Inserting entity object data in database using Oracle ADF - oracle-adf

I am thoroughly new to the Oracle ADF technology. I have dropped an entity view object from the Data Control Palette to a jspx page, and created an adf creation form from it. I am not understanding how the information input in the form will reflect in the database. Pls help.
PS: The new row is getting added in the adf read-only table which I have added on the same page

I would suggest you learn how the technology works. This is a LARGE ORM/UI framework and needs to be learned.
There is a lot of free training here, here and here.
I also recommend this book.
There's even a Getting Started with ADF (via google) Page here.

When you drop a viewObject based on entityObject on page then you are able to perform DML operation on that
To create new row drop createInsert operation from DataControl and make readOnly false for table inorder to inputValue or use a form
then drop commit operation from DataControl on page .
After entering records press commit button to save it in DB
Data is validated through binding layer and committed to DB from model itlsef
Check these blog for more information-


Joomla database query based on dropdown selection

I am very new to programing but after a lot of research i can rufly manage to create a dropdown selection from database and show a column result from that table based on the dropdown selection using ajax.
I write the html form, the php file that connects to the database, the script that loads the data on the dropdown list, the script that handles the on change event and calls for the php file that queries the database and display the result on a div.
In this particular case is a price stored on the database based on the destination selection.
Now my problem atarts here:
I'm using joomla and i would like to do this with the code that I have but I have no clue where to save the various html, php and js files.
I tried doing this with chronoforms but gave up as I found it very difficult.
Can someone give me some advise on what and how to do this?

Linking new Field in existing Table to Form textbox in Access 2010

I have an Access Database that I have been asked to make some modification to. These include adding a new field on a form and linking it to a new field in one of the link Tables.
I have an accdb file and a _be.accdb file I'm working with, with the accdb file being the front-end and the other file being the back-end database.
I have added the new field to the back-end database, and I can see it when I look at the tables in the front-end. But when i try to add the new field to the Control Source property of a new textbox I can't find it. I typed the name of the field in manually but when I test it I get an error '#Name?'...when I switch the control to another existing field that I can 'see' I do not get this error.
I've tried removing the linked table I'm looking at and then re-adding the link but still can't see the new table field.
Is there a trick I am missing to re-linking the new table fields in the back-end to the front-end?

Any way to automatic update controller and view code once model got updated - Already developed MVC application?

I have one ASP.Net MVC data base first application. Due to some enhancement work came in I have to do modification to my DB tables and Add couple of new table as well.
I saw few tutorial and you tube videos. I found, they are deleting the existing model and controller -> changing the DB schema [adding SP etc...] -> then again adding new model and controller etc. However, I think, this is not the correct approach as my application is bit big[already on production], I can not delete everything and adding again back.
How can I do it? Is that MVC does not provide something so that I can update it from Visual Studio or refresh it so that my changes will affect? Any link would help. Hope my explanation is understood-able.
Along with I also wanted to know, is there any thing else I need to take care for these kind of enhancement?
Any disadvantage of using ASP.NET MVC?
Double click on .edmx file(added in models folder) to open it.Then right click on it and select update model from database and then press ctrl+s to save it.

Modifying salesforce reports before exporting using Apex

I am struggling to find where to start w.r.t my following problem.
In SFDC reports, there is an "export details" button to export a user chosen report into csv or xls formats. I want to modify this xls file (for example, encrypt it) before user downloads it.
I guess I can achieve this using Apex triggers. My questions are:
How can I add an Apex trigger which is triggered upon a user clicking this "export details" button?
How can I access the xls contents in this Apex trigger code where I want to encrypt them?
I extensively searched in Apex user guide and many other sources. I can not find how to add triggers to standard SFDC buttons.
Thank you very much in advance.
How can I add an Apex trigger which is triggered upon a user clicking
this "export details" button?
This isn't currently possible. First triggers are related to database actions and not user interface events. You can override the behavior for a lot of buttons using a view override, but unfortunately that's also not available for report buttons.
While you can't alter the behavior of the standard report experience, there is a new Reporting API that was just released by Salesforce that allows you to programmatically get the contents of a report. Using that you could build your own "encrypted report download" tool to accomplish this.
For more information, checkout this answer on Salesforce Stackexchange on accessing reports through the api. And in the future, post to Salesforce Stackexchange first!! That's where the community is these days ;)
Trigger can only be called when you do some dml operation in salesforce, clicking a button has no concern with the trigger calling,

Silverlight + WCF RIA service: Insert new data

My question look stupid... but let's ask:
I'm developing a Silverlight website... Data are on the server and I use WCF RIA and Linq to Entities to attack my data.
In My domain service of cource enable Modification on my several tables
I drop on my Silverlight app a Datagrid that fetch data on my table (let's call it tblCustomer for the example)
I've several webcast showing how easy it is to fetch data, update data BUT
I don't know how to INSERT data!!!
My grid is in edit mode.. but I'm not able to add a new row... and if I use the detail view.. it's the same...
Any one could provide help
For adding new item you should do it manually: add button within which create and add new Item to collection that you're representing in DataGrid and you'll get new item in grid.
Note: If you're attempting to use MVVM - do same within ViewModel instead code-behind.
