AngularJS: link function is not being passed a Controller - angularjs

I am trying to create a directive:
return {
restrict: 'A', // Attribute Directive
ngModel: '^ngModel',
scope: {
'ngModel': '='
link: function ($scope: ng.IScope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var datePickerOptions = {
autoclose: true,
format: attrs.aceDatepickerFormat,
weekStart: attrs.aceDatepickerWeekstart
// Attach the datepicker events (must have Bootstrap.DatePicker referenced).
element.datepicker(datePickerOptions).next().on('click', function () {
}); => {
ctrl.$setViewValue(new Date());
In this example, when the click event occurs on the element, I wish to use ctrl.$setViewValue to the current date (this is a test).
When the link function is called, scope, element and atts are all populated correctly, however the ctrl is null.
The element is with a div with ng-controller set.
<div ng-controller="Controllers.FormElementsController">
<input class="form-control date-picker" id="id-date-picker-1" type="text"
ace-datepicker="" />
Why is no controller being passed here?

You have to use require to pull in the controller (ngModelController in your case):
return {
restrict: 'A', // Attribute Directive
require: '^ngModel',
You had it set to ngModel as the property name.
From the docs:
The myPane directive has a require option with value ^myTabs. When a
directive uses this option, $compile will throw an error unless the
specified controller is found. The ^ prefix means that this directive
searches for the controller on its parents (without the ^ prefix, the
directive would look for the controller on just its own element).


AngularJs optional transclude

I've written a directive without the transclude option.
But now it would be nice when I could activate the transclude function/option when calling the directive with another attribute or something else if possible.
If that's not possible the only Way I see is, to copy the directive and add the Transclude in the second one, but then I've doubled my code whtat I'm not willing to do.
any Ideas how to optionally activate the transclude in Angular 1.2.x
alternate problem is also that I need to set the ng-transclude in my directive Template because its a big one and only a few rows can be replaced by the transclusion content.
You could conditionally modify a template to include ng-transclude in the compile: function.
.directive('foo', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'foo.html',
compile: function (element, attrs) {
if ( !== undefined) {
.attr('ng-transclude', '');
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
scope.listEntries = ['apple', 'banana', 'tomato'];
and a html template:
<div class="foo">
<h4>Directive title</h4>
<div class="may-transclude-here" ng-repeat="item in listEntries">
Original content: {{item}}
<span>blah blah blah</span>
but contents that are transcluded via ng-transclude will not bind with a scope of each item created by ng-repeat. In case you also need the binding, here is the modified version of ng-transclude that do the correct scope binding.
.directive('myTransclude', function () {
return {
restrict: 'EAC',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers, transcludeFn) {
transcludeFn(scope, function(nodes) {
Plunker example:
hope this helps.

Can I two-way bind input field in directive template?

Having a following template in templateUrl:
<input name="foo" ng-model="test">
.directive('bar', function() {
return {
link: function link(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.$watch(scope.test, function(newVal) {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'templates/foo.html'
can I two-way bind it in directive so I scope.$watch input variable?
I tried using ng-bind and ng-model, but I cannot access that variable in scope of my directive.
Added directive code.
scope.$watch(scope.test, ...
scope.$watch('test', ...
and it should work. The first argument to $watch is the (so called) watchExpression. It will be evaluated against the relevant scope. When using a string you can basically use everything you would also use in the views/templates.
Mind that this will break again if you start using isolated scopes.

Why does the ngModelCtrl.$valid not update?

