Can a relation has a relation with another relation - database

can we have some thing like following ER?
Is it a technical fault or not?

To define a relationship there should be entity by the help of them you can show relation. so it is impossible to make relation without entity.
In your case if you want to use 2 relationship there should be 1 entity between them.
Example of real life
suppose you have two relation teacher and student. you can not say like i am teacher and student of XYZ.
But you can say like i am teacher of Xyz and student of abc.
Typr of relationship
One-to-many relationships
The most common relationship used when creating relational databases. A row in a table in a database can be associated with one or (likely) more rows in another table. An example of a one-to-many relationship is a single order has many items on that order. And since relationships work both ways it is not uncommon to hear reference to many-to-one-relationships as well.
One-to-one relationship
A row in a table is associated to one and only one row in another table. An example of a one-to-one relationship is a person can have one social security number and a social security number can only be assigned to one person.
In most cases there is no need for a one-to-one relationship as the contents of the two tables can be combined into one table.
Many-to-many relationships
When one or more rows in a table are associated with one or more rows in another table. An example of a many-to-many relationship is a table of customers who can purchase many different products and a table of products that can be purchased by many different customers.


Relational Database: When do we need to add more entities?

We had a discussion today related to W3 lecture case study about how many entities we need for each situation. And I have some confusion as below:
Case 1) An employee is assigned to be a member of a team. A team with more than 5 members will have a team leader. The members of the team elect the team leader. List the entity(s) which you can identify in the above statement? In this cases, if we don't create 2 entities for above requirement, we need to add two more attributes for each employee which can lead to anomaly issues later. Therefore, we need to have 2 entities as below:
EMPLOYEE (PK is employeeId) (0-M)----------------(0-1) TEAM (PK teamId&employeeId) -> 2 entities
Case 2) The company also introduced a mentoring program, whereby a new employee will be paired with someone who has been in the company longer." How many entity/ies do you need to model the mentoring program?
The Answer from Lecturer is 1. With that, we have to add 2 more attributes for each Employee, mentorRole (Mentor or Mentee) and pairNo (to distinguish between different pairs and to know who mentors whom), doesn't it?
My question is why can't we create a new Entity named MENTORING which will be similar to TEAM in Q1? And why we can only do that if this is a many-many relationship?
EMPLOYEE (PK is employeeId) (0-M)----------------(0-1) TEAM (PK is pairNo&employeeId) -> 2 entities
Thank you in advance
First of all, about terminology: I use entity to mean an individual person, thing or event. You and I are two distinct entities, but since we're both members of StackOverflow, we're part of the same entity set. Entity sets are contrasted with value sets in the ER model, while the relational model has no such distinction.
While you're right about the number of entity sets, there's some issues with your implementation. TEAM's PK shouldn't be teamId, employeeId, it should be only teamId. The EMPLOYEE table should have a teamId foreign key (not part of the PK) to indicate team membership. The employeeId column in the TEAM table could be used to represent the team leader and is dependent on the teamId (since each team can have only one leader at most).
With only one entity set, we would probably represent team membership and leadership as:
EMPLOYEE(employeeId PK, team, leader)
where team is some team name or number which has to be the same for team members, and leader is a true/false column to indicate whether the employee in that row is the leader of his/her team. A problem with this model is that we can't ensure that a team has only one leader.
Again, there's some issues with the implementation. I don't see the need to identify pairs apart from the employees involved, and having a mentorRole (mentor or mentee) indicates that the association will be recorded for both mentor and mentee. This is redundant and creates an opportunity for inconsistency. If the goal was to represent a one-to-one relationship, there are better ways. I suggest a separate table MENTORING(menteeEmployeeId PK, mentorEmployeeId UQ) (or possibly a unique but nullable mentorEmployeeId in the EMPLOYEE table, depending on how your DBMS handles nulls in unique indexes).
The difference between the two cases is that teams can have any number of members and one leader, which is most effectively implemented by identifying teams separately from employees, whereas mentorship is a simpler association that is sufficiently identified by either of the two people involved (provided you consistently use the same role as identifier). You could create a separate entity set for mentoring, with relationships to the employees involved - it might look like my MENTORING table but with an additional surrogate key as PK, but there's no need for the extra identifier.
And why we can only do that if this is a many-many relationship?
What do you mean? Your examples don't contain a many-to-many relationship and we don't create additional entity sets for many-to-many relationships. If you're thinking of so-called "bridge" tables, you've got some concepts mixed up. Entity sets aren't tables. An entity set is a set of values, a table represents a relation over one or more sets of values. In Chen's original method, all relationships were represented in separate tables. It's just that we've gotten used to denormalizing simple one-to-one and one-to-many relationships into the same tables as entity attributes, but we can't do the same for many-to-many binary relationships or ternary and higher relationships in general.

