How to list amazon orders through ASIN - amazon-mws

Is there a way to get the orders only is you have an ASIN?
Right now what I am doing is to fetching all the orders through ListOrder (no ASIN returned here. but I can use AmazonOrderId) and then filtering/matching them out one by one through GetOrder (gives back the ASIN if you send AmazonOrderId). However this is an ugly way to do this as it takes a long process to filter out the desired Order.
I am wondering if anyone has a workaround for this? As I cannot to see any solution in the MWS docs.

You can request a _GET_ORDERS_DATA_ report. It lists all orders in a specified time period and contains ASINs for each order item. This means you can do it in just four requests (RequestReport, GetReportRequestList, GetReportList, GetReport, as outlined in "Managing Reports" in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service Developer Guide (Version 2009-01-01).
However you'll still have to do quite some filtering on that data to get only the orders that contain a certain ASIN.


Pinning documents to specific positions in Azure Cognitive Search

We have a business requirement for a retail site wherein for non-search product listing pages business wants to fix position of certain products.
Url - /nav/category-id
Current result - it displays all the products under that category-id
Say, P1,P3,P5,P7,P2,P4...
Requirement - business wants to fix first 3 position with P4,P3,P2...
Rest of the products should maintain their original order.
What we are doing currently - we are giving a very high boost in descending order to the required pinned products and it seems to work for now.
Our concern - even with very high boost we think we can never garantee the order because of conflicting boost coming from scoring profile.
E.g business might have pinned a new product but our scoring profile is trying to boost products with good sales number.
So what would be the best way to achieve this.
When we tried fixing the position externally by making 2 calls to Cognitive Search, one for getting only pinned products and then making second call to get other products, we just opened a can of bugs with discrepancy coming in facet counts, wrong count on doing pagination and overall the solution became very complex.
Making two calls is a good approach here. One call should responsible for regular results, pagination, refiners, counts, etc. The secondary call should just populate the first N places.
If this complicates your application, you have to change your implementation. From the frontend, you should have the possibility to have individual components that request any number of external services to populate components with content on the page.
The most performant would be to submit both requests in parallel. They should populate content on the page as responses come back. Alternatively, you could make two sequential requests in the backend and then prepare the result by injecting up to three boosted items. We have a similar use case where we present up to three top-selling products above the regular results. When the page loads, two simultaneous requests are submitted to search, and the frontend renders two separate components. You must decide which search response you render your refiners, result counts, and pagination from.
Sure, you could fiddle with boosting rules, but I agree with your concern. It cannot be guaranteed and will probably fail at some point.
Update: With two queries in parallel, your pinned products will be duplicated. I.e. the pinned products will also be part of the main query responsible for presenting results, refiners, and pagination. This ensures correct refiner counts, hit count, filtering, and pagination.
If repeating the pinned items is a concern, you can run two queries in sequence. In the first query, you get up to three pinned items. In the second query, you do not filter out these three items from your query (to ensure the counts are correct). Instead, you skip presenting the pinned items again.

Azure form-recognizer - prebuilt-invoice doesnt recognize currency, other custom fields

Azure form-recognizer, prebuilt-invoice doesnt recognize currency and some of my other custom fields from my invoice pdf. General Document gets me all key values. But for General document keyvalues I need to write algorithm to categorize the invoice related fields, which are already done in prebuilt-invoice.
I need all keyvalues from prebiult-invoice api, so I can find the missing elements by myself.
Anybody faced this? how do you overcome? one way I think of is, we can call both apis for same document. But it affects performance and increases cost.
any suggestion?

