Convert two's complement to sign-magnitude - c

I need to convert from two's complement to sign-magnitude in C using only the operators
! ~ & ^ | + << >>
My approach is to find sign:
int sign = !(!(a>>31));
basically, if sign == 1 . I want to flip the number and add 1 else just want to display the number.
The thing is I can't use any loops, if statements etc.
This is what I'm working on:
int s_M = ((((a+1)>>31)^sign)+1)&sign;
any suggestions?

int const mask = v >> 31;
unsigned int r = (v + mask) ^ mask;
Gives the absolute value (magnitude). If you wish to add the sign bit back simply mask and or the 32nd bit:
unsigned int s_M = r | (v & 0x80000000);
Or if you're looking for a one liner:
unsigned int s_M = ((v + (v >> 31)) ^ (v >> 31)) | (v & 0x80000000);

When you're converting from 2 complement, you should subtract 1, not add.

I'm not entirely sure what the output should be, but to obtain the magnitude you can do something like this:
int m = (a^(a>>31)) + sign;
Basically, shifting a negative number 31 bits to the right will make it all 1's, or 0xffffffff, which you can then use to xor the input number and make it positive. As you correctly noted sign needs to be added then for the correct result in that case.
If the input number was positive to begin with, the shift results in a zero and so the xor does nothing. Adding sign in that case also doesn't do anything, so it results in the input number.

To get the last bit you could use mask operation
int last_bit = 32 bit integer & 0x80000000
o/p may be 0 or 0x80000000
if it is 0 just display the given number else you have to perform the following operations to represent in signed magnitude
1) Subtract 1 from the number
2) perform 1s complement on the resultant ( that is negation ~)
3) Set the last bit of the resultant number
I mean ( ~ (num -`1) ) | 0x7fffffff
since your restricted not to use - operator. Perform the 2's complement on -1 and add it to the num.
To put it simple in one line
num & 0x80000000 ? printf("%d",(~(num+((~1)+1))) | 0x7fffffff) : printf("%d",num) ;


Value of x when s = x >> 31 and x = (s & ~x) | (~s & x);

If x was to equal 12 in a 32 bit scenario, x = multiple 0's into the lsb 0000 1100. If the above scenario were to run, I believe I would get 0000 1100. Am I wrong?
Along with that, what if I was to use x=-1? Wouldn't s = 1, but then does (s & ~x) look like (0001 & 0000) and (1110 & 1111)? Thanks
I thought that x=-1 would mean x>>31 would be like 0001 (output 1), but I don't know if the above is correct.
The typical implementation of a right shift of a signed integer is an arithmetic shift. Different implementations are unfortunately still allowed, though rare, and they're not relevant to understanding this code (it ignores such possibilities anyway). Two's complement integers are now mandatory (in C23: "The sign representation defined in this document is called two’s complement. Previous revisions of this document
additionally allowed other sign representation") so I'm not going to do the usual consideration of hypothetical integer representations that haven't been seen since the stone age.
By assumption the number of bits in an int is 32, so shifting an int right by 31 makes every bit of the result a copy of the sign bit. So if x was negative, s would be -1.
x = (s & ~x) | (~s & x) is a verbose way to spell out x ^= s. XORing x by 0 leaves it the same as before, XORing it by -1 inverts all the bits. Taking into account that s = x < 0 ? -1 : 0, effectively the computation does this:
if (x < 0)
x = ~x; // equivalent to: x = -x - 1;

How to find the nth bit of an integer in C

I've got an assignment where I need to convert from an 8 bit sign magnitude number to two's complement and then add those two numbers. I've got a relatively good idea as to how to do this, however I can't work out how to find the eighth bit of an integer such that I can tell what sign the number has.
The overall idea is that should the sign bit be 0 just return the number as it is already in two's complement if it is a one though then I want to set it to 0 before inverting all bits with the ~ operator and then add 1.
Thanks in advance
You can check if the high bit is set by creating a mask that has just that bit set and using a logical AND to see if the result is non-zero.
Once you know the high bit is set, you can convert to twos complement by flipping all bits and adding one.
uint8_t x = (some value)
if (x & (1 << 7)) {
printf("sign bit set\n");
x = (uint8_t)((~(x & (0x7F))) & 0xFF) + 1;
printf("converted value: %02X\n", x);
Then you can add this number to any other normally.
Assuming that your computer/compiler uses two's complement (almost certainly the case) and assuming that you want the result to be in two's complement.
Use an uint8_t to hold the sign and magnitude number.
To check if a bit is set, use the bitwise AND operator &, together with a bit mask corresponding to the msb. To get a bit mask corresponding to bit n, left shift the value 1 n times. In C code:
#define SIGN (1 << 7)
uint8_t sm = ...;
if(sm & SIGN) // if non-zero, then the SIGN bit is set
else // it was zero, the SIGN bit is not set
To do the actual conversion, there are several ways. I simply would mask out and copy the relevant parts of the number, again with bitwise AND:
#define MAGNITUDE 0x7F
int8_t magnitude = sm & MAGNITUDE; // variable magnitude is two's compl.
EDIT complete solution (since someone already posted one):
#define SIGN (1 << 7)
#define MAGNITUDE 0x7F
uint8_t sm = ...;
int8_t twos_compl = sm & MAGNITUDE;
if(sm & SIGN) // if non-zero, then the SIGN bit is set
twos_compl = -twos_compl;
int8_t x = ...; // some other number in two's complement
int16_t result = twos_compl + x;
As a side note, be very careful when mixing the ~ operator with small integer types, because it performs an implicit integer promotion. For example uint8_t x = 1 and then ~my_uint8 gives you 0xFFFFFFFE (32 bit system) and not 0xFE as you might expect.
For the above task, there is no need to use ~ at all.

