In C++, in some contexts, parentheses might change the meaning of the enclosed expression (for the given context). For example, decltype(expr) and decltype((expr)) often yeld different types:
int x;
decltype(x) a=x; // type int; a initialized with a copy of x
decltype((x)) b=x;//type int&; b is a reference to x; extra parentheses matter!
But what about C?
Enclosing macro parameters into parentheses is a common practice in C, can that produce some unexpected side effects?
[edit ]More precisely, if the parentheses are redundant for grouping, may they change program meaning?
I consider only expressions (not other syntactic elements such types, functions parameters lists, etc).
I believe the answer is "No".
I'm not aware of any cases where adding an extra pair of unnecessary parentheses, as in ((blah)), would change the meaning. As you say, this is critical for most macro definitions.
However, there are various cases where explicit grouping can causes changes not related to the rules of maths. I'm not referring to (1+2)*3; that's just math. I mean something where the compiler ends up producing a different, but equivalent, code sequence that is more, or perhaps less, efficient.
For example, consider this function;
float fourth_power (float n) {
return n*n*n*n;
It can perform differently to this function:
float fourth_power (float n) {
return (n*n)*(n*n);
In pure maths the results should be the same, but in reality with finite sized float values, you can get a different numerical answer, but that's not what I'm talking about here.
The change I'm talking about is that the second form runs faster. If you know you're only using smallish numbers (where the limits of float are not an issue) then you might like to code it the second way for a speed boost.
In fact, GCC will make this transformation if you use -ffast-math, I think, but ordinarily the compiler will play it safe.
This is one example that probably applies to all compilers (because it has to do with numerical accuracy), but there are many examples where apparently arbitrary grouping decisions can take a particular compiler down a different internal decision path, and can have interesting, and measurable differences in performance, code size, etc.
Perhaps you mean something like this:
int int_ = 2;
long int long_int_ = 2L;
double double_ = 3.14;
double result = long_int_ + SIMPLE_USELESS_MACRO(int_ + double_);
if I'm right, in case when parentheses are around x the conversion sequence is following:
(assuming there is no compiler optimalization)
1) int -> double
2) long int -> double
in case there are no parentheses the conversion sequence is:
1) int -> long int
2) long int -> double
I'm not sure about time of above conversions, but probably the integer->float conversion takes more time (assuming there are no hardware unit responsible for this).
This is just a suggestion, if I'm wrong sorry.
something like this?
#define ODD( n ) n % 2
int a = 2;
bool n1 = ODD( a + 1 ); // a + 2 % 2
bool n2 = ODD( (a+1) ); // (a + 2) % 2
n1 true (!=0)
n2 false (==0)
I'm trying to implement AES/DES/.. encryption/decryption in software without using any input dependent operations (specifically only using constant time not, and, or, xor operations and input independent array indexing/loops).
Is there any way to implement input independent logical shift (someconst << key[3] & 5 etc.)?
Array indexing with input dependent variable, using hardware shifts with input dependent n, input dependent conditional jumps must be avoided and I don't care about code size/speed.
Depending on your requirements and which operations you can assume to be constant time, this code needs some additional modifications.
However, it might point you in the right direction (as the SELECT primitive is quite powerful for side-channel free code):
#define MAX_SHIFT 32 // maximum amount to be shifted
// this may not be constant time.
// However, you can find different (more ugly) ways to achieve the same thing.
// 1 -> 0
// 0 -> 0xff...
#define MASK(cond) (cond - 1)
// again, make sure everything here is constant time according to your threat model
// (0, x, y) -> y
// (i, x, y) -> x (i != 0)
#define SELECT(cond, A, B) ((MASK(!(cond)) & A) | (MASK(!!(cond)) & B))
int shift(int value, int shift){
int result = value;
for(int i = 0; i <= MAX_SHIFT; i++){
result = SELECT(i ^ shift, result, value);
// this may not be constant time. If it is not, implement it yourself ;)
value <<= 1;
return result;
Note, however, that you have to make sure the compiler does not optimize this.
Also, CPUs may also employ operand-dependent performance optimizations, that may lead to timing differences.
