How can i set this path in java? - batch-file

I want to execute a batch command via java.
how can I do that ?
"c:\windows\system32\net use s: \"\100 Gelem 1" /user:xxx xxx"
this one actually works on windows command prompt
the code I tries witout success is :
String[] cmd = { "c:\\windows\\system32\\net","use s: \\\\\"\\100 Gelem 1 \" /user:100 100"};
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);

I finally worked it out !!!
cmd1 = "c:\\windows\\system32\\net.exe " + "use" + " s:" +
" \"\\\\\\100 Gelem 1\"" + " /user:100" + " 100";
String[] cmd = {cmd1};


Can't restore a flink job that uses Table API and Kafka connector with savepoint

I canceled a flink job with a savepoint, then tried to restore the job with the savepoint (just using the same jar file) but it said it cannot map savepoint state. I was just using the same jar file so I think the execution plan should be the same? Why would it have a new operator id if I didn't change the code? I wonder if it's possible to restore from savepoint for a job using Kafka connector & Table API.
Related errors:
used by: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint file:/root/flink-savepoints/savepoint-5f285c-c2749410db07. Cannot map checkpoint/savepoint state for operator dd5fc1f28f42d777f818e2e8ea18c331 to the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program. If you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState option on the CLI.
used by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint file:/root/flink-savepoints/savepoint-5f285c-c2749410db07. Cannot map checkpoint/savepoint state for operator dd5fc1f28f42d777f818e2e8ea18c331 to the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program. If you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState option on the CLI.
My Code:
public final class FlinkJob {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String JOB_NAME = "FlinkJob";
final EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.inStreamingMode();
final TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
tEnv.getConfig().set("", JOB_NAME);
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ApiLog (" +
" `_timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp' VIRTUAL," +
" `_partition` INT METADATA FROM 'partition' VIRTUAL," +
" `_offset` BIGINT METADATA FROM 'offset' VIRTUAL," +
" `Data` STRING," +
" `Action` STRING," +
" `ProduceDateTime` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(6)," +
" `OffSet` INT" +
") WITH (" +
" 'connector' = 'kafka'," +
" 'topic' = 'api.log'," +
" '' = 'flink'," +
" 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<mykafkahost...>'," +
" 'format' = 'json'," +
" 'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601'" +
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE print_table (" +
" `_timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3)," +
" `_partition` INT," +
" `_offset` BIGINT," +
" `Data` STRING," +
" `Action` STRING," +
" `ProduceDateTime` TIMESTAMP(6)," +
" `OffSet` INT" +
") WITH ('connector' = 'print')");
tEnv.executeSql("INSERT INTO print_table" +
" SELECT * FROM ApiLog");

How to put some variables in the script into the configuration file, read and parse it from the configuration file?

For example , the connection string required by the ODBC connection is placed in the configuration file for easy maintenance.
connDict = dict(`ip`port`db`uid`pwd`driver, [`, `xxxxx, `xxxx, `user, "passwd", `MySQL])
odbcconn = odbc::connect("Driver={" + connDict.driver + "};Server=" + connDict.ip + ";Port=" + connDict.port + ";Database=" + connDict.db + "; Uid=" + connDict.uid + ";Pwd=" + connDict.pwd + ";")
Execute the following script to convert the dictionary into JSON format data conforming to the DolphinDB specification and put it in a JSON file.
connDict = dict(`ip`port`db`uid`pwd`driver, [`, `xxxxx, `xxxx, `user, "passwd", `MySQL])
Custom functions, read JSON files and convert them into dictionaries.
def getMysqlConnDictFrom Json(filePath) {
              f = file(filePath)
              arr = f.readLines()
              json = reduce(concat, trim(arr[arr != string(NULL)]))
              return fromJson(json)
connDict = getMysqlConnDictFromJson("/data/software/dolphin/server/mysqlconn.json")

