How much memory calloc and malloc can allocate? - c

How much memory calloc and malloc can allocate?
As malloc and calloc can allocate memory dynamically
void *malloc (size_in_bytes);
And calloc can allocate memory depending on the number of blocks
void *calloc (number_of_blocks, size_of_each_block_in_bytes);

You can allocate as much bytes as type size_t has different values. So in 32-bit application it is 4GB in 64-bit 16 I don't even know how to call that size
All in all you can allocate all memory of machine.

Aside from being limited by the amount RAM in the PC, it is system dependent, but on Windows, it's _HEAP_MAXREQ according to the MSDN article on malloc. Note though malloc and calloc are not guaranteed to allocate anything. It all depends on how much memory is available on the executing PC.
malloc sets errno to ENOMEM if a memory allocation fails or if the amount of memory requested exceeds _HEAP_MAXREQ.
_HEAP_MAXREQ is defined as follows in malloc.h (at least in the Visual Studio 2010 includes).
#ifdef _WIN64
You shouldn't really worry about this though. When using malloc you should decide how much memory you really need, and call it with that as the request. If the system cannot provide it, malloc will return NULL. After you make your call to malloc you should always check to see that it's not NULL. Here is the C example from the MSDN article on proper usage. Also note that once you've finished with the memory, you need to call free.
#include <stdlib.h> // For _MAX_PATH definition
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int main( void )
char *string;
// Allocate space for a path name
string = malloc( _MAX_PATH );
// In a C++ file, explicitly cast malloc's return. For example,
// string = (char *)malloc( _MAX_PATH );
if( string == NULL )
printf( "Insufficient memory available\n" );
printf( "Memory space allocated for path name\n" );
free( string );
printf( "Memory freed\n" );

As far as the language definition is concerned, the only upper limit per call is what size_t will support (e.g., if the max size_t value is 232-1, then that's the largest number of bytes malloc can allocate for a single block).
Whether you have the resources available for such a call to succeed depends on the implementation and the underyling system.

On linux, indefinite amounts, i. e. much more than you have either physical or virtual memory.
As long, as you don't actually use it, you're fine, it's just when you actually use more memory than available that the out-of-memory killer starts running amok, and shoots down your process.
This is the reason why many people don't bother checking the result of malloc() anymore, because it's not null even when the returned buffer can never be backed...

1) It depends on the resource limits of the user.
2) It also depends on the availability of address space.


