Dependency of Run time library on operating system - c

I was going through this tutorial about how to write a minimalist kernel. I read this in between :
The Run-Time Library
A major part of writing code for your OS is rewriting the run-time library, also known as libc. This is because
the RTL is the most OS-dependent part of the compiler package: the C
RTL provides enough functionality to allow you to write portable
programs, but the inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in
use. In fact, compiler vendors often use different RTLs for the same
OS: Microsoft Visual C++ provides different libraries for the various
combinations of debug/multi-threaded/DLL, and the older MS-DOS
compilers offered run-time libraries for up to 6 different memory
I am kind of confused with this part. Suppose I write my kernel in C code and against the advice use the inbuilt printf() function to print something. Finally my code will be translated to the machine code. When it will be executed, processer will directly run it. Why does the author says :
inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in use ?

There are two separate issues:
What will printf() do when run inside of your kernel? Most likely it will crash or do nothing, since the RTL of the C compiler you use to develop your kernel is probably assuming some runtime environment with console, operating system, etc. Even if you're using a freestanding implementation of C/C++, the runtime will likely take over serial ports or whatnot to perform the output. You don't want that, probably, since your kernel's drivers will control the I/O. So you need to reimplement the underlying file I/O from the RTL.
What will printf() do when run in a user process that runs on top of your kernel? If the kernel protects access to hardware resources, it can't do anything. The underlying file I/O code from the RTL has to be aware of how to communicate with the kernel to open whatever passes for standard input/output "files" and to perform data exchange.
You need to be aware of whether you're using a free-standing or hosted implementation of the C/C++ compiler + RTL, and all of the implications. For kernel development, you'll be using a free-standing implementation. For userspace development, you'll want a hosted implementation, perhaps a cross-compiler, but the runtime library must be written as for a hosted implementation. Note that in both cases you can use the same compiler, you just need to point it to appropriate header files and libraries. On Linux, for example, kernel and userspace development can be done using the very same gcc compiler, with different headers and libraries.
The processor has no clue what a console is, or what a kernel is. Some code has to actually access the hardware. When you take printf() from a hosted C/C++ implementation, that implementation, somewhere deep in its guts, will invoke a system call for the particular platform it was meant to run on. That system call is meant to write to some abstraction that wraps the "console". On the other side of this system call is kernel code that will push this data to some hardware. It may not even be hardware directly, it may well be userspace of another process.
For example, whenever you run things in a GUI-based terminal on a Unix machine (KDE's Konsole, X11 xterm, OS X Terminal, etc.), the userland process invoking printf() has very, very far to go before anything hits hardware. Namely (even this is simplified!):
printf() writes data to a buffer
The buffer is flushed to (written to) a file handle. The write() library function is called.
The write() library function invokes a system call that transfers the control over to the kernel.
The kernel code copies the data from the userspace pages, since those can vanish at any time, to a kernel-side non-paged buffer.
The kernel code invokes the write handler for a given file handle - a file handle, in many kernels, is implemented as class with virtual methods.
The file handle happens to be a pseudo-terminal (pty) slave. The write method passes the data to the pty master.
The pty master fills up the read buffer of given pseudo-terminal, and wakes up the process waiting on the related file handle.
The process implementing the GUI terminal wakes up and read()s the file handle. This goes through the library to a syscall.
The kernel invokes the read handler for the pty master file handle.
The read handler copies its buffered data to the userspace.
The syscall returns.
The terminal process takes the data, parses it for control codes, and updates its internal data structure representing the emulated screen. It also queues an update event in the event queue. Control returns to the event loop of the GUI library/framework. This is done through an event since those events are usually coalesced. If there's a lot of data available, it will be all processed to update the screen data structure before anything gets repainted.
The event dispatcher dispatches the update/repaint event to the "screen" widget/window.
The event handler code in the widget/window uses the internal data structure to "paint" somewhere. Usually it'd be on a bitmap backing store.
The GUI library/framework code signals the operating system's graphics driver that new data is available on the backing store.
Again, through a syscall, the control is passed over to the kernel. The graphics driver running in the kernel will do the necessary magic on the graphics hardware to pass the backing bitmap to the screen. It may be an explicit memory copy, or a simple queuing of a texture copy with the graphics hardware.

