Wiring up AngularUI to Bootstrap 3 throwing errors - angularjs

I have been trying to wire up AngularUI to Bootstrap 3 to no avail. I grabbed the appropriate AngularUI code from the bootstrap 3 branch here:
I picked the AngularUI tooltip directive as an easy "test-case" to see if I can get it all wired up.
There error I am receiving is:
Uncaught Error: No module: ui.bootstrap
I've shared a dropbox link with src code below.
Views/Home/index.cshtml contains the markup with references to angularjs and bootstrap
js/directives contains the only directive I am currently testing out which is the "tooltip" directive.
Dropbox link with src code
Instead of my having to download the bootstrap 3 directives and place them manually in my project, is there now a CDN available for AngularUI-Bootstrap3 directives like there is for AngularUI-Bootstrap2?
Thanks for any help,

It's because you try to extract only one part of AngularUI sources, not compiled version.
So you lack the module declaration for 'ui.bootstrap' (and surely other pieces).
As Bootstrap 3 compatibility is not done, there is no compiled version (and no more CDN) for this AngularUI version.
You have to get all sources from branch bootstrap3_bis2, and build them with grunt. It's explain in project README (Contributing to the project > Build).
It will generate 2 JS files (one is minified and the other is not) you have to include one of them to your page and it will works correctly.


Angular autocomplete (i.e. intelli-sense) not working in PhpStorm

I have done the following:
Installed both the AngularJS and NodeJS Plugins in Phpstorm
Downloaded the latest stable release of Angular (1.4.8)
Added angular.js to the project
Added angular.js to the list of libraries in Phpstorm
Directives in my HTML will autocomplete fine (e.g. ng-modal), but trying to do something like Module.fact does not autocomplete to factory. Here is my code:
var appModule = angular.module("appModule", ['ngRoute']);

appModule.fac //This is me typing factory, but auto complete doesn't help
I am running PhpStorm 10.0.2. I have tried using different versions of PhpStorm and I have also tried using Angular 1.5 (the beta version) with the same result. Also, I am new to angular, but my code is working. Thank you!
*I have already reviewed these links and SO posts:
Why do AngularJS directives (attributes, etc.) show up as "invalid" in WebStorm 8?
Getting angularJS autcomplete in Webstorm/PHPStorm
The angular variable is a global one and when you have to many declarations of the same global variable PhpStorm/WebStorm can not handle auto-completion.
It's important to verify that only 1 declaration for angular is being discovered by PhpStorm. This doesn't have anything to do with your actually JavaScript project, but where PhpStorm looks for declarations.
If you hold down ctrl and mouse over the world angular. It should show it highlighted to be clickable, and a tooltip showing where it is declared.
If the tooltip says there are multiple definitions of the identifier, then it can not do autocomplete correctly. This is true for most JS variables in Php/WebStorm not just this angular variable.
You have a couple of ways to fix this:
1) Force type declaration with JsDoc to TypeScript
* #var {angular.IAngularStatic} myAngular
var myAngular = angular;
This will declare the variable myAngular using the TypeScript definition. There is less likely to be conflict with any already scanned JS source files that also declare angular. It's an easy fix, but adds unnecessary source code to your project.
2) Disable JavaScript source files by excluding them
If you are using node_modules or bower_components then you need to include some of the JS files from those folders, but not unnecessary duplicates. You won't need any Angular JS files since you've already installed the TypeScript definitions (which work better for auto-completion). In the Project Files panel in PhpStorm find the Angular packages, right click on those folders and "Exclude" those folders. You can also do this via project settings in "Files / Settings / Directories"
3) Ignore bundled output files for JavaScript
This is the most common issue I find with PhpStorm/WebStorm. PhpStorm will also scan minified JavaScript files you've packaged into your webroot/js folder. For example; If you use grunt to uglify your JavaScript code into app.min.js and inside that file is Angular and your project code. PhpStorm will scan this and create duplicate declarations of everything it finds.
Find all those duplicate *.js files in your project, right mouse click on the files and select "Mark as Plain Text" from the menu. This will tell the editor to completely ignore the file from all intellisense scanning.
So to summarize. If you control click on a declaration to go to source, and PhpStorm does not go immediately, but instead prompts you select from multiple declarations, then you have duplicates in your project and you need to narrow the scope. Once that is done everything else should work as expected.
f you prefer to use a CDN, place the cursor over the highlight library name, hit Alt+Enter, and Download Library. This will set up a local library in WebStorm’s cache (not in your project) so WebStorm can access AngularJS methods, directives, etc for autocompletion and documentation lookup.

