TinyMCE: cake php plugin [ cannot submit form ] - cakephp

I use https://github.com/CakeDC/TinyMCE to download plugin and did follow all the step to integrate on my cakePHP project. so right now, all the textarea was successfully changed to tinyMCE editor
But when click "SUBMIT" to submit my form, page cannot submit and post data. Without loading editor my form can submit and post data.
Is any jquery problem ? please advise me.
thank you.
Configure::write('TinyMCE.editorOptions', array('width' => '500px','height'=>'250px' ));
public $helpers=array('Html','Form','TinyMCE.TinyMCE');
$this->TinyMCE->editor(array('theme' => 'advanced', 'mode' => 'textareas'));
echo $this->Form->input('user_requirements',array('required'=>true) );
Layout : default
loding js file:
echo $this->Html->script(array('ddsmoothmenu','jquery-1.7.1.min','jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min'));

You've set the field to be required, so the problem you are experiencing is probably the browser based form validation.
The problem is that the validation applies before TinyMCE injects the contents into the textarea, and so the validation will always fail as the textarea is empty. This is a very long known "bug" btw:
In Firefox you might notice a validation bubble that appears "behind" the browser in the bottom left corner of the screen, and in Chrome for example it would throw the following error: "An invalid form control with name='...' is not focusable".
The quick and dirty fix would be to set required to false. In order to keep the required class on the generated container div you would have to set this manually using the div option:
'div' => array('class' => 'input text required')
It's also possible to disable browser validation completely by defining the novalidate attribute on the form:
$this->Form->create('ModelName', array('novalidate' => true));
or using the formnovalidate attribute on the submit button:
$this->Form->submit('Submit', array('formnovalidate' => true));
Theoretically it would also be possible to listen to the invalid event and display custom validation bubbles, but the problem here is that the browser behavior is not consistent, ie in Chrome it's not possible to validate invisible (using display or visibility) fields. Also the content would still be missing in the textarea field.
What seems to work is using opacity to hide the field, that way one could position the textarea under the editor, and the validation bubble would be displayed correctly. However that would also require to inject the editor contents in the textarea manually when pressing Enter and when clicking the submit button (or probably even simpler using proper editor change events). I'll see if I can come up with an example for this later on.
Update: I've implemented a fix/workaround in form of a TinyMCE 4.x plugin, as this was bugging me in some of my own applications too, see https://github.com/ndm2/tinymce-validatable


Hiding a text input without making it `type="hidden"`

What I have
I'm using the FormController to create inputs. A specific input will be frequently updated by Javascript for internal purposes and I want it hidden. In this case, I can't use type="hidden", instead it needs to be type="text" so that it won't be checked by the form tampering prevention when submitted.
What I tried
Adding 'hidden' => true to $this->Form->create() options works if the whole form needs to be hidden. That exact attribute doesn't seem to be working for individual inputs though, created using both $this->Form->input() and $this->Form->control()
For a specific input, first thing that comes to mind is adding 'style' => 'display:none' to its options, but that does not seem like a clean CakePHP-way solution
I think I've seen someone mention a way to do exactly that here. I think it was an attribute you'd add to the options. I searched around my answers and comments, using both this site and Google, but found nothing.
Please advise!
You can create a hidden input and make it exempt from form security in case required, either by unlocking the field via the unlockField() method:
echo $this->Form->hidden('field_name');
or by passing false or 'skip' for the secure option:
echo $this->Form->hidden('field_name', ['secure' => false]);
echo $this->Form->hidden('field_name', [
'secure' => \Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::SECURE_SKIP
See also
Cookbook > Views > Helpers > Form > Working with SecurityComponent > unlockField()

