How to check few form fields are empty or not? - extjs

I am using ExtJS 3.4.0
I have a form in "var new" variable that comes to Ext.Window().
I need to do code that checks between textfield and textarea is one of them empty or not.
I mean if textfield is empty and textarea is not then form data can be submitted vice versa.
This code must be placed to the code that starts like below:

I hope you can find in my example
var newForm=Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel',{
xtype : 'textareafield',
name : 'message',
fieldLabel: 'Message'
var win= new Ext.Window
var textFieldValue=newForm.items.items[0].getValue();
var textAreaValue=newForm.items.items[1].getValue();
alert("you can submit the data");
alert("you can't submit the data");

The following example shows a form with textfield and text area. Both are mandatory.
allowBlank::Specify false to validate that the value's length must be > 0. If true, then a blank value is always taken to be valid regardless of any vtype validation that may be applied.
validate() : Boolean
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by validating the field's current value, and fires the validitychange event if the field's validity has changed since the last validation. Note: disabled fields are always treated as valid.
See an example in:
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Simple Form',
bodyPadding: 5,
width: 350,
// The form will submit an AJAX request to this URL when submitted
url: 'save-form.php',
// Fields will be arranged vertically, stretched to full width
layout: 'anchor',
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
// The fields
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First Name',
name: 'first',
allowBlank: false,
validator: function(val) {
return (val.trim().length > 0) ? true : "This field may not be empty";
}, {
xtype: 'textarea',
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
name: 'last',
allowBlank: false,
validator: function(val) {
return (val.trim().length > 0) ? true : "This field may not be empty";
// Reset and Submit buttons
buttons: [{
text: 'Reset',
handler: function() {
}, {
text: 'Submit',
formBind: true, //only enabled once the form is valid
disabled: true,
handler: function() {
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
success: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Success', action.result.msg);
failure: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', action.result.msg);
renderTo: Ext.getBody()


Add record to the store and display on the grid

I have AddRecord method, that should add the record to the store and display on the grid that record.
I've put the form inside the window, and that is fine.
I was looking at the documentation but I got lost a bit.
There is a fiddle created.
Here is the fiddle:
AddRecord: function (grid, rowId, record) {
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title: "Add Person",
height: 200,
width: 400,
closeAction: 'hide',
closable: true,
items: [{
defaultType: 'textfield',
layout: 'anchor',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First Name',
name: 'First Name',
type: 'String',
allowBlank: false
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
name: 'Last Name',
type: 'String',
allowBlank: false
}, ],
buttons: [{
text: 'Add',
formBind: true,
disabled: true,
handler: function () {
var record = Ext.getStore().getAt(rowId);
var store = grid.getStore('store.Personal')
var form = this.up('form').grid.getStore();
if (form.isValid()) {
success: function (record) {
var store = grid.getStore('store.Personal')
}, {
text: 'Close', handler: function () {
You were almost there, You made a little confusion about grid.getStore(), as it just
Returns the store associated with this Panel.
and how you are getting your form values, I think you were trying to do something like this:
buttons: [{
text: 'Add',
formBind: true,
disabled: true,
handler: function(button) {
let formValues = this.up('form').getForm().getValues(); //get the form Values
let form = this.up('form').getForm(); //get the form itself
var store = grid.getStore(); //get Store of your grid
if (form.isValid()) {
//add the formvalues to store
I also made a Fiddle