Printf() is a high-level function that can be independent of the OS. It is however just part of the puzzle, it has dependencies itself. It needs to be able to write to stdout. Which will result in low-level OS dependent system calls, like create() to open the stdout stream and write() to send printf output there. Different OSes have different system calls so there's always an adaption layer, there will be in yours.
So sure, you can make printf() work in your kernel. Actually seeing the output of calls to printf() is going to be the real problem to solve. Nothing like a terminal window in kernel mode.


Why do system calls exist

I have been reading about system calls and how they work in Linux. I still have more reading to do but one thing that nothing I have read has answered is, WHY do we need system calls?
I understand that system calls are requests from user space program for the kernel to do something, but my question is basically: Why can't the user space program do the thing itself? Why doesn't Glibc do the actual operation instead of just being a wrapper for a system call?
For example, if I call fopen() in my program, why does glibc call the open system call? Why doesn't glibc just do the operation itself?
I understand that it would mean that glibc developers would have a lot more work and that they would have to have an intimate knowledge of Linux, but isn't glibc already very closely related to Linux kernel?
Also, I understand the system call functions are run in ring 0 in the CPU...but what's really the point of that? If I execute a program, I am giving it express permission to run, so what security is added by separating what code can be run in different contexts since you are giving it all permission anyway?
Why doesn't glibc just do the operation itself?
Well that is more less the ways things went in good old MS/DOS systems: no separation between kernel code and user code, and user code could happily directly access the hardware.
This just has 2 major problems:
It works (rather) fine on a single user and not multi tasking system, but as soon as multiple programs can simultaneously run in a system, you have to synchronize hardware accesses and memory usage => those are the parts dedicated to the kernel
There is no protection of the system from a poorly coded program. In a modern OS, an erroneous program can crash, but the system itself should survive. In MS/DOS a program crash usually ended in a system reboot.
For those reasons, all modern OS (except maybe some lightweight embedded ones) use isolation between different user processes and the kernel. And that just mean that you need a way to allow a user mode process to require a privileged action (reading or writing a physical disk is) from the kernel: that is exactly what system calls are made for.
Why doesn't glibc just do the operation itself?
Short answer: Because it can't.
Long answer:
A program running in Linux can run in two modes : UserLand or KernelLand.
The Kernel Land has every rights and can do everything, including talking with hardware, or providing userspace callbacks. For instance, when you call fopen(), the kernel does all the dirty talking with your filesystem (ext4 for instance), the caching, everything down to talking with the SATA Controller to access data on the hard-drive.
GLibc could do that using the device exposed by the kernel in /dev, but that would mean recoding from scratch all the filesystems layers, the sockets, the firewalling...
The kernel just provides easy usable API for programmers to have elevated rights and communicate with the devices. That's how Linux (and most modern OS) is made.
What security is added by separating what code can be run in different contexts since you are giving it all permission anyway?
The permissions are managed by the kernel. If you don't have syscall, you don't have permissions. Or should the program you run check their own permission? Once again, it would be reinventing the wheel every time.
If the code generated by a C implementation were the only thing that were going to be running on the target system (as it would be for many freestanding implementations, and for a very small number of hosted implementations) and if implementation knew precisely what hardware it would be running upon (true of some freestanding implementations, but seldom true for hosted ones), its runtime library might be able to perform operations like "fopen" by directly communicating with the storage hardware. It is rare, however, for either condition to apply, much less both of them.
If multiple programs will be using storage device, it will generally be necessary that they either coordinate their actions somehow or else that sequences of operations performed by different programs do not overlap, and that every program "forget" anything it thinks it knows about the state of storage any time another program might have written to it.
Otherwise, suppose a disk contains a single file and program #1 uses "fopen" to open it for reading. Each directory sector holds 8 entries, so the program would read the first directory sector and observe that slot #0 identifies the file of interest while #1-#7 are blank.
Now suppose program #2 uses "fopen" to create a file for writing. It would read the directory sector, observe that slots #1-#7 are blank, and rewrite the directory sector with information about the new file in slot #1.
Finally, suppose program #1 wants to write a file. If it doesn't know about program #2, it might reasonably believe it knows what the directory contains (it had read it earlier, and has no reason to believe it's changed), place information about the new file in slot #1, and replace the directory sector on disk with its new version, obliterating the entry written by program #2.
Having both programs route their operations through an operating system ensures that when program #2 wants to create its file, it can exploit the fact that it had just read the directory for program #1 (and thus doesn't need to reread it). More importantly, when program #1 goes to write a file, the operating system will know that the directory contains the file written by program #2, and will thus ensure that the new file gets placed in slot #2.
Contrary to what other answers say, even microcomputer C implementations running on platforms like MS-DOS essentially always relied upon the OS for file I/O. Some would include their own console I/O routines because the ones in MS-DOS were about four times as slow as they should have been, but the need for coordination when using file I/O meant that very few programs would try to do it themselves.
1- You don't wanna deal with low-level hardware communications. At least most people don't. Each of them has hundreds of commands.
2- Make a simple mistake and your CPU/RAM or I/O device might be useless forever.
3- When you are part of a network, you can share resources. The system calls and kernel keeps your co-worker from damaging your hard disk.
Another consideration is that the OS kernel needs to provide an abstraction for the myriad different types of hardware via a uniform API - without which you'd invariably be making device specific calls in your program.
While the previously-idle disk spins up for two seconds, or the networked disk gets connected for thirty seconds, what is the library going to do?
The full answer to your question is very broad but let me take a simple example based upon your question about fopen.
Let us say that we have a large system that has hundred or thousands of users. One of those users is, say the HR department with files containing confidential information about employees.
If that disk could be accessed at will in user mode, then any person on the system could open any file on the system, including those with confidential information.
In other words operating systems managed SHARED resources. These include disk, CPU, and memory. If these could be controlled in user mode, there would be no way to ensure that these were shared equitably.