A technical question about dynamic memory allocation in C

I'm studying dynamic memory allocation in C, and I want to ask a question - let us suppose we have a program that receives a text input from the user. We don't know how long that text will be, it could be short, it could also be extremely long, so we know that we have to allocate memory to store the text in a buffer. In cases in which we receive a very long text, is there a way to find out whether we have enough memory space to allocate more memory to the text? Is there a way to have an indication that there is no memory space left?
You can use malloc() function if it returned NULL that means there no enough mem space but if it returned address of the mem it means there are mem space available example:
void* loc = malloc(sizeof(string));
ANSI C has no standard functions to get the size of available free RAM.
You may use platform-specific solutions.
C - Check currently available free RAM?
In C we typically use malloc, calloc and realloc for allocation of dynamic memory. As it has been pointed out in both answers and comments these functions return a NULL pointer in case of failure. So typical C code would be:
SomeType *p = malloc(size_required);
if (p == NULL)
// ups... malloc failed... add error handling
// great... p now points to allocated memory that we can use
I like to add that on (at least) Linux systems, the return value from malloc (and friends) is not really an out-of-memory indicator.
If the return value is NULL, we know the call failed and that we didn't get any memory that we can use.
But even if the return value is non-NULL, there is no guarantee that the memory really is available.
From :
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation
strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there
is no guarantee that the memory really is available. In case it
turns out that the system is out of memory, one or more processes
will be killed by the OOM killer.
We don't know how long that text will be
Sure we do, we always set a maximum limit. Because all user input needs to be sanitised anyway - so we always require a maximum limit on every single user input. If you don't do this, it likely means that your program is broken since it's vulnerable to buffer overruns.
Typically you'll read each line of user input into a local array allocated on the stack. Then you can check if it is valid (are strings null terminated etc) before allocating dynamic memory and then copy it over there.
By checking the return value of malloc etc you'll see if there was enough memory left or not.
There is no standard library function that tells you how much memory is available for use.
The best you can do within the bounds of the standard library is to attempt the allocation using malloc, calloc, or realloc and check the return value - it it’s NULL, then the allocation operation failed.
There may be system-specific routines that can provide that information, but I don’t know of any off the top of my head.
I made a test on linux with 8GB RAM. The overcommit has three main modes 0, 1 and 2 which are default, unlimited, and never:
$ echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
$ ./a.out
After loop: Cannot allocate memory
size 17179869184
size 400000000
This means 8.5 GB were successfuly allocated, just about the amount of physical RAM. I tried to tweak it, but without changing swap, which is only 4 GB.
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
$ ./a.out
After loop: Cannot allocate memory
size 140737488355328
size 800000000000
48 bits is virtual address size. 140 TB. Physical is only 39 bits (500 GB).
No overcommmit:
$ echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
$ ./a.out
After loop: Cannot allocate memory
size 2147483648
size 80000000
2 GB is just what free command declares as free. Available are 4.6 GB.
malloc() fails in the same way if the process's resources are restricted - so this ENOMEM does not really specify much. "Cannot allocate memory" (aka ENOMEM aka 12) just says "malloc failed, guess why" or rather "malloc failed, NO more MEMory for you now.".
Well here is a.out which allocates doubling sizes until error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
size_t sz = 4096;
void *p;
while (!errno) {
p = malloc(sz *= 2);
perror("After loop");
printf("size %ld\n", sz);
printf("size %lx\n", sz);
printf("log2(size)%f\n", log2((double)sz));
But I don't think this kind of probing is very useful/
we have to allocate memory to store the text in a buffer
But not the whole text at once. With a real buffer (not just an allocated memory as destination) you could read portions of the input and store them away (out of memory onto disk).
Only disadvantage is: if I cannot use a partial input, then all the buffered copying and saving is wasted.
I really wonder what happens if I type and type fast for a couple of billion years -- without a newline.
We can allocate much more than we have as RAM, but we only need a fraction of that RAM: the buffer. But Lundin's answer shows it is much easier (typical) to rely on newlines and maximum length.
This gnu/posix function has the malloc/realloc built in. The paramters are a bit complicated, because a new pointer and size can be returned by reference. And return value of -1 can also mean ENOMEM, not end-of-file.
fgets() is the line-truncating version.
fread() is newline independant, with fixed size. (But you asked about text input - long lines or long overall text, or both?)
Good Q, good As, good comments about "live input":
getline how to limit amount of input as you can with fgets