How to put validation on text field not allow characters while paste in ext js

How to put validation on text field not allow characters while paste in ext js?
I am using maskRe: /[0-9]/.
Using this while entering value only digits are allowed.
But while paste it allows character.
In Ext JS 3.4 you have to manage this by your custom code.You can do this, It removes text when you will remove focus from field.
blur: function (field) {
if (isNaN(field.getRawValue())) {
Maybe you could check the input value on the "blur" event :
myTextField.on('blur', function (component) {
if (!component.isValid()) {
// Do what you need to do, maybe clear the TextField ?
I don't know it will for 3.4.1 or not.But we used the following code in 4.2 version.
We used render & change events of the textfield,to achieve this.
We used render to capture paste event on its DOM element & set the type of field as onpaste.
We used change & checked if type is onpaste.Then we extracted the maskRe of field & used replace() to remove unwanted characters as per the maskRe
Here is a working example.
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Contact Info',
width: 300,
bodyPadding: 10,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'name',
fieldLabel: 'Telephone No.',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
render: function (field) {
field.getEl().on('paste', function () {
this.type = 'onpaste';
}, field);
if (field.type == 'onpaste' && field.maskRe) {
field.type = null;
var regex = new RegExp(field.maskRe.toString().replace('/[', '[^').replace(']/', ']').replace('[^^', '['), 'g');
field.setValue(field.getValue().replace(regex, ''));
For Ext 3.4.1, we can use following code.But it remove the unwanted characters only after blur.
Ext.onReady(function () {
// turn on validation errors beside the field globally
Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side';
var bd = Ext.getBody();
var simple = new Ext.FormPanel({
labelWidth: 75, // label settings here cascade unless overridden
frame: true,
title: 'Simple Form',
bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0',
width: 350,
defaults: { width: 230 },
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Telphone No.',
name: 'telephone',
maskRe: /[0-9]/,
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
render: function (field) {
field.getEl().on('paste', function () {
this.type = 'onpaste';
}, field);
change: function (field) {
if (field.type == 'onpaste' && field.maskRe) {
field.type = null;
var regex = new RegExp(field.maskRe.toString().replace('/[', '[^').replace(']/', ']').replace('[^^', '['), 'g');
field.setValue(field.getValue().replace(regex, ''));

Record is undefined Extjs4 to get the data out of the form

I have window with button enter and few fields i need to get the data out of the form and there is method on button :
enter: function (button) {
var win = button.up('window'),
form = win.down('form'),
record = form.getRecord(),
values = form.getValues();
Here record is undefined. What i do wrong?
Here the form:
Ext.define('ExtMVC.view.portlet.Login', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
alias: 'widget.login',
layout: 'fit',
title: 'LogIn',
width: 300,
height: 150,
autoShow: true,
store: 'LoginModels',
initComponent: function () {
this.items = [
xtype: 'form',
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'Name',
fieldLabel: 'Name',
style: { 'margin': '10px' },
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'Password',
fieldLabel: 'Password',
style: { 'margin': '10px' },
this.buttons = [
text: 'Enter',
action: 'enter',
//handler: this.enter
text: 'Cancel',
scope: this,
handler: this.close
text: 'Sing in',
scope: this,
handler: this.close
try to replace with this code
Please go through the ext doc as it clearly says:
getRecord( ) : :
Returns the currently loaded instance if one was loaded via loadRecord.
And in case of your example I dont see any code that loads your form panel using loadRecord().
enter: function (button) {
var win = button.up('window'),
form = win.down('form'),
//record = form.getRecord(), /*not required here*/
record = this.getUsersStore().findRecord('id', 1) /*if you know id or some thing which field is know*/
values = form.getValues();
You have to load form using form.loadRecord() before fetching it through form.getRecord(), otherwise form.getRecord() returns undefined.

Disable a button on a panel which is NOT a form

I have a panel which is not a form, yet it's used like a form. I need to disable the "addButton" button when a text field is invalid. The disabling in the text Field's validator function works, but visually the button still looks enabled.
How can I tell a button to be visually disabled via the validator method on my text field?
Here is the code:
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
validator: function(value) {
var reg = /^\d+(,\d+)*$/;
var addButton = this.ownerCt.down('[itemId=addButton]');
if (reg.test(value)===false) {
return "Enter whole numbers separated by comma";
return true;
Here is working sample
var button = Ext.create('Ext.button.Button',{
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
text: 'Ok',
disabled: true
allowBlank: false,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
afterrender: function(){
validitychange: function(me, isValid){
To disable the FormPanel’s submit button,You can set the FormPanel’s monitorValid to true and the submit button’s formBind to true.
items: [{
xtype: 'ux.form',
monitorValid: true, // Must be added
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'start',
pack: 'stretch'
items: [{
allowBlank:false, // This is the property which will check the validation
xtype: 'ux.button',
text: 'Submit',
width: 120,
formBind: true

extjs remove/readd textfield to form bug?

