Copying a 4 element character array into an integer in C - c

A char is 1 byte and an integer is 4 bytes. I want to copy byte-by-byte from a char[4] into an integer. I thought of different methods but I'm getting different answers.
char str[4]="abc";
unsigned int a = *(unsigned int*)str;
unsigned int b = str[0]<<24 | str[1]<<16 | str[2]<<8 | str[3];
unsigned int c;
memcpy(&c, str, 4);
printf("%u %u %u\n", a, b, c);
Output is
6513249 1633837824 6513249
Which one is correct? What is going wrong?

It's an endianness issue. When you interpret the char* as an int* the first byte of the string becomes the least significant byte of the integer (because you ran this code on x86 which is little endian), while with the manual conversion the first byte becomes the most significant.
To put this into pictures, this is the source array:
a b c \0
| 0x61 | 0x62 | 0x63 | 0x00 | <---- bytes in memory
When these bytes are interpreted as an integer in a little endian architecture the result is 0x00636261, which is decimal 6513249. On the other hand, placing each byte manually yields 0x61626300 -- decimal 1633837824.
Of course treating a char* as an int* is undefined behavior, so the difference is not important in practice because you are not really allowed to use the first conversion. There is however a way to achieve the same result, which is called type punning:
union {
char str[4];
unsigned int ui;
} u;
strcpy(u.str, "abc");
printf("%u\n", u.ui);

Neither of the first two is correct.
The first violates aliasing rules and may fail because the address of str is not properly aligned for an unsigned int. To reinterpret the bytes of a string as an unsigned int with the host system byte order, you may copy it with memcpy:
unsigned int a; memcpy(&a, &str, sizeof a);
(Presuming the size of an unsigned int and the size of str are the same.)
The second may fail with integer overflow because str[0] is promoted to an int, so str[0]<<24 has type int, but the value required by the shift may be larger than is representable in an int. To remedy this, use:
unsigned int b = (unsigned int) str[0] << 24 | …;
This second method interprets the bytes from str in big-endian order, regardless of the order of bytes in an unsigned int in the host system.

unsigned int a = *(unsigned int*)str;
This initialization is not correct and invokes undefined behavior. It violates C aliasing rules an potentially violates processor alignment.

You said you want to copy byte-by-byte.
That means the the line unsigned int a = *(unsigned int*)str; is not allowed. However, what you're doing is a fairly common way of reading an array as a different type (such as when you're reading a stream from disk.
It just needs some tweaking:
char * str ="abc";
int i;
unsigned a;
char * c = (char * )&a;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned); i++){
c[i] = str[i];
printf("%d\n", a);
Bear in mind, the data you're reading may not share the same endianness as the machine you're reading from. This might help:
changeEndian32(void * data)
uint8_t * cp = (uint8_t *) data;
uint32_t word;
uint8_t bytes[4];
temp.bytes[0] = cp[3];
temp.bytes[1] = cp[2];
temp.bytes[2] = cp[1];
temp.bytes[3] = cp[0];
*((uint32_t *)data) = temp.word;

Both are correct in a way:
Your first solution copies in native byte order (i.e. the byte order the CPU uses) and thus may give different results depending on the type of CPU.
Your second solution copies in big endian byte order (i.e. most significant byte at lowest address) no matter what the CPU uses. It will yield the same value on all types of CPUs.
What is correct depends on how the original data (array of char) is meant to be interpreted.
E.g. Java code (class files) always use big endian byte order (no matter what the CPU is using). So if you want to read ints from a Java class file you have to use the second way. In other cases you might want to use the CPU dependent way (I think Matlab writes ints in native byte order into files, c.f. this question).

If your using CVI (National Instruments) compiler you can use the function Scan to do this:
unsigned int a;
For big endian:
For little endian:
The o modifier specifies the byte order.
i inside the square brackets indicates where to start in the str array.


