Javascript error on new install of - dotnetnuke

I've had a good look around and can't see anyone else with the same issue.
I've downloaded the latest install for DNN (via this page and tried to run it as a new install (via visual studio development web server) but the site crashes on the second page of the wizard, I get a javascript error "Invalid character" in the jquery library and nothing happens are that.
Using the VS javascript debugger I can see in the call stack that the error seems to stem from some javascript used to update the progress bar found on the installation page, the line in question is...
var result = jQuery.parseJSON(status);
If I let the code run from here I get a further error of "Unable to get property 'progress' of undefined or null reference" in the same block of javascript code a few lines down...
if (result.progress < $("#progressbar").progressbar('value')) return;
Details of my installation;
Running on Windows 7 64 bit (have also tried a Windows 7 32 bit but get same error).
Using VS 2010
Installing to new (blank) database on MS SQL server 2008
Using a SQL user for authentication
Have tried the suggestion of "unblocking" the zip file before downloading
Given the NETWORKSERVICE user full control over the DNN website folder
I've tried the installation with IE 10 & the latest version of Chrome (30.0.1)
In addition to trying to run the installation using the wizard I also found that you can disable the wizard via this web.config setting;
Running with this I am able to successfully install DNN but when redirecting from the basic wizard page to the DNN site I get an object not set to an instance of an object error on this line...
if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.PageHeadText != Null.NullString && !Globals.IsAdminControl())
... of the default.aspx code behind
I had a play with DNN 6 last year and didn't have any issues installing so to confirm that was still the case I downloaded the last release of DNN 6 (version from here and was again able to install that version without any problems at all using the same SQL server and running through VS 2010.
Any help would be appreciated.

I was having the same problem and switching the pipeline mode for the application pool to "Integrated" fixed the issue on PortalSettings comming on null on this line:
if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.PageHeadText != Null.NullString && !Globals.IsAdminControl())


How to configure PDFNet for .NET application to publish to Citrix server? (AnyCPU)

So I have been trying to config the project to make it work on our server via Citrix.
I used this line of code to set the path:
private static pdftron.PDFNetLoader loader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance().Path(String.Format(#"{0}\{1}",
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IndexUIZoom)).Location), #"PDFNet"));
I got this error every time (bin is where the .exe file is):
INFO Program [(null)] - Path: [bin]\PDFNet -
ERROR Program [(null)] - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet.dll' or one of its dependencies.
The specified module could not be found. File name: 'PDFNet.dll'
Everything works fine on local machine. I got the error above whenever I run from Citrix, or log into the server machine and run from there.
Most likely your server is missing the MS VC++ Runtime dependencies. Developer machines usually have them installed as part of a Visual Studio installation, but servers often do not. You can download MS VC++ installers from MSDN.
To find the exact one you need to download please see section 3.2.1 of the Getting Started Guide for PDFNet .Net below. Note you need to also match the runtime 32 or 64 bitness of your process, for both PDFNet.dll and the MS VC++ runtime.
PDFNet .Net 4.0+ Getting Started Guide
PDFNet .Net 2.0-3.5 Getting Started Guide

Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() using WAMP and php 7.1.6

First things first, I read and tried stuff I found online even from this website, but can't get it to work.
I have an SQL SERVER 2014 running on Windows Server 2012, there I have a WAMP 64 bits running Apache on PHP 7.1.6 and need to connect to the Database, apparently the extension is not loaded because I'm getting the undefined function error.
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $APIDBSERVER, $connection);
What I've done so far:
Installed Microsoft® ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
Downloaded PHP SQL Driver 4.0 and moved php_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64.dll to /ext
Added them to php.ini:
Apparently the PDO also needs php_pdo.dll which WAMP doesn't have and I haven't found where to download it from, so I'm using the standard non-PDO approach
Recently even tried enabling odbc extensions which were disabled:
I access the php.ini through the WAMP menu so I know I'm editing the right one, restarted the server several times trying different things but I've run out of ideas.
Can you please help me?
PHP error log indicates the modules couldn't be found, but if I check that path they're right there, copy&pasted filenames into php.ini.
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.1.6/ext/php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64.dll' - The
specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.1.6/ext/php_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64.dll' - The
specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
Tried downgrading to 7.0.20 and get the same error, so the php.ini is fine, it just won't load them for a reason, will try to download ODBC 13.1 maybe?
Each PHP version might require a different version of the Microsoft PHP Drivers for SQL Server.
The link below shows compatibility between PHP and MS SQLSRV versions:
Because of the way WAMPServer is configures, NTS extensions do not run.
So change your process just a little and use the Thread safe dll's instead.

How to solve 503 error accessing CollabNet Subversion Console?

I'm using Collabnate Subversion Edge.
I'm getting below error when trying to access URL http://localhost:3343/csvn.
Collbnate is set up on Windows Server 2008.
Problem accessing /csvn/. Reason:
Service Unavailable
Powered by Jetty://
How to solve it?
I spent two days fighting with the same problem. It turned out that CollabNet Subversion Edge 4.0.11 does not support Java 8.
The following procedure helped me make CN Subverion Edge 4.0.11 work again on Windows 7:
1) Uninstall CollabNet Subversion
2) Uninstall Java 8 (I had Java 7 and 6 side by side, so after uninstalling the 8, 7 picked up after I added it to PATH variable. It is important to add it at the very beginning of the path, otherwise Windows\System32\java.exe will be taken, which was not good for me also)
3) Install CollabNet Subverion (the important thing is to uncheck the "Run CollabNet ..." check box in the final screen. It looks like the installer is still creating files at the end and only after I have clicked OK in the final screen the needed configuration files have been created in data/conf folder.
4) Make sure that data/conf/httpd.conf file is created. If it is there, got to services (services.msc) and start server manually
Now launch the browser and navigate to localhost:3343/csvn.
Good luck.
1) Install Java 7
2) In file \csvn\svcwrapper\conf\wrapper.conf change from to
3) Run \csvn\svcwrapper\bat\runConsole.bat
Good luck.
Check in c:/csvn/data/logs for a log that starts with "console". Then find the error(s) and check what is wrong.
Did you try restarting the service ?
I had the same issue, CollabNet Subversion Edge version 4.0.4. In my case the problem was updating the JAVA_HOME from JDK 1.6 to JDK 1.7.
I finally resolved it changing the file:
I changed the value of the property:
So the csvn now runs with 1.6 as before. And it works again as a service automatically.
Good luck!!
There's an alternative issue that results in the same error: The database may get corrupted. This is what just happened to me. The above answers where not working in this case. As Subversion Edge 5.0.1 comes bundled with jre8, it would be rather strange if it weren't able to run against it.
To solve the problem, I had to patch the database (luckily, the user database c:\csvn\data\csvn-production-hsqldb.script is a plain text sql file).
Backup files in c:\csvn\data
Delete csvn-production-hsqldb.script and start the service (should come up now)
Exit the service
Save the file which is automatically recreated now
Compare your old file and the new working one
Replace every line starting with INSERT INTO QRTZ in your database with the corresponding lines from the working copy
Copy the new files to the proper place
Start the service
Hope it worked
I had this problem too. Upgrade to SubversionEdge 5.1.4 solved the issue.
We encounter this problem with CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.3.1 every time we patch our JDK 6 install (e.g. IAVM update). We need to install JDK 7 and 8 on this machine also so the installers are confusing the version information in the Windows Registry (not too much of a surprise there). Even if we update JDK 6 last, it gets weird too.
Nevertheless, it turns out the Subversion Console uses the Windows Registry to locate the Java install to launch the Console service. Updating the registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\CurrentVersion to 1.6 and having a proper install of JDK 1.6 will restore console operation.