passing variables to a process from linux kernel

I want to make a program that will gather information about the keystrokes of a user (keycode, press and release times) and will use them as a biometric for authenticating the user continuously. My approach is to gather the keystrokes using a kernel module (because you can't just kill a kernel module), than the kernel module will send the information to another process that will analyze the data gathered by the kernel module, it will save it to a database and will return an answer to the kernel (the user is authenticated or not) and the kernel will lock the computer if the user is not authenticated. the whole module will not be distributed.
my questions are:
1. How can I call a process from the kernel and also send him the data?
2. how can I return a message to the kernel from the process?
#basile-starynkevitch 's answer and his arguments notwithstanding there is an approach you can take that is perfectly correct and technically allowed by the linux kernel.
Register a keyboard notifier call back function using the kernel call register_keyboard_notifier() in your kernel module. As a matter of fact it's designed for exactly this!
Your notifier call back function will look something like:
int keysniffer_callback(struct notifier_block *notifier_block,
unsigned long scancode,
void *param)
// do something with the scancode
return NOTIFY_OK;
See for starters.
I want to make a program that will gather information about the keystrokes of a user
That should go in practice into your display server, which you did not mention (Xorg, Wayland, MIR, ...?). Details matter a big lot!
My approach is to gather the keystrokes using a kernel module
I strongly believe this is a wrong approach, you don't need any kernel module.
I want to make a program that gathers data about the user keystrokes
Then use ordinary Unix machinery. The keyboard is some character device (and you could have several keyboards, or none, or some virtual one...) and you could read(2) from it. If you want to code a keylogger, please tell that explicitly.
(be aware that a keylogger or any other cyberspying activity can be illegal when used without consent and without permission; in most countries, that could send you to jail: in France, Article 323-1 du Code PĂ©nal punishes that by at least 2 years of jail; and most other countries have similar laws)
the kernel module will send the information to another process [....] it will save it to a database
This is practically very difficult to get (and you look confused). Databases are in user-land (e.g. some RDBMS like PostGresSQL, or some library accessing files like sqlite). Notice that a kernel driver cannot (easily and reliably) even access to files.
All application programs (and most daemons & servers) on Linux are started with execve(2) (e.g. by some unix shell process, or by some daemon, etc...), and I see no reason for you to make an exception. However, some programs (mostly init, but also a few others, e.g. /sbin/hotplug) are started by the kernel, but this is exceptional (and should be avoided, and you don't need that).
How can I call a process from the kernel
You should not do that. I see no reason for your program to avoid being started by execve from some other process (perhaps your init, e.g. systemd).
and also send him the data?
Your process, as all other processes, is interacting with the kernel thru system calls (listed in syscalls(2)). So your application program could use read(2), write(2), poll(2) etc.. Be aware of netlink(7).
how can I return a message to the kernel from the process?
You don't. Use system calls, initiated by application code.
the kernel will lock the computer if the user is not authenticated.
This does not have any sense. Screen locking is a GUI artefact (so is not done by kernel code, but by ad-hoc daemon processes). Of course some processes do continue to run when locking is enabled. And many processes are daemons or servers which don't belong to "the" user (and continue to run when "the computer is locked"). At heart, Linux & POSIX is a multi-user and multi-tasking operating system. Even on a desktop Linux system used by a single physical person, you have dozens of users (i.e. uid-s many of them specialized to a particular feature, look into your /etc/passwd file, see passwd(5)) and more than a hundred processes (each having its pid), use top(1) or ps(1) as ps auxw to list them.
I believe you have the wrong approach. Take first several days or weeks to understand more about Linux from the application point of view. So read some book about Linux programming, e.g. ALP or something newer. Read also something like: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Be aware that in practice, most Linux systems having a desktop environment are using some display server. So the (physical) keyboard is handled by the X11 or Wayland server. You need to read more about your display server (with X11, things like EWMH).
Hence, you need to be much more specific. You are likely to need to interact with the display server, not the kernel directly.
At last, a rule of thumb is to avoid bloating your kernel with extra and useless driver code. You very probably can do your thing in userland entirely.
So, spend a week or more reading about OSes & Linux before coding a single line of code. Avoid kernel modules, they will bite you, and you probably don't need them (but you might need to hack your display server or simply your window manager; of course details are different with X11 and with Wayland). Read also about multiseat Linux systems.
At last, most Linux distributions are made of free software, whose source code you can study. So take time to look into the source code of relevant software for your (ill-defined) goals. Use also strace(1) to understand the system calls dynamically done by commands and processes.