In addition to this, transient execution attacks like Spectre may also be a possible threat.
In conclusion: It is almost impossible to write side-channel free code.
What is the real advantage of using compound assignment in C/C++ (or may be applicable to many other programming languages as well)?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int exp1=20;
int b=10;
// exp1=exp1+b;
return 0;
I looked at few links like microsoft site, SO post1, SO Post2 .
But the advantage says exp1 is evaluated only once in case of compound statement. How exp1 is really evaluated twice in first case? I understand that current value of exp1 is read first and then new value is added. Updated value is written back to the same location. How this really happens at lower level in case of compound statement? I tried to compare assembly code of two cases, but I did not see any difference between them.
For simple expressions involving ordinary variables, the difference between
a = a + b;
a += b;
is syntactical only. The two expressions will behave exactly the same, and might well generate identical assembly code. (You're right; in this case it doesn't even make much sense to ask whether a is evaluated once or twice.)
Where it gets interesting is when the left-hand side of the assignment is an expression involving side effects. So if you have something like
*p++ = *p++ + 1;
*p++ += 1;
it makes much more of a difference! The former tries to increment p twice (and is therefore undefined). But the latter evaluates p++ precisely once, and is well-defined.
As others have mentioned, there are also advantages of notational convenience and readability. If you have
variable1->field2[variable1->field3] = variable1->field2[variable2->field3] + 2;
it can be hard to spot the bug. But if you use
variable1->field2[variable1->field3] += 2;
it's impossible to even have that bug, and a later reader doesn't have to scrutinize the terms to rule out the possibility.
A minor advantage is that it can save you a pair of parentheses (or from a bug if you leave those parentheses out). Consider:
x *= i + 1; /* straightforward */
x = x * (i + 1); /* longwinded */
x = x * i + 1; /* buggy */
Finally (thanks to Jens Gustedt for reminding me of this), we have to go back and think a little more carefully about what we meant when we said "Where it gets interesting is when the left-hand side of the assignment is an expression involving side effects." Normally, we think of modifications as being side effects, and accesses as being "free". But for variables qualified as volatile (or, in C11, as _Atomic), an access counts as an interesting side effect, too. So if variable a has one of those qualifiers, a = a + b is not a "simple expression involving ordinary variables", and it may not be so identical to a += b, after all.
Evaluating the left side once can save you a lot if it's more than a simple variable name. For example:
int x[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
x[some_long_running_function()] += 5;
In this case some_long_running_function() is only called once. This differs from:
x[some_long_running_function()] = x[some_long_running_function()] + 5;
Which calls the function twice.
This is what the standard says:
A compound assignment of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to the simple assignment expression E1 = E1 op (E2), except that the lvalue E1 is evaluated only once
So the "evaluated once" is the difference. This mostly matters in embedded systems where you have volatile qualifiers and don't want to read a hardware register several times, as that could cause unwanted side-effects.
That's not really possible to reproduce here on SO, so instead here's an artificial example to demonstrate why multiple evaluations could lead to different program behavior:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum { SIMPLE, COMPOUND } assignment_t;
int index;
int get_index (void)
return index++;
void assignment (int arr[3], assignment_t type)
if(type == COMPOUND)
arr[get_index()] += 1;
arr[get_index()] = arr[get_index()] + 1;
int main (void)
int arr[3];
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) // init to 0 1 2
arr[i] = i;
index = 0;
assignment(arr, COMPOUND);
printf("%d %d %d\n", arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]); // 1 1 2
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) // init to 0 1 2
arr[i] = i;
index = 0;
assignment(arr, SIMPLE);
printf("%d %d %d\n", arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]); // 2 1 2 or 0 1 2
The simple assignment version did not only give a different result, it also introduced unspecified behavior in the code, so that two different results are possible depending on the compiler.
Not sure what you're after. Compound assignment is shorter, and therefore simpler (less complex) than using regular operations.
Consider this:
player->geometry.origin.position.x += dt * player->speed;
player->geometry.origin.position.x = player->geometry.origin.position.x + dt * player->speed;
Which one is easier to read and understand, and verify?
This, to me, is a very very real advantage, and is just as true regardless of semantic details like how many times something is evaluated.