foreign key or null value to link two long distanced tables

Consider the following database example :
A clinichas many articles
The relationship between supplier and article is many to many ( (1,n) - (1,n))
Let's say I have the clinic's id and I want to retrieve all it's suppliers, what's the best way to do it? is it by creating a "null" article for each supplier in article_supplier OR by creating a foreign key in supplier that references the appropriate clinic?
The latter solution may seem the simplest and easiest but what happens when there is a big chain of tables? Do I keep adding a foreign key each time I need a list of something? e.g :
list of medicines a clinic uses
list of prescriptions a doctor gave
If it makes a difference, I am using Laravel's Eloquent ORM
A table represents a relationship among values. (Some values identify entities.) A database can't be used until we are told what each table--base or query result--means: what business/application relationship its rows satisfy. (Ie, what is its (characteristic) predicate.) What are the relationships for your tables?
To query we express a relationship in terms of base relationships then express its table in terms of the corresponding base tables. Eg a join returns rows satisfying one relationship and another. So again, we need to know tables' relationships in business/application terms.
Cardinalities & constraints are properties of relationships given what situations can arise. They aren't needed to update or query. They can guide design & are used for integrity.
When, given a clinic, you talk about "its" suppliers, you do not say what you mean. "Has", "its", "for", "references", "appropriate"--all mean nothing--they refer to related entities, but they don't say how they are related in terms of the business/application. This design contains no explicit relationship on clinics & articles. If it did, you've said nothing by which we could put the right rows in or see the rows & know about the situation. Still, you could then derive clinic-supplier rows where the supplier is "for" some article a given clinic "has". But is that the relationship you mean?? Eg if you want pairs where the clinic is allowed to "have" the supplier "for" some articles, that's a new relationship/table that cannot be derived from what you have.
creating a "null" article for each supplier in article_supplier
That relationship/table is a certain combination of article_supplier & the relationship/table just described. But it is simpler to just have those two.
creating a foreign key in supplier that references the appropriate clinic
That would mean that if a supplier "has" more than one clinic then there can be rows in the new version that differ only by all the other columns; normalization theory says that's worse than the original design and a clinic_supplier relationship/table. And it means that if a supplier "has" no clinic you would need something like a nullable FK (foreign key).
So you likely want a clinic_supplier table. But you should post a new question in which you actually say what business/application relationships you are talking about.
Your question & the following are essentially duplicates in that the basic principles/notions to obviously apply to answer them are all the same:
How do I find relations between tables that are long-distance related?
Required to join 2 tables with their FKs in a 3rd table
Best Solution - Ternary or Binary Relationship
You need to read an information modeling & database design textbook.
In your design :
Supplier is a table.
Articles is a table.
Since Supplier supplies articles, their relationship is expressed in terms of a table that links them. So, there is a supplier_article table.
Clinic is a table.
You mention Clinic uses articles.
By the same principle as above, the relationship between Clinic and Article should be expressed in the form of a table. This should be clinic_article table.
Though you haven't mentioned, you must look at other dependencies that arise. For example, a clinic performs procedures and procedures use articles.
by creating a foreign key in supplier that references the appropriate
This would assume that one supplier can supply only to one clinic forever. Even if this is true today, it won't be true tomorrow, because you might want to plan for multiple clinics in the same location or using the same application or database.

Do all relational database designs require a junction or associative table for many-to-many relationship?