cannot find pthread.c in linux folder

I have downloaded kernel and the kernel resides in folder called Linux- in which I can find /Kernel/Kthread.c
I found Kthread.c but I cannot find pthread.c in Linux-
I found Kthread.c in Linux-3.13/Kernel and Linux-4.7.2/Kernel
locate pthread.c finds file pthread.c in Computer/usr folder that comes when I install Ubuntu but pthread.c is not available in downloaded folders Linux-, Linux-3.13, Linux-4.7.2
MORE: There are two sets of function calls. 1. System Calls 2. Library Calls.
For a computer to do any task it has to use hardware resources. So, how library calls differ from system calls?
System calls always use kernel which means hardware.
Library calls means no usage of kernel or hardware?
I know that library calls sometimes may resolve to system call.
What I want to know is that, if every set of function calls uses hardware then to what degree system calls will use hardware resources when compared with library calls and vice-versa.
Whether a function call is System or Library, at least hardware resource like RAM has to be utilized. Right?
Read first pthreads(7). It explains you that pthreads are implemented in the C standard library as nptl(7).
The C standard library is the cornerstone of Linux systems, and you might have several variants of it; however, most Linux distributions have only one libc, often the GNU glibc, which contains the NPTL. You might use another C standard library (such as musl-libc or dietlibc). With care, you can have several C standard libraries co-existing on your system.
The C standard library (and every user-space program) is using system calls to interact with the kernel. They are listed in syscalls(2). BTW most C standard library implementations on Linux are free software, so you can study (or even improve) their source code if you want to. You often use a system call thru the small wrapper C function (e.g. write(2)) for it in your C standard library, and even more often thru some higher-level function (e.g. fprintf(3)) provided by your C standard library.
Pthreads are implemented (in the NPTL layer of glibc) using low-level stuff like clone(2) and futex(7) and a bit of assembler code. But you generally won't use these directly unless you are implementing a thread library (like NPTL).
Most programs are using the libc and linking with it (and also with crt0) as a shared library, which is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ on my Debian/Sid/x86-64. However, you might (but you usually don't) invoke system calls directly thru some assembler code (e.g. using a SYSCALL or SYSENTER machine instruction). See also this.
The question was edited to also ask
What I want to know is that, if every set of function calls uses hardware then to what degree system calls will use hardware resources
Please read a lot more about operating systems. So read carefully Operating Systems: Three Easy pieces (a freely downloadable textbook) and read about Instruction Set Architecture and Computer Architecture. Study several of them, e.g. x86-64 and RISC-V (or ARM, PowerPC, etc...). Read about CPU modes and virtual memory.
You'll find out that the OS manages physical resources (including RAM and cores of processors). Each process has its own virtual address space. So from a user-space point of view, a process don't use directly hardware (e.g. it runs in virtual address space, not in RAM), it runs in some virtual machine (provided by the OS kernel) defined by the system calls and the ISA (the unpriviledged machine instructions).
Whether a function call is System or Library, at least hardware resource like RAM has to be utilized. Right?
Wrong, from a user-space point of view. All hardware resources are (by definition) managed by the operating system (which provides abstractions thru system calls). An ordinary application executable program uses the abstractions and software resources (files, processes, file descriptors, sockets, memory mappings, virtual address space, etc etc...) provided by the OS.
