Const array initialization from other const arrays - c

A code snippet like the following:
static const double foo[3] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
static const double bar[3] = { foo[0]*foo[0], 3*foo[1], foo[2]+4.0 };
generates a compiler error stating that the initialization values are not constants.
There are some arrays of data (can assume a fixed size) and several other ones, dependent and related to them in fairly simple ways, that would be useful to precompute at compile-time rather than run-time. But since the source data may need to be changed, I would prefer that such changes avoid manually re-computing the dependent arrays.
I suppose one could make some utility that generates a .h file, but at this point I'm curious--is there a way to do something like this (enter the data for a const array only once, but have several other const arrays be dependent on them) in the C preprocessor that's cleaner than (say) defining a preprocessor macro for each and every element of each source array?
P.S. If there's some preprocessor library that could do something like this, I would really appreciate a code example.

It sounds like your original array is actually a list of special constants, and foo is just a collection of them all.
You can achieve something similar using defines and constructing the arrays from those for use in the program later:
#define SpecialA 1.0
#define SpecialB 2.0
#define SpecialC 3.0
static const double foo[3] = { SpecialA, SpecialB, SpecialC };
static const double bar[3] = { SpecialA*SpecialA, 3*SpecialB, SpecialC+4.0 };

After fiddling with the preprocessor some, it turned out to be easier than I thought it would be. The objective was to enter the data for the source array only once while avoiding definitions for every entry individually. This is possible by defining the contents of the array as a preprocessor macro:
#define FOO 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
static const double foo[] = { FOO };
static const double bar[] = { ARR_EL(0,FOO)*ARR_EL(0,FOO), \
3.0*ARR_EL(1,FOO), ARR_EL(2,FOO)+4.0 };
/* Whatever else */
where the helper macros are as follows:
/* ARR_EL(n,...) returns nth element of the array */
#define ARR_EL(n,...) ARR_EL0(ARR_BEGIN(n,__VA_ARGS__))
#define ARR_EL0(...) ARR_ELX(__VA_ARGS__)
#define ARR_ELX(e0,...) (e0)
/* ARR_BEGIN(n,...) returns subarray starting with nth element */
#define ARR_BEGIN(n,...) ARR_BEGIN##n(__VA_ARGS__)
#define ARR_BEGIN0(...) __VA_ARGS__ /* Why is this even here? */
#define ARR_BEGIN1(...) ARR_BEGINX(__VA_ARGS__)
#define ARR_BEGINX(e0,...) __VA_ARGS__
/* Extendible in the obvious way */
Tested in gcc (cpp 4.1.1) and tcc, but I believe this should all be standard C99.
Without the extra step provided by the ARR_ELX and ARR_BEGINX macros, the preprocessor sometimes treats FOO as a single argument.


Is it possible to "typedef"(of sorts) a function prototype?