Bitwise operation and masks

I am having problem understanding how this piece of code works. I understand when the x is a positive number, actually only (x & ~mark) have a value; but cannot figure what this piece of code is doing when x is a negative number.
e.g. If x is 1100(-4), and mask would be 0001, while ~mask is 1110.
The result of ((~x & mask) + (x & ~mask)) is 0001 + 1100 = 1011(-3), I tried hard but cannot figure out what this piece of code is doing, any suggestion is helpful.
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
/* mask the sign bit against ~x and vice versa to get highest bit in x. Shift by n-1, and not. */
int mask = x >> 31;
return !(((~x & mask) + (x & ~mask)) >> (n + ~0));
Note: this is pointless and only worth doing as an academic exercise.
The code makes the following assumptions (which are not guaranteed by the C standard):
int is 32-bit (1 sign bit followed by 31 value bits)
int is represented using 2's complement
Right-shifting a negative number does arithmetic shift, i.e. fill sign bit with 1
With these assumptions in place, x >> 31 will generate all-bits-0 for positive or zero numbers, and all-bits-1 for negative numbers.
So the effect of (~x & mask) + (x & ~mask) is the same as (x < 0) ? ~x : x .
Since we assumed 2's complement, ~x for negative numbers is -(x+1).
The effect of this is that if x is positive it remains unchanged. and if x is negative then it's mapped onto the range [0, INT_MAX] . In 2's complement there are exactly as many negative numbers as non-negative numbers, so this works.
Finally, we right-shift by n + ~0. In 2's complement, ~0 is -1, so this is n - 1. If we shift right by 4 bits for example, and we shifted all the bits off the end; it means that this number is representable with 1 sign bit and 4 value bits. So this shift tells us whether the number fits or not.
Putting all of that together, it is an arcane way of writing:
int x;
if ( x < 0 )
x = -(x+1);
// now x is non-negative
x >>= n - 1; // aka. x /= pow(2, n-1)
if ( x == 0 )
return it_fits;
return it_doesnt_fit;
Here is a stab at it, unfortunately it is hard to summarize bitwise logic easily. The general idea is to try to right shift x and see if it becomes 0 as !0 returns 1. If right shifting a positive number n-1 times results in 0, then that means n bits are enough to represent it.
The reason for what I call a and b below is due to negative numbers being allowed one extra value of representation by convention. An integer can represent some number of values, that number of values is an even number, one of the numbers required to represent is 0, and so what is left is an odd number of values to be distributed among negative and positive numbers. Negative numbers get to have that one extra value (by convention) which is where the abs(x)-1 comes into play.
Let me know if you have questions:
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int mask = x >> 31;
/* -------------------------------------------------
// A: Bitwise operator logic to get 0 or abs(x)-1
------------------------------------------------- */
// mask == 0x0 when x is positive, therefore a == 0
// mask == 0xffffffff when x is negative, therefore a == ~x
int a = (~x & mask);
printf("a = 0x%x\n", a);
/* -----------------------------------------------
// B: Bitwise operator logic to get abs(x) or 0
----------------------------------------------- */
// ~mask == 0xffffffff when x is positive, therefore b == x
// ~mask == 0x0 when x is negative, therefore b == 0
int b = (x & ~mask);
printf("b = 0x%x\n", b);
/* ----------------------------------------
// C: A + B is either abs(x) or abs(x)-1
---------------------------------------- */
// c is either:
// x if x is a positive number
// ~x if x is a negative number, which is the same as abs(x)-1
int c = (a + b);
printf("c = %d\n", c);
/* -------------------------------------------
// D: A ridiculous way to subtract 1 from n
------------------------------------------- */
// ~0 == 0xffffffff == -1
// n + (-1) == n-1
int d = (n + ~0);
printf("d = %d\n", d);
/* ----------------------------------------------------
// E: Either abs(x) or abs(x)-1 is shifted n-1 times
---------------------------------------------------- */
int e = (c >> d);
printf("e = %d\n", e);
// If e was right shifted into 0 then you know the number would have fit within n bits
return !e;
You should be performing those operations with unsigned int instead of int.
Some operations like >> will perform an arithmetic shift instead of logical shift when dealing with signed numbers and you will have this sort of unexpected outcome.
A right arithmetic shift of a binary number by 1. The empty position in the most significant bit is filled with a copy of the original MSB instead of zero. -- from Wikipedia
With unsigned int though this is what happens:
In a logical shift, zeros are shifted in to replace the discarded bits. Therefore the logical and arithmetic left-shifts are exactly the same.
However, as the logical right-shift inserts value 0 bits into the most significant bit, instead of copying the sign bit, it is ideal for unsigned binary numbers, while the arithmetic right-shift is ideal for signed two's complement binary numbers. -- from Wikipedia