How to convert to integer a char[4] of "hexadecimal" numbers [C/Linux]

So I'm working with system calls in Linux. I'm using "lseek" to navigate through the file and "read" to read. I'm also using Midnight Commander to see the file in hexadecimal. The next 4 bytes I have to read are in little-endian , and look like this : "2A 00 00 00". But of course, the bytes can be something like "2A 5F B3 00". I have to convert those bytes to an integer. How do I approach this? My initial thought was to read them into a vector of 4 chars, and then to build my integer from there, but I don't know how. Any ideas?
Let me give you an example of what I've tried. I have the following bytes in file "44 00". I have to convert that into the value 68 (4 + 4*16):
char value[2];
read(fd, value, 2);
int i = (value[0] << 8) | value[1];
The variable i is 17480 insead of 68.
UPDATE: Nvm. I solved it. I mixed the indexes when I shift. It shoud've been value[1] << 8 ... | value[0]
General considerations
There seem to be several pieces to the question -- at least how to read the data, what data type to use to hold the intermediate result, and how to perform the conversion. If indeed you are assuming that the on-file representation consists of the bytes of a 32-bit integer in little-endian order, with all bits significant, then I probably would not use a char[] as the intermediate, but rather a uint32_t or an int32_t. If you know or assume that the endianness of the data is the same as the machine's native endianness, then you don't need any other.
Determining native endianness
If you need to compute the host machine's native endianness, then this will do it:
static const uint32_t test = 1;
_Bool host_is_little_endian = *(char *)&test;
It is worthwhile doing that, because it may well be the case that you don't need to do any conversion at all.
Reading the data
I would read the data into a uint32_t (or possibly an int32_t), not into a char array. Possibly I would read it into an array of uint8_t.
uint32_t data;
int num_read = fread(&data, 4, 1, my_file);
if (num_read != 1) { /* ... handle error ... */ }
Converting the data
It is worthwhile knowing whether the on-file representation matches the host's endianness, because if it does, you don't need to do any transformation (that is, you're done at this point in that case). If you do need to swap endianness, however, then you can use ntohl() or htonl():
if (!host_is_little_endian) {
data = ntohl(data);
(This assumes that little- and big-endian are the only host byte orders you need to be concerned with. Historically, there have been others, which is why the byte-reorder functions come in pairs, but you are extremely unlikely ever to see one of the others.)
Signed integers
If you need a signed instead of unsigned integer, then you can do the same, but use a union:
union {
uint32_t unsigned;
int32_t signed;
} data;
In all of the preceding, use data.unsigned in place of plain data, and at the end, read out the signed result from data.signed.
Suppose you point into your buffer:
unsigned char *p = &buf[20];
and you want to see the next 4 bytes as an integer and assign them to your integer, then you can cast it:
int i;
i = *(int *)p;
You just said that p is now a pointer to an int, you de-referenced that pointer and assigned it to i.
However, this depends on the endianness of your platform. If your platform has a different endianness, you may first have to reverse-copy the bytes to a small buffer and then use this technique. For example:
unsigned char ibuf[4];
for (i=3; i>=0; i--) ibuf[i]= *p++;
i = *(int *)ibuf;
The suggestions and comments of Andrew Henle and Bodo could give:
unsigned char *p = &buf[20];
int i, j;
unsigned char *pi= &(unsigned char)i;
for (j=3; j>=0; j--) *pi++= *p++;
// and the other endian:
int i, j;
unsigned char *pi= (&(unsigned char)i)+3;
for (j=3; j>=0; j--) *pi--= *p++;

Why does a reference to an int return only one memory address?

