Export Stata misstable summarize - export

I want to report missing values in a nice table (latex).
So is there a way to export the results from misstable summarize in the same/similar format as displayed?
Example code:
webuse studentsurvey, clear
misstable summarize
Thank you!

There is a package by Stata that creates LaTeX code in the Stata Journal style. It´s called -sjlatex-. This allows you to transfer Stata output to a Tex document just as it appears in your output window. There is some documentation here: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/latex/verbatim.htm. To install I typed search sjlatex and followed the links.
Then you can run something like:
webuse studentsurvey, clear
sjlog using my_missings_file
misstable summarize
sjlog close
sjlog type my_missings_file.log.tex
The Latex code will appear in the output window and will be saved in the respective file. I have no Latex available at the moment, so I couldn't test the Latex output.


display math formulas typed in Latex or asciiMath

I want to convert a user input written in Latex or AsciiMath to math formulausing using MathJax with react. I have trouble implementing it especially that the input will be up to the user. Does anyone has an idea on how to begin?
Check out better-react-mathjax. It is a highly configurable package for using MathJax in React and the documentation contains examples of both static and dynamic content in Latex, AsciiMath and MathML.
Sandbox with dynamic example in Latex: https://codesandbox.io/s/better-react-mathjax-example-latex-3vsr5
Sandbox with dynamic example in AsciiMath: https://codesandbox.io/s/better-react-mathjax-example-asciimath-p0uf1
Just store the user input in a state variable and perform any validation and post-processing on it (to make sure that it is valid Latex or AsciiMath) and then use it in an expression like shown in one of the examples in the sandboxes.
PS. I wrote this package DS

How to save codes on VS Code Mac?

I am using VS Code on a Mac to write ReactJS, however I find that I could not save my code. If I use command and s to save, then the JSX will be a mess, just like shown in the picture:
enter image description here
So how could I solve it? Thank you
I think your code is being saved, but that your code formatting is messing-up your code.
Hit the following combination : Shift+Command+P
This will open a menu on top. Inside that menu type Format Document With..., and select it. It will allow you to format your code with a different auto-format tool. Choose the one that is appropriate for your code i.e. Prettier.

Where can I find the simple information of the format for uploading questions?

I want to train and simple configure the retrieve and rank service.
I just uploaded some PDFs and now I want to upload some questions.
In the documentation I do not find a simple information how the csv file must be structured and which are the must fields and which are not must files.
The document ID you will find in xyz in section xyz.
Inside the help I can not find such kind of help.
There is no chance to get a "real" documentation of the configuration outside the tutorial.
Possible Solution:
Provide additional documenation.
Maybe I was not able to find it and someone can guide me to the right place?
Ok, I found the solution for me, by try and error. Following steps do work for me:
1) You need a plain text file and the ending should be *.txt
2) Inside the file you have to write your questions like this:
What is the best place to be?
Why should I travel to the USA?
-> Don't do it like
"What is the best place to be?"
For me the help was missleading, because saying something about CSV files.
You can take a look also in the comment of #dalelane he is right, and highlight the entry text for the upload of the file.

Export individual cell in IPython/Jupyter notebook

I am able to export the entire notebook as HTML, but I would like to export just a single cell, together with its output.
Is there some way of doing this?
One way to do this is to use a custom preprocessor.
I explain how to do this briefly in response to Simple way to choose which cells to run in ipython notebook during run all.
To summarize: you can extend nbconvert.preprocessors.ExecutePreprocessor to create a preprocessor that checks cell metadata to determine whether that cell should be executed and/or output.
I use Jupyter Notebooks for report generation all the time, so I wrote a collection of custom processors to extend nbconvert behavior:
meta-language to determine what cells get executed and included in the final report (if/else logic on entire notebook sections)
executing code in markdown cells
removing code cells from output.
taking input arguments from the command line
I haven't had time to wrap these in an distributable extension, but you can see the code here: https://gist.github.com/brazilbean/3ebb31324f6dad212817b3663c7a0219.
Please feel free to use/modify/do-great-things with these examples. :)

Diff tool which generates documentation?

I have tried Beyond Compare, and it seems to be a good tool.
But I haven't found a way to export an overview of the differences.
The format of it should be one that most people can read. Doc, Rtf, Pdf, Html...
What I need is to display the differences of two folder. And it would be enough to display which files has been changed. But it would also be nice if it would be possible to, in the documentation, go deeper and actually see which rows in a file has been changed.
Are there any tools that can do this?
Beyond Compare has some functions to do that.
For example, in the folder diff view, select the files you want to report and then select Actions->File Compare Report. HTML is one of the output formats supported there.
Araxis Merge covered all of my needs.
Simple to use
Generated a nice overview of files in folder structure
Could click on changed files to see the changes in the content
The colors could be better, but that can be solved by inserting a custom CSS-file. :)
This script to colorize diff output to HTML might be useful. There are many other tools, one more is difftool.
On a relatively different note, I had used a code coverage tool that also generated HTML code views from gcov coverage information. Its called lcov.