Full Page Malloc

I am trying to optimize the memory allocation of my program by using entire pages at a time.
I am grabbing the page size like this: sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); then calculating the total number of elements that will fit in a page like this: elements=pageSize/sizeof(Node);
I was thinking that when I actually go to malloc my memory I would use malloc(elements*sizeof(Node)); It seems like the multiplication and division of sifeof(Node) would cancel out, but with integer division, I do not believe that that is the case.
Is this the best way to malloc an entire page at a time?
The malloc function doesn't have any concept of pagesize. Unless you are allocating pages that are ALSO aligned to a page-boundary, you will not get ANY benefit from calling malloc in this way. Just malloc as many elements as you need, and stop worrying about micro-optimising something that almost certainly won't give you any benefit at all.
Yes, the Linux kernel does things like this all the time. There are two reasons for that:
You don't want to allocate blocks LARGER than a page, since that significantly increases the risk of allocation failure.
The kernel allocation is made on a per-page basis, rather than like the C library, which allocates a large amount of memory in one go, and then splits it into small components.
If you really want to allocate page-size amount of memory, then use the result from sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) as your size argument. But it is almost certain that your allocation straddles two pages.
Your computation elements=pageSize/sizeof(Node); doesn't take account of the malloc() metadata that are added to any block/chunk of memory returned by malloc(). In many cases, malloc() will return a memory block likely aligned at least on min(sizeof(double),2 * sizeof(void *)) boundary (32 bytes is becoming quite common btw ...). If malloc() gets a memory block aligned on a page, adds its chunk (with padding), and you write a full page size of data, the last bytes are off the first page: so you're ending up using 2 pages.
Want a whole page, just for you, without concerns about wasting memory, without using mmap() / VirtualAlloc() as suggested in the comments ?
Here you are:
int ret;
void *ptr = NULL;
size_t page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
ret = posix_memalign(&ptr, page_size, page_size);
if (ret != 0 || ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "posix_memalign failed: %s\n", strerror(ret));
By the way, this is probably about micro-optimization.
You probably still haven't checked your Node have a size multiple of a cache-line, nor how to improve cache-locality, nor found a way to reduce memory fragmentation. So you're probably going in the wrong way: make it works first, profil, optimize your algorithms, profil, micro-optimize at the last option.
The C11 standard added the aligned_alloc call, so you can do something like:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void *alloc_page( void )
long page_size = sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE ); /* arguably could be a constant, #define, etc. */
return ( page_size > 0 ? aligned_alloc( page_size, page_size ) : NULL );
The problem with this approach, as others pointed out, is that typically the implementation of the standard alloc calls add some bookkeeping overhead that is stored just before the allocated memory. So, this allocation will usually straddle two pages: the returned page for you to use, and the very end of another page used by the allocator's bookkeeping.
That means when you free or realloc this memory, it may need to touch two pages rather than just the one. Also, if you allocate all or most of your memory this way, then you can "waste" a lot of virtual memory as roughly half of the pages allocated to your process at the OS level will only be used a tiny bit for the allocator's bookkeeping.
How important these issues are is hard to say generally, but preferably they would be avoided somehow. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a clean, easy, and portable way to do that yet.
Addendum: If you could dynamically figure out malloc's memory overhead and assume it is always constant, then would asking for that much less usually give us what we want?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* decent default guesses (e.g. - Linux x64) */
static size_t Page_Size = 4096;
static size_t Malloc_Overhead = 32;
/* call once at beginning of program (i.e. - single thread, no allocs yet) */
int alloc_page_init( void )
int ret = -1;
long page_size = sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE );
char *p1 = malloc( 1 );
char *p2 = malloc( 1 );
size_t malloc_overhead;
if ( page_size <= 0 || p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL )
goto FAIL;
malloc_overhead = ( size_t ) ( p2 > p1 ? p2 - p1 : p1 - p2 ); /* non-standard pointer math */
if ( malloc_overhead > 64 || malloc_overhead >= page_size )
goto FAIL;
Page_Size = page_size;
Malloc_Overhead = malloc_overhead;
ret = 0;
if ( p1 )
free( p1 );
if ( p2 )
free( p2 );
return ret;
void *alloc_page( void )
return aligned_alloc( Page_Size - Malloc_Overhead, Page_Size - Malloc_Overhead );
Answer: probably not, because, for example, "As an example of the "supported by the implementation" requirement, POSIX function posix_memalign accepts any alignment that is a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void *), and POSIX-based implementations of aligned_alloc inherit these requirements."
The above code would likely not request an alignment that is a power of 2 and will therefore likely fail on most platforms.
It seems this is an unavoidable problem with the typical implementations of standard allocation functions. So, it is probably best to just align and alloc based on the page size and likely pay the penalty of the allocator's bookkeeping residing on another page, or use an OS specific call like mmap to avoid this issue.
The standards provide no guarantee that malloc even has a concept of page size. However, it's not uncommon for malloc implementations to dole out entire pages when the allocation size requested is on the order of the page size (or larger).
There's certainly no harm in asking for an allocation that happens to be equal to the page size (or a multiple of the page size) and subdividing it yourself, though it is a little extra work. You might indeed get the behavior you desire, at least on some machines/compiler/library combinations. But you might not either. If you absolutely require page-sized allocations and/or page-aligned memory, you'll have to call an OS-specific API to get it.
If your question is about how to alloc whole memory pages: Use mmap(), not malloc().
malloc() must always add some metadata to every allocation, so if you do malloc(4096) it will definitely allocate more than a single page. mmap(), on the other hand, is the kernel's API to map pages into your address space. It's what malloc() uses under the hood.
If your question is about correct rounding: The usual trick to round a up to a multiple of N is to say rounded = (a + N-1)/N*N;. By adding N-1 first, you ensure that the division will round up in all cases. In the case that a is already a multiple of N, the added N-1 will be without effect; in all other cases, you get one more than with rounded = a/N*N;.