Example Program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 0;
printf("%p", &x);
return 0;
I have read that most machines are byte-accessible, meaning that only one
byte can be stored on a single memory address (e.g. 0xf4829cba stores the value 01101011). Assuming that x is a 32-bit integer, shouldn't the reference to the variable return four memory addresses, instead of one?
Please ELI5, as I am very confused right now.
Thank you so much for your time.
The address (it's not a "reference") you're given is to the beginning of the memory where the variable is stored. The variable will then take as many bytes as needed according to its type. So if int is 32 bits in your target architecture, the address you get is of the first of four bytes used to store that int.
address−−−>| byte 0 |
| byte 1 |
| byte 2 |
| byte 3 |
It may help to think in terms of objects1 rather than bytes. Most useful data types in C take up more than a single byte.
As for an expression like &x evaluating to multiple addresses, think of it like the address to your house - you don't specify a distinct address for every room in the house, do you? No, for the purpose of telling other people where your house is, you only need to specify one address. For the purpose of knowing where an int ordouble or struct humongous object is, we only need to know the address of the first byte.
You can access and manipulate individual bytes in a larger object in several different ways. You can use bit masking operations like
int x = some_value;
unsigned char aByte = (x & 0xFF000000) >> 24; // isolate the MSB
or you can map the object onto an array of unsigned char using a union:
union {
int x;
unsigned char b[sizeof (int)];
} u;
u.x = some_value;
aByte = u.b[0]; // access the initial byte - depending on byte ordering, this
// may be the MSB or the LSB.
or by creating a pointer to the first byte:
int x = some_value;
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *) &x;
unsigned char aByte = b[0];
Byte ordering is a thing - some architectures store multi-byte values starting at the most significant byte, others starting at the least significant byte:
For any address A
A+0 A+1 A+2 A+3
Big endian +---+---+---+---+
|MSB| | |LSB|
+---+---+---+---+ Little endian
A+3 A+2 A+1 A+0
The M68K chips that powered the original Macintosh were big-endian, while x86 is little-endian.
Bitwise operators like & and | take byte ordering into account - x & 0xFF000000 will always isolate the MSB2. When you map an object onto an array of unsigned char, the first element may map to the MSB, or it may map to the LSB, or it may map to something else (the old VAX architecture used a "middle-endian" ordering for 32-bit floats that either went 2301 or 1032, can't remember which offhand).
In the C sense of a region of storage that may be used to hold a value, not the OOP sense of an instance of a class.
Assuming 32-bit int and 8-bit bytes, anyway.

Convert char array to int in C

Is this a safe way to convert array to number?
// 23 FD 15 94 -> 603788692
char number[4] = {0x94, 0x15, 0xFD, 0x23};
uint32_t* n = (uint32_t*)number;
printf("number is %lu", *n);
I'm using that in a embedded device with LSB architecture, does not need to be portable.
I'm currently using shifting, but if this code is safe i prefer it.
No. You're only allowed to access something as an integer if it is an integer.
But here's how you can manipulate the binary representation of an object by simply turning the logic around:
uint32_t n;
unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *)&n;
assert(sizeof n == 4); // assumes CHAR_BIT == 8
p[0] = 0x94; p[1] = 0x15; p[2] = 0xFD; p[3] = 0x23;
The moral: You can treat every object as a sequence of bytes, but you can't treat an arbitrary sequence of bytes as any particular object.
Moreover, the binary representation of a type is very much platform dependent, so there's no telling what actual integer value you get out from this. If you just want to synthesize an integral value from its base-256 digits, use normal maths:
uint32_t n = 0x94 + (0x15 * 0x100) + (0xFD * 0x10000) + (0x23 * 0x1000000);
This is completely platform-independent and expresses what you want purely in terms of values, not representations. Leave it to your compiler to produce a machine representation of the code.
No, it is not safe.
This is violating C aliasing rules that say that an object can only be accessed trough its own type, its signed / unsigned variant or through a character type. It can also invoke undefined behavior by breaking alignment.
A safe solution to get a uint32_t value from the array is to use bitwise operators (<< and &) on the char values to form an uint32_t.
You're better off with something like this (more portable):
int n = (c[3]<<24)|(c[2]<<16)|(c[1]<<8)|c[0];
where c is an unsigned char array.

