how to change output before rendering in agile toolkit? - atk4

Is there any hook to change the output before being rendered?
I want to change the last full output (not changing the views)
Best Regards

have a look at "output" method in the AbstractView.
ApiFrontend extends ApiWeb which extends ApiCLI which extends AbstractView
so, you can redefine output() method in your api to do any postprocessing you need. If you need to tailor output for ajax requests, then it's a bit different story, and you have to play with output method in the page/view that is being reloaded.
hope that helps


Use cases for when not to use redux?

I was always wondering if I should use redux store all the time even when it's not really necessary.
For example:
I have form with select field that has some options I fetch from API. Let's imagine that form is for adding new car listing and select options are car models. Should I directly call API from component and display options or should I create store CarModels or something like that and store results from API there and then map those values to state in component?
I have "Favorites" feature, when you click heart next to some item (let's say a car), do I need to go through dispatching all events FAVORITE_CAR_REQUEST, FAVORITE_CAR_SUCCESS etc... or is it good enough to just call API directly from component (using some kind of api-service of course).
It's related to question above. If I have screen where I show favorites, I should then probably have store and connect everything with actual favorite action so I update the list. On new favorite, API will return favorited item, should I push that one in list of favorites already in store or should I just load again latest list when user opens up the favorites screen?
Thanks in advance.
I think this is a perfectly valid question. What I feel like you're trying to ask is if you could/should mix react state and the redux store. The answer is sure! Just think about where you need to use that part of state before deciding where to store it. If you need a part of the state in multiple components, it probably makes sense to use Redux. If you only need state locally, perhaps to set form validation errors, maybe use react's state management if you feel like it. React and redux are both meant to be flexible, so as long as you're consistent in when you use the redux store and react state you should be good.
I found this article that also explains this pretty well:
I tend to use redux when the state has to be accessed globally / complex logic that i want to be logged properly

Sending "commands" into React components?

Just to provide some context and hopefully make my question clearer, I'll present a scenario that works, and will make sense.
Let's say we have an AudioTrack component, which renders play, stop, and seek controls. When the user seeks, that info is passed back to us:
<AudioTrack playingId={this.state.playingId} onSeek={this.handleSeek} />
(playingId indicates the ID of the currently playing track)
But what if we move the seek control outside the audio tracks, and so the seek control exists in the parent <TrackList> and will control whichever track is currently playing. Now I need to "send a command" with data into the appropriate track, e.g.:
<AudioTrack playingId={this.state.playingId} seekTo={this.state.newPos} onSeek={this.seekComplete} />
This feels hacky to me, but basically when the user lets go of the seek bar, it would set the newPos state in TrackList, which triggers AudioTrack's componentWillReceiveProps. It seeks to the new position, then could report back via onSeek which would do this.setState({ newPos: null }) in TrackList.
Am I thinking about this correctly, or is there a better way? In an ideal world, I could just directly call a method of the AudioTrack.
You must use redux or flux for these kind of things. When working with react, you should store EVERY component in a redux/flux store. In fact you should not use constructor(props) ever, and store everything in the store. This will fix your 'hacky' issue. You can make the direct call to your redux store which is exactly what you are looking for.
I cannot iterate more on the importance of redux and react. You must use them together.