Advantage of using compound assignment
There is a disadvantage too.
Consider the effect of types.
long long exp1 = 20;
int b=INT_MAX;
// All additions use `long long` math
exp1 = exp1 + 10 + b;
10 + b addition below will use int math and overflow (undefined behavior)
exp1 += 10 + b; // UB
// That is like the below,
exp1 = (10 + b) + exp1;
A language like C is always going to be an abstraction of the underlying machine opcodes. In the case of addition, the compiler would first move the left operand into the accumulator, and add the right operand to it. Something like this (pseudo-assembler code):
move 1,a
add 2,a
This is what 1+2 would compile to in assembler. Obviously, this is perhaps over-simplified, but you get the idea.
Also, compiler tend to optimise your code, so exp1=exp1+b would very likely compile to the same opcodes as exp1+=b.
And, as #unwind remarked, the compound statement is a lot more readable.
I need to write a macro that would count bits in odd positions (in ANSI C). For example, in 1010 the count of such bits is 2 while in 0101 the count is 0.
This is the macro I came up with:
#include <stdio.h>
#define BIT_IN_BYTE 8
#define size(x,t) { \
int i, sum = 0; \
for(i = 0; x; x >>= 1) { \
if( (x & 1) && (i % 2) != 0) { \
sum++; \
} \
i++; \
} \
t = sum; \
} \
int main() {
int b = 44444, result;
size(b, result);
printf("count = %d\n", result);
return 0;
I have 2 questions really: whether I could've written the macro in a way that it wouldn't need two arguments in its signature and more importantly if there's a relatively simple way to extend the macro onto float and double types.
As in the comments to your question, using a macro here really is not good practice. You should really use a function instead - inline or otherwise.
Since you're apparently forced to use a macro in your case for reasons outside of your control, here are some relevant points to your example:
You can use sizeof to get the number of bytes in whatever type you pass in your x parameter. This will potentially allow you to generalize the macros to different types (you mention float and double) that have different sizes.
Since the macro does not do type checking, if you have something that works for int in a generic way - probably using bit-wise operations - you'll have a fighting chance of making it work for other types. I again note, however, that the lack of type safety is a reason to avoid macros in many cases.
As noted in a comment on your question, your current approach destroys the value in whatever you pass as parameter x. That's likely undesired and unnecessary.
You would only be able to avoid passing the second parameter if you can rewrite this such that is evaluates to a number. I'm not motivated to figure out exactly how to do that for this contrived example or if it is actually possible.
Here are 2 snippets of code, one is a macro and one is a function. They seem to do the same thing but after running them it seems that they exhibit different behavior and I don't know why. Could anyone help me please? Thanks!
#define ROL(a, offset) ((((Lane)a) << ((offset) % LANE_BIT_SIZE)) ^ (((Lane)a) >> (LANE_BIT_SIZE-((offset) % LANE_BIT_SIZE))))
Lane rotateLeft(Lane lane, int rotateCount)
return ((Lane)lane << (rotateCount % LANE_BIT_SIZE)) ^ ((Lane)lane >> (LANE_BIT_SIZE - (rotateCount % LANE_BIT_SIZE))) ;
Note: the Lane type is just an unsigned int and LANE_BIT_SIZE is a number representing the size of Lane in terms of No. of bits.
Think of using a macro as substituting the body of the macro into the place you're using it.
As an example, suppose you were to define a macro: #define quadruple(a) ((a) * (a) * (a) * (a))
... then you were to use that macro like so:
int main(void) {
int x = 1;
printf("%d\n", quadruple(x++));
What would you expect to happen here? Substituting the macro into the code results in:
int main(void) {
int x = 1;
printf("%d\n", ((x++) * (x++) * (x++) * (x++)));
As it turns out, this code uses undefined behaviour because it modifies x multiple times in the same expression. That's no good! Do you suppose this could account for your difference in behaviour?
one is macro and other one is function, the simple understanding gives difference in the way it will be called.
As in case of function CONTEXT SWITCHING will be there, you code flow will be changed to the calling function and will return eventually so there will be very small delay in execution when compared to MACRO.
other than that there should not be any other difference.
