I would be very grateful if some one could help me fix my script, I want to add a 4 digit random number to the end of a string, in essence it is a script that reads a csv file for an email address then creates a powershell file for me to run but the part im having issues with is the random 4 digit number appended to the password string, please see below, if I run the script now it runs without errors but no 4 digit random number appended, can anyone help im sure its something small im missing thanks
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%j in ('type "Input.csv"') do (
set /A RND=%RANDOM% %% 8889 + 1111
echo.Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName %%j -StrongPasswordRequired $false
echo.Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName %%j -NewPassword "TTech%RND%*" -ForceChangePassword $false
echo.Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName %%j -PasswordNeverExpires $true
) >> "Output.txt"
You need to change %var% to !var! to access the dynamic value of a variable with delayedexpansion in effect.
set /A RND=!RANDOM! %% 8889 + 1111
would set your variable RND to 1111..9999
echo.Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName %%j -NewPassword "TTech!RND!*" -ForceChangePassword $false
would then append the resultant value to TTech
Alternatively, try
set RND=000!RANDOM!
echo.Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName %%j -NewPassword "TTech!RND:~-4!*" -ForceChangePassword $false
which would construct a string 000+0..32767 and then use the last 4 characters after TTech so you'd get leading-zero-filled 4-digit numerics.
Use this for your random number:
Set max=9999
Set min=1000
Set /A rand=%random% %% (max - min + 1)+ min
Echo %rand%
Keep in mind, inside of a for loop, you'll need to use delayedexpansion and escape the parenthesis.
Set max=9999
Set min=1000
for /l %%a in (1,1,10) do (
Set /A rand=!random! %% ^( max - min + 1 ^) + min
exit /b
Based on Magoo's answer, you know the issue was with using delayed variable syntax instead of standard parens. I wrapped up his answer and mine into a couple of little functions that are easily reusable.
call :RandomRange 1000 9999 ret
Echo %ret%
call :RandomRange2 ret
echo %ret%
exit /b
:RandomRange min max ret
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set /A rand=!random! %% (%2 - %1 + 1) + %1
endlocal & set %3=%rand%
exit /b
:RandomRange2 ret
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set rnd=000!random!
set rnd=!rnd:~-4!
endlocal & set %1=%rnd%
exit /b
Hope that helps
This will give you a random 4 digit number:
set num=%random%%random%%random%%random%
set num=%num:~-4%
Or with delayed expansion enabled inside a loop:
set num=!random!!random!!random!!random!
set num=!num:~-4!
I know there are many arithmetic questions on here, but I have not found the specific answer to my question. I have a file with two values in it, the first always higher than the second. Today, the txt file has:
What I am trying to do is, via a batch file, subtract the second number from the first, and then insert than on a new line. Any assistance is appreciated.
Just incorporate powershell into the batch file.
to test from cmd:
#for /f %i in ('powershell 21.04 - 20.94') do #echo %i
So you can build a very basic calculator rather easily.
set /p "first=Enter first number: "
set /p "second=Enter Second Number: "
set /p "function=Select Function(+-/): "
powershell %first% %function% %second%
And offcourse you can use a for loop to assign the value to a variable should you want to use it elsewhere in your batch file.
#echo off
set /p "first=Enter first number: "
set /p "second=Enter Second Number: "
set /p "function=Select Function(+-/): "
for /f %%i in ('powershell %first% %function% %second%') do set "result=%%i"
echo %result%
in a batch-file you double the % in meta variables to %%i
Assuming file is called math.txt
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set cnt=1
for /f "usebackq" %%i in ("d:\math.txt") do (
set var!cnt!=%%i
set /a cnt+=1
(powershell %var1% - %var2%)>output.txt
This method works with numbers up to 9 total digits (and any number of decimals) as long as the input numbers have the same number of decimals:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Read two numbers
( set /P "num1=" & set /P "num2=" ) < test.txt
rem Adjust *two* numbers for given decimals
set "decimals=2"
for %%i in (1 2) do (
set "num%%i=!num%%i:.=!"
for /L %%d in (1,1,%decimals%) do if "!num%%i:~0,1!" equ "0" set "num%%i=!num%%i:~1!"
rem Subtract second number from the first
set /A "result=num1 - num2"
rem Adjust result for given number of decimals
for /L %%d in (1,1,%decimals%) do if "!result:~%decimals%!" equ "" set "result=0!result!"
rem Output result with decimals
echo !result:~0,-%decimals%!.!result:~-%decimals%!
I think this works for reasonably sized numbers:
#echo off
rem read values from file specified as command line parameter
set /p value1=
set /p value2=
rem split first value into whole and fractional parts
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("%value1%") do (
set beforedot1=%%a
set afterdot1=%%b
rem reconstruct first value as fixed point number
set afterdot1=%afterdot1%00000
set afterdot1=%afterdot1:~0,6%
set value1=%beforedot1%%afterdot1%
rem split second value into whole and fractional parts
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("%value2%") do (
set beforedot2=%%a
set afterdot2=%%b
rem reconstruct second value as fixed point number
set afterdot2=%afterdot2%00000
set afterdot2=%afterdot2:~0,6%
set value2=%beforedot2%%afterdot2%
rem subtract values
set /a diff=value1-value2
rem convert fixed point value back
if "%diff:~0,-6%" == "" (
set diff=0.%diff:~-6%
) else (
set diff=%diff:~0,-6%.%diff:~-6%
rem remove trailing zeros
if "%diff:~-1%" == "0" (
set diff=%diff:~0,-1%
goto :loop
echo %diff%
I am trying to create a for loop in batch with some calculation using modulus from 1-100 then return an average for the entire set of numbers. I want to print this average on the screen and to a file called output This is what i have but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. Any suggestions? Thank you kindly.