Running cmd from winform

I have a question about running cmd from winform.
I have managed to connect and get information from the remote machine(infotrend disk server).
However I could not make a operation on the remote machine such "create disk part
below I have written these code....
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingPath;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe";
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
const string quote = "\"";
cmd_message = "java -jar " + quote + "runCLI" + quote; (MANAGED TO START CLI RUN COMMAND STEP 1)
InfotrendProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/K " + cmd_message;
InfotrendProcess.OutputDataReceived += InfotrendProcess_OutputDataReceived1;
InfotrendProcess.ErrorDataReceived += InfotrendProcess_ErrorDataReceived;
using (StreamWriter sw = InfotrendProcess.StandardInput) (MANAGED TO CONNECT AND SEND DELETE
sw.WriteLine("connect " + IPNumber);
sw.WriteLine("del part 01D9F2C6614DF837"); (COULD NOT SEND RESPOND y/s, MAKES NEW LINE)
I could not send the "y/n" respond because I have to send it in the same line after a period. Instead it makes a new line. Should I use a different way? Could anyone help me, how I can run the final command.

Openshift action hook can't access environment variables

For my application on Openshift, I am trying to write a pre_build script that accesses the database. The goal is to have migration scripts between database versions that are executed when the code is deployed. The script would compare the current database version with the version needed by the application code and then run the correct script to migrate the database.
Now the problem is that apparently the pre_build script is executed on Jenkins and not on the destination cartridge and therefore the environment variables with the database connection arguments are not available.
This is the pre_build script that I've written so far:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "*** Database migration script ***"
# get goal version
import os
homedir = os.environ["OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR"]
migration_scripts_dir = homedir + "app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks/migration-scripts/"
f = open(migration_scripts_dir + "db-version.txt")
goal = int(
print "I need database version " + str(goal)
# get database connection details
# TODO: find a solution of not hard coding the connection details here!!!
# Maybe by using jenkins environment variables like OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME and JOB_NAME
db_host = "..."
db_port = "..."
db_user = "..."
db_password = "..."
db_name = "..."
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='" + db_name + "' user='" + db_user + "' host='" + db_host + "' password='" + db_password + "' port='" + db_port + "'")
print "Successfully connected to the database"
print "I am unable to connect to the database"
cur = conn.cursor()
def get_current_version(cur):
cur.execute("""SELECT * from db_version""")
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE db_version (db_version bigint NOT NULL)""")
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO db_version VALUES (0)""")
cur.execute("""SELECT * from db_version""")
current_version = cur.fetchone()[0]
print "The current database version is " + str(current_version)
return current_version
def recursive_execute_migration(cursor):
current_version = get_current_version(cursor)
if (current_version == goal):
print "Database is on the correct version"
elif (current_version < goal):
sql_filename = "upgrade" + str(current_version) + "-" + str(current_version + 1) + ".sql"
print "Upgrading database with " + sql_filename
cursor.execute(open(migration_scripts_dir + sql_filename, "r").read())
sql_filename = "downgrade" + str(current_version) + "-" + str(current_version - 1) + ".sql"
print "Downgrading database with " + sql_filename
cursor.execute(open(migration_scripts_dir + sql_filename, "r").read())
Is there another way of doing automatic database migrations?
Thanks for your help.

How to read msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor attribute in C#

I am trying to read all the user attributes in AD.
How to read msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor attribute in C# ?
I used the following code but I got a cast error. Any suggestions would be welcome.
DirectoryObjectSecurity oSec = new ActiveDirectorySecurity();
String m_Value = oSec.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(AccessControlSections.All);
return m_Value;
Ok. I was able to figure it out. The code is given below for anyone interested. I wish Microsoft had put out some code samples so that people do not have to break their heads.
SecurityDescriptor sd = (SecurityDescriptor) p_InputValue;
AccessControlList acl = (AccessControlList)sd.DiscretionaryAcl;
String m_Trustee = "";
String m_AccessMask = "";
String m_AceType = "";
String m_ReturnValue="";
foreach (AccessControlEntry ace in (IEnumerable)acl)
m_Trustee = m_Trustee + "," + ace.Trustee;
m_AccessMask = m_AccessMask + "," + ace.AccessMask.ToString();
m_AceType = m_AceType + "," +ace.AceType.ToString();
m_ReturnValue="Trustee: " + m_Trustee + " " + "AccessMask: " + m_AccessMask + "AceType: " + m_AceType;
return m_ReturnValue