How do I calculate beforehand how much memory calloc would allocate?

I basically have this piece of code.
char (* text)[1][80];
text = calloc(2821522,80);
The way I calculated it, that calloc should have allocated 215.265045 megabytes of RAM, however, the program in the end exceeded that number and allocated nearly 700mb of ram.
So it appears I cannot properly know how much memory that function will allocate.
How does one calculate that propery?
calloc (and malloc for that matter) is free to allocate as much space as it needs to satisfy the request.
So, no, you cannot tell in advance how much it will actually give you, you can only assume that it's given you the amount you asked for.
Having said that, 700M seems a little excessive so I'd be investigating whether the calloc was solely responsible for that by, for example, a program that only does the calloc and nothing more.
You might also want to investigate how you're measuring that memory usage.
For example, the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int main (void) {
char (* text)[1][80];
struct mallinfo mi;
mi = mallinfo(); printf ("%d\n", mi.uordblks);
text = calloc(2821522,80);
mi = mallinfo(); printf ("%d\n", mi.uordblks);
return 0;
outputs, on my system:
meaning that the calloc has allocated 225,837,112 bytes which is only a smidgeon (115,352 bytes or 0.05%) above the requested 225,721,760.
Well it depends on the underlying implementation of malloc/calloc.
It generally works like this - there's this thing called the heap pointer which points to the top of the heap - the area from where dynamic memory gets allocated. When memory is first allocated, malloc internally requests x amount of memory from the kernel - i.e. the heap pointer increments by a certain amount to make that space available. That x may or may not be equal to the size of the memory block you requested (it might be larger to account for future mallocs). If it isn't, then you're given at least the amount of memory you requested(sometimes you're given more memory because of alignment issues). The rest is made part of an internal free list maintained by malloc. To sum it up malloc has some underlying data structures and a lot depends on how they are implemented.
My guess is that the x amount of memory was larger (for whatever reason) than you requested and hence malloc/calloc was holding on to the rest in its free list. Try allocating some more memory and see if the footprint increases.

How to get memory block length after malloc?