#echo off
setlocal EnabledDelayedExpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,100) do (
set /a EXPR = %%i %% 5
set /a EXPR2 = %EXPR+3
set /a AVG = %TOTAL/100
echo Your average is %AVG
echo Your average is %AVG >> output.txt
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,100) do (
set /a EXPR=%%i %% 5
set /a EXPR2=EXPR+3
set /a AVG=TOTAL/100
echo Your average is %AVG%
echo Your average is %AVG%
Is this what you want?
One additional d in EnableDelayedExpansion (btw. set /a works also without delayed expansion). Classical error is to let spaces surrounding variable assignment.In batch scripts result is that the space becomes part of the variable name.Except FOR tokens and command line arguments variables are two side enclosed with %
Is it possible to square the increment/step variable in a batch for loop.
This is what it looks like right now
FOR /L %%A IN (1024,1000, 1048576) DO (
do stuff
however instead of going up by 1000 each time, I want to go up by 2^10, 2^11 .... 2^20 (1048576) is it possible to do that?
No, for /l loops can not handle geometric increments. But you can use batch arithmetics for it
for /l %%a in (10 1 20) do (
set /a "A=1<<%%a"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%A in (!A!) do ( endlocal
rem Your code here - do stuff
echo %%A
Delayed expansion is needed to handle the changing variable inside the block of code. If your inner code has no problems with delayed expansion being active, it can be simplified as
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%a in (10 1 20) do (
set /a "A=1<<%%a"
rem Your code here - do stuff
echo !A!
If switching to PowerShell is fine for you, you can use
foreach ($i in 1..3) {
# example output
echo "1000^$i = $([Math]::Pow(1024, $i))"
# start "myprogram.bat --parameter $x
& 'myprogram.bat' #("--parameter", [Math]::Pow(1024, $i))
i try to add two numbers received from a file.
But it shows only the last value of sum. Thx for the help!
#FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (test.txt) DO (
set m=%%j
set n=%%k
set /a sum=%m%+%n%
echo sum = %sum%
and in the test.txt i have
alex 4 5
john 6 7
and i want to see
it only shows
The problem is the percent expanding in the line set /a sum=%m%+%n% and echo sum = %sum%.
These are expanded before the FOR-loop is executed.
Therefore you got the result of the "global" set of sum.
It's better to use the delayed expansion, as then all variables enclosed with ! are expanded at runtime not parsetime
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (test.txt) DO (
set m=%%j
set n=%%k
set /a sum=m+n
echo sum = !sum!
I need to do a floating-point division in a dos batch.
I didn't find a way to do it. Something like this :
SET /A Res=10/3
returns a integer number.
Is it possible to do it ?
I know this is a very old topic, but I can't found a simple Batch method in all previous answers, so I post here a pure Batch solution that is very simple to use.
Perform operations using fixed point arithmetic in Batch is simple. "Fixed point" means that you must set a number of decimals in advance and keep it throughout the operations. Add and subtract operations between two Fixed Point numbers are performed directly. Multiply and division operations requires an auxiliary variable, that we can call "one", with the value of 1 with the right number of decimals (as "0" digits). After multiply, divide the product by "one"; before division, multiply the dividend by "one". Here it is:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set decimals=2
set /A one=1, decimalsP1=decimals+1
for /L %%i in (1,1,%decimals%) do set "one=!one!0"
set /P "numA=Enter a number with %decimals% decimals: "
if "!numA:~-%decimalsP1%,1!" equ "." goto numOK
echo The number must have a point and %decimals% decimals
goto getNumber
set numB=2.54
set "fpA=%numA:.=%"
set "fpB=%numB:.=%"
set /A add=fpA+fpB, sub=fpA-fpB, mul=fpA*fpB/one, div=fpA*one/fpB
echo %numA% + %numB% = !add:~0,-%decimals%!.!add:~-%decimals%!
echo %numA% - %numB% = !sub:~0,-%decimals%!.!sub:~-%decimals%!
echo %numA% * %numB% = !mul:~0,-%decimals%!.!mul:~-%decimals%!
echo %numA% / %numB% = !div:~0,-%decimals%!.!div:~-%decimals%!
