Is it possible to use multiple lines in Angular attributes? - angularjs

Is is possible to include a newline in an Angular JS expression in an attribute tag? Something like this:
<p ng-repeat="
foo in foos
| filter:{attr: 'something really long'}
| orderBy:bar">
EDIT: To clarify, the above doesn't work. I was wondering if there is some other syntax that allows for breaking this kind of expressions into multiple lines.

angular.js parser would be able to handle it, but there's a quick regex check before handing it to the parser (see
Be aware, the ngRepeat directive parses the expression using a regex
before sending collection and optionally id to the AngularJS parser.
This error comes from the regex parsing.
I filed a bug to loosen this restriction:, you can hand-patch it in the meantime, it's just 1 character: m (/regex/m).

It is possible for an expressions to span multiple lines. But ng-repeat throws an error if you try to span the expression on multiple lines.
Take a look at this plunker:
Add a new line in the ng-repeat expression and open the browser console to see the error message.

Yes, it is possible to use multiline attributes with ANY HTML element, including AngularJS directives.


Why can't I use interpolation with a directive?

I have searched and found a few articles that address "How does one assign a scoped variable to the value of an html attribute tag". See:
How to assign angularjs variable value to html element attribute, such as input elememnt's name attribute
In my controller I have defined the following:
$scope.reportFields = "{'summary.imageID':'Image ID' }";
in my html document I have defined the following:
<button ng-json-eport-excel title="CSV" class="bt btn-md btn-success" separator="," data="mdcData" report-fields="{{reportFields}}" filename="'mySearch'">
when I bring the page into the browser I find that the page reports a parse syntax error on defining {{reportFields}} for my button element.
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax error: Token '{' invlaid key at column 2 of the expression [{{reportFields}}] starting at [reportFields}}].
if I forgo using a variable and hardcode the value as in:
<button ng-json-eport-excel title="CSV" class="bt btn-md btn-success" separator="," data="mdcData" report-fields="{'summary.imageID':'Image ID' }" filename="'mySearch'">
it compiles and works correctly. If I add the 'ng-if' it compiles correctly as seen below:
<button ng-json-eport-excel title="CSV" class="bt btn-md btn-success" separator="," data="mdcData" report-fields="{{reportFields}}" ng-if="reportFields.length > 0" filename="'mySearch'">
Furthermore when I examine the generated HTML via the inspector I can see that for the 'ahref' tag that angularjs's interpolation has translated 'reportFields' to '"{'summary.imageID':'Image ID' }"' for the ahref tag but it hasn't translate the value for the report-fields tag specified on the button. I have also tried:
ng-if="1==1" filename="'mySearch'">
for my expression which should always evaluate to true. My questions (and I am new to angularjs and I need help understanding) are:
Why do I get a syntax parse error for using the double curly angles with the second HTML element (button) but not the first (href)??
Why does the parse error go away with the 'ng-if' statement
Why doesn't the interpolation happen in the case for
but occurs just fine for:
Thanks for your help in advance.
What you probably want is:
<a ng-href="reportFields">A TEST EXAMPLE</a>
Although this doesn't make any sense either given the way you've defined reportFields. Notice the ng-href and lack of interpolation. As it is, you are assigning the reportFields expression to the regular HTML attribute href which is not interpreted by Angular.
Angular treats your HTML like a template rather than trying to render it like a browser would. It takes that template and turns it into browser-readable DOM HTML. This helps explain the behavior you're asking about.
Answers to your questions:
Interpolation (curly braces) is actually a directive with special syntax which the parser has to evaluate along with any other directives such as ng-show, ng-repeat, custom directives, etc. There is no guarantee that an interpolation directive will be processed before another directive that tries to bind to it. And in fact, those other directives such as report-fields will get the raw interpolation markup and not the intended data. This is what throws the error. See the last paragraph in the interpolation documentation
Why mixing interpolation and expressions is bad practice
Since href is not actually a directive-- it's an attribute-- Angular doesn't attempt to treat it as a directive or bind it to the interpolation, so no error is thrown. It just outputs the expected result to the DOM: href="parsed value".
ng-if has no special assistance for this issue except it does get parsed before your report-fields directive and then cancels further parsing on the element if false. If you don't get an error in that situation, it's likely only because the if condition evaluated to false and the report-fields directive was never parsed. (Can't see all your code to confirm.)
The interpolation doesn't happen in the error case because the error is thrown before it has a chance to. Again, this is because it gets processed after other directive linking. (I'm not sure why they made that design choice though I imagine there is a good reason.)