(so several books are required to really answer your questions; I gave some references, please follow them and read a lot more; we can't explain everything here)
Regarding your second cluster of questions: Everything a computer does is ultimately done by hardware. But we can make some distinctions between different kinds of hardware within the computer, and different kinds of programs interacting with them in different ways.
A modern computer can be divided into three major components: central processing unit (CPU), main memory (random access memory, RAM), and "peripherals" such as disks, network transceivers, displays, graphics cards, keyboards, mice, etc. Things that the CPU and RAM can do by themselves without involving peripherals in any way are called computation. Any operation involving at least one peripheral is called input/output (I/O). All programs do some of both, but some programs mostly do computation, and other programs mostly do I/O.
A modern operating system is also divided into two major components: the kernel, which is a self-contained program that is given special abilities that no other program has (such as the ability to communicate with peripherals and the ability to control the allocation of RAM), and is responsible for supervising execution of all the other programs; and the user space, which is an unbounded set of programs that have no such special abilities.
User space programs can do computation by themselves, but to do I/O they must, essentially, ask the kernel to do it for them. A system call is a request from a user-space program to the kernel. Many system calls are requests to perform I/O, but the kernel can also be requested to do other things, such as provide general information, set up communication channels among programs, allocate RAM, etc. A library is a component of a user space program. It is, essentially, a collection of "functions" that someone else has written for you, that you can use as if you wrote them yourself. There are many libraries, and most of them don't do anything out of the ordinary. For instance, zlib is a library that (provides functions that) compress and uncompress data.
However, "the C library" is special because (on all modern operating systems, except Windows) it is responsible for interacting directly with the kernel. Nearly all programs, and nearly all libraries, will not make system calls themselves; they will instead ask the C library to do it for them. Because of this, it can often be confusing trying to tell whether a particular C library function does all of its work itself or whether it "wraps" one or more system calls. The pthreads functions in particular tend to be a complicated tangle of both. If you want to learn how operating systems are put together at their lower levels, I recommend you start with something simpler, such as how the stdio.h "buffered I/O" routines (fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, puts, etc) ultimately call the unistd.h/fcntl.h "raw I/O" routines (open, close, read, write, etc) and how the latter set of functions are just wrappers around system calls.
(Assigning the task of wrapping system calls to the runtime library for the C programming language is a historical accident and we probably wouldn't do it that way again if we were going to start over from scratch.)
pthread is POSIX thread. It is a library that helps application to create threads in OS. Kthread in kernel source code is for kernel threads in linux.
POSIX is a standard defined by IEEE to maintain the compatibility between different OS.
So pthread source code cannot be seen in linux kernel source code.
you may refer this link for pthread source code

