use angular-ui-router and when i use a tag <a> some links works, another crash app (blank screen)

debug react native app from chrome on windows machine

I started exploring react-native. One thing which I want is should able to debug my app from chrome. I am having prior experience to cordova. Cordova renders app in chrome web view. I understand that with react-native it is not possible because react-native doesn't render app on web view.
There is an option react-native "debug in chrome". When I click this option, attached screenshot is getting opened. I enabled "pause on exception."
But nothing is happening. I am unable to see my app code at all.
I like to do step by step debugging. Is it possible? If so can some one tell how to do this?
You can definitely examine the source code, set breakpoints, etc in Chrome.
In the Sources menu, select debuggerWorker.js and then you should be able to see your project tree.
Any console.log in your code will print to the browser too. But I find the breakpoint inspection most helpful.
this is simple as you were doing in cordova.
try to put debugger; statement in your code while in debug mode.
It will set the breakpoint and you can then debug your application. No need to find out your files in debuggerWorker.js

IONIC on IE9 not working

I've someone please could provide some workaround for this one?
If I run my IONIC application in IE9, i'm getting the error back:
Unable to get value of the property 'indexOf': object is null or
undefined ionic.bundle.min.js, line 6, character 31181.
When viewing the JS file. The exact line is:
var o=t.CSS.TRANSITION.indexOf('webkit');
Did somebody encountered this problem? Or has a fix for it?
I know that IONIC is meant for hybrid mobile dev, but I really need to get this working on IE9 also.
If you want it to be viewable in a browser for testing, then Chrome or Safari work just fine.
Support for IE desktop is not on the road map. Ionic's mission is hybrid apps.