AngularJS Protractor: select div with ng-show directive

I need to access to a div with a ng-show directive WITHOUT using xpath
<div ng-show="my_error && dirty_field">
Custom error message.
I tried these but it doesn't work properly
element(by.css('[ng-show=my_error && dirty_field]'));
element(by.model('my_error && dirty_field'));
How can I do?
Just to add few points here.
First of all, you definitely need the quotes around the ng-show value in this case:
element(by.css('[ng-show="my_error && dirty_field"]'));
This is because the value contains non-alphanumeric characters. See this related thread:
CSS attribute selectors: The rules on quotes (", ' or none?)
Also, I don't think you should use the dirty_field part in your locator. This sounds like a more technical variable used in the form validation logic. I'd use the "contains" check instead to check the my_error part only (note how I've removed the quotes in this case - the value is alphanumeric):
Also note that you can use the $ shortcut instead of element(by.css()):
You cab deal with the properties this way in doing protractor testing.

Are html tags inside directive attribute valid in AngularJS

I was doing code review and found custom directive with html tags inside attribute:
<form-field help="Use <b>foo</b> option to blah blah"></form-field>
I find it very unusual, and thought that it will not work in older browsers. But when I and author of this code checked - it turned out that it works in every version of IE we had (10+) and in Chrome/FF without any troubles.
Moreover I checked it in W3C validator ( and it looks like HTML allows to have unescaped tags inside attributes. This SO answers Can data-* attribute contain HTML tags? confirms that too.
So my question is: Can this make troubles when used with AngularJS? Will this behavior change in Angular 2.0? And finally is this accepted usage of attributes?
I personally would like something like this:
Use <b>foo</b> option to blah blah
Yes, you can do that with ng-bind-html directive. Take a look at this:

Angular render markup that is nested

I get JSON like this
"lots of":"keys"
"description" : {
"key":"Some sample key",
"value":"This is the markup™"
from server and I ultimately iterate the description objects and populate table rows with two columns: one for the key and one for the value.
I have tried putting on my <td> tag ng-bind-html as well as injecting $sce into my controller and using trustAsHtml but so far the string always displays as it is in the JSON. Not every value will be HTML but I can easily detect based on the key if HTML is a possibility. It seemed when I put in the directive on the td it did not display anything if no HTML was present. I am interested in using something that can allow HTML in the value but not require it so I can display either
HTML fragment
<tr ng-repeat="(key, val) in record.description">
I created a quick fiddle here:
I used angular-sanitize, which I am not sure you mentioned injecting in your module dependency list. Either way, the example works simply by using ng-bind-html
Relevant docs page:
It works by using the directive ng-bind-html on the element you want to display the HTML string in. You use it like so:
<p ng-bind-html="data.firstName"></p>
assuming that data.firstName = "<strong>FeeFee</strong>" or something like that.
I would also like to add that Angular does not allow this natively because of legitimate security concerns. That and the fact that allowing arbitrary HTML to be rendered might not always produce desirable results. Your page layout could quite possibly break because of some HTML you allowed to be passed through.
Angular was designed with security in mind, and will prevent you from displaying HTML from raw strings whenever possible - to prevent various injection attacks.
Here is workarround for your problem: AngularJS: Insert HTML from a string. Generally you should use ng-bind-html insted of ng-bind (this is used by curly braces).

angularjs + cross-site scripting preventing

Is Angularjs takes care of XSS attack. I have read that ng-bind takes care. But When i try to do a sample to test that, it allows me to insert html tags in input type with didn't escape the Html tags.
I have lot of input element in our page, which binds with ng-model, what should I do to make sure if I input a html tags ,angular ignores the html/scrip tags.
<input id="name" ng-model="name"></input>
if I input as
'Hello, <b>World</b>!'
$ contains the same what I entered ,didn't exclude the tags. i.e
var val = $;
prints as same
'Hello, <b>World</b>!'
Please let me know how to solve this in angularjs.
Look at here :$sanitize
If you want escape use ng-bind, it ll render the tag without interpretation like that :
Hello <b>World</b> not like Hello World !
Do you understand ? so ng-bind is safe because it doesn't care about HTML tags.
If you want that your HTML tags be interpreted but safely just use ng-bind-html !
For example if you want to display this string :
'Hello <b>World</b><input type="text" />'
The result will be : Hello World but without the input because AngularJS compiler uses $sanitize service and check a whitelist of HTML elements and an iput is not authorized.
Maybe ng-bind-html is what you're looking for.
If you just want be sure that the user can't put html tags in your input just use the directive ng-pattern on your inputs !
It takes a regex for allowed characters in your input !
Hope it helps !
I don't believe that AngularJS has default whitelist input validation, which is what your test exercises. So a user can pretty much input anything they like. This is not surprising - whitelists are very domain specific, and Angular is a framework designed for a wide range of domains.
The main defense against XSS is to properly encode all untrusted data (see This, Angular does by default.
Bottom line is that AngularJS is intended to be secure from XSS by default, no special action required. You can verify some basic scenarios by trying to output what you input into a view using the normal {{scopevariable}} notation.
I did find a detailed analysis of AngularJS XSS vulnerability: At the end of the comments, there is a link to a google doc with further discussion and response from the angular team.
