Mixing indexed and calculated fields in a table-valued function - sql-server

I work with SQL Server 2008, but can use a later version if it would matter.
I have 2 tables with pretty similar data about some people but in different formats (no intersections between these 2 sets of people).
Table 1:
int personID
bit IsOldPerson //this field is indexed
Table 2:
int PersonID
int Age
I want to have a combined view that has the same structure as the Table 1. So I write the following script (a simplified version):
CREATE FUNCTION CombinedView(#date date)
select personID as PID, IsOldPerson as IOP
from Table1
union all
select personID as PID, dbo.CheckIfOld(Age,#date) as IOP
from Table2
The function "CheckIfOld" returns yes/no depending on the input age at the date #date.
So I have 2 questions here:
A. if I try select * from CombinedView(TODAY) where IOP=true, whether the SQL Server will do the following separately: 1) for the Table 1 use the index for the field IsOldPerson and do a "clever" index-based selection of results; 2) for the Table 2 calculate CheckIfOld for all the rows and during the calculation pick up or rejecting rows on the row-by-row basis ?
B. how can I check the execution plan in this particular case to understand whether my guess in the question (A) is correct or not?
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Yes, if the query isn't too complex, the query optimizer should "see through" the view into its constituent UNION-ed SELECT statements, evaluate them separately, and concatenate the results. If there is an index on Table1, it should be able to use it. I tested this using tables we had and the same function concepts you presented. I reviewed the query plans of the raw SELECT to Table1 and the SELECT to the inline table-valued function with the UNION and the portion of the query plan relevant to Table1 was the same-- and it used the index.
Now if performance is a concern, I suggest you do one of two things:
If (a) Table2 is read-heavy rather than write-heavy, (b) you have the space, and (c) you can write CheckIfOld as a single CASE statement (as its name and context in your question implies), then you should consider creating a persisted calculated field in Table2 with the calculation from IsOldPerson and applying an index to it.
If Table2 is write-heavy, or you have no space for additional fields, you should at least consider converting CheckIfOld into an inline function. You will likely reap performance gains, depending on how it is used. In your case, it would be used like this:
select personID as PID, IOP.IsOldPerson from Table2 CROSS APPLY dbo.CheckIfOld(Age,#date) AS IOP


COUNT(*) vs COUNT(column) Performance in Snowflake

Since SnowFlake is a columnar database, does it impact performance when you use COUNT(*) vs COUNT(column)? And this is assuming that the column that you're referencing does NOT have any NULLs
As a_horse_with_no_name explained these two functions are different but you already mentioned that the column has no NULL values. So they should return the same result in your case.
More important thing is, Snowflake has a special optimization for the COUNT function. As far I see, it does NOT impact performance if you use COUNT(*) or COUNT(column), even when the column contains NULL values! For both of them, Snowflake uses METADATA statistics, so it does not actually count rows.
You can test it with SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA:
select count(*) from snowflake_sample_data.TPCH_SF1000.LINEITEM;
-- 5999989709
select count(L_ORDERKEY) from snowflake_sample_data.TPCH_SF1000.LINEITEM;
-- 5999989709
Both queries will return a result immediately although the table size is about 170G, and contain more than 5G rows.
I have to add this extra information because of the conversation between Niru and a_horse_with_no_name. a_horse_with_no_name said:
Even if all columns of a row are NULL, count(*) should include that row in the result. If it doesn't this is a clear violation of the SQL standard
I'm not sure about the SQL standard but when you use COUNT(*), Snowflake doesn't check if the columns are NULL or not (as you expected). I can see why Niru misunderstood the documents, the docs and the samples should be improved.
If you run my sample queries, you will see that they are completed in milliseconds. We are talking about counting almost 6 billion rows:
select count(*) from snowflake_sample_data.TPCH_SF1000.LINEITEM;
-- completes in milliseconds
select count(L_ORDERKEY) from snowflake_sample_data.TPCH_SF1000.LINEITEM;
-- completes in milliseconds
But if I do a little modification on the query, it takes about 3 minutes on the same warehouse (XSMALL):
select count(t.*) from sample_data.TPCH_SF1000.LINEITEM t;
-- completes in 3 minutes!?
Here is the trick:
Alias.*, which indicates that the function should return the number of rows that do not contain any NULLs.
Only if you use alias.* (like I used t.* in my sample), Snowflake will check if all columns are null when producing the count. This is why it is much slower, and this is why there shouldn't be any performance issues when you are running COUNT(XYZ) or COUNT(*) on a table.
Here is the snowflake doc.. hope it helps
https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/functions/count.html Please refer to snowflake document.. it does effect count(alias.*) will check the each column in the row where as count(column) do null check only on that column..