Please try by declaring the function as inline function then both should be same.
Lane may be promoted to a type with more bits, e.g. when it's an unsigned char or unsigned short, or when it is used in a larger assignment with mixed types. The <<operation will then shift the higher bits into the additional bits of the larger type.
With the function call these bits will be just cut off, because it returns a Lane, while the macro gives you the full result of the promoted type, including the additional bits - beside the other problems of macros, like multiple evaluations of the arguments.
Here are 2 snippets of code, one is a macro and one is a function.
They seem to do the same thing but after running them it seems that
they exhibit different behavior and I don't know why.
No they are doing the same thing.
ROL(a, offset); //does a*(2^offset)
rotateLeft(Lane lane, int rotateCount); //does lane*(2^rotateCount)
The only difference is that ROL is implemented through a macro , and rotateLeft() is a function.
Differences between Macros and functions
Macros are executed in the preprocessing stage of the compiler ,
whereas function executes , when it is called at runtime execution.
As a result Macros execute faster than functions , but when called
multiple times , the macro text is substitutes same code redundantly, and they end up consuming more "code" memory than an implementation using functions.
Unlike a function , there is no Type Enforcement in a macro.
i have two double arrays, let's say A and B. i want to compare their results to 7 significant digits. will the following be correct to make the comparison?
k = pow(10,7);
In order to compare doubles, you could use something like this:
bool fequal(double a, double b)
return fabs(a-b) < epsilon;
Taken from here.
fabs reference.
But make sure you understand the potential pitfalls.
No, this will not work.
The type cast operator has higher precedence than the multiplication operator. This means that A[i] and B[i] will be cast to integers (and be truncated) before being multiplied by 1e7. 2.25 and 2.5 will end up being equal to your code. You can fix that by putting the multiplication in parentheses: (int)(A[i]*k)
Also, since you're relying on truncation instead of rounding, you may end up with incorrect results (depending on what you're expecting). 1.0e-7 and 1.9e-7 will be equal (1 == 1), while 1.9e-7 and 2.1e-7 will not (1 != 2). I suggest finding a function that will round properly with the behavior you desire.
Also, your comparison does not deal with significant digits, it simply changes the value of the exponent. In the above examples, there are only 2 significant digits, however your code would only compare one of those digits because the value of the exponent is -7.
Here is some code that does what you want:
//create integer value that contains 7 significant digits of input number
int adjust_num(double num) {
double low_bound = 1e7;
double high_bound = low_bound*10;
double adjusted = num;
int is_negative = (num < 0);
if(num == 0) {
return 0;
if(is_negative) {
adjusted *= -1;
while(adjusted < low_bound) {
adjusted *= 10;
while(adjusted >= high_bound) {
adjusted /= 10;
if(is_negative) {
adjusted *= -1;
//define int round(double) to be a function which rounds
//correctly for your domain application.
return round(adjusted);
if(adjust_num(A[i]) == adjust_num(B[i])) {
Yes but you do have to make one change.
try (int)(A[i]*k)
to make sure that your multiplication get executed first.
Hope this helps.
When you are using two floating-point values to decide if the values they would ideally have are equal, you should have some estimate (or, better, a proven bound) of how far apart the calculated values could be if the exactly calculated values were equal. If you have such a bound, then you can perform a test like this: “If the two numbers are closer together than the error bound, then accept them as equal.” The error bound could be a single absolute number, or it could be a number relative to the magnitude of one of the values, or it could be some other function of the values.
However, there is another question you should answer. Sometimes, the above test will accept values as equal (because the two calculated values are close together, possibly even equal) even though the exactly calculated values would not be equal. So, you know whether accepting calculated values that are close to each other as equal even though the exactly calculated numbers are not equal will cause you problems. If the answer is yes, the above test will sometimes accept as equal numbers that will cause you problems, then you cannot use this test. You may have to perform your calculations a different way to reduce the errors.
Advice is often given to fabricate some seemingly small threshold and use it. This is sloppy programming and is not engineering.
As an aside, never write pow(10, 7). Write 1e7. This avoids any possibility of error in the function call and it may avoid an unnecessary functional call entirely.