Dev Express Gridview checkbox - checkbox

I have problem about Dev Express in VB.NET 2005.
Im using Data Grid View.
How to use Data grid with checkbox in each row like this picture below ?
I can not find that properties.
This is regular List View in VB.NET
Thanks for reading and answer

I think here you can see an example how to do this implement multi row selection: or here
use unbound checkbox column
Hope it helps. Just skip the part with selection

You have to bind your field of the dev express grid with the column of the data table your gridview is bound to and make sure that the case of both datatable filed and gridcolumn. Fieldname is same. After doing this thing, you need to add the following code snippet to make
RepositoryItemCheckEdit repositoryCheckEdit1 = gridControl1.RepositoryItems.Add("CheckEdit") as RepositoryItemCheckEdit;
repositoryCheckEdit1.ValueChecked = "True";
repositoryCheckEdit1.ValueUnchecked = "False";
gridView1.Columns["Item"].ColumnEdit = repositoryCheckEdit1;
The above example is true for the fields which has true or false as saved values in database.

If you just want the selection mode as CheckBoxes, then try this in the Designer:
Then you can get the selected row's values as you wish.

Use RepositoryItemCheckEdit from repository section, set values check as 1 and uncheckvalues as 0
and set repository to column edit


How can I update the contents of a ComboBox embedded in a GridX

I am in the process of altering an existing GridX table to add a new column which contains a drop down, the contents of which will be different for each row.
I have added the dropdown as a combobox by setting the cell's structure as
widgetsInCell: true,
Which will make the combobox's cell a decorator.
My issue now is that the update function operates by getting the gridx's and setting a new store.That works for text data but I can't find a way of creating a store which will populate the combobox.
Do I need to integrate somehow with the cell's setCellValue hook?
You can use dijit/form/FilteringSelect
dojo FilteringSelect
If all your rows data from same store, use query to filtering data.(e.g. query: {state: /.*/})
Otherwise use "dojo/store/JsonRest" get data from server.

Devexpress checkbox column in a gridcontrol c#

I have a datagrid from devexpress in a winform application.I populated the datagrid from code (datasource=my datatable with 2 strings columns and one of type int (receive 0 and 1 values-should be checkbox on form).
I added a datagrid and from designer I added 3 columns.The last one of type checkbox.I set
UnboundExpression=my column name from datatable :
DisplayFormat = Numeric,
columnedit = checkbox,
Displaycheckedvalue = 1,
displayuncheckedvalue = 0.
When I run the application always my checkboxes are blue.If i press one checkbox appear a check but when i go to the next row the previous value is again blue.What should i do so why the application keep the checks?
Don't set the column to be unbound, it is in your datasource after all.
What you want to do is just to set Displaycheckedvalue and displayuncheckedvalue as you have done, nothing more.
You can make a class which got a property for each column of your table. The int value would be a bool and so you can use List as datasource. The Grid will automaticly add checkboxes for the bool value.
If you want to use DataTable see Stig's post but in my opinion it is more beautiful to use classes and List.

How to dehighlight the row when checkbox is checked in extjs grid

I am using extjs4.1 grid in aspnet mvc3 application.
I have used checkboxrowselection model.
the issue is :
once the checkbox is checked,the row should not get highlighted in the extjs grid.
How can i acheive this.
please help
The purpose of the checkbox selection model is to select rows. In extjs, selecting a row means to specifically highlight it, what you want is just a logical selection. You should be using the user extension: Ext.ux.CheckColumn that ships with the core library.
To gather the rows, you would need to do a query on the store where the models property is set to true for the data index you define on the checkcolumn.

Create a Search Bar with a Text box for a datagrid Visual Basic

I am using Visual Basic 2010 and am trying to create a datagrid where I can view data from my Sql Server database.
I have the datagrid setup and importing the data from SQL Server, but I am now trying to create on the form something where the user can type into a text box a value, and select a column header from a drop box to pull up a the desired rows.
So I want to be able to type into the Text Box "John" and select in the drop box "Names"
and this would pull up all rows with "John" in column "Names"
Seems simple, but so far I've built everything in the form with just drag and drop from the toolbox so I'm having trouble understanding where to type in backend code for something like this.
Any advice for how this should be approached, or even where I should put code for this would be helpful.
Thank you!
Try below code on search button click
DataTable dt = GetData();
if (ds.SelectedIndex != -1 && txtFieldValue.Text != "")
string search = ds.SelectedItem.Text + "=" + txtFieldValue.Text;
dg.Datasource = dt.Select(search);
You need to use keyup event with jquery/javascript and update data there is no other way to update data with out any event.

Binding a combobox to a database and gridview

I am displaying a database table on a grid view and displaying a selected item's details in a detailsview.
Here's the problem:
There's a combobox in the detailsview and I want to display the added value's string on grid and I want the combobox to select this value.
It will be possible to update, delete the selected item from grid or add a new item. And I couldn't do the transformations of string- comboboxitem-database item. And I am quite confused on the binding operations. I hope my question is clear enough. Thanks in advance for any help.
One solution that may preserve your sanity. Only allow edits in your detailsView. Use the grid to Add (clicking an Add Link which shows the detailsView) or Delete. Is it really necessary for the user to be able to edit in either place?