Select from a view using where clause on indexed column in Oracle Database

We have a Oracle database table called StockDailyQuote which contains billions of rows. There are two indexes: on TradeDate (a Date field) and on StockTicker (a string field). This table is actually a partitioned table and on each TradeDate there is an individual table. So we never query against it using
SELECT * FROM StockDailyQuote
because it is impractical to get any result. Instead we always use a WHERE clause on TradeDate and the the speed is acceptable.
Now we have compiled a view out of StockDailyQuote table (joined some other tables to get useful information). Because we can't specify the TradeDate at this stage so our view looks like this (this is a simplified version):
create or replace view MyStockQuoteView as
SELECT t1.StockTicker, t2.CompanyName, t1.TradeDate, t1.ClosePrice
FROM StockDailyQuote t1 join CompanyInstruction t2 on t1.StockTicker =
And I always try to query against this view with a WHERE clause on TradeDate column. I thought when oracle sees my query SELECT * FROM MyStockQuoteView where TradeDate = '20170726', it would be smart enough to add the indexed where clause to the sql and then send it to the engine so the query should be as equally fast as SELECT * from StockDailyQuote where TradeDate = '20170726', assuming my other joins do not take much time. But it doesn't behave like that: it takes really long time to return values. I can only assume it queries against the whole view and then uses the where on the returned value. This makes this query impractical to use. So how can I solve my problem? One solution is to make a procedure and run it daily and save one day's data to a table. But is there some other options?
It would be nice to see the query plan SELECT * FROM MyStockQuoteView where TradeDate = '20170726'.
Oracle normally understands what it needs to read to the partition inside the view.
You can try to explicitly specify the hint, for example:
SELECT /* + full(MyStockQuoteView.StockDailyQuote) */ * FROM MyStockQuoteView where TradeDate = '20170726'

Group by an evaluated field (sql server) [duplicate]

Why are column ordinals legal for ORDER BY but not for GROUP BY? That is, can anyone tell me why this query
cannot be written as
When it's perfectly legal to write a query like
I'm really wondering if there's something subtle about the relational calculus, or something, that would prevent the grouping from working right.
The thing is, my example is pretty trivial. It's common that the column that I want to group by is actually a calculation, and having to repeat the exact same calculation in the GROUP BY is (a) annoying and (b) makes errors during maintenance much more likely. Here's a simple example:
FROM Employee AS e
I would think that SQL's rule of normalize to only represent data once in the database ought to extend to code as well. I'd want to only right that calculation expression once (in the SELECT column list), and be able to refer to it by ordinal in the GROUP BY.
Clarification: I'm specifically working on SQL Server 2008, but I wonder about an overall answer nonetheless.
One of the reasons is because ORDER BY is the last thing that runs in a SQL Query, here is the order of operations
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
SELECT clause
ORDER BY clause
so once you have the columns from the SELECT clause you can use ordinal positioning
EDIT, added this based on the comment
Take this for example
create table test (a int, b int)
insert test values(1,2)
The query below will parse without a problem, it won't run
select a as b, b as a
from test
order by 6
here is the error
Msg 108, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The ORDER BY position number 6 is out of range of the number of items in the select list.
This also parses fine
select a as b, b as a
from test
group by 1
But it blows up with this error
Msg 164, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.
There is a lot of elementary inconsistencies in SQL, and use of scalars is one of them. For example, anyone might expect
select * from countries
order by 1
select * from countries
order by 1.00001
to be a similar queries (the difference between the two can be made infinitesimally small, after all), which are not.
I'm not sure if the standard specifies if it is valid, but I believe it is implementation-dependent. I just tried your first example with one SQL engine, and it worked fine.
use aliasses :
SELECT DATEPART(YEAR,LastSeenOn) as 'seen_year', COUNT(*) as 'count'
FROM Employee AS e
GROUP BY 'seen_year'
** EDIT **
if GROUP BY alias is not allowed for you, here's a solution / workaround:
SELECT seen_year
, COUNT(*) AS Total
SELECT DATEPART(YEAR,LastSeenOn) as seen_year, *
FROM Employee AS e
) AS inline_view
BY seen_year
databases that don't support this basically are choosing not to. understand the order of the processing of the various steps, but it is very easy (as many databases have shown) to parse the sql, understand it, and apply the translation for you. Where its really a pain is when a column is a long case statement. having to repeat that in the group by clause is super annoying. yes, you can do the nested query work around as someone demonstrated above, but at this point it is just lack of care about your users to not support group by column numbers.

