Multiline toolbar Ext JS 4.2 - extjs

Is there a standardized way to create a multiline toolbar? I'm dinamically loading the items and they are usually more than enough to make the toolbar overflow. But I don't want the overflow functionality, I just want the items to span several lines. As the items are loaded dinamically, I can not create several stacked toolbars beforehand. An observation: I switched the layout from the implicit default 'hbox' to 'auto' and the items do span several lines, but then, features like separators have undesired collateral efects, like having only one item or separator on each line, and also different looks in different browsers.
I could dinamically calculate the suposed total width of the items and divide by the max desired width of a toolbar to obtain the number of toolbars I need, but I don't know exactly at what point the items get a valid useful width.
This is an old question posted by someone else sometime ago. I'm re-asking because perhaps with the latests releases of Ext JS, they shiped 'undocumentedly' the sooo needed layout solution for this issue.

I don't think there is an out of box component that can do all of the things you want.
The default toolbar layout of HBox just places everything horizontally spaced.
If you know that you need more space you can always put in a container with whatever layout you want for it's items. You can get creative and nest all kinds of layouts.
Personally I think this would end up looking ugly. Perhaps there is a better solution with an alternative approach to your design needs.


WPF WrapPanel, but fills empty space due to different size items?

I have a list of "Group" objects, each of which contains a list of "Option" objects, that show up as checkboxes. I want these to be displayed in a condensed fashion automatically without me having to layout the UI manually with something such as a Grid (which is what I've done in the past, and takes a lot of effort).
My groups have varying numbers of options, so the size of the container for the group is not the same across groups. I'm using a WrapPanel, but it leads to a fairly ugly design because each item in the WrapPanel appears to be slotted into the same size container:
I know I've done this in HTML/CSS/JS, where I can have it automatically condense the unused space. Is there something like this for WPF? My list of options is manually created, but I can add/remove options fairly easily in my code, so I would rather not have to manually recalculate things in a grid view.
I've looked at Is there any way to occupy blank space in WrapPanel automatically?, which sounds similar, but the answer to that question does not have an example and I could not figure out what I was actually supposed to change/use in the answer (my attempts using it did not make any difference at all to layout).
I guess you use Horizontal Orientation of WrapPanel, so every row have height as the maximum its element. Your problem isn't free space in the ends of rows, so the solution that you mentioned doesn't work for you. You can try to use Vertical orientation of WrapPanel, your wrappanel' elements look like they have similar width, possible it would look better.

How to build a modular grid?

A lot of the websites these days is built using grids, pre-made or custom ones. What I noticed is that most of these grids are based on rows, and usually work with the width of the columns, not taking the height of the elements (modules) into account.
I was wondering what the best way (or what the possibilities are) of building a modular grid is? By modular grid I understand such grid where the individual modules could be set in both width and height and be fluid in dependence on the screen. A grid where you'd know you have let's say 12 columns and 9 rows (the width / height of each would be given), and you'd be able to fill it with modules like a mosaic (that makes it sound almost too simple).
Here's an example picture of what I have in mind (picture borrowed from here):
I came upon a couple of examples, but most of them weren't responsive or were built using Flash. I believe there is a way to do it, just not sure myself how.
I know there might not be ONE correct way, but I'm curious about the possible techniques to go about it. Thank you!
This layout technique is commonly known as masonry, here are a couple of responsive masonry links to get you started:
good luck!
I would have to say your best option would be to build it using Bootstrap or Foundation, since they are set up to handle this kind of thing.They have classes that, assuming you use a 12 column grid to start, let you pick how many columns they can take up.