C - unsigned int to unsigned char array conversion

I have an unsigned int number (2 byte) and I want to convert it to unsigned char type. From my search, I find that most people recommend to do the following:
unsigned int x;
unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)x;
Is the right approach? I ask because unsigned char is 1 byte and we casted from 2 byte data to 1 byte.
To prevent any data loss, I want to create an array of unsigned char[] and save the individual bytes into the array. I am stuck at the following:
unsigned char ch[2];
unsigned int num = 272;
for(i=0; i<2; i++){
// how should the individual bytes from num be saved in ch[0] and ch[1] ??
Also, how would we convert the unsigned char[2] back to unsigned int.
Thanks a lot.
You can use memcpy in that case:
memcpy(ch, (char*)&num, 2); /* although sizeof(int) would be better */
Also, how would be convert the unsigned char[2] back to unsigned int.
The same way, just reverse the arguments of memcpy.
How about:
ch[0] = num & 0xFF;
ch[1] = (num >> 8) & 0xFF;
The converse operation is left as an exercise.
How about using a union?
union {
unsigned int num;
unsigned char ch[2];
} theValue;
theValue.num = 272;
printf("The two bytes: %d and %d\n",[0],[1]);
It really depends on your goal: why do you want to convert this to an unsigned char? Depending on the answer to that there are a few different ways to do this:
Truncate: This is what was recomended. If you are just trying to squeeze data into a function which requires an unsigned char, simply cast uchar ch = (uchar)x (but, of course, beware of what happens if your int is too big).
Specific endian: Use this when your destination requires a specific format. Usually networking code likes everything converted to big endian arrays of chars:
int n = sizeof x;
for(int y=0; n-->0; y++)
ch[y] = (x>>(n*8))&0xff;
will does that.
Machine endian. Use this when there is no endianness requirement, and the data will only occur on one machine. The order of the array will change across different architectures. People usually take care of this with unions:
union {int x; char ch[sizeof (int)];} u;
u.x = 0xf00
with memcpy:
uchar ch[sizeof(int)];
memcpy(&ch, &x, sizeof x);
or with the ever-dangerous simple casting (which is undefined behavior, and crashes on numerous systems):
char *ch = (unsigned char *)&x;
Of course, array of chars large enough to contain a larger value has to be exactly as big as this value itself.
So you can simply pretend that this larger value already is an array of chars:
unsigned int x = 12345678;//well, it should be just 1234.
unsigned char* pChars;
pChars = (unsigned char*) &x;
pChars[0];//one byte is here
pChars[1];//another byte here
(Once you understand what's going on, it can be done without any variables, all just casting)
You just need to extract those bytes using bitwise & operator. OxFF is a hexadecimal mask to extract one byte. Please look at various bit operations here -
An example program is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int i = 0x1122;
unsigned char c[2];
c[0] = i & 0xFF;
c[1] = (i>>8) & 0xFF;
printf("c[0] = %x \n", c[0]);
printf("c[1] = %x \n", c[1]);
printf("i = %x \n", i);
return 0;
$ gcc 1.c
$ ./a.out
c[0] = 22
c[1] = 11
i = 1122
Endorsing #abelenky suggestion, using an union would be a more fail proof way of doing this.
union unsigned_number {
unsigned int value; // An int is 4 bytes long
unsigned char index[4]; // A char is 1 byte long
The characteristics of this type is that the compiler will allocate memory only for the biggest member of our data structure unsigned_number, which in this case is going to be 4 bytes - since both members (value and index) have the same size. Had you defined it as a struct instead, we would have 8 bytes allocated on memory, since the compiler does its allocation for all the members of a struct.
Additionally, and here is where your problem is solved, the members of an union data structure all share the same memory location, which means they all refer to same data - think of that like a hard link on GNU/Linux systems.
So we would have:
union unsigned_number my_number;
// Assigning decimal value 202050300 to my_number
// which is represented as 0xC0B0AFC in hex format
my_number.value = 0xC0B0AFC; // Representation: Binary - Decimal
// Byte 3: 00001100 - 12
// Byte 2: 00001011 - 11
// Byte 1: 00001010 - 10
// Byte 0: 11111100 - 252
// Printing out my_number one byte at time
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(my_number.value)); i++)
printf("index[%d]: %u, 0x%x\n", \
i, my_number.index[i], my_number.index[i]);
// Printing out my_number as an unsigned integer
printf("my_number.value: %u, 0x%x", my_number.value, my_number.value);
And the output is going to be:
index[0]: 252, 0xfc
index[1]: 10, 0xa
index[2]: 11, 0xb
index[3]: 12, 0xc
my_number.value: 202050300, 0xc0b0afc
And as for your final question, we wouldn't have to convert from unsigned char back to unsigned int since the values are already there. You just have to choose by which way you want to access it
Note 1: I am using an integer of 4 bytes in order to ease the understanding of the concept. For the problem you presented you must use:
union unsigned_number {
unsigned short int value; // A short int is 2 bytes long
unsigned char index[2]; // A char is 1 byte long
Note 2: I have assigned byte 0 to 252 in order to point out the unsigned characteristic of our index field. Was it declared as a signed char, we would have index[0]: -4, 0xfc as output.

How to convert from integer to unsigned char in C, given integers larger than 256?