I have multiple functions that are similar to each other - they take in the same arguments, and return the same type:
double mathFunction_1(const double *values, const size_t array_length);
I already use typedef'd pointers to those functions, as I store them as an array to easily use any number of them on the same data, map them etc.:
typedef double (* MathFunction_ptr )(const double *, const size_t);
double proxy(MathFunction_ptr mathfun_ptr, const double *values, const size_t array_length);
What I want to achieve, is a similar ease-of-use with declaring and defining the functions, as I already have with using pointers to them.
Thus, I was thinking about using a similar typedef to make it easier for me to write the actual functions. I tried doing it like this:
// declaration
typedef double MathFunction (const double *values, const size_t array_length);
MathFunction mathFunction_2;
The following approach works partially. It lets me "save a few keystrokes" in the declaration, however the definition has to be fully typed out.
double mathFunction_2(const double *values, const size_t array_length)
// ...
What I found by searching more for this issue is this: Can a function prototype typedef be used in function definitions?
However it doesn't provide many alternatives, and only reaffirms that what I tried to do in my other experiments is forbidden according to the Standard. The only alternative it provides is using
#define FUNCTION(name) double name(const double* values, size_t array_length)
which sounds clunky to me(as I'm wary and skeptical of using the preprocessor).
What are the alternatives to what I'm trying to do?
Two other approaches I tried that don't work(and, as I just read, are forbidden and absolutely wrong according to the C standard 6.9.1):
1.This approach doesn't work, as it means that I'm telling it to define a variable mathFunction_2(I believe that variable is treated as a pointer, though I don't understand this well enough yet) like a function:
MathFunction mathFunction_2
// ...
2.This approach doesn't work, as it means I'm telling it to create a function which returns a function(unacceptable in the C language):
MathFunction mathFunction_2()
// ...
You could use a typedef for the signature (see also this):
typedef double MathFunction_ty (const double *, const size_t);
and then declare several functions of the same signature:
MathFunction_ty func1, func2;
or declare some function pointer using that:
MathFunction_ty* funptr;
etc... All this in C11, read n1570.
however the definition has to be fully typed out.
Of course, since you need to give a name to each formal parameter (and such names are not part of the type of the function) in the function's definition. Therefore
double func1(const double*p, const size_t s) {
return (double)s * p[0];
double func1(cont double*arr, const size_t ix) {
return arr[ix];
have the same type (the one denoted by MathFunction_ty above), even if their formal parameters (or formal arguments) are named differently.
You might abuse of the preprocessor and have an ugly macro to shorten the definition of such functions:
// ugly code:
#define DEFINE_MATH_FUNCTION(Fname,Arg1,Arg2) \
double Fname (const double Arg1, const size_t Arg2)
DEFINE_MATH_FUNCTION(func1,p,s) { return (double)s * p[0]; }
I find such code confusing and unreadable. I don't recommend coding like that, even if it is certainly possible. But sometimes I do code something similiar (for other reasons).
(BTW, imagine if C required every first formal argument to be named $1, every second formal argument to be named $2, etc...; IMHO that would make a much less readable programming langage; so formal parameter's name matters to the human reader, even if systematic names would make the compiler's life simpler)
Read also about λ-calculus, anonymous functions (C don't have them but C++ has lambda expressions), closures (they are not C functions, because they have closed values so mix code with data; C++ has std::function-s), callbacks (a necessary convention to "mimick" closures)... Read SICP, it will improve your thinking about C or C++. Look also into that answer.
Unfortunately in C I don't believe there is any way to do what you're asking without using preprocessor macros, and personally at least I agree with your assessment that they are clunky and to be avoided (though this is a matter of opinion and open to debate).
In C++ you could potentially take advantage of auto parameters in lambdas.
The example function signatures you show here really aren't complicated and I wouldn't worry about the perceived duplication. If the signatures were much more complicated, I would view this as a "code smell" that your design could be improved, and I'd focus my efforts there rather than on syntactic methods to shorten the declaration. That just isn't the case here.
Yes, you can. Indeed, that's the purpose of the typedef declaration, to use a type identifier to declare a type of variable. The only thing is that when you use such a declaration in a header file:
typedef int (*callback_ptr)(int, double, char *);
and then you declare something like:
callback_ptr function_to_callback;
it's not clear that you are declaring a function pointer and the number and type of the parameters, but despite of this, everything is correct.
Finally, I want to note you something particularly special. When you deal with something like this, it is normally far cheaper and quick to go to the compiler and try some example. If the compiler does what you want without any complaint, the most probable thing is that you are correct.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef double (*ptr_to_mathematical_function)(double);
extern double find_zero(ptr_to_mathematical_function f, double aprox_a, double aprox_b, double epsilon);
int main()
#define P(exp) printf(#exp " ==> %lg\n", exp)
P(find_zero(cos, 1.4, 1.6, 0.000001));
P(find_zero(sin, 3.0, 3.2, 0.000001));
P(find_zero(log, 0.9, 1.5, 0.000001));
double find_zero(
ptr_to_mathematical_function f,
double a, double b, double eps)
double f_a = f(a), f_b = f(b);
double x = a, f_x = f_a;
do {
x = (a*f_b - b*f_a) / (f_b - f_a);
f_x = f(x);
if (fabs(x - a) < fabs(x - b)) {
b = x; f_b = f_x;
} else {
a = x; f_a = f_x;
} while(fabs(a-b) >= eps);
return x;
The second, and main part of your question, if you are having such a problem, the only way you can solve it is via using macros (see how I repeated the above printf(3) function calls with similar, but not identical parameter lists, and how the problem is solved below):
#define MY_EXPECTED_PROTOTYPE(name) double name(double x)
and then, in the definitions, just use:
return sin(x);
return cos(x);
return tan(x);
that will expand to:
double my_sin(double x) {
double my_cos(double x) {
double my_tan(double x) {
you can even use it in the header file, like:
As it has been pointed in other answers, there are other languages (C++) that give support for this and much more, but I think this is out of scope here.