List with multiple items that contain multiple boxes Sencha Touch 2.3

I have a list in my app that I'm creating with Sencha-Touch 2.3. Imagine a single list item that has multiple pieces of data equally spaced apart horizontally. There can be many list items like this. The size in between the boxes that are in each list item change depending on the device, because their size is a percentage of the devices width. What I described here is what I want to happen.
Right now I'm using an itemTpl with span elements. I gave the span elements a class so that I can reference it in css. The css changes I make to width do not make any difference to these span elements in each list item. The span elements all touch, with no space in between them no matter what I do.
How can I make what I described here happen? I've been searching the internet for an answer for a long time but haven't found anything.
Have you tried looking at the Ext.dataview.DataView with useComponents:true?
You can define a DataItem with a layout of hbox and use multiple sub-components with flex:1 to get a bunch of horizontal boxes with all equal width.
check out the docs here to get a sense of how to implement a DataItem inside of a DataView

How to resize a responsive list from three columns to one (using

I am using for my columns and here is what I've come up with:
I'd like the list to work like this one:
The biggest problems are that, above a certain amount of px (can't remember exact), the three column grid is centered, but doesn't LOOK centered due to cell widths, etc. and that below that amount of px (when list is in one-column mode), the off-center problem is even worse.
Again, I realize that this has to do with cell widths, etc. but I can't figure out where to make the changes I need to do the following at both sizes:
Align text and bullets left
Center the list itself on the page
Any advice would be appreciated. Would especially appreciate any details you can give re: changes to make to CSS.
PS: If there is another way to achieve this outside of Responsive Grid System, I'm open to that too.
The text doesn't look centered because it isn't. The container div is centered, but since you align the text to the left its all scewed to the left, just like it'd be scewed to the right if you aligned the text to the right.
You could align the text to the middle, but then your checkbox icons wouldn't be lined up. If you want the text to be centered but still have the icons lined up you need to attach the icons so something else but the text. You could display them as pseudo-elements to the <li>, but the drawback is that there would be varying amounts of space between the text and the icons.
What I'm coming at is basically that you can't center the columns this way (as long as you don't make sure that the text in each <li> is equally wide) - however you can fake it and that's what they do on that site you're referring to.
To fake it, simply give each column div a unique class name (or target them with :nth-child), then move each column manually to make it look like the content is centered. You could give them different width-values (this is what they do in your example), different padding-values or similar. That's entirely up to you.
As for the one-column layout, do something similar where you add a padding-value to push them closer to the center, but obviously use the same value for all column divs.

Silverlight (wp7)

Being new to silverlight I'm struggling to 'get going' with the following.
Basically I wish to create some form of grid like control (custom or user?).
The idea is similar to that of a planner. Along the top are times (set intervals). Downwards are subjects. Then over the grid like background rectangles (or something) indicate when the subject is planned for.
The actual design of the above is not the issue. i.e. a grid with ractangles overlaid. But my issue is I wish this grid to be scrolled up and down (with bounds fixing the top and bottom when the subject lines start and end). And also the grid to be scrolled left and right (with bounds fixing how far left and right it can scroll, current time & 3 days into future).
Based on the above needs, I don't wish to create a control which is very large, and just dragged into view (unless this is the only way?) but instead show the grid at a current time and when dragged dynamically load the next few hours worth of content, possibly with a few hours buffer.
The appearance I am seeking is it looking like it is one massive control, but truely its not, its dynamic.
Does this make sense? Am I worrying about nothing? Should I create a massive grid well into the future and then just handle the load of data dynamically over the top? Its just my concern if I want a grid 3 month into the future this would be massive and a waste of memory.
I'm struggling to find examples on the net, but feel this maybe to do with me not knowing what to search for. This isn't about getting a detailed answer and someone doing it for me, but instead about guidance pointing me in the right direction.
Many thanks
About the up-down scroll: you can simply put a grid containing your data in a ScrollViewer control - this will handle all the scrolling for you. Another solution would be using a listbox control - this is better if you use MVVM. You can bind it to a data source and set as data template a custom control.
For the left-right scroll. I'm thinking you could use gestures for this. Like - catch left-to-right and right-to-left flicks and change the data in your grid / listbox according to the gesture's direction. You could also place two buttons at the top of the grid to handle scrolling from one day to the other (just like in the calendar controls: gestures + buttons).