Hierarchical SQL select-query

I'm using MS SqlServer 2008. And I have a table 'Users'. This table has the key field ID of bigint. And also a field Parents of varchar which encodes all chain of user's parent IDs.
For example:
User table:
ID | Parents
1 | null
2 | ..
3 | ..
4 | 3,2,1
Here user 1 has no parents and user 4 has a chain of parents 3->2->1. I created a function which parses the user's Parents field and returns result table with user IDs of bigint.
Now I need a query which will select and join IDs of some requested users and theirs parents (order of users and theirs parents is not important). I'm not an SQL expert so all I could come up with is the following:
[Users].Name = 'John'
FROM [Users], CTE
[Users].ID in (SELECT * FROM GetUserParents(CTE.ID, CTE.Parents) )
And basically it works. But performance of this query is very poor. I believe WHERE .. IN .. expression here is a bottle neck. As I understand - instead of just joining the first subquery of CTE (ID's of found users) with results of GetUserParents (ID's of user parents) it has to enumerate all users in the Users table and check whether the each of them is a part of the function's result (and judging on execution plan - Sql Server does distinct order of the result to improve performance of WHERE .. IN .. statement - which is logical by itself but in general is not required for my goal. But this distinct order takes 70% of execution time of the query). So I wonder how this query could be improved or perhaps somebody could suggest some another approach to solve this problem at all?
Thanks for any help!
The recursive query in the question looks redundant since you already form the list of IDs needed in GetUserParents. Maybe change this into SELECT from Users and GetUserParents() with WHERE/JOIN.
select Users.*
from Users join
(select ParentId
from (SELECT * FROM Users where Users.Name='John') as U
cross apply [GetDocumentParents](U.ID, U.Family, U.Parents))
as gup
on Users.ID = gup.ParentId
Since GetDocumentParents expects scalars and select... where produces a table, we need to apply the function to each row of the table (even if we "know" there's only one). That's what apply does.
I used indents to emphasize the conceptual parts of the query. (select...) as gup is the entity Users is join'd with; (select...) as U cross apply fn() is the argument to FROM.
The key knowledge to understanding this query is to know how the cross apply works:
it's a part of a FROM clause (quite unexpectedly; so the syntax is at FROM (Transact-SQL))
it transforms the table expression left of it, and the result becomes the argument for the FROM (i emphasized this with indent)
The transformation is: for each row, it
runs a table expression right of it (in this case, a call of a table-valued function), using this row
adds to the result set the columns from the row, followed by the columns from the call. (In our case, the table returned from the function has a single column named ParentId)
So, if the call returns multiple rows, the added records will be the same row from the table appended with each row from the function.
This is a cross apply so rows will only be added if the function returns anything. If this was the other flavor, outer apply, a single row would be added anyway, followed by a NULL in the function's column if it returned nothing.
This "parsing" thing violates even the 1NF. Make Parents field contain only the immediate parent (preferably, a foreign key), then an entire subtree can be retrieved with a recursive query.