I'm new to databases and trying to understand why a junction or association table is needed when creating a many-to-many relationship.
Most of what I'm finding on Stackoverflow and elsewhere describe it in either highly technical relational theory terms or it's just described as 'that's the way it's done' without qualifying why.
Are there any relational database designs out there that support having a many-to-many relationship without the use of an association table? Why is it not possible to have, for example, a column on on table that holds the relationships to another and vice a versa.
For example, a Course table that holds a list of courses and a Student table that holds a bunch of student info — each course can have many students and each student can take many classes.
Why is it not possible to have a column on each row in either table (possibly in csv format) that contains the relationships to the others in a list or something similar?
In a relational database, no column holds more than a single value in each row. Therefore, you would never store data in a "CSV format" -- or any other multiple value system -- in a single column in a relational database. Making repeated columns that hold instances of the same item (Course1, Course2, Course3, etc) is also not allowed. This is the very first rule of relational database design and is referred to as First Normal Form.
There are very good reasons for the existence of these rules (it is enormously easier to verify, constrain, and query the data) but whether or not you believe in the benefits the rules are, none-the-less, part of the definition of relational databases.
I do not know the answer to your question, but I can answer a similar question: Why do we use a junction table for many-to-many relationships in databases?
First, if the student table keeps track of which courses the student is in and the course keeps track of which students are in it, then we have duplication. This can lead to problems. What if a student knows it is in a course, but the course doesn't know that it has that student. Every time you made a course change you would have to make sure to change it in both tables. Inevitably this will not happen every time and the data will become inconsistent.
Second, where would we store this information? A list is not a possible type for a field in a database. So do we put a course column in the student table? No, because that would only allow each student to take one course, a many-to-one relationship from students to courses. Do we put a student column in the courses table? No, because then we have one student in each course.
What does work is having a new table that has one student and one course per row. This tells us that a student is in a class without duplicating any data.
"Junction tables" come from ER/ORM presentations/methods/products that don't really understand the relational model.
In the relational model (and in original ER information modeling) application relationships are represented by relations/tables. Each table holds tuples of values that are in that relationship to each other, ie that are so related, ie that satisfy that relationship, ie that participate in the relationship.
A relationship is expressed independently of any particular situation as a predicate, a fill-in-the-(named-)blanks statement. Rows that fill in the named blanks to give a true statement from the predicate in a particular situation go in the table. We pick sufficient predicates (hence base tables) to describe every situation. Both many-to-1 and many-to-many application relationships get tables.
The reason why you don't see a lot of many-to-many relationships along with columns about the participants rather than about their participation in the relationship is that such tables are better split into ones about the participants and one for the relationship. Eg columns in a many-to-many table that are about participants 1. can't say anything about entities that don't participate and 2. say the same thing about an entity every time it participates. Information modeling techniques that focus on identifying independent entity types first then relationships between them tend to lead to designs with few such problems. The reason why you don't see many-to-many relationships in two tables is that that is redundant and susceptible to the error of the tables disagreeing. The problem with collection-valued columns (sequences/lists/arrays) is that you cannot generically query about their parts using usual query notation and implementation because the DBMS doesn't see the parts organized into a table.
See this recent answer or this one.

how to implement one to one relationship if the relation has attributes?

I have two tables in my database, Department and Academic_staff. the primary key in the Department table is depId and the primary key in the Academic_staff table is aNo.
Each department is managed by only one member of academic staff, so the relation between the two tables is one-to-one.
I need to record the date when someone of the academic staff starts managing a department, so the relation must have it's own attribute(mStartDate).
How can I implement this new attribute?
At first I was thinking to create a new table with three attributes (depId, aNo, mStartDate) and make two relations between the new table and the other two tables, but I then realized that it's not many-to-many relationship.
So how can I add the attribute mStartDate to the one-to-one relation between the two tables?
There's more than one relation between the two tables, and some of those relations are one-to-many (the department employs more than one academic staff), so I can't merge the two tables.
Your proposed new table (which I shall refer to as DepartmentManagement) could in principle record the history of managers for each department, in which case it would be a many-to-many (temporal) relationship between Department and Academic.
However, if you want to record only the current manager, it's reasonable to "absorb" DepartmentManager into the Department table, giving two columns there (Manager_aNo and Manager_StartDate). Conceptually the object "DepartmentManagement" still exists, but it's absorbed, it doesn't have its own table.
You could also absorb it in the other direction (into Academic) but that wouldn't allow an Academic ever to manage more than one department. You might not need that now, but in principle it's more likely than having a Department with two managers.
fk_aNo (Unique )
*****- Primary key (depId, fk_aNo)*****
aNo (PK)
depId --- Important "Both depId,aNo are from Departments, be sure"
aNo ---
- Primary key (depId, aNo)
Constraints--> a academicStuff can't start to manage a department more
than one time. If this structure proper for you and you want to enable
a aacademic stuff manage a department more than one time inform me.

