open appengine file in netbeans - google-app-engine

From the appengine launcher on Windows, one of the buttons at the top is 'edit'. You can set the external editor in 'preferences'. The default is Wordpad. I wanted to use netbeans, but I can't figure out how to make GAE open netbeans. I have done many searches but I keep getting hits about creating a .exe file in netbeans, which is not what I want. I see no 'netbeans.exe' file. I tried C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3.1\platform\core\core.jar but that does nothing. Thank you.

netbeans is a GUI for java SDK. it is not a text editor. it has a text editor somewhere in it, but it is not obvious where and it may not be possible to call the editor alone from outside.
I suggest you start netbeans, edit the file in it and then either launch the project from the launcher or from the command line. no need to compile, as soon as you save the edit, you can re-load the page.


How to start c app from desktop with double-click?

I have written one very simple app in C. I know how to run it through Visual studio, but i want to start it from desktop with a double-click. If I double-click on a .exe file made in folder, it does not start. How can I do this?
If you do not wish to modify your code so that it will wait for user input before closing (and there are many reasons that might be inappropriate), you could create a batch file wrapper:
Then either you can double click the batch file or create a shortcut to the batch file then edit the shortcut to set the path to the batch file and the path from which to run (so it can find the exe).
That pretty much emulates how Visual Studio runs your code without terminating the window.
Another method you might consider is a batch file such as:
Then you can drag-and-drop your executable onto the runner.bat icon to run it. The advantage being that you don't have to create a new batch file and/or shortcut for every new executable.
Really though this is not a C question, or even a programming question - it is most likely off topic. If your code is ever required to run to completion unattended in a batch file for example, you would not necessarily want to add any interactivity to the program itself.
Your problem is that double clicking on a console app will open a new console window, run the program and then close the window.
VS studio does a trick where it runs the app in a new console window but keeps it open till you press a key.
You can add that same thing yourself - put a getchar() call at the end
Or you can make a bat file to run the app as per Cliffords answer
1st open the code with visual studio code
Run or Build the program
then u will find an executable file where u have saved your code
Open that executable file
but you must have installed mingw installed in your environment
you must compile it first with mingw or like compiler. and start it with by code:
cmd> yourdirectory(e.g Desktop)/ gcc yourcodefile.c your question is available also internet => how-to-compile-c-program

There is no editor available for filename.cs Make sure the application for the file type (.cs) is installed

I get following error when I am trying to open my .cs file of design.
There is no editor available for filename.cs Make sure the application for the file type (.cs) is installed
I was working in .cs file and system suddenly restarted. When I restart, I got above error.
I have tried to open .cs file in different tools. In Notepad++, I get NULL. In all other tools like notepad and wordpad etc, I get file blank.
It shows file size 291 KB. As this file was important, I need to recover it somehow.
Can anybody suggest me way to achieve this?
If you have not used tools such as git or subversion I recommand to use windows restore point.
Else I think that you should use application for recovery such as GoBack.