Am I thinking in in react correctly about form behaviour

I'm debating refactoring parts of a site I'm working on from jQuery into react. Before I start I'd appreciate some feedback on my thought process so far.
<ManufacturerSelect />
<DeviceSelect />
<ButtonOne />
<ButtonTwo />
That is the desired component. It's behavior is:
The parent (DeviceChooser) gets some json data via ajax on componentWillMount.
It passes part of that data to ManufacturerSelect, which is a select field.
Once something is selected there, DeviceChooser passes some other data to DeviceSelect, which is also a select field.
Once something is selected there, if some conditions are met, both Button1 and Button2 become active
Clicking Button1 or Button2 would redirect the page to a specified url, with parameters set depending on the 2 select fields.
More practically speaking, you choose your phone manufacturer, then in the next select you choose your device from that manufacturer, then you get redirected to either page1 or page2 with some get parameters depending on the button you press.
My questions are:
Who's responsibility should it be to decide whether the buttons should be active? The DeviceChooser or the Buttons?
Who should compose the redirect URL? The Chooser or the Buttons?
I'm going to have variations of this DeviceChooser component all over the website, what can I do to ensure at least some reusability? The caveat being that sometimes it will have more select fields that just 2, and other times different select fields will be part of the equation depending on state (Like, if your device is a laptop, you also specify what shape of edges the device has)
I'm really grateful to any feedback at all. I've also created a Gist with the code I've come up with so far, if it helps.
One of the methodologies that I have followed since getting invested in React is using containers. Containers essentially are components that are responsible for retrieving and manipulating the data and then passing all the relevant data down to all the child "dumb" components that are simply responsible for rendering said data.
Operating under this premise (or something similar) I would suggest doing calculations in the container on the initial data, and pass everything down.
So in this instance we should be do the following in the container (or parent component)
Get JSON data via componentWillMount
Manipulate the data and pass it to ManufacturerSelect
The other questions depend on which framework you're using. Are you able to elaborate on this? Are you using Redux, Flux, ReFlux etc?
I've had a quick look at your code, one super useful thing that I think you should do is specify PropTypes for each component. This helps immensely for debugging, and when you're talking about reusing components in several distinct locations this will be crucial. Also (without understanding the full context) is it necessary to use state everywhere in your components? Would it be possible for them to simply render the props passed down to them? (again this depends a little on the store you'
re using).
It's a relatively generic question, but my line of thinking (quite opinionated) would be as follows:
Your Buttons should become simple, generic Button components that should for this example have the following props (besides perhaps some styling props):
Your Device Chooser is the one who's got the awareness that components mix together, that these buttons should actually continue to do something after they're clicked, so you'll want to handle that knowledge solely within that component. It glues the rest together (passes data around) and should therefore also make these decisions.
<ManufacturerSelect data={this.state.manufacturers} />
<DeviceSelect data={this.state.devices} />
disabled={this.state.selectedManufacturer === null ? true : false}
title='Manufactuer details'
onClick={this.handleManufacturerDetailsClick.bind(this, this.state.selectedManufactuer}}
disabled={this.state.selectedDevice === null ? true : false}
title='See device details'
onClick={this.handleDeviceDetailClick.bind(this, this.state.selectedDevice }}
Device chooser's method than can be something like:
handleDeviceDetailClick(device) {
history.pushState('/device/detail/' +;
You want to separate your functional components from the stateless ones. A good read for this is

Preferred way of creating links with backbone.js

I'm trying to wrap my head around backbone.js but I'm finding it hard due to the lack of (IMO) good examples.
First of all, what is the best way of getting a link to an object.
If I want to get the edit url of an Album model I could do album.url() + '/edit', is this really the best way?
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
I'm thinking I create normal URLs and use to call router.navigate in backbone.js
I never got this to work however, when I call router.navigate('/albums/2', true) the URL changes but my show action is never called. If I refresh it's called so the route is matched.
What am I missing?
The basic answer, which is kind of frustrating, is "there is no preferred way!". Backbone.js doesn't tell you how to set up links, you can do it any way you like. I found this flexibility just as annoying as you do, at least at first.
So here's the way I'm approaching this on my current project, with the (big) caveat that this is just one of many ways to do things in Backbone:
For the most part, I don't use actual links. There's no explicit reason not to, but it means you have to keep track of a bunch of URL strings that have to be consistent. I would rather stick all the URL formatting in my routers and not deal with it elsewhere.
To open a new "top-level" view, like an editing screen, I set something that fires an event. In the application I'm currently working on, I have a global State model, and to open a new view I call state.set({ topview: MyTopView }). This causes the state object to trigger change:topview.
Any piece of the UI that needs to change when the top-level view changes has an update method bound to change:topview. When the event fires, they look at state.get('topview') and update as necessary.
I treat my routers as only marginally specialized parts of the UI - they're essentially views that render in the browser address bar, rather than the window. Like other views, they update the state object on UI events (i.e. a new URL), and like other views, they listen to the state object for changes that cause them to update. The logic that the editing screen has the URL albums/<albumid>/edit is fully encapsulated in the router, and I don't refer to it anywhere else.
This works well for me, but it adds an entirely new pattern, the global State object, to the Backbone structure, so I can hardly call this the "preferred" approach.
Update: Also note that .url(), in the Backbone idiom, refers to the model's URL in the back-end API, not the front-end URL (it's not like Django's get_absolute_url). There is no method in the default Backbone setup that gives you a user-facing URL for your model - you'd have to write this yourself.
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript; so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
you can do exactly this w/ pushState. just enable it in your Backbone.history.start call:
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true})
this tells Backbone to use the HTML5 History API (a.k.a. "PushState"), which uses full URLs exactly like you're wanting.
read up on the history api here:
and I wrote up a 2 part series on using pushstate w/ the second part focusing on progressive enhancement in backbone, to do what you're needing:
hope that helps :)