As part of my CS course I've been given some functions to use. One of these functions takes a pointer to unsigned chars to write some data to a file (I have to use this function, so I can't just make my own purpose built function that works differently BTW). I need to write an array of integers whose values can be up to 4095 using this function (that only takes unsigned chars).
However am I right in thinking that an unsigned char can only have a max value of 256 because it is 1 byte long? I therefore need to use 4 unsigned chars for every integer? But casting doesn't seem to work with larger values for the integer. Does anyone have any idea how best to convert an array of integers to unsigned chars?
Usually an unsigned char holds 8 bits, with a max value of 255. If you want to know this for your particular compiler, print out CHAR_BIT and UCHAR_MAX from <limits.h> You could extract the individual bytes of a 32 bit int,
#include <stdint.h>
pack32(uint32_t val,uint8_t *dest)
dest[0] = (val & 0xff000000) >> 24;
dest[1] = (val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
dest[2] = (val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
dest[3] = (val & 0x000000ff) ;
unpack32(uint8_t *src)
uint32_t val;
val = src[0] << 24;
val |= src[1] << 16;
val |= src[2] << 8;
val |= src[3] ;
return val;
Unsigned char generally has a value of 1 byte, therefore you can decompose any other type to an array of unsigned chars (eg. for a 4 byte int you can use an array of 4 unsigned chars). Your exercise is probably about generics. You should write the file as a binary file using the fwrite() function, and just write byte after byte in the file.
The following example should write a number (of any data type) to the file. I am not sure if it works since you are forcing the cast to unsigned char * instead of void *.
int homework(unsigned char *foo, size_t size)
int i;
// open file for binary writing
FILE *f = fopen("work.txt", "wb");
if(f == NULL)
return 1;
// should write byte by byte the data to the file
fwrite(foo+i, sizeof(char), size, f);
return 0;
I hope the given example at least gives you a starting point.
Yes, you're right; a char/byte only allows up to 8 distinct bits, so that is 2^8 distinct numbers, which is zero to 2^8 - 1, or zero to 255. Do something like this to get the bytes:
int x = 0;
char* p = (char*)&x;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(x); i++)
//Do something with p[i]
(This isn't officially C because of the order of declaration but whatever... it's more readable. :) )
Do note that this code may not be portable, since it depends on the processor's internal storage of an int.
If you have to write an array of integers then just convert the array into a pointer to char then run through the array.
int main()
int data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 };
size_t size = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]); // Number of integers.
unsigned char* out = (unsigned char*)data;
for(size_t loop =0; loop < (size * sizeof(int)); ++loop)
MyProfSuperWrite(out + loop); // Write 1 unsigned char
Now people have mentioned that 4096 will fit in less bits than a normal integer. Probably true. Thus you can save space and not write out the top bits of each integer. Personally I think this is not worth the effort. The extra code to write the value and processes the incoming data is not worth the savings you would get (Maybe if the data was the size of the library of congress). Rule one do as little work as possible (its easier to maintain). Rule two optimize if asked (but ask why first). You may save space but it will cost in processing time and maintenance costs.
The part of the assignment of: integers whose values can be up to 4095 using this function (that only takes unsigned chars should be giving you a huge hint. 4095 unsigned is 12 bits.
You can store the 12 bits in a 16 bit short, but that is somewhat wasteful of space -- you are only using 12 of 16 bits of the short. Since you are dealing with more than 1 byte in the conversion of characters, you may need to deal with endianess of the result. Easiest.
You could also do a bit field or some packed binary structure if you are concerned about space. More work.
It sounds like what you really want to do is call sprintf to get a string representation of your integers. This is a standard way to convert from a numeric type to its string representation. Something like the following might get you started:
char num[5]; // Room for 4095
// Array is the array of integers, and arrayLen is its length
for (i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++)
sprintf (num, "%d", array[i]);
// Call your function that expects a pointer to chars
printfunc (num);
Without information on the function you are directed to use regarding its arguments, return value and semantics (i.e. the definition of its behaviour) it is hard to answer. One possibility is:
void theFunction(unsigned char* data, int size);
int array[SIZE_OF_ARRAY];
theFunction((insigned char*)array, sizeof(array));
theFunction((insigned char*)array, SIZE_OF_ARRAY * sizeof(*array));
theFunction((insigned char*)array, SIZE_OF_ARRAY * sizeof(int));
All of which will pass all of the data to theFunction(), but whether than makes any sense will depend on what theFunction() does.