Use C preprocessor to create a statically sized array based on later expansions

I am trying to manually instrument some C or C++. To do this I would like to declare some structs with statically sized arrays sized to the number of timing statements I manually insert later in the file. A trivial version for illustration:
double array[NUM_TIMESTAMPS];
#define TIMESTAMP() array[__COUNTER__] = get_timestamp();
With cpp -P this expands to:
double array[NUM_TIMESTAMPS];
array[0] = get_timestamp();
array[1] = get_timestamp();
This will, of course, not pass the compiler because NUM_TIMESTAMPS doesn't get expanded in the c preprocessor's single pass. Is there a way to either defer the expansion of NUM_TIMESTAMPS to a second parsing, or declare the arrays later in the file? Code with this sort of instrumentation will not go into production, so dirty hacks are welcome.
You can try using of extern array:
extern double array[];
#define TIMESTAMP() array[__COUNTER__] = get_timestamp();
int main() {
return 0;
double array[NUM_TIMESTAMPS];
I think if you do something like:
extern double array [];
#define TIMESTAMP() array[__COUNTER__] = get_timestamp();
double array[NUM_TIMESTAMPS];
In this case, the array is defined with enough information so that the resulting TIMESTAMP() expansions can write to it. The final declaration gives the compiler/linker the size of the array.
It should compile and link properly. I don't have a compiler with support for __COUNTER__ available at the moment, so I can't test it.

Array of macros in C

Can I do array of macros
I am trying to define array of macros, Please check the below code and let me know can I do it like this:
#include <stdio.h> 
struct da
    unsigned char d1:1;
    unsigned char d2:1;
struct da stDataVar;
#define DATA_1 stDataVar.d1
#define DATA_2 stDataVar.d2 = 1
unisgned char arrChar[2] = {DATA_1, DATA_2};
printf("data = %d\n",arrChar[0]);
It doesn't make any sense to have "an array of macros". In your case, the macros probably just obfuscate the code. In particular, you shouldn't hide side effects inside macros that you are using for initialization.
Is there any reason why you can't do like this?
// elsewhere in the code:
stDataVar.d2 = 1;
unsigned char arrChar[2] =
arrChar[0] is the 1st element of arrChar[2] i.e. DATA_1 which is a macro that gets textually replaced by the preprocessor as stDataVar.d1 which is structure stDataVar(of type struct da)'s d1 bit field which is zero or garbage (depends on compiler if that initializes a character by default)

defining an array of C functions

I've got a bunch of C functions which get assigned to an array of function pointers, along the lines of this:
typedef int (*func)(int);
int SomeLongName1(int a) {
// ...
// ...
int SomeLongName1000(int a) {
// ...
func f[] = { SomeLongName1, ... , SomeLongName1000 };
This is a lot of work to create and is prone to errors. For instance, there could be a typo in the function name such that a valid function is still named, but the wrong one. Or, if a new function is added at the end one could forget to go in and explicitly add it to the list of function pointers as well.
In order to avoid having to explicitly declare the array of function pointers I have tried various tricks such as macros, which make the code hard to understand and require knowing how the macro works, and I am generally unsatisfied with them.
What I would like to do is something like this:
typedef int (*func)(int);
func f[] = {
int SomeLongName1(int a) {
// ...
// ...
int SomeLongName1000(int a) {
// ...
This way, the array would be automatically created, and if there was some way to put a null pointer at the end so I can determine how many function pointers there are that would be great as well.
However, the above isn't valid C and I'm coming up empty with any way of accomplishing this. If it is something compiler specific (e.g. a GCC extension) that would be ok.
All the functions are statically known at compile time, so I would like to avoid having to do any run-time initialization of the function pointer array - not that I have found a method to do it that way either.
This related question How to define an array of functions, seems to ask the same question, but does not carry it to its logical conclusion. Specifically, I don't want to have to re-type anything I have already typed so as to save time and avoid errors.
If you don't care about the order of functions in the array, and are willing to use a GCC extension, then you can achieve what you want using a whole bunch of initializer (constructor) functions. This obviously isn't ideal because of the sheer number of extra functions defined, but it is certainly one approach you can consider. It constructs the array at runtime.
Define the function append to append a single function to an array (reallocating if needed). Then, the code is basically
#define ARRAYFUNC(name) int name(int); \
void __attribute__((constructor)) __init_##name(void) { append(func); } \
int name(int a)
ARRAYFUNC(func1) {
ARRAYFUNC(func2) {
You could use the C preprocessor (X-Macros) for this:
#include <stdio.h>
// define a list of function names and bodies
#define FUNCS \
FUNC(add, { return a+b; }) \
FUNC(mul, { return a*b; }) \
FUNC(div, { return a/b; })
// let the preprocessor make up the actual function implementations
#define FUNC(name, body) int name(int a, int b) body
#undef FUNC
typedef int (*func)(int, int);
// let the preprocessor populate the array of function pointers
func f[] = {
#define FUNC(name, body) name,
#undef FUNC
// use it:
int main () {
int a = 2, b = 3, i = 0;
for (; i < sizeof(f)/sizeof(*f); i++) {
printf("%d\n", f[i](a,b));
return 0;
The output is:
$ gcc test.c && ./a.out
What I would use to solve such a situation (only if I can't avoid it, of course), is to use preprocessing. Not the one available from the C preprocessor, it does not provide the required functionality in a sensible syntax, but a really powerful one like m4.
With m4, your code could look like this:
define(`functionList', `, 0')
define(`functionArrayMember', `define(`functionList', `$1, 'FunctionList)$1')
define(`buildFunctionArray', `{ functionList }')
int functionArrayMember(SomeLongName1)(int a) {
return a+1;
int functionArrayMember(SomeLongName1000)(int a) {
return a+1;
func f[] = buildFunctionArray();
You just need to provide the right m4 definition for functionArrayMember() and buildFunctionArray(), and you have the functionality you need.
I do not think there is any other way of doing what want to do.
What you wrote
func f[] = { SomeLongName1, ... , SomeLongName1000 };
already does what is best.
Maybe you could name your functions with an prefix 0000 to 1000, so that you can be sure each function is in the right place in your functions pointer array.
Also, if you really have 1000 different functions, they are surely things in common that could lead you to sort them in several arrays, reducing the numbering effort, and that is less error prone.