I thought that I couldn't retrieve the length of an allocated memory block like the simple .length function in Java. However, I now know that when malloc() allocates the block, it allocates extra bytes to hold an integer containing the size of the block. This integer is located at the beginning of the block; the address actually returned to the caller points to the location just past this length value. The problem is, I can't access that address to retrieve the block length.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *str;
str = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*1000);
int *length;
length = str-4; /*because on 32 bit system, an int is 4 bytes long*/
printf("Length of str:%d\n", *length);
I finally did it. The problem is, it keeps giving 0 as the length instead of the size on my system is because my Ubuntu is 64 bit. I changed str-4 to str-8, and it works now.
If I change the size to 2000, it produces 2017 as the length. However, when I change to 3000, it gives 3009. I am using GCC.
You don't have to track it by your self!
size_t malloc_usable_size (void *ptr);
But it returns the real size of the allocated memory block!
Not the size you passed to malloc!
What you're doing is definitely wrong. While it's almost certain that the word just before the allocated block is related to the size, even so it probably contains some additional flags or information in the unused bits. Depending on the implementation, this data might even be in the high bits, which would cause you to read the entirely wrong length. Also it's possible that small allocations (e.g. 1 to 32 bytes) are packed into special small-block pages with no headers, in which case the word before the allocated block is just part of another block and has no meaning whatsoever in relation to the size of the block you're examining.
Just stop this misguided and dangerous pursuit. If you need to know the size of a block obtained by malloc, you're doing something wrong.
I would suggest you create your own malloc wrapper by compiling and linking a file which defines my_malloc() and then overwiting the default as follows:
// my_malloc.c
#define malloc(sz) my_malloc(sz)
typedef struct {
size_t size;
} Metadata;
void *my_malloc(size_t sz) {
size_t size_with_header = sz + sizeof(Metadata);
void* pointer = malloc(size_with_header);
// cast the header into a Metadata struct
Metadata* header = (Metadata*)pointer;
header->size = sz;
// return the address starting after the header
// since this is what the user needs
return pointer + sizeof(Metadata);
then you can always retrieve the size allocated by subtracting sizeof(Metadata), casting that pointer to Metadata and doing metadata->size:
Metadata* header = (Metadata*)(ptr - sizeof(Metadata));
printf("Size allocated is:%lu", header->size); // don't quote me on the %lu ;-)
You're not supposed to do that. If you want to know how much memory you've allocated, you need to keep track of it yourself.
Looking outside the block of memory returned to you (before the pointer returned by malloc, or after that pointer + the number of bytes you asked for) will result in undefined behavior. It might work in practice for a given malloc implementation, but it's not a good idea to depend on that.
This is not Standard C. However, it is supposed to work on Windows operatings systems and might to be available on other operating systems such as Linux (msize?) or Mac (alloc_size?), as well.
size_t _msize( void *memblock );
_msize() returns the size of a memory block allocated in the heap.
See this link:
This is implementation dependent
Every block you're allocating is precedeed by a block descriptor. Problem is, it dependends on system architecture.
Try to find the block descriptor size for you own system. Try take a look at you system malloc man page.

Heap size limitation in C

I have a doubt regarding heap in program execution layout diagram of a C program.
I know that all the dynamically allocated memory is allotted in heap which grows dynamically. But I would like to know what is the max heap size for a C program ??
I am just attaching a sample C program ... here I am trying to allocate 1GB memory to string and even doing the memset ...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *temp;
temp = memset(mybuffer,0,(1024*1024*1024*1));
if( (mybuffer == temp) && (mybuffer != NULL))
printf("%x - %x\n", mybuffer, &mybuffer[((1024*1024*1024*1)-1)]]);
return 0;
If I run above program in 3 instances at once then malloc should fail atleast in one instance [I feel so] ... but still malloc is successfull.
If it is successful can I know how the OS takes care of 3GB of dynamically allocated memory.
Your machine is very probably overcomitting on RAM, and not using the memory until you actually write it. Try writing to each block after allocating it, thus forcing the operating system to ensure there's real RAM mapped to the address malloc() returned.
From the linux malloc page,
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy.
This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee
that the memory really is available. This is a really bad bug. In
case it turns out that the system is out of memory, one or more pro‐
cesses will be killed by the infamous OOM killer. In case Linux is
employed under circumstances where it would be less desirable to sud‐
denly lose some randomly picked processes, and moreover the kernel ver‐
sion is sufficiently recent, one can switch off this overcommitting
behavior using a command like:
# echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
See also the kernel Documentation directory, files vm/overcommit-
accounting and sysctl/vm.txt.
You're mixing up physical memory and virtual memory.
Malloc will allocate the memory but it does not write to any of it. So if the virtual memory is available then it will succeed. It is only when you write something to it will the real memory need to be paged to the page file.
Calloc if memory serves be correctly(!) write zeros to each byte of the allocated memory before returning so will need to allocate the pages there and then.