SQL Server Performance With Large Query

Hi everyone I have a couple of queries for some reports in which each query is pulling Data from 35+ tables. Each Table has almost 100K records. All the Queries are Union ALL for Example
;With CTE
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table1 WHERE Some_Condition
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table2 WHERE Some_Condition
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table3 WHERE Some_Condition
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table4 WHERE Some_Condition
. And so on
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM CTE
So far I have only tested this query on Dev Server and I can see It takes its time to get the results. All of these 35+ tables are not related with each other and this is the only way I can think of to get all the Desired Data in result set.
Is there a better way to do this kind of query ??
If this is the only way to go for this kind of query how can I
improve the performance for this Query by making any changes if
My Opinion
I Dont mind having a few dirty-reads in this report. I was thinking of using Query hints with nolock or Transaction Isolation Level set to READ UNCOMMITED.
Will any of this help ???
Every Table has 5-10 Bit columns and a Corresponding Date column to each Bit Column and my condition for each SELECT Statement is something like
WHERE BitColumn = 1 AND DateColumn IS NULL
Suggestion By Peers
Filtered Index
ON TableName(BitColumn)
WHERE BitColum = 1
Filtered Index with Included Column
ON TableName(BitColumn)
INCLUDE (DateColumn)
Is this the best way to go ? or any suggestions please ???
There are lots of things that can be done to make it faster.
If I assume you need to do these UNIONs, then you can speed up the query by :
Caching the results, for example,
Can you create an indexed view from the whole statement ? Or there are lots of different WHERE conditions, so there'd be lots of indexed views ? But know that this will slow down modifications (INSERT, etc.) for those tables
Can you cache it in a different way ? Maybe in the mid layer ?
Can it be recalculated in advance ?
Make a covering index. Leading columns are columns form WHERE and then all other columns from the query as included columns
Note that a covering index can be also filtered but filtered index isn't used if the WHERE in the query will have variables / parameters and they can potentially have the value that is not covered by the filtered index (i.e., the row isn't covered)
ORDER BY will cause sort
If you can cache it, then it's fine - no sort will be needed (it's cached sorted)
Otherwise, sort is CPU bound (and I/O bound if not in memory). To speed it up, do you use fast collation ? The performance difference between the slowest and fastest collation can be even 3 times. For example, SQL_EBCDIC280_CP1_CS_AS, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1251_CS_AS, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS are one of the fastest collations. However, it's hard to make recommendations if I don't know the collation characteristics you need
'network packet size' for the connection that does the SELECT should be the maximum value possible - 32,767 bytes if the result set (number of rows) will be big. This can be set on the client side, e.g., if you use .NET and SqlConnection in the connection string. This will minimize CPU overhead when sending data from the SQL Server and will improve performance on both side - client and server. This can boost performance even by tens of percents if the network was the bottleneck
Use shared memory endpoint if the client is on the SQL Server; otherwise TCP/IP for the best performance
General things
As you said, using isolation level read uncommmitted will improve the performance
Probably you can't do changes beyond rewriting the query, etc. but just in case, adding more memory in case it isn't sufficient now, or using SQL Server 2014 in memory features :-), ... would surely help.
There are way too many things that could be tuned but it's hard to point out the key ones if the question isn't very specific.
Hope this helps a bit
well you haven't give any statistics or sample run time of any execution so it is not possible to guess what is slow and is it really slow. how much data is in the result set? it might be just retrieving 100K rows as in result is just taking its time. if the result set of 10000 rows is taking 5 minute, yes definitely something can be looked at. so if you have sample query, number of rows in result and how much time it took for couple of execution with different where conditions, post that. it will help us to compare results.
BTW, do not use CTE just use regular inner and outer query select. make sure the Temp DB is configured properly. LDF and MDF is not default configured for 10% increase. by certain try and error you will come to know how much log and temp DB is increased for verity of range queries and based on that you should set the initial and increment size of the MDF and LDF of temp DB. for the Covered filter index the include column should be col1, col2 and co3 not column Date unless Date is also in select list.