I have a form where i have a radiogroup 'yes', 'no'.
When i click on 'yes' i got a textfield added to a fieldset on the form with the config option: allowBlank: false. So there is validation on the field. When I click on 'no' all fields are removed from the fieldset that is present on the form.
The problem is when the validation is active, so when you go inside the textfield and you click away from it without entering any characters into it and i click on the radiobutton 'no' the textfield disappears and gives me the following error when i catch it:
Element.alignToXY with an element that doesn't exist
When i click afterwards on the radiobutton 'yes', the textfield is shown again BUT i get an error:
TypeError: dom is undefined
I could catch these errors and do nothing with it because in fact the form seems to be working, the textfields got added and removed like it should, there are only errors present and i don't like the concept of it. Does anyone has a clue why this error occurs and how to get rid of it so it's working 100% properly?
Here is an example of the code:
var radiogroup = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({
fieldLabel: 'Radio group test',
allowBlank: false,
anchor: '85%',
items: [{
boxLabel: 'Yes',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 1
}, {
boxLabel: 'No',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 2
listeners: {
change: function (rg, radio) {
if (radio.inputValue == 1) {
var textfield_test = new Ext.form.TextField({
fieldLabel: 'Test',
allowBlank: false,
id: 'test',
name: 'test',
anchor: '85%',
width: 320,
helpText: 'test'
textfield_fieldset.insert(textfield_fieldset.items.length, textfield_test);
} else {
try {
txt_test = Ext.getCmp('test');
if (txt_test) {
} catch (err) {
I've done this successfully not just for one textbox, but for an entire panel, and it works pretty well. In my case, any number of panel can be added and removed dynamically and it works pretty well. The relevant code that I used were:
And for remove i used,
var cmp = Ext.getCmp('Panel-' + Id);
if (cmp) {
treatment.remove(cmp, true); // True is the autoDestroy option.
These two in combination works for me. Though I would suggest that if you're doing this only for one textbox, then convert it into a hidden field and disable it. When you disable a field, it does not get submitted in a post, or ajax post request.
Hope this helps.
first, why did you re-add/re-remove a component like that?,..
if i was you... i will use the hide / show method of textfield class..
after read your code, i assuming that you are make a formPanel with 2 items (radiogroup and fieldset) where in the fieldset, there is a textfield... so, guestly.. mybe like this ??
var radiogroup = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({
fieldLabel: 'Radio group test',
allowBlank: false,
anchor: '85%',
items: [
boxLabel: 'Yes',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 1},
boxLabel: 'No',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 2}
listeners: {
change : function(a,b){
if (b.inputValue==1){
Ext.getCmp("textfield").disable(); // set disable to prevent send empty data
var formPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
url : '',
method : "GET",
frame :true,
border : false,
items : [
id : 'test',
title: 'Fieldset',
collapsible: true,
height : 200,
width : 350,
items :[{
xtype : "textfield",
id : 'textfield',
fieldLabel : "input data",
name : "text",
var win = new Ext.Window({
title : "holla",
width : 400,
height: 300,
border : false,
items : [formPanel]
I created a jsfiddle to answer this question. The textfield seemed to get added / removed properly there:
Edit: For completeness, I guess I'll just post the code here as well
<div id="radios"></div>
<div id="textfield_fieldset"></div>
var textfield_fieldset = new Ext.form.FieldSet({
renderTo: 'textfield_fieldset',
var radiogroup = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({
renderTo: 'radios',
width: 200,
height: 60,
fieldLabel: 'Radio group test',
allowBlank: false,
layout: {
type: 'vbox'
items: [
boxLabel: 'Yes',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 1
boxLabel: 'No',
name: 'radio',
inputValue: 2
listeners: {
change: function(rg, radio) {
if ( == 1) {
var textfield_test = new Ext.form.TextField({
fieldLabel: 'Test',
allowBlank: false,
id: 'test',
name: 'test',
anchor: '85%',
width: 320,
helpText: 'test'
textfield_fieldset.insert(textfield_fieldset.items.length, textfield_test);
} else {
txt_test = Ext.getCmp('test');
if (txt_test) {
