Find MAC-Address using ADF mobile - oracle-adf

I am trying to retrieve the MAC address of the device using ADF. Is this possible?
This is some information that I was able to get, but I couldnt understand how to use it.(I dont know whether this link is of much use as it is the documentation to Oracle® Identity Management)

This cant be done, as app store will reject apps that try to access the MAC Address


how to redirect user to web admin interface of my device?

how to redirect user to web admin interface of my device?
I am using following in my project.
httpd of busybox as http server.
html files/js/css to create web pages.
I don't have any kind of apache like servers.
C language and linux.
User will connect to device via wifi. When the user want to access the internet via wifi then he should be first redirected to my web page.
The research which I have made is: I need captive portal for this. Truly speaking I have no idea how to implement captive portal and what it is. I have found that wifidog,chilispot and Nocatsplash are such kind of captive portals which are free.
After compiling the wifidog I have found that to run that I need iptables. By doing necessary changes in kernel I am at that stage that I can run wifidog. But when I run the wifidog I have to configure in the wifidog.conf. I have try to do that. I have added some parameters like :
ExternalInterface br0,
GatewayInterface br0,
AuthServer {
I have tried to access my board in which wifidog is running using my browser but I am not getting anything related to wifidog. It just gives my admin page.
One thing is there is no master device in my project. All device should work the same way.
Would anyone please help me on this issue?
As far I as understand - yes, you are on right track.
What you need now is AuthPuppy:

What is the alternative way of sending user location via sms on iOS6?

i have done a security app which locate a iPhone and send the GPS location of the phone through message to an associated number this functions works good until iOS 5, but the issue is sending SMS without users knowledge is restricted in iOS 6, so i need a help here instead of sending message, is there any other possible way or replacement for this function? any answer related to this method are appreciated.
Thank you.
You haven't specified whether your ios app has a server. If yes, you can transmit location to server and that in turn can transmit it to intended user via specific api.
If this is not correct, APNS is your friend. This is a way to send messages to desired devices only, the ones who explicitly registers through your app.
Another quite equivalent option is to store it in public back-end like As soon as other devices start your app, they can pull your location from there. If their device is already live, can make sure to notify them as soon as you change your location value in their DB.

I want to point exact location of an IP address on Google maps

I want to point exact location of an IP address on Google Maps or any other service. I want the marker to be exact. How can I do it, using which service, either at cost or free of cost?
Just to make the answer official, no geo-location service can reliably provide that kind of accuracy. You can be reasonably sure of the city/town and that's about it... assuming no deliberate attempt to hide their location like VPN, TOR, etc.
If your users are cooperating, then you could build your own geo-location service that, for example, uses GPS from a phone when it is connected through a WiFi router and reports that back to your service.
fecth geolocations tags and youre good to go

How to determine location of user/phone using plain SMS?

how to know user location via sms from server without any applications installed in mobile
This is not possible. This will never be possible.
Get the user to type their postcode/zipcode etc in the SMS, then detect and parse it at the server.
I would look into Location Based Services (LBS)

Get position data from mobile browser

I am developing a web app that will be hit frequently by mobile browsers. I am wondering if there is a way to get enough information from the browser request to lookup position data (triangulation or GPS) Not from the request directly, of course. A colleague suggested there some carriers supply a unique identifier in the request header that can be sent to a web service exposed by said provider that will return position data if the customer has enabled that. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this or any other method for gleaning position data, even very approximate. Obviously this is app candy, e.g. if the data is not available the app doesn't really care...
Or perhaps a web service by carrier that will provide triangulated data by IP?
Google has ClientLocation as part of their AJAX APIs. You'll need to load Google's AJAX API (requires an API key) and it'll try to resolve the user's location data for you.
I've got blackberry gps to javascript working OK in a GMaps mashup. Pretty simple, actually. -- help yrself to view source.
(I don't currently have a bb. A user emailed me with "... it seems to be polling every 15 seconds or so, so it keeps adding new locations ... ".)
I'm looking for javascript gps info on an iPhone equivalent. And Nokia, and ... .
Any information appreciated.
I have used this javascript library sucessfully:
The examples work great. The user will always be prompted to share their location--don't know a way to avoid that.
Use the source IP address to approximate a network location. No, you won't get latitude and longitude in an HTTP request from an iPhone. Not unless you write a 3rd party app and ask them to run it.
You might be better off just running a poll on your website.
I know that some providers in Japan have a tracking service for location of cellphones.
I also know that the information is not public. I think you need to have a very good reason before the provider gives that information free as it is in my opinion sensitive personal data. Of course they will give the information to police officers but not to the general public.
