Automated swipe worked on iOS 6 simulator but it doesn't work on iOS 7 - ios6

When I record with instruments, I got the following:
target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews()[0].dragInsideWithOptions({startOffset:{x:0.95, y:0.62}, endOffset:{x:0.00, y:0.62}});
But if I play it, nothing happens. On iOS 6 it worked fine.

Yes it wont work on iOS 7 simulator. But as an alternative you can work on device. These method will work fine on device but not on iOS 7 simulator. And if you want to work on simulator you have to wait for new one.


ios6 ios7 xcode4.6 xcode5 dilemma

I was building an app in xcode 4.6 (ios6.1) and everything was fine.
I ran the same code through xcode 5 (ios 7) on an ios7 device and simulator, and I ran into the full screen (status bar included) issue, horizontal scrollview issues, modal viewcontroller issues, et al.
I’m using a navigation controller with the bar turned off. Instead I’m using a custom view to pass for a bar. So the extendedEdge thing isn’t working as well.
I understand that eventually, I’ll have to update my design and implementation accordingly.
Now here’s the dilemma – I ran the app (backed up original code) from xcode 4.6 (ios6) on an ios 7 device, and it’s working absolutely fine. It’s leaving it’s gap for the status bar, and there are no issues at all.
What I can’t understand now is how to proceed?
Will the app be accepted if I continue working on xcode 4.6 with ios6 (since it’s almost finished)?
I’m not able to move to xcode 5, since it has only the latest ios7 as the Base SDK.
I can’t find a legitimate way to add ios 6 sdk to xcode 5 (except copying the 6.1 SDK to the xcode5 package).
And, if I hadn’t downloaded xcode 5 DP (which installs it separately), the mac app store would have updated my xcode 4.6 to xcode 5
Apple still accept applications submit through Xcode 4.6
But consider that you would loose some new functionality like having different icons to each OS version etc.
Moreover, your app won't use the 64-bit processor (it is still compatible but if your app is a game or something like that it is recommended to use it).
I assume that in few months you won't be able to submit apps using the old Xcode.
For you to be able to use status bar as before (like hidden), in your apps plist file add a row call it "View controller-based status bar appearance" and set it to NO
Just to update people who might be looking for an answer to this -
Apple will only accept apps and updates made with Xcode 5 on iOS 7, effective 1st Feb 2014.

UITabBar autorotation for ios4+

at the moment i have developed an ios tab bar application the rotates perfectly on the iphone simulator(ios 6.1). The problem is that when i run the app on my real device (ios 4.3), the app works perfectly but it doesn't rotate.
Has anyone got any ideas? Is it possible to support rotation for all three o.s's: ios4, ios5 and ios6?
Prior to iOS 6 i.e in iOS 5 and earlier, an app and a view controller’s default supported interface orientations are set to UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait for iPhone idiom & UIInterfaceOrientationLandscape for iPad idiom while in iOS 6 and later this is UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll for the iPad idiom and UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown for the iPhone idiom.
This might be the reason for your views not rotating in < iOS 6.0. Rotation process and responsible controllers are also different in the 2. Autorotation is clearly explained here in this post- Autorotation in iOS

Xcode 4.5 Uploading a iPhone 5 app only

i have a app built in Xcode 4.5 with 4 inch screen/View controllers i built this app just for iPhone 5 as i sent it off to iTunes connect. once it said upload received it showed "Missing Localized Screenshots" straight away.
how can i fix this i have 5 screenshots for iPhone 5 and thats it, but if i was to put screenshots for 3.5 inch screens the message goes and my app will wait for review but the one problem is when i run it on my iPod all the images/buttons are I'ver off the screen or in a different places please help.
are there any ways around this if so i really would appreciate it if you could let me known.
or do you have to develop a applications for both devices iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 now?
hope this all make sense and you guys understand what i mean thank you!
It isn't about the device, but the version of the OS. You can't target an app just at the iPhone 5. You can can target an app at iOS version 6 which includes 4 inch and 3.5 inch screens.
Edited to add
There are many resources about supporting multiple screen sizes in iOS6, one of which is, for example:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?

iPhone 4 device is not connecting to xcode 4.5 after updating to iOS 6

Recently I updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 6.0,and my Xcode to 4.5.
Now what is the problem mean my iPhone 4 device is not connecting to Xcode.
Can any one help me please?
You need to add it to portal again using the Organizer.

Make the app iOS 6.0 compatibale [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I have an app which was targeted for iPhone 3/3G and iPhone 4(retina) basically (using iOS SDK 5.0). Now i want to port it to iPhone 5. I have Xcode 4.5.1 installed on my machine. Most of the UI implementation is done programatically without using any Xib file.
At this stage i don't understand what to do and from where to start :(
Please help me to get an way...thanks in advance :)
I am pretty new in iOS...
You could try: the xib>File inspector>Use auto layout.
Try it on the simulator of iPhone 5.
Also your code might have some errors/warnings like these:
A Lot of Functions are deprecated - iOs 6
You should fixe that, and then if it all works you're done
As you are generatig the UI elements programatically, you might also want to try writing conditional statements for iPhone 5 screen.
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568) {
//code for generate UI elements for iPhone 5 screen.