My application won't show up in Windows 10 Start search

I wrote a Win-32 desktop application in 1999 and have maintained it through the various iterations of Windows ever since. It didn't need a 64-bit address space so I never bothered to migrate it to the 64-bit apis.
Until Win 10 came along, I could type < the first few letters of my app's name> and the app would run.
In Win 10, I have to double click on the app to get it to run. If I try the app's folder and its contents show in the start menu but not the app itself. I look under all apps and the app isn't there. I've added a shortcut to the start menu but even that hint isn't enough for Windows to find the app. I tried creating a bat file that would fire off the app and placed the bat file in Programs Folder but that failed.
I never wrote an installer for the app. The app lives in its own folder which I create by dragging it from a CD or network drive as I have migrated between all the Windows iterations since Win-98.
Is there now some xml file I must create that says "This is an app. Please Microsoft, include it in the start menu?" I had thought *.exe would suffice but apparently not. Perhaps *.exe code must now reside in Programs Folder, no exceptions allowed?
If it makes any difference, the application is written in C and compiled in Visual Developer 2008. It reads kid's handwritten responses to arithmetic questions.
More info I've dug up...
I noticed that Python shows up in Windows search but PHP doesn't. IIRC, I installed python with an installer whereas php was unzipped into its current location.
That establishes that a program need not reside in C:\Program Folder to show up in Start-search.
Then I discover that Python has a shortcut in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs but PHP doesn't. "That's it!" I think. Nope. Start-search now shows the folder I placed there but not the shortcut to the program. So residence in the start menu folder doesn't do it.
I am obnoxed.
..even more info...
I recompiled the entire project and now search finds the executable which suggests start-search is broken. Moreover, start-search only displays the app if I completely type its name. In Win 7, just the first few letters suffice as is the case with most executables in win10.
The app still doesn't appear in the all apps section but then again, neither do the autodesk apps I have installed. OTOH, the autodesk apps appear by typing just a few letters.
At this point, it appears win10 start-search is broken.
Most .exe files don't appears in Windows Search under Win10 unless they are installed in program files folder... I try to find a way to circumvent this limitation cause lot of my files are portable applications on another drive.
In meantime here's a Workaround: Make a folder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DummyApps" and copy the shortcut of the app you want to be listed in "Search Results" in the DummyApps folder.
I've made a shorcut of "DummyApps" on my desktop to drop shortcut of programs I want to access by the search.
When you say
I've added a shortcut to the start menu but even that hint isn't enough for Windows to find the app
do you mean that you added a shortcut here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs ?
If so, did you restart your pc (or at least explorer.exe)?
Adding a shortcut to the location above and restarting explorer.exe worked for me and it even added the app to the recently added apps section. Hopefully that helps.
step 1:win10 +x, open cmd adminstration mode
step 2:input 'start powershell' in cmd
step 3:input 'Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cortana | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}' in powershell

Configure Intellij IDEA to run batch file

I'm using InteliJ IDEA (Community addition) and I found myself doing some file transfers to and from the project folder.
After reapeating the task for a while I've created some batch scripts that transfering the files automaticly. Now, I'll be much more happy if I could run the scripts directly from the IDE - by pressing a button for example...
Question is: Can I add buttons to IntelliJ IDE - that will run a batch file? If it's possible I'll be happy to know how it can be done.
You can use "External Tools" to invoke any program
Goto Settings->External Tools and create a tool which will open the following dialog choose the batch file for Program.
Then the tool will be available in the menu Tools
Ref:External Tools
If you want to link an 'External Tool' to a 'Button' in the toolbar check How to add buttons linked to your external tool in InteliJ IDEA
Also if you install "Batch Scripts Support" plugin, you will get nice file context menu actions for running batch files directly from the project view.
NOTE 2019: The original authors abandoned the plugin, but there is a maintained fork for current versions of IntelliJ:
NOTE 2020: Even newer fork is:
Another alternative to IntelliJ 2019 is:
Edit Configuration > Click '+' > Select Shell Script > 'In Script path:' set the .bat file location > OK > Click play button or Run once you have saved it
See image below:
Install "Batch Scripts Support" plugin. Then choose + -> Batch:

how to know the path,where the errors and warnings are stored in eclipse

My doubt is related to the storage of Error/Warning Messages.
For example I wrote a C program in Eclipse IDE and compiled. The Error/Warning Messages are displayed in the problem tab.
If this is the situation which file in my computer contains the Error/Warning Messages. I need to know the location of this file because I am doing a project related to IDE creation.
Any suggestions or Ideas?
First of all you should know that what you see in Problems view in eclipse has not been saved as a log file in plain text. But if you want to see it:
1- Under each workspace there is a folder named ".metadata" . In linux it is a hide folder and you have to choose show hide files. I am not sure about windows.
2- open this path ".plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/" under ".metadata".
3- choose the sub folder with the project name. (The project you want to see prolems for it).
4- there is two files holding the problems named ".markers" and ".markers.snap"
As said this is under Linux. Under windows may be it differs. But it should be something like this.
Not every text editor opens these files. I used emacs!