Amazon MWS determine if product is in BuyBox

I am integrating MWS Amazon API. For importing product I need one important field like whether the seller product is buybox winner or not. I need to set flag in our DB.
I have check all the possible API of product in Amazon scratchpad but not get luck how to get this information.
The winner of the buy box can (and does) change very frequently, depending on the number of sellers for the product. The best way to get up-to-the-minute notifications of a product's buy box status is to subscribe to the AnyOfferChangedNotification:
You can use those notifications to update your database. Another option is the Products API which has a GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN operation which will tell you if your ASIN is currently in the buy box.
Look for IsBuyBoxWinner.
While the question is old, it could still be useful to someone having a right answer about the product api solution.
In the product api there is GetLowestPricedOffersForSKU (slightly different from GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN ) which has, in addition to the information "IsBuyBoxWinner", the information "MyOffer". The two values combined can tell if you have the buybox.
Keep in mind that the api call limits for both are very strict (200 requests max per hours) so in the case of a very high number of offers the subscription to "AnyOfferChangedNotification" is the only real option. It requires further developing to consume those notifications though, so it is by no means simple to develop.
One thing to consider is that the AnyOfferChangedNotification is not a service that can push to the SQS queue that is a FIFO(First one first-out) style buffer. You can only push to a standard - random order sqs queue. I thought I was being smart when I set up two threads in my application, one to download the messages and one to process them. However when you download messages from download these messages you can get messages from anywhere in the SQS queue. To be successful you need to at least
Download all the messages to your local cache/buffer/db until amazon returns 'there are no more messages'
Run your process off of that local buffer that was built and current as the time you got the last 'no more message' returned from amazon
It is not clear from amazons documentation but I had a concern that I have not proven yet but worth looking in to. If an asin reprices two or three times quickly it is not clear if the messages could come in to queue out of order (or any one messages could be delayed). By 'out of order' I mean for one sku/asin it is not clear if you can get a message with a more recent 'Time of Offer Change' before one with an older 'Time of Offer Change' If so that could create a situation where 1)you have a ASIN that reprices at 12:00:00 and again at 12:00:01(Time of Offer Change time). 2) At 12:01:00 you poll the queue and the later 12:00:01 price change is there but not ther earlier one from 12:00:00. 3)You iterate the sqs queue until you clear it and then you do your thing(reprice or send messages or whatever). Then on the next pass you poll the queue again and you get this earlier AnyOfferChangeNotification. I added logic in my code to track the 'Time of Offer Change' for any asin/sku and alarm if it rolls backwards.
Other things to consider.
1)If you go out of stock on a ASIN/SKU you stop getting messages 2)You dont start getting messages on ASIN/SKU until you ship the item in for the first time, just adding it to FBA inventory is not enough. If you need pricing to update that earlier (or when you go out of stock) you also need to poll GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN

How to get all seller listings?

I need to get data about all listings in my Amazon Seller Central account.
I checked the available reports that Amazon can generate, and the best is the open listings report - best - I mean that it gives more data than other reports, but still lacks much, for example, EANs, photo URLs.
However, the open listings report have one issue: It crops the long titles of the listings and places a "..." postfix. It also adds a product type string to the titles, like "Title [Electronics]".
So, while the open listings report can be used as "something is better than nothing", I need something more decent.
Is there something else that can be used to accomplish my task, or is that report is the best I can get?
You can request a "_GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_" report from Amazon MWS, which will give you the most data, including the photo URLs.
Unfortunately, the title data is still shortened and the product type is still added.
A list of all inventory reports can be found in the documentation.
You could also try using the Products API.
This will give you very detailed data about each product with the correct titles, but you have to send a query to get results instead of getting everything in a single report.

Using search server with cakephp

I am trying to implement customized search in my application. The table structure is given below
main table:
sub tables:
The searching will be triggered with location which is located in the table city_values with a reference field user_id, and city_id . Here name of the city and its latitude and longitude is found under the table cities.
Searching also includes skills, the table relations are similar to city. users table and skill_values table can be related with field user_id in the table skill_values. The table skills and skill_values related with field skill_id in table skill_values.
Here we need find the location of the user who perform this search, and need to filter this results with in 20 miles radius. there are a few other filters also.
My problem is that i need to filter these results without page reload. So i am using ajax, but if number of records increase my ajax request will take a lot of time to get response.
Is that a good idea that if i use some opensource search servers like sphinx or solr for fetching results from server?
I am using CAKEPHP for development and my application in hosted on cloud server.
... but if number of records increase my ajax request will take a lot of time to get response.
Regardless of the search technology, there should be a pagination mechanism of some kind.
You should therefore be able to set the limit or maximum number of results returned per page.
When a user performs a search query, you can use Javascript to request the first page of results.
You can then simply incrementing the page number and request the second, third, fourth page, etc.
This should mean that the top N results always appear in roughly the same amount of time.
It's then up to you to decide if you want to request each page of search results sequentially (ie. as the callback for each successful response), or if you wait for some kind of user input (ie. clicking a 'more' link or scrolling to the end of the results).
The timeline/newsfeed pages on Twitter or Facebook are a good example of this technique.
