Cannot get the cakephp 2.3 console running on xampp on Windows 7 - cakephp

I am running a cakePHP app which is located in C:xammp\htdocs\scheduling. I am running it on xampp on Windows 7. I have added the following environment variables:
but still cannot get the cakephp console in operation. When I navigate to C:\xampp\htdocs\scheduling\app and try to get the cake console or cake help, I am given a message that it is not recognized as an internal or external command.
And yes, I did reload the cmd after adding the environment variables.

Its Easy just follow the steps as mentioned below:
put Your PHP Path in environment Variable
Open Command Prompt with Admin priviliges
change directory to C:\xampp\htdocs\your_appname\app\console
Type in " Cake Bake " and run
And You Are ready to go...................Happy Baking...........................

Just reloading the cmd is not enough, you need to either reboot your system or add it once manually before you are ready to reboot:
set Path="%Path%;c:\xampp\htdocs\scheduling\app\Console"
If all else fails, you can always call it in full from your app dir:
Console\cake bake
It's a little bit more typing, but this will work regardless of the Path variable settings.


How to check Cakephp version from command line?

I am using Cakephp 3.x but i want to know the exact version number using command line ? is there any command available which can show us the correct version which we are using in our application ?
i know we can use this echo Configure::version(); to check version using code, i was just curious to know if i can come to know the same thing using command line interface only..
FYI, i have windows 7 as OS, xampp as server with composer and other stuff installed in my cakephp application ..
Command for any OS (ubuntu,windows) will be welcomed to come to know about it ..
According to their documentation for version 3.x , this is how you can do this. Shells, Tasks & Console Tools
In which they have mentioned to go to directory first using command line tool and then by typing bin/cake Something like this
cd /path/to/app
And in response you will be able to see not only CakePHP's current version but also PHP's current version and few more information.
Welcome to CakePHP v3.0.0 Console
App : App
Path: /Users/markstory/Sites/cakephp-app/src/
Current Paths:
-app: src
-root: /Users/markstory/Sites/cakephp-app
-core: /Users/markstory/Sites/cakephp-app/vendor/cakephp/cakephp
Changing Paths:
Your working path should be the same as your application path. To change your path use the '-app' param.
Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/myapp
Available Shells:
[Bake] bake
[Migrations] migrations
[CORE] i18n, orm_cache, plugin, routes, server
[app] behavior_time, console, orm
To run an app or core command, type cake shell_name [args]
To run a plugin command, type cake Plugin.shell_name [args]
To get help on a specific command, type cake shell_name --help
Also I am not so sure this will work for older version than CakePHP 3.x as I have tried this in version 3.x only.. so please take a note on that too.
Because it doens't show the version when simply typing bin/cake in the project forlder, I also recommend this approach:
Browse to your project forlder
continue browsing to the bin forlder ( cd bin)
then type cake version
That works for me and it shown 3.5.6
Also I recommend including PHP in the system or user path if so you can type php -version anywhere in the prompt to get your php version.

How to fix SERVICE_PAUSED error on starting nssm server

So I need to run a custom server. It worked on other machines, but not on mine (all of them are on Windows).
My input:
nssm start custom-server
Error message:
custom-server: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.
I tried to re-start it, but got the same message.
Use the following instructions to change I/O redirects:
nssm set [SERVICE_NAME] AppStdout [APP_PATH_INSTALL]\logs\service.log
nssm set [SERVICE_NAME] AppStderr [APP_PATH_INSTALL]\logs\service-error.log
Check the service log files to find the failure.
In my case, the failure was caused by a dependency on Python libraries.
As Garric15 states it is probably your install command.
This could be for example a StdOut redirect to a path / file that does not exist on your local machine.
Look in the Application event log for errors where the source is nssm around the time you installed the service.
The reason is because firewall is blocking the software which you are running as a service, start first software separately, it will ask you to add to firewall exclusions , then you can use it via nssm
Some scenario
App directory not provided or doesn't exist
nssm nssm set xyz-service AppDirectory "D:\Work\ShoppingKart"
File which is given for service may be corrupted (rebuild code)
The application trying to run is not proper or corrupted. Try to run without windows service once.
Program (.exe) file path not found (in this case look for the solution, or else give full path, if java not found even if it is there in env, just add full path)
I solved it by using no mws (Managed Windows Service?) release,
gogs_0.12.10_windows_amd64 works
gogs_0.12.10_windows_amd64_mws not working
The issue for me was there had been a Java update on my machine. The JAVA_HOME environment variable was now pointing to an invalid directory (i.e. the old Java version). Just needed to update the JAVA_HOME path and restart the solr services to fix it.
I was attempting to configure rclone as a windows 10 service. I fixed it including the rclone.conf archive inside the rclone folder.
In my case, the problem was that after the service was installed using nssm.exe, the program name was changed. This caused service to always go to paused state after start or restart the service, using either services.msc or nssm.exe command line.
Editing service nssm.exe startup parameters solved the problem for me.

Failed to start Mongodb

I'm studying pro angularjs by adam freeman. I've installed deployd v0.8.8 and created sportsstore. When I run 'dpd –p 5500 sportsstore\app.dpd' form command prompt, it shows 'Failed to start MongoDB Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref: bye'.
I've found all the possible answers as much as I can. But still can't solve it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit. Please help me.
Try to run like this: (Moved code snippet to pastebin).
Hello you must install mongodb after this add the path of th folder installation into the windows path environment restart your cli and type again the command
from control panel open up advanced system settings. click on environment variables. under system variables select path and click edit. then add the directory for your mongodb installation in my case is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin". P.S if you use windows 8.1 or an earlier release of windows OS type a ";" first. leave out out the quotation marks.

How to create models in cakephp using the command prompt

I'm using cakephp to develop my project and I want to create models using the command prompt as that is easier than creating models manually. As I'm using the windows environment.
I edited the path in my computer/advanced settings/environment variable/system variable as below.
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\wamp\www\fit or fat\lib\Cake\Console;
(I have renamed my cakephp folder as fit or fat)
But whwn I enter the 'cake bake ' command in cmd I'm getting the error message that cake is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Is there anything else I have to do/
In Windows you need to use cake.bat instead just cake which is for *nix.
Also you can run bake without environment variables setting just do the following
cd "C:\wamp\www\fit or fat"
lib\Cake\Console\cake.bat bake
but you need to setup correct correct path to your php anyway.
If you want to just run bake without any setting do the following
cd "C:\wamp\www\fit or fat"
c:\wamp\php\bin\php.exe lib\Cake\Console\cake.php bake
please check path to your php executable, it can differ from mine c:\wamp\php\bin\php.exe

Using bake on shared hosting Cakephp

I'm trying to get bake working on my subdomain which is under shared hosting.
Is there a way we can get this working? I know how to connect to server via ssh shell but then what do I do after that?
First cd to the directory where the cake script is. On a Linux webserver, this would probably be something like ~/cake/console/, if you've put the CakePHP libs outside your web-accessible directories. If you've put everything into your web directory you'll probably have to go somewhere like ~/www/cake/console/.
Then simply type ./cake bake and take it from there.
You shouldn't have to do anything with environment variables. This is only necessary if you want to be able to run the cake console from any directory. I find it less of a hassle to just cd into the cake console's directory and run it using ./cake.
same as local machine cd <path_to_console> cake
if you do not know path_to_console ask for host support,
also path_to_console may be in environment path then just use cake in all dirs