how frequently the data in original 35 tables get updated? if max once per day or if they all get updates almost same time then Indexed-Views can be a possible solution. but if original tables getting updates more than once a day or they gets updates anytime and no where they are in same line then do no think about Indexed-View.
if disk space is not an issue as a last resort try and test performance using trigger on each 35 table. create new table to hold final results as you are expecting from this select query. create insert/update/delete trigger on each 35 table where you check the conditions inside trigger and if yes then only copy the same insert/update/delete to new table. yes you will need a column in new table that identifies which data coming from which table. because Date is Null-Able column you do not get full advantage of Index on that Column as "mostly you are looking for WHERE Date is NULL".
in the new Table only query you always do is where Date is NULL then do not even bother to create that column just create BIT columns and other col1, col2, col3 etc... if you give real example of your query and explain the actual tables, other details can be workout later.
The query hints or the Isolation Level are only going to help you in case of any blocking occurs.
If you dont mind dirty reads and there are locks during the execution it could be a good idea.
The key question is how many data fits the Where clausule you need to use (WHERE BitColumn = 1 AND DateColumn IS NULL)
If the subset filtered by that is small compared with the total number of rows, then use an index on both columns, BitColum and DateColumn, including the columns in the select clausule to avoid "Page Lookup" operations in your query plan.
ON TableName(BitColumn, DateColumn)
INCLUDE (col1, col2, col3)
Of course the space needed for that covered-filtered index depends on the datatype of the fields involved and the number of rows that satisfy WHERE BitColumn = 1 AND DateColumn IS NULL.
After that I recomend to use a View instead of a CTE:
CREATE VIEW [Choose a ViewName]
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table1 WHERE Some_Condition
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table2 WHERE Some_Condition
By doing that, your query plan should look like 35 small index scans, but if most of the data satisfies the where clausule of your index, the performance is going to be similar to scan the 35 source tables and the solution won't worth it.
But You say "Every Table has 5-10 Bit columns and a Corresponding Date column.." then I think is not going to be a good idea to make an index per bit colum.
If you need to filter by using diferent BitColums and Different DateColums, use a compute column in your table:
ALTER TABLE Table1 ADD ComputedFilterFlag AS
CASE WHEN BitColum1 = 1 AND DateColumn1 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN BitColum2 = 1 AND DateColumn2 IS NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN BitColum3 = 1 AND DateColumn3 IS NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END
AS tinyint)
I recomend you use the value 2^(X-1) for conditionX(BitColumnX=1 and DateColumnX IS NOT NULL). It is going to allow you to filter by using any combination of that criteria.
By using value 3 you can locate all rows that accomplish: Bit1, Date1 and Bit2, Date2 condition. Any condition combination has its corresponding ComputedFilterFlag value because the ComputedFilterFlag acts as a bitmap of conditions.
If you heve less than 8 diferents filters you should use tinyint to save space in the index and decrease the IO operations needed.
Then use an Index over ComputedFilterFlag colum:
ON TableName(ComputedFilterFlag)
INCLUDE (col1, col2, col3)
And create the view:
CREATE VIEW [Choose a ViewName]
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table1 WHERE ComputedFilterFlag IN [Choose the Target Filter Value set]--(1, 3, 5, 7)
Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table2 WHERE ComputedFilterFlag IN [Choose the Target Filter Value set]--(1, 3, 5, 7)
By doing that, your index coveres all the conditions and your query plan should look like 35 small index seeks.
But this is a tricky solution, may be a refactoring in your table schema could produce simpler and faster results.
You'll never get real time results from a union all query over many tables but I can tell you how I got a little speed out of a similar situation. Hopefully this will help you out.
You can actually run all of them at once with a little bit coding and ingenuity.
You create a global temporary table instead of a common table expression and don't put any keys on the global temporary table it will just slow things down. Then you start all the individual queries which insert into the global temporary table. I've done this a hundred or so times manually and it's faster than a union query because you get a query running on each cpu core. The tricky part is the mechanism to determine when the individual queries have finished your on your own for that piece hence I do these manually.