AngularJS - Form validation triggered on load

I added field validation attributes like "required" and "pattern" in my form, and the form is inside a ng-controller. The validation works. But it seems the validations are triggered on page load, and I see all the fields are marked as invalid with error message when the page load.
I tried to add "novalidation" attribute to the form as indicated in the examples on AngularJS website, but no luck.
I would like to have the validation triggered the first time the user tries to interact with it. How can I do that?
Here's an example https://jsfiddle.net/davidshen84/00t197gx/
<div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell-6-col mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield">
<input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="text" id="screenname" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}" ng-model="comment.screenname" required/>
<label class="mdl-textfield__label" for="screenname">Screen Name</label>
On load, you should see all the input fields had a red line under them which indicate they are in the invalid state. And the line turns to blue once validated.
Note: The style on the check button does not work...should not be a concern in the problem.
Angular is going to check the form the same way at any point (load or later) and render the result. If you don't want to display the results on load, add logic to check whether the form has been interacted with. You can hide your error messages using ng-if="yourFormName.$dirty", or display according to the status of an individual field with yourFormName.yourFieldName.$dirty.
Click here for live demo.
What is currently implemented (wrong IMHO) is that MDL automatically validates input and doesn't mind "novalidate" form attribute. I had to implement check for empty input value (skip validation and remove is-invalid class) and, since angular form validation requires "novalidate" attribute, check:
if (input.form.novalidate = true) // skip validation
that way you can actually turn off mdl validation and leave everything to angular.
One more thing is actually required. You can create angular directive which validates expression and add is-invalid class if necessary:
div class="mdl-textfield" mdl-validator="form.email.$error"

How to catch chrome's form validation popups

I am writing protractor tests for my form validation.
I want to test that an chrome validation popup appears when a required filed is not set in the form.
When a filed is not set i get "Please fill out this field" from chrome.
I want to do something like this :
submitBtn = element(by.id('submitBtn'));
validationMessage = ???
expect((validationMessage ).getText()).toBe('Please fill out this field');
How to get it ?
You don't need to test the internal implementations of Chrome. The Chrome developers would have had tests to cover the hiding and showing of popups.
You test that your form is written correctly by finding the element that the required attribute should be set on, and asserting that it is indeed set.
myInput = element(by.id('myInput'));

Joomla contact form: How to fix/edit bugged tooltip?

For the Joomla contact form (using Joomla 3.3.3), you have your required fields and a tooltip that shows if you mouse over the field name. Fx. the field "Name" the tooltip I suppose would show "Your name"
But instead it shows this: "< strong >Name< /strong >< br/ >Your name"?
How to remove the "< strong >Name< /strong > "?
Have tried looking around a bit but haven't really found a solution to this yet. Only how to remove/hide the tooltips, but not how to fix it removing those code strings.
Screenshot of my contact form:
Okay figured that the problem is coming from my template.
Tried switching over to the joomla protostart template and test it there, and the tooltip work fine.
So now I need to figure out why it isn't working on the template I'm currently using.
It was a jquery conflict with joomla updates.
Fixed it by editing the var.php in my template with the following changes:
From, (line 7):
JHTML::_('behavior.framework', true);
// disabled sins joomla 3
//JHTML::_( 'behavior.mootools' );
JHtml::_('bootstrap.framework'); // JOOMLA 3.X (LOADS BOOTSTRAP)
JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true);
$doc->addScript($this->baseurl . '/templates/' . $this->template . '/js/jquery_no_conflict.js', 'text/javascript');
// disabled sins joomla 3
//JHTML::_( 'behavior.mootools' );
And removed this on line 28.
// Add JavaScript Frameworks

How can I do validation and use ..$setPristine(); in an AngularJS form?

I have the following code:
<form class="form"
This works and when I click on a button of type submit then the modalSubmit function is called.
However I would like to do this in my controller:
But it gives an error saying:
has no method '$setPristine'
How I can I set the form to pristine? I did try adding data-ng-form="modalForm" but then I get
a message saying something to the effect of duplicate directive names.
I tried changing the form element to a DIV but then the clicking on the submit button does not call
the function
Here's an example (modified from another user) that shows what I am trying to do which is set values to pristine:
You're not doing anything wrong there, only problem is you're referencing an old version of angular in which $setPristine() was not a feature. $setPristine() was added in 1.1.+, so reference a newer version of angular and you're good to go. See it working in this plunk, using 1.2.+.
If you can't upgrade, then a dirty workaround would be to loop through all inputs in the form and set their $dirty and $pristine values manually:
$scope.mp = function() {
$scope.mainForm.$pristine=true;//clean main form
angular.forEach($scope.mainForm,function(input){//clean all input controls
if (input !== undefined && input.$dirty !== undefined) {
First, your version of angular was old, 1.2.12 is the latest stable on the CDN. But even it wouldn't allow $setPristine because of the HTML5 validation that was going on.
The biggest problem was you used required on the fields instead of ng-required. The browser was doing the form validation for you instead of angular. You could also add the novalidate attribute to the form tag.
it has already been implemented in this link you can use it this was as it has been demonstrated in the plnkr link.
As you can see from the above description, $setPristine only changes the state of the form (and thereby resets the css applied to each control in the form).
If you want to clear the values of each control, then you need to do for each in code.