how do I set up an if statement

How would I go about setting up an if statement using only the following bitwise operations:
As an example: "if x is negative then add 15"
This would mean that if the input was x = 0xF0000000, then we would produce 0xF000000F. If the input was x = 0x00000004, we would produce 0x00000004.
You can add 15 to a number if it is negative, and 0 otherwise as follows. Shifting a negative number right will shift in 1's if the value is negative, and 0's otherwise. Shifting by 31 will fill the int with either 1's or 0's. ANDing by 0xF will set the summand to 15 if it is negative, and 0 otherwise, resulting in no change to x.
x += (x >> 31) & 0xF;
If you're worried about the implementation dependent behavior of shifting a signed number to the right. You can do the same thing with the following code, however you still are depending on a two's complement representation of the number. The shift results in 0 or 1, the multiplication scales the number to the appropriate value.
x += (((unsigned)x >> 31) * 0xF);

How to represent negation using bitwise operators, C

Suppose you have 2 numbers:
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
Using bitwise operators, how can i represent x-y?
When comparing the bits of two numbers A and B there are three posibilities. The following assumes unsigned numbers.
A == B : All of the bits are the same
A > B: The most significant bit that differs between the two numbers is set in A and not in B
A < B: The most significant bit that differs between the two numbers is set in B and not in A
Code might look like the following
int getDifType(uint32_t A, uint32_t B)
uint32_t bitMask = 0x8000000;
// From MSB to LSB
for (bitMask = 0x80000000; 0 != bitMask; bitMask >>= 1)
if (A & bitMask != B & bitMask)
return (A & bitMask) - (B & bitMask);
// No difference found
return 0;
You need to read about two's complement arithmetic. Addition, subtraction, negation, sign testing, and everything else are all done by the hardware using bitwise operations, so you can definitely do it in your C program. The wikipedia link above should teach you everything you need to know to solve your problem.
Your first step will be to implement addition using only bitwise operators. After that, everything should be easy. Start small- what do you have to do to implement 00 + 00, 01 + 01, etc? Go from there.
You need to start checking from the most significant end to find if a number is greater or not. This logic will work only for non-negative integers.
int x,y;
//get x & y
unsigned int mask=1; // make the mask 000..0001
mask=mask<<(8*sizeoF(int)-1); // make the mask 1000..000
if(x & mask > y & mask)
{printf("x greater");break;}
else if(y & mask > x & mask)
{printf("y greater");break;}
mask=mask>>1; // shift 1 in mask to the right
Compare the bits from left to right, looking for the leftmost bits that differ. Assuming a machine that is two's complement, the topmost bit determines the sign and will have a flipped comparison sense versus the other bits. This should work on any two's complement machine:
int compare(int x, int y) {
unsigned int mask = ~0U - (~0U >> 1); // select left-most bit
if (x & mask && ~y & mask)
return -1; // x < 0 and y >= 0, therefore y > x
else if (~x & mask && y & mask)
return 1; // x >= 0 and y < 0, therefore x > y
for (; mask; mask >>= 1) {
if (x & mask && ~y & mask)
return 1;
else if (~x & mask && y & mask)
return -1;
return 0;
[Note that this technically isn't portable. C makes no guarantees that signed arithmetic will be two's complement. But you'll be hard pressed to find a C implementation on a modern machine that behaves differently.]
To see why this works, consider first comparing two unsigned numbers, 13d = 1101b and 11d = 1011b. (I'm assuming a 4-bit wordsize for brevity.) The leftmost differing bit is the second from the left, which the former has set, while the other does not. The former number is therefore the larger. It should be fairly clear that this principle holds for all unsigned numbers.
Now, consider two's complement numbers. You negate a number by complementing the bits and adding one. Thus, -1d = 1111b, -2d = 1110b, -3d = 1101b, -4d = 1100b, etc. You can see that two negative numbers can be compared as though they were unsigned. Likewise, two non-negative numbers can also be compared as though unsigned. Only when the signs differ do we have to consider them -- but if they differ, the comparison is trivial!