Starting up tomcat-6.0.20 from eclipse-3.5.0 (galileo) leads to the 404 error

Console dogs me. Can anybody help?
The sad story starts like this. My OS is ubuntu-9.04. I installed tomcat-6.0.20 by extracting it from .tar.gz package and put it under the /usr/share/tomcat-6.020 directory.
Then I started tomcat from console, and everything seemed to be fine. localhost answered with the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html page.
The next step was to put my tomcat in the eclipse's servers list. So, I went to Preferences > Server > Runtime Environment > Add > Apache Tomcat v6.0 (here I also browsed to my tomcat and changed JVM from JRE to JDK). Finally, I added my server to the Servers list.
So, having everything configured, I started my tomcat from the eclipse, opened a browser and asked for localhost. 404 all over sudden. Despite the fact that the eclipse's console has shown no errors.
Has anybody encountered the same problem?
I fixed the "Could not load server configuration" problem by deleting the current server configuration from the Servers View and adding it again.
Open your Tomcat settings (double click or F3 on your Tomcat instance in 'Servers' view in Eclipse):
Make sure configuration path is valid and configuration is valid
Click on modules tab and make sure your app is deployed.
I'm with Carlisg. I had this error in Eclipse 3.6 with Tomcat 5.5: "Could not load server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v5.5 server. The configuration maybe corrupt or incomplete." After playing around with every setting for 20 minutes and getting the same error, I just deleted the server, re-added it and it worked in about 90 seconds with no changes.
yes emanemos is right, I tried it today and got it working instantly. Create a new project in eclipse, I created a Dynamic web project. Create a new server, choose your apache version as the server type. Then create your pages and resources in this project space. I created index.html in Webcontent and pointed to http://localhost:8080/trial/ and I can see my index.html. (trial is the name of my project).
In windows vista 32 I fixed like this, In 'serverlocation' selected Use Tomcat installation(takes control of tomcat installation) and for deploy path I added my tomcat webapp dir.'C:\apache-tocat-6.0.26-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\webapps'. With default configuration path /Servers/Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost-config, it just works fine.
I had the same problem and solved it following these steps:
On the Server View, right click on the server (Tomcat 6.0 Server at Localhost)
in the menu options click "Open", this opens a menu with all the configurations for the server.
On tab "Server Locations" you must select the option "Use Tomcat Installation (takes control of tomcat installation)".
Do not forget to check the Deploy path.
I think there is a problem with eclipse configuration over Tomcat and it must use the tomcat installation configuration.

DotNetNuke Upgrade 4.9.2 - PermanentRedirect Failure

When installing DNN 04.09.02 upgrade (from DNN 4.8.4) I receive System.IndexOutOfRangeException: PermanentRedirect error and cannot install the upgrade. How do I get around this so I can install the upgrade?
This thread might help you:
It looks like you have to update it manually... steps are described there.
Also check this thread, might be due to AD if AD is used.
I've re-posted the following from the thread provided by kitsune. Source
First try the following in your browser. Replace "" with your domain:
If that doesn't work (which it didn't for me) then try the following steps (copied from Chris on that thread).
To manually run the SQL portion of the upgrade you'll need to run each upgrade script between your version and 4.9.2. I upgraded from 4.9.0 to 4.9.2 so I performed the following:
On the web server open the directory: \Providers\DataProviders\SqlDataProvider
Determine which files need to be run. Basically, all of the versions after your old version. In my case I needed to run the files 04.09.00.SqlDataProvider, 04.09.01.SqlDataProvider and 04.09.02.SqlDataProvider.
Open the SQL files in a text editor and replace "{databaseOwner}" (usually with "dbo.") and "{objectQualifier}" (usually with "", but sometimes "DNN4" or some other object prefix)
Run those SQL files in version order using SQL Management Studio.
Assuming those scripts ran without an error then the site should be ready to use.