Counting preprocessor macros

I have this macro code, which allows me to define both a C enum and a list of the enumerated names as strings using one construct. It prevents me from having to duplicate enumerator names (and possibly introducing errors for large lists).
F(0, Item1) \
F(5, Item2) \
F(15, Item3) \
F(63, ItemN)
enum Items {
#define ITEM_ENUM_DEFINE(id, name) name = id,
which, when expanded, should produce:
enum Items {
Item1 = 0,
Item2 = 5,
Item3 = 15,
ItemN = 63,
In the implementation file, I have this code:
const char* itemNames[TOTAL_ITEMS];
int iter = 0;
#define ITEM_STRING_DEFINE(id, name) itemNames[iter++] = #name;
which, when expanded, produces:
itemNames[iter++] = "Item1";
itemNames[iter++] = "Item2";
itemNames[iter++] = "Item3";
itemNames[iter++] = "ItemN";
I'd like to know how many enumerator items I've created in this fashion and be able to pass it to compile-time arrays. In the example above, this would be determining that TOTAL_ITEMS = N at compile-time. Is it possible to count macro invocations in this way?
I've seen mention of a non-standard COUNTER macro, similar to the FILE and LINE macros, but I'm hoping there is a more standard way.
Would also be interested in hearing if there is a better way to achieve this without having to use macros.
The following should work:
#define ITEM_STRING_DEFINE(id, name) #name, // note trailing comma
const char *itemNames[] = {
#define TOTAL_ITEMS (sizeof itemNames / sizeof itemNames[0])
Edit: Thank you to Raymond Chen for noting we don't have to worry about the unnecessary final comma in the list. (I had been misremenbering the problem for enums with strict C89 compilers, as in Is the last comma in C enum required?.)
You can use the same technique to count the invocations.
enum itemscounter {
#define ITEM_ENUM_DEFINE(id, name) name##counter,
Would also be interested in hearing if there is a better way to achieve this without having to use macros.
You could always use a scripting language such as ruby or python to generate .c and .h files for you. If you do it well, you can integrate your script into your Makefile.
I know this isn't a complete answer.
You can create a macro around something like this.
#include <stdio.h>
const char * array[] = {
"arr1", "arr2", "arr3", "arr4"
int main (int argc, char **argv)$
printf("%d\n", sizeof(array)/sizeof(const char *));
If you can modify your enum so it has continous elements you can do sth like this (from Boost)
enum { A=0,B,C,D,E,F,N };
const char arr[N]; // can contain a character for each enum value
See the suggestions Mu Dynamics 'Enums, Strings and Laziness'; these are at least related to what you're after.
Otherwise, look at the Boost Preprocessor collection (which is usable with the C preprocessor as well as the C++ preprocessor).