Entity Relationship Diagram. How does the IS A relationship translate into tables?

I was simply wondering, how an ISA relationship in an ER diagram would translate into tables in a database.
Would there be 3 tables? One for person, one for student, and one for Teacher?
Or would there be 2 tables? One for student, and one for teacher, with each entity having the attributes of person + their own?
Or would there be one table with all 4 attributes and some of the squares in the table being null depending on whether it was a student or teacher in the row?
NOTE: I forgot to add this, but there is full coverage for the ISA relationship, so a person must be either a studen or a teacher.
Assuming the relationship is mandatory (as you said, a person has to be a student or a teacher) and disjoint (a person is either a student or a teacher, but not both), the best solution is with 2 tables, one for students and one for teachers.
If the participation is instead optional (which is not your case, but let's put it for completeness), then the 3 tables option is the way to go, with a Person(PersonID, Name) table and then the two other tables which will reference the Person table, e.g.
Student(PersonID, GPA), with PersonID being PK and FK referencing Person(PersonID).
The 1 table option is probably not the best way here, and it will produce several records with null values (if a person is a student, the teacher-only attributes will be null and vice-versa).
If the disjointness is different, then it's a different story.
there are 4 options you can use to map this into an ER,
option 1
option 2 Since this is a covering relationship, option 2 is not a good match.
option 3
person type can be student/teacher
option 4
Person(SIN,Name,GPA,Salary,Student,Teacher) Student and Teacher are bool type fields, it can be yes or no,a good option for overlapping
Since the sub classes don't have much attributes, option 3 and option 4 are better to map this into an ER
This answer could have been a comment but I am putting it up here for the visibility.
I would like to address a few things that the chosen answer failed to address - and maybe elaborate a little on the consequences of the "two table" design.
The design of your database depends on the scope of your application and the type of relations and queries you want to perform. For example, if you have two types of users (student and teacher) and you have a lot of general relations that all users can part take, regardless of their type, then the two table design may end up with a lot of "duplicated" relations (like users can subscribe to different newsletters, instead of having one M2M relationship table between "users" and newsletters, you'll need two separate tables to represent that relation). This issue worsens if you have three different types of users instead of two, or if you have an extra layer of IsA in your hierarchy (part-time vs full-time students).
Another issue to consider - the types of constraints you want to implement. If your users have emails and you want to maintain a user-wide unique constraint on emails, then the implementation is trickier for a two-table design - you'll need to add an extra table for every unique constraint.
Another issue to consider is just duplications, generally. If you want to add a new common field to users, you'll need to do it multiple times. If you have unique constraints on that common field, you'll need a new table for that unique constraint too.
All of this is not to say that the two table design isn't the right solution. Depending on the type of relations, queries and features you are building, you may want to pick one design over the other, like is the case for most design decisions.
It depends entirely on the nature of the relationships.
IF the relationship between a Person and a Student is 1 to N (one to many), then the correct way would be to create a foreign key relationship, where the Student has a foreign key back to the Person's ID Primary Key Column. Same thing for the Person to Teacher relationship.
However, if the relationship is M to N (many to many), then you would want to create a separate table containing those relationships.
Assuming your ERD uses 1 to N relationships, your table structure ought to look something like this:
sin bigint,
name text,
GPA float,
fk_sin bigint,
FOREIGN KEY (fk_sin) REFERENCES Person(sin)
and follow the same example for the Teacher table. This approach will get you to 3rd Normal Form most of the time.