I'm trying to create a directive that contains an inputfield with a ng-model and knows if the inputcontrol is valid. (I want to change a class on a label within the directive based on this state.) I want to use the ngModelController.$valid to check this, but it always returns true.
formcontroller.$valid or formcontroller.inputfieldname.$valid do work as exprected, but since im trying to build a reusable component using a formcontroller is not very handy because then i have to determine what field of the form corresponds with the current directive.
I dont understand why one works and one doesnt, because in de angular source it seems to be the same code that should manage these states: The ngModelController.$setValidity function.
I created a test directive that contains a numeric field with required and a min value. As you can see in the fiddle below, the model controller is only triggered during page load and after that never changes.
jsfiddle with example directive
Directive code:
angular.module('ui.directives', []).directive('textboxValid',
function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['ngModel', '^form'],
scope: {
ngModel: '='
template: '<input type="number" required name="somefield" min="3" ng-model="ngModel" /> '+
'<br>Form controller $valid: {{formfieldvalid}} <br> ' +
'Model controller $valid: {{modelvalid}} <br>'+
'Form controller $valid: {{formvalid}} <br>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var ngModelCtrl = controllers[0];
var formCtrl = controllers[1];
function modelvalid(){
return ngModelCtrl.$valid;
function formvalid(){
return formCtrl.$valid;
scope.$watch(formvalid, function(newVal,oldVal)
scope.modelvalid = ngModelCtrl.$valid;
scope.formvalid = formCtrl.$valid;
scope.formfieldvalid = formCtrl.somefield.$valid;
scope.$watch(modelvalid, function(newVal,oldVal)
scope.modelvalid = ngModelCtrl.$valid;
scope.formvalid = formCtrl.$valid;
scope.formfieldvalid = formCtrl.somefield.$valid;
//This one only gets triggered on pageload
alert('modelvalid ' + newVal );
Can someone help me understand this behaviour?
I think because you're watching a function and the $watch is only execute when this function is called !!
Watch the model instead like that :
scope.$watch('ngModel', function(newVal,oldVal)
scope.modelvalid = ngModelCtrl.$valid;
scope.formvalid = formCtrl.$valid;
scope.formfieldvalid = formCtrl.somefield.$valid;
//This one triggered each time the model changes
alert('modelvalid ' + ngModelCtrl.$valid );
I figured it out..
The textboxValid directive has a ng-model directive, and so does the input that gets created by the directive template. However, these are two different directives, both with their own seperate controller.
So, i changed my solution to use an attribute directive like below. This works as expected.
function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
ngModel: '='
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
function modelvalid(){
return ngModelCtrl.$valid;
scope.$watch(modelvalid, function(newVal,oldVal){
console.log('scope.modelvalid = ' + ngModelCtrl.$valid );

AngularJS How to access elements inside directive before they get replaced

How do I get the input element from within the directive before the template overwrites the contents?
<div xxx>
<input a="1" />
app.directive('xxx', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
template: '<p></p>',
replace: true, //if false, just leaves the parent div, still no input
compile: function(element, attrs) {
return function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
i am on angular 1.0.x, I cannot pass in optional scope parameters with the '=?' syntax and i want to be able to override a portion of the default template of the directive in a very flexible way. instead of adding a scope variable or attribute everytime that I just plan on passing through the directive, I want to be able to supply the whole element to be used.
the input must retain the scope of the directive, and not the parent.
I am trying to include a partial template inside a directive that will overwrite a piece of the actual template. The piece I am including therefore needs to have access to the directive's scope and not the parent's.
It seems if I do not provide a template or a template URL and instead replace the contents manually using the $templateCache I can have access to the inner elements. I want to let angular handle the template and the replacement though and just want to be able to access the contents in the directive naturally before they get replaced.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div editable="">
<input validate-email="error message" ng-model="" name="contactEmail" type="text" />
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.obj = {
email: 'xxx'
app.directive('editable', function($log){
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
template: '<div ng-show="localScopeVar">{{value}}<div ng-transclude></div></div>',
scope: {
value: '=editable'
link: function(scope) {
scope.localScopeVar = true;
app.directive('validateEmail', function($log){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
scope: true,
link: function(scope, el, attrs, ctrl) {
I believe you're looking for the transclude function (link is to 1.0.8 docs). You can see what's going on with:
app.directive('xxx', function($log){
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
compile: function(element, attrs, transclude) {
$"every instance element:", element);
return function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
$"this instance element:", element);
transclude(scope, function(clone){
$"clone:", clone);

undefined scope into $watch

I have a directive named dir with:
Into scope.$watch("comparisonDate... I want to access my ng-model value. The problem is that scope is undefined into watch's callback function. The Question is: How can I get the ng-value inside this function?
.directive("dir", function() {
return {
scope: {
comparisonDate: "=",
ngModel: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var foo = scope.ngModel;
scope.$watch("comparisonDate", function(value, oldValue) {
console.log(value); //comparisonDate showing value properly
console.log(scope.ngModel); //Undefined
console.log(foo) //shows value but it's not refreshing. It shows allways the initial value
the view...
<input dir type="text" ng-model="job.start_date" comparison-date="job.end_date"/>
During the linking phase of the directive, the value may not be available. You can use $observe to observe the value change.
attrs.$observe("comparisonDate", function(a) {
ng-model is built-in directive that tells Angular to do two-way data binding.
It looks like you are using the value of properties of the same object job to do comparison. If you want to stick with ng-model, you can use NgModelController:
Then change the view to:
<input dir type="text" ng-model="job"/>
and change the directive to:
.directive("dir", function() {
return {
require: '?ngModel', // get a hold of NgModelController
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
// access the job object
Or you can change the attribute name from ng-model to some words haven't reserved. For example change the view like:
<input dir type="text" comparison-start-date="job.start_date" comparison-end-date="job.end_date"/>
Try scope.$watch(attrs.comparisonDate, ...) and then use attrs.ngModel