Onsen-UI cannot load <ons> tags in Meteor

I am trying to move avatars pattern of Onsen UI (http://onsen.io/pattern-list_avatars.html) into a Meteor app, but the tags do not load. Firebug logged message from Onsen:
Onsen UI require jqLite. Load jQuery after loading AngularJS to fix this error. jQuery may break Onsen UI behavior.
This message appeared even though I had jquery package installed and in order to eliminate it I have to include jquery lib into client/lib folder (do not know if that is correct).
I have also added urigo:angular package into my project because Onsen requires Angular but that did not do the trick. Now the only message I get in the log is
WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.
Which is taken from Onsen code:
if (window.angular.bootstrap) {
//AngularJS is already loaded, so we can return here...
console.log('WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.');
The styling is not applied to elements and they look the following:
How can I solve this?
Onsen .js files need to be loaded in a correct order together with jQuery file and Angular file. To achieve this in Meteor I loaded these files in client/lib folder like this:
|- client
|- lib
- onsen.js
|- jQuery
- jquery.min.js
|- Angular
- angular.min.js
Loading in this way solved the problem because meteor load files starting from the deepest node in the folder tree, in this case /Angular folder.
Maybe a better solution will be to create an onsen Meteor package and make a dependency to Jquery and Angular Meteor packages.

Should I used 'ui' or 'ui.boostrap' when including angular-ui and why does angular-ui have a build sub directory?

I'm using yeoman. According to the readme under angular-ui/build/README.md
The repository comes with the modules pre-built and compressed into
the build/ directory.
Usage is documented as:
angular.module('myApp', ['ui']);
You do not need to build the project to use it - see above [...]
In order to start using angular-ui, I changed the declaration of my angular-js module to include 'ui'
var app = angular.module('MyApp', [
However the UI Bootstrap documentation states installation is achieved with:
angular.module('myModule', ['ui.bootstrap']);
Question #1: What's the difference between using only ui and ui.bootstrap?
I then included the following js file manually into my .html file (note the build directory in the path as this relates to question 3):
<script src="bower_components/angular-ui/build/angular-ui.js"></script>
However all other angular components are included automatically into my .html file as part of the build process:
Question #2: How do I use angular-ui such that it too is added as part of the build process?
Question #3: Why does angular-ui have .js files in a build sub-directory while other angular components do not?
Answer # 1: The difference is that Angular-ui is a combination of several packages of the angular-ui project specificly all (or almost all) the UI-Utils and UI-Modules, and the UI-Bootstrap is another part of the project that includes several bootstrap components writen in angular way and is not included in the Angular-UI Bundle pack ... here for more info and see all the different packages of the project Angular UI github
Answer # 2 As already you did just including the 'ui' dependency into the dependecys array of your main module, howerver it will not include the ui-bootstrap as i mention above
Answer # 3 Those files are as you can see in the link of the main proyect of angular-ui are the modules and utils as separate components so you can delete them from your project and only include the distriburion files or you can use them separetly

Adding a Fuelux wizard to an Angular project

I'm reading https://github.com/ExactTarget/fuelux in order to get familiar with the Fuelux wizard, and how I can integrate it with my AngularJS project.
In the non-AMD section it says :
If you'd prefer not to use AMD, simply add the loader script to the head tag of your page:
<script src="http://www.fuelcdn.com/fuelux/2.6.1/loader.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
but something in jquery is conflicting with my angular routes.
I'm also using this as a guide, and adding the necessary css links and requirejs links; however the wizard does not render properly (as if it were missing the css styling).
In my latest attempt, after downloading from https://github.com/ExactTarget/fuelux/tree/3.0.0-wip , I'm still getting the non-formatted wizard. Please see screen shot :
FuelUX 2.x is AMD only. The loader.js is a polyfill of sorts (almond.js- a minimal AMD API implementation) that allows AMD, just so you don't have to load require.js yourself, but it's still there.
The latest version FuelUX 3 is a WIP branch and is UMD (Universal Module Definition) which means it can be used with/without AMD via tags with only Bootstrap and JQuery as dependencies. You might try it.

angular-bootstrap accordion won't open

Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/Sjfb3Esx1NsjwaYGLMGZ?p=preview
Accordion is in the servers tab.
The plunker actually works. My real app does not. The only thing that plunker is not really replicating is the ui-router stuff. On my actual app the accordion won't open. Other questions on SO say that ui.bootstrap is not included and that fixed their problem. I do have ui.bootstrap included though.
I've also tried copying and pasting the example from http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ that doesn't work either.
I'm at a loss for what else to look for.
More info:
I'm not getting any errors. Also other ui-bootstrap directives work just fine. I'm using tabs on this same page, and modal and dropdown work on other pages.
there is an issue with some version of angular-ui, the js assumes that one atleast one accordion is open and tries to calculate width. But bootstrap hides all accordions. So try displaying one accordion through css, i.e. set the display property of the accordion.
As per my comment:
It's my template. Somehow my template files are out of sync with the js files. In the template it is calling ng-click="toggleOpen()" which does not exist in my code. When I roll that back to ng-click="isOpen = !isOpen" everything works as expected. I need to figure out why my templates and js files are out of sync.
I installed ui-bootstrap using bower which does not include template files. I need to disable template caching during development so I can't use the tpls code. I downloaded the template directory from github and some of the templates simply do not match up with the version of code that bower downloads. I updated the template file to an older version that correctly matches the code from bower. Everything works now.
