What vendors offer mobile geolocation targeting and analytics SDKs? - mobile

I'm conducting a vendor analysis for an enterprise level organization. I'm looking for a SDK I can integrate with an iOS/Android application that does the following well:
Location Analytics
Geo-fencing around locations specified by the organization
Push Notifications (specific to geo-fences, time zones, and customer segmentation)
Easy to use console
Doesn't noticeably drain the battery
They also need to be advanced in their field--ideally they'd have some sort of beaconing
capability in their product or planned down the line to support indoor location awareness
Some examples I'm looking at are Geoloqi, Xtify and Urban Airship. Do you have any experiences with those or similar vendors?

It sounds like the proxim.io API is exactly what you are looking for. Here is a quote from the API documentation page:
Proxim.io is a platform for delivering relevant messages to your
application users. Messages that are delivered based on real-time
location, topics of interest, and geo-triggers. Messages can be
delivered to a device via Push, or can be routed to a software system
through an API (Web Events).

I have seen Xtify do most of these. With Push Notification it has support for tags which can help in sending message to subset of users. It has a location API. The console can use used to upload basic credentials, test sending messages and some basic analytic view.

Looks like Leantegra has all you need: there is back end solution; appropriate hardware and mobile SDKs for Android and iOS.


Do Google or Amazon cache content that's being delivered to their smart speaker devices?

Is any caching of audio files done by Google or Amazon as audio content is being delivered to Google Home or Amazon Echo? I've read that developers do set up their own CDN for these purposes, but it's not clear if any caching happens during delivery or if audio is delivered directly to user devices from the publisher.
To my knowledge no, they do not cache responses as a large point of the assistant apps is to provide customised experiences to each user.
The one thing I might not be so confident on however is the inline SSML <audio> tag. There seems to be no information on the Alexa documentation or the Actions on Google documentation on this about caching, so I'd assume they don't.
I'm not sure what you mean but you can find back your full Google Assistant history at https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity. This includes audio files with your spoken queries.

Best/Correct way to create a client-server constant listener

I am creating an app that involves sending and receiving settings... The desktop application is constantly sending information to a hosted MySQL database, and the Android app will query this same information. It is something similar to the whatsapp web (but in this case, I'll be using a desktop app instead of webpages).
Until this part, everything is working as I need... but, this same Android app will be used to send settings to the desktop app, and the desktop will read and change its settings according to what was just sent.
If I need to constantly query the hosted MySQL database and check if there is any kind of changes sent from the Android, I believe that I'll have a performance drop... each time a query loop is finished, I would have to query, check for any modifications and so on.
Is there a better or correct way to do this kind integration between two apps? I've read something about WebSockets, but I don't have much technical information about this, neither examples that I can use in this case.
Thank you very much for your knowledge sharing.
Here are some useful sites on WebSocket:
http://blog.kaazing.com/ [some useful blog posts]
https://goo.gl/5OaJff [mozilla site]
You may want to consider the Observer/Observables pattern. The MYSQL is the Observable and your desktop app and Android app are Observers (and you can add other Observers in the future). Its a common pattern with lots of examples out there. But you'll need a centralized WebSocket server and an Observer/Observable coordination subsystem. You can setup a pub/sub message broker that uses WebSocket with a nice JMS, MQTT, etc, API to make your life easier. ActiveMQ, IBM MQ Lite, Kaazing JMS Edition... lots of options.
full disclosure. I work for Kaazing.

Design: using a backend server to circumvent great firewall of china

I have a front-end angular app using firebase to store user data.
I currently do not have a backend set up, such as a node.js server.
I would like to use the Google Docs API to upload files from my app.
Since the Great Firewall of China does not (or makes unstable) the use of Google services, is it possible to place those services on the backend server and still use them reliably?
Perhaps after they have uploaded the document to firebase, a backend script retrieves it, uploads it to google docs, and then removes the record from firebase? Just trying to see if Google or similar services are even feasible for this use case.
I suppose the crux of my question is whether or not the calling of the Google API would be taking place on the user's computer, in which case would it become unstable?
** Updates for clarity:
I am deciding whether my firebase-backed app needs a more traditional backend like a node server to do things like: upload images and documents, send mail via Mandrill, etc... It would be helpful to me if I knew whether, after putting in the time to create a server, some of the services I am after (aka APIs) are any more resilient to the GFW than they would be if they ran on the client side. So if any one has had success in such a task, I would like to know.
** Technical update:
So, for example, if I run the Google Maps API on the client side, if the user is in China and is not running a VPN, accessing the API calls will either lag or time out or (rarely) success in returning the scripts. If I was somehow able to able to process the map query "off-site" aka on the server, could I then return with a static image of the map to a Chinese user without fail?
If I was somehow able to able to process the map query "off-site" aka
on the server, could I then return with a static image of the map to a
Chinese user without fail?
Yes, of course. What you are going to miss this way is all the front-end interactive functionality Google Maps offers. But if that's ok in your use case, sure.
I have never tried it with the GCF, but what I would do is this:
Google Maps <-> Your Reverse proxy <-> User
So, instead of the user visitng the real google maps site, it will be visiting your maps.mydomain.com site, that will be sitting in between, proxying everything.
Nginx is an excellent choice for a reverse proxy. If you need more control, there are good node.js reverse proxying packages that you an use to rewrite the content extensively before serving it (perhaps to obfuscate it in case the GCF blacklists content based on pattern matching, or to change the script names/links again to avoid pattern matching).
You are misunderstanding about the great firewall of China. I consulted for a couple of Chinese companies after the dot com crash so I can say this from personal experience, not hearsay.
It is mostly high-end Cisco hardware behind gateways behind their government telecom infrastructure. Nowadays they knock off what hardware they can, every chance they can, and spend money on specialized hardware to monitor cell phones systems.
There was a brief mention of the street-level surveillance hardware on 20/20 before the crash if you are interested in looking it up.
Not to discourage you, but I say set up whatever open servers you want with whatever frontends or backends you want, but the reality is the traffic is not going to be there.
That is why they call it an oppressive regime, they do not get to decide for themselves, remember?

Using GAE channels without browser

I want to write GAE based application that synchronizes information between computers/phones. Right now I am only querying periodically, which causes delays or requires user to click a button to refresh manually.
With GAE channels, it should be possible to do it this way that a device can be notified when it should refresh. However, since I want it to be a desktop app (not web app), I am wondering if I can write my own client to channel API? Or grab whatever's out there.
Is the protocol documented or are there clients available for anything other than JS?
The only official interface is the Javascript client library. Although you could reverse-engineer how it works, since it's not a documented part of the interface, it could change at any time without notice.
If you're interfacing with Android phones or iPhones, each of them has a 'push' messaging API that you could use (Cloud to Device Messaging for Android, and Push Messaging for iPhone).
There is now a Java implementation for the Channels API. It was just released days ago and is available via git at https://github.com/gvsumasl/jacc. I've also taken the liberty of forking it and providing a mavenized version at https://github.com/hatboyzero/jacc.

Google App Engine: Share data between users

Is it possible to make invitations to share/view data similar to Google Docs?
Definitely: GAE is a platform, a canvas for what you want to build. Document access management is entirely up to you, but of course you'll have access to some APIs to facilitate your life (e.g. Google Accounts integration).
Of course it is. You can create virtually any kind of web application that you want with AppEngine. It doesn't come with anything built-in to do this other than an API for sending emails, but you can certainly code up this functionality.
