Simple One way binding for ng-repeat? - angularjs

I have read some articles that said ng-repeat would led to poor performance if there is over 2000 items, because there are too many two way binding to watch. I am new to angularjs and have trouble understanding the relationship between ng-repeat and two-way binding:
Does ng-repeat (like outputting a list of json objects) necessarily create two way binding?
Is there a simple way to do ng-repeat using only one way binding? (preferably do not need external module)

Like user1843640 mentioned, if you are on Angular 1.3, you can use one-time-binding, but, just for clarity, you need to put the :: on all the bindings, not just the repeater. The docs say do this:
<div ng-repeat="item in ::items">{{}}</div>
But, if I count the watchers, this only removed one. To really drop the number of two-way-bindings, place the :: on the bindings within the repeater, like this:
<div ng-repeat="item in ::items">{{}}</div>
Here are two plunkers that will display the number of watchers:
All Bindings
Repeater Only
Thanks goes out to Miraage for provinding the function to count the watchers

For anyone using or upgrading to Angular 1.3 you can now use "one-time binding". For ng-repeat it would look like this:
<div ng-repeat="item in ::items">{{}}</div>
Notice the ::items syntax.
For more information check the Angular documentation for expressions.

This blog post presents some interesting solutions. The end result was:
Upgrade to AngularJS 1.1.5 and use limitTo together with Infinite scrolling. AngularJS ng-repeat offers from version 1.1.4 the limitTo option. I slightly adapted the Infinite Scroll directive to make scrolling within a container possible that does not have height 100% of window.
Basically you limit the number of objects you initially render, then use the Infinite scrolling directive to render more as needed. Since you don't want an external module, just mimic the infinite scroll functionality as needed with your own script.
Note: This should solve your performance problem but it won't remove two-way binding.

what ever is generated by ng-model will be having a watcher on data(model) which reduces the page performance if it crosses 200 watchers.
Refer this for ONE WAY BINDING but make sure you use it properly
Hope it helps!!!


What is the alternate way to ng-repeat in angularjs?

Generally ng-repeat is used to represent the objects and arrays in the view from the controller.It is used for repeating each element in the group of data.Here I want to know the alternate way for representing the group of data in the view without using ng-repeat.
Although the answer is dependent on situation in which you provide solutions anyway,
As per my development experience ng-repeat is good if you data is very less.and if data is heavy the performance of ng-repeat reduces considerable amount.
Inorder to solve above problem we can go for custom directives
Here are some of the directives which you can look for getting some idea
AngularJS ng-repeat Alternative Approach
This document will give all step by step approach to create custom directives.
This is about alternative approach to ng-repeat to handle heavy data
binding with better page performance. This article will provide
insights of how to replace particular ng-repeat with particular data.
AngularJS directive for much more quicker lists rendering
A custom directive you can add and you can customize based on your requirements with following features
Shallow list watch (ngRepeat uses deep watch)
Animations support
Special service to cause list render outside of digest cycle
Smooth scrolling even on heavy compited lists (check example)
About 200% performance boost
Still hesitating? Try to scroll page with ng-repeat list and a page with quick-ng-repeat
Apart from this i can go for some solutions such as pagination lazy loading etc to improve performance
ng-repeat is good to use when you don't have a large amount of data. There is an advantage using ng-repeat, whenever you use track by $index, it will do some hashing, and when it encounters a similar kind of element as you update the model properties, it won't recalculate the layout for that particular element.Behind the scenes, ngRepeat adds a $$hashKey property to each task to keep track of it.
But ng-repeat is not the right thing to use when you have large datasets as it involves heavy DOM manipulations. And you should consider using ng-repeat with pagination.
You can consider using transclusion inside a custom directive, to achieve the behavior you are looking for without using ng-repeat.

Multiple custom ng-if directives on the same element

My question is in regards to an answer I found on Stack Overflow.
AngularJS: What's the best practice to add ngIf to a directive programmatically?
This strategy works perfect with one custom ng-if directive and the ng-if directive however what if you wanted multiple. I have spent hours trying to come up with something but can not think of a clean way to do this. Has anyone out there created a strategy for multiple custom ng-if directives?
Just use one and bind it to a function on the controller's scope that sorts out whatever complexities you have and returns a single boolean.

Angular: Proper way to implement a custom directive's visibility

I'm currently working on a new custom directive which will transclude some HTML around the element you've called it on. This means however that if you have a ng-show directive as well on the element that the HTML would still be transcluded and hence shown.
A working example of the directive is located on this Plunk.
I'd like to counter this, by making my custom directive respond to ng-show but I can see a big problem with this approach as ng-show will hide or show the whole element it is called on.
On the other hand, I don't really like having a lot of custom directives each defining their own visible properties as an alternative to ng-show.
A third option would be to support both? This would allow me to switch of specific directives on an element as well as hiding it completely with ng-show
Has anyone got good recommendations on which approach I would have to take here? This is not a solitary case, we have a lot of custom directives of which we'll need to control visibility.
To summarize, these are the three options I'm thinking of:
Let custom directive respond to ng-show
Define own visibility control per custom directive (which could use ng-show underlying)
Support option 1 and 3
Any insights greatly appreciated.

Replace view HTML

I have an angular multi-step form in a modal window. It has a few different views and works great but at the end of it I just want to display a tiny snippet of HTML along the lines of 'Thank you, we will be in touch shortly'
However, I thought about creating a view for this with a partial but it seems incredibly over-engineered for what it is. Is there any way in angular of just replacing the view with that sentence without creating a whole new view? This will be called from a function in the final controller
Use ng-show and ng-hide to do this in your view. Suppose if your view is no longer needed you can hide it and show the Thank you snippet at its place by using ng-show.
ng-switch is what you are looking for.
From the docs:
"The directive itself works similar to ngInclude, however, instead of
downloading template code (or loading it from the template cache),
ngSwitch simply choses one of the nested elements and makes it visible
based on which element matches the value obtained from the evaluated
you can this code, if you have one area of content
good method you can find in LINK

How do I create an AngularJS directive based on another directive logic?

I am pretty new to AngularJS and creating directives.
Lets say I wanted a "delayed ng-show", that means it should work like ng-show, but the element should be visible after 2 seconds as opposed to immediately the expression was fulfilled. I don't want to change the current behavior of ng-show, just to create a new ng-delayed-show directive.
Can anyone give me an example or link me to direct documentation on how to reuse or create a sub directive of another directive?
You do not need to create directive for this. You can very well do it using animation capabilities of AngularJS which internally uses CSS capability called easing.
Read documentation for ngshow and it's animation section here
Since i am not very familiar with it, this post can help you