Printing to stdout without the involvement of functions

How can one print some arbitrary text on-screen without the call to any function ?
Another way of asking this question is how are i/o functions implemented ?
I tried searching in google, but unluckily, no result was found similarly to as if it was some sort of a top secret thing.
For study purposes.
I personally don't feel even close to a real programmer without knowing this.
Well, in the end, loosely speaking, the low level software in the computer sets a special memory location or uses a special instruction that changes the voltage on some pins on the CPU, and the hardware responds to these changes.
But user-level processes don't have access to those instructions or memory locations. Messing with stuff that drives the hardware is the responsibility of "device drivers" that execute in the kernel. They use these special memory locations or instructions, and each one is given responsibility over a particular hardware device.
User-level processes communicate with device drivers via system calls as mentioned in the comments. A system call is not quite like a normal function call -- you don't just call the code. After setting up a "request" for what it wants to do, the user-level process pokes the kernel, usually by using a software interrupt instruction. The kernel wakes up, looks at what you request, and then decides itself what code to execute. The kernel code runs at a higher privilege level and will call directly into the device drivers that access the hardware.
This is how the kernel keeps processes safe from each other.
To actually get from stdout to the screen is a lengthy process:
the standard library ends up making a system call that writes to a "pipe" that is attached to stdout. This is where it leaves your process.
The other end of the pipe is being read by the console. The console is a user-level process, so it has to do a system call to do the reading.
The console decides what to display, and how to make it visible to you. There will be a bunch more layers, but eventually there will be system calls into drivers that control the graphics hardware. They will mess with the bits that turn into pixels on the screen, making your text visible.

input and output without a library in C

I'm writing a small kernel for my programs in C.
This is not (at the moment) an OS kernel, it's merely a way for me to keep track of input and output in programs without relying on external source (i.e. stdio.h). You might ask me why I'd ever want to do this; it's just so I know how this works, and so that I have more, and more (end goal is total) control of program flow.
I was wondering if anyone knows some tutorials on input and output in C (with inline asm?) without relying on any other code.
There is a lot of room between the bare metal and stdio. You have said you aren't writing an OS kernel, but not whether or not you are running under an OS.
Running directly on hardware without an OS, you will still want to encapsulate all of your I/O operations in a module, even if you don't formally define a device driver interface and framework for all of your I/O modules to follow. This is hugely architecture dependent, and makes you responsible for knowing all of the details of interaction with every I/O device you might ever use. For some devices, this can quickly become a huge development effort. That isn't a problem for embedded systems, but running on commercial hardware this way is neither easy nor recommended.
Running within an OS, you probably don't get (and shouldn't want to get) access to the actual hardware registers and interrupts. If you are developing a custom I/O device, the best practice is to make it conform to existing standards so that you need as little low level custom software for it as possible. This is why you see a lot of custom user interface gadgets connecting via USB and identifying themselves as HIDs (Human Interface Devices). As a HID, the existing USB drivers take care of the physical layer, and the OS-supplied HID driver takes care of the logical interface, providing a very simple high level access API to the application.
One of the operating system's key roles is to provide a consistent I/O API across all devices. Generally, that takes the form of open(), close(), read(), write(), and ioctl() functions (the names vary, but some form of at least the first four will always exist). The OS layer is quite raw, however. Typically, an OS call is forwarded without much processing to a device driver, which then forwards the data on to the device. Usually, the OS low level calls block the caller until they complete, and often they have restrictions on the sizes of the buffers that make sense. For instance, raw access to a disk device is usually required to be for an integral number of disk blocks at a time.
And don't forget about things like file systems and network protocols... all of which are made much more reliable and compatible by encapsulation within an operating system.
Even if it is acceptable to call read() and write() for single characters, that is usually not the best performance possible. Operating system calls are relatively expensive, and if you can read multiple characters in a single call, your performance can go way up.
That is the origin of the stdio library for C, and various other buffering libraries in other environments. The stdio library provides a buffering layer that isolates the C code from the block size of the underlying hardware. Even on an entirely home-grown operating system where you have full control over all the devices, something like C stdio will still be valuable.
Writing your own stdio replacement is a highly valuable exercise, even if you don't use it in production code, and is one I would recommend to anyone wanting to learn about what really goes on between printf() and scanf() and the terminal or files.
One valuable resource is the book The Standard C Library by P.J. Plauger. In it, the author presents an implementation of the complete C runtime library specified in the ANSI standard. His discussion of the specific implementation choices he made is valuable and apropos to the context of this question, and the discussions of why some of the standard library features were specified is interesting as well.
This sort of thing is very architecture specific. To put it simply, your I/O devices will raise hardware interrupts to the CPU. The CPU will call the code associated with the interrupt which will deal with it appropriately; for an input device it will fetch the data that is available from the device, for an output device the interrupt usually means that the device is ready to send the next piece.
The old 8088/8086 CPU architecture is a nice simple place to start to get your head around this. Typically, the BIOS would be where the hardware interrupts would have been handled, but it was always possible to write your own. ;)