Calendar throughout CakePHP site, but CakeBook says to not use a Model in a Component

I have a small calendar widget-type thing on many pages throughout my site. The goal is for it to retrieve events from X category that fall between Y and Z dates.
My assumption (I'm new to CakePHP) was that I should create a component, and have it do the query. Something like this:
class CalendarComponent extends Object {
var $uses = array('Event');
function getEvents($category = null, $date = null, $limit = null) {
$events = $this->Event->find('list', //conditions to get correct events
return $events;
BUT, according to this CakeBook page:
To access/use a model in a component
is not generally recommended
So - where would I store this logic / model call if not in a component? I've admittedly not used a component yet (or not created one anyway) due to lack of really understanding how I should use them - any snippet of advice on this is also VERY welcome.
Great question in my opinion and I imagine one that comes up quite often. I was actually dealing with a similar problem where I wanted some site-wide data gathering or functionality shoved into a component.
The first thing to keep in mind:
The book is a guideline.
These 'rules' aren't rules. If there's a good reason for breaking the rule and you understand why the rule is being broken then break the damn thing! Cake itself breaks this rule quite often.
Core components that require/use models:
Sessions (fairly positive you can save session data to a model)
So, clearly there are use cases where you need to use a model inside a component. How do you do it though?
Well, there's a couple different ways. What I wound up going with? Something like this:
ModelLoadingComponent extends Object {
public function startup($controller) {
$this->Model = $controller->Model;
That's it! Your component is now setup to use $this->Model...just like you would in a controller.
Sorry, to clarify: no, you don't have to setup a new component to load models. I was showing an example for how you could load a component in any model. The startup function I used is a component-specific callback, there's a whole slew of them These callback methods make components a lot easier to work with. I highly recommend looking at this part of the components tutorial if nothing else.
If you were working inside an AppController object you could call $this->loadModel() but we aren't working an AppController! We're working with a component, really an Object. There is no Object::loadModel() so we have to come up with a different way to get that model. This is where $controller comes into play in our startup callback.
When the startup method is invoked by Cake it will pass the $controller object it's working with on this dispatch as the first parameter. With this we're able to access controller loadModel().
Why do we do it this way?
Well, we could use ClassRegistry::init('Model') in each of our component methods that need to use the model. If you have 10 methods in your component and only 1 of them uses the model this might work. However, what if you have 10 methods in your component and all 10 of them use the model? Well, you'd be calling ClassRegistry::init('Model') 10 times! That's a lot of overhead when what you really want is just 1 model object. With this method the component is creating one model object. The one we create in startup.
I hope this clarifies your questions and provides some insight into why I use this method for models in components.
Edit: Added a code clarification after I did some experimenting.
I think writing a component is overkill in this case and it would be cleaner to put the getEvents method into the Event model.