For example:
Enter a number with 2 decimals: 3.76
3.76 + 2.54 = 6.30
3.76 - 2.54 = 1.22
3.76 * 2.54 = 9.55
3.76 / 2.54 = 1.48
Batch files as such do not support the floating point arithmetic. However, this article suggests a workaround that uses an external script file to do calculations. The script file should use some sort of eval function to evaluate the expression passed as an argument and return the result. Here's a sample VBScript file (eval.vbs) that does this:
WScript.Echo Eval(WScript.Arguments(0))
You can call this external script from your batch file, specify the expression to be evaluated and get the result back. For example:
#echo off
for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "10/3"') do (
set res=%%n
echo %res%
Of course, you'll get the result as a string, but it's better than nothing anyway, and you can pass the obtained result to the eval script as part of another expression.
According to this reference, there is no floating point type in DOS batch language:
Although variables do exist in the DOS batch programming language, they are extremely limited. There are no integer, pointer or floating point variable types, only strings.
I think what you are trying to do will be impossible without implementing your own division scheme to calculate the remainder explicitly.
I recently came across this batch file to compute an approximation of Pi.
There is a DivideByInteger label that might be useful to you: Stupid-Coding-Tricks-A-Batch-of-Pi
It uses a set of MaxQuadIndex variables, each containing a four-digit number (quadruple), in order to store the entire result. The code allows division by an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive.
if defined PiDebug echo.DivideByInteger %1 %2
set /a DBI_Carry = 0
for /L %%i in (!MaxQuadIndex!, -1, 0) do (
set /a DBI_Digit = DBI_Carry*10000 + %1_%%i
set /a DBI_Carry = DBI_Digit %% %2
set /a %1_%%i = DBI_Digit / %2
goto :EOF
A Print label is also available…
try this
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
call :calc_ 1 (99-(100*5/100^)^)
echo !calc_v!
goto :EOF
set scale_=1
set calc_v=
for /l %%i in (1,1,%1) do set /a scale_*=10
set /a "calc_v=!scale_!*%2"
set /a calc_v1=!calc_v!/!scale_!
set /a calc_v2=!calc_v!-!calc_v1!*!scale_!
set calc_v=!calc_v1!.!calc_v2!
goto :EOF
just change
call :calc_ decimalpoint equataion
in the example
decimalpoint is 1
equataion is (99-(100*5/100^)^) ;make sure if you use () that you insert ^ before ) as in ^)
the answer is 94.0
if decimalpoint is 2
and equataion is 22/7 ;π pi
the answer is 3.14
I wrote a pure batch file specifically to do division. It takes the first number you input, and then divides it by the second one, and displays the result with as many decimal points as you specify.
Echo off
if NOT "%3" == "" (
set n1=%1
set n2=%2
set max=%3
goto :begin
set counter=2
set n1=1
set n2=1
set ans=
Echo. 1 / 2
Set /p N1= 1?
set /p N2= 2?
Set /p Max= Out how many Decimal Points?
set /a TmpAns=%N1%/%N2%
set ans=%TmpAns%.
:: Echo.%ans%.>Answer.txt
<nul set /p "=%Tmpans%."
set /a TmpSub=%N2%*%TmpAns%
set /a N1=%N1%-%TmpSub%
set N1=%N1%0
If NOT "%n1%" == "00" (
if %n1% LSS %N2% (
set N1=%N1%0
set ans=%ans%0
) else (
Goto :Finished
set count=0
If "%count%" == "%max%" (
Goto :Finished
set /a TmpAns=%N1%/%N2%
set ans=%ans%%TmpAns%
<nul set /p "=%Tmpans%"
set /a TmpSub=%N2%*%TmpAns%
set /a N1=%N1%-%TmpSub%
set N1=%N1%0
If NOT "%n1%" == "00" (
if %n1% LSS %N2% (
set N1=%N1%0
set ans=%ans%0
) else (
Goto :Finished
set /a count=%count%+1
goto :loop
Echo.The Number
set n1=1
set n2=1
goto :eof
The answer put into the variable %Ans%. It can also be called with parameters. ("Divide.bat 50 27 5" would give you 50/27 out 5 decimal points.)
Since nowadays PowerShell is present on almost all machines, I would let PowerShell do the math and return the result to the batch.
set divident=10
set divisor=3
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command %divident%/%divisor%') do set result=%%a
#echo %result%
Input variables: Use set variables to define divident and divisor.
Calling powershell and assign result to a batch variable: for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command ...) do set result=%%a (you may also check here: How to put a single PowerShell output string into a cmd variable?)
Note the above code will only work with integer input variables.
To support floating point input variables, we need to send the variables as strings inside quotations ("%variable%") and convert the strings within PowerShell back to Double, otherwise batch would interpret the commas as delimiters and PowerShell could not interpret the numbers.
set divident=10,5
set divisor=3,4
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command [convert]::ToDouble^(\"%divident%\"^)
/[convert]::ToDouble^(\"%divisor%\"^)') do set result=%%a
#echo %result%
Note in PowerShell you would do this like [convert]::ToDouble("10,5")/[convert]::ToDouble("3,5"). However in batch we need to escape the quotes using backslash, and we also need to add a "^" sign before and after the quoted parts: [convert]::ToDouble^("%divident%"^)/[convert]::ToDouble^("%divisor%"^)
If you're running in a command shell on Windows (rather than DOS), you can use VBScript to evaluate complex expressions including floating point math for you.
I have written a small helper library you can call to do this.
EvalBat Library on GitHub