Hi I'm new to using batch files and I've been asked to make 3000 folders which include .txt files, all with the name 'Client1', 'Client 2' to 'Client 3000' for the folders and text files but have no idea how to go about this :s
You should use a for loop for this
take a look at this post:
Batch script loop
for a little explanation of who to use such a loop.
Furthermore to create a directory use md with the name you want to use
to create a file a
echo your_text_here > name_of_textfile.txt
should do
the windows solution would thus look like
for /l %x in (1, 1, 10) do (
md client%x
echo hello > client%x\%x.txt
this should get you started
under linux i would use
mkdir client{1..3000}
touch client*/textfile{1..3000}.txt
you can use this with cygwin if you just need to create the directories once...
This script creates 5 folders with each folder containing 5 files
echo off
SET /a j=0
IF %j%==5 GOTO END
md client%j%
cd client%j%
SET /a i=0
echo This is iteration %i%.
ver | date | time >> file%i%.txt
SET /a i=%i%+1
SET /a j=%j%+1
cd ..
echo That’s it!
Now if you want to change the total number of folders change
IF %j%==5 GOTO END
IF %j%==n GOTO END
where n is the number of folders
same way to change number of text files change this line
where n is the number of files
I wrote this .BAT script, pulling snippets from all over stackoverflow about 2 years ago.
#echo off
set upper=
set /p CDNUM=Enter NEW CD number:
set superpath=f:\prints\"CD Numbers"
for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%CDNUM%"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
set "upper=%upper:~3%"
ECHO.%upper% | FIND /I "CD">Nul && ( goto:Found ) || ( goto:notfind )
if exist %superpath%\17000s\%upper%\ goto ALLMADE
ECHO.%upper% | FIND /I "REV">Nul && ( goto:NEWREV ) || ( goto:norev )
md %superpath%\17000s\%upper%\"Rev -"\Cust
set ultrapath=%superpath%\17000s\%upper%\"Rev -"
copy %superpath%\START.dxf %ultrapath%
ren %ultrapath%\START.dxf "%upper% ASSEMBLY.dxf"
echo %upper% has been successfully created.
echo That CD number already exists!
set upper="CD%upper%"
echo Revision's not yet supported!
It prompts the user for a 'CD NUMBER', checks to make sure the folder does not already exist, creates it along with some sub directories, then copies and renames a .dxf file.
Currently the script can see if the folder already exists, returning an error message. And if only a number is given it adds a 'CD' to it, as well as making them all caps.
It's been so long since I put this together, that when I look at it I no longer remember how exactly some parts of the script work or what they do.
What I would like to add to the script is the following:
Return an error if the input is less than 5 numbers or does not begin with '17*', 'cd17*', or 'CD17*'.
If the input includes a 'REV' (ex. rev b), change the Rev directory accordingly. Add REV B to the filename of the .dxf (ex. CD17003 REV B ASSEMBLY)
Common sense error checking...
This script is amazing for what it does right now, I'm just trying to improve it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have tried to add a variable into an already existing batch file that I have written. However, when using the new command with the variable the command gets jumbled up.
How it supposed to work.
A user is prompted for an input (one of 3 letters). The input dictates the root directory used for a software execution. This section of code pulls a list of .elf files and is supposed to write them to a .txt file in the root directory.
When using the variable directory, the .txt file and directory are switched during execution.
Original (Works)
DIR \\somepath\%VAR%\*.elf /b /o-s>C:\MyRootFolder\unlk.txt
New command with 2nd variable (acts strangely)
DIR \\somepath\%VAR%\*.elf /b /o-s>%root%\unlk.txt
but executes like this!?
DIR \\somepath\25091562033-00\*.elf /b /o-s \unlk.txt 1>C:\MyRootFolder
I am trying to have my root folder selected by an input further up because there are 3 different versions of software that I need to use to perform an operation. Being able to have the folder selected by an input would make things a lot easier.
Any ideas of why this executes semi-backwards?
Here is the first section of my batch file all the way down to where the error happens. I have removed some of the code that doesn't relate to the issue. Note that the excessive pauses are for troubleshooting and the section which sets the variable %ECUPN% has been removed as it is working as intended.
ECHO off
ECHO What type of processor does this ECU have?
ECHO F = Freescale_Quasar
ECHO M = Motorola
SET /P INPUT=[F/T/M]: %=%
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="F" SET root=C:\Freescale_Quasar && GOTO :Fetch
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="T" SET root=C:\TI_MK100 && GOTO :Fetch
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="M" SET root=C:\MK100_Motorola && GOTO :Fetch
Echo on
ECHO Fetch
DIR \\mofs01p2.auto.contiwan.com\didf5076\FlashDataFiles\Flashline\%ECUPN%\*.elf /b /o-s>%root%\unlk.txt
SET /P Code=<%root%\unlk.txt
COPY "\\mofs01p2.auto.contiwan.com\didf5076\FlashDataFiles\Flashline\%ECUPN%\%Code%" "%root%\unlock.elf" || GOTO :error_1
ECHO App = %code%>>C:\Unlock\log.txt
GOTO :Build_1
What I want to accomplish is to rename all the .exe that I have in a folder.
Sample of random name should be "589uday5xpsa9iz.exe"
I would appreciate any help I can get on this, I have been trying to figure it out for a couple of days now.
Try this :
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:://The string length of the output
set $Lcode=16
set $#=#
:://The char Map
set $l="#0=0" "#1=a" "#2=B" "#3=c" "#4=d" "#5=E" "#6=f" "#7=g" "#8=H" "#9=I" "#10=j" "#11=K" "#11=1" "#13=2" "#14=3" "#15=4" "#16=5"
:://Evaluating the char MAP
for %%a in (%$l%) do set %%~a
:://Looping in the directory for .exe files
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b/a-d "*.exe"') do (
for /l %%a in (0,1,%$Lcode%) do (
ECHO ren "%%x" !$Fstring!.exe
set $Fstring=
:://Getting the random Char
set /a $n=!random!%%17
set $Fstring=!$Fstring!!#%$n%!
I made a char MAP of just 15 char but you can increase it with all the char (up and downcase + number). If you do it. You have to increase the value in !random!%%17
with the value of the total CHAR map(+1).
You can increase the length of the random string by changing the value in the variable : $Lcode (16) in this example.
The output :
ren CnpjSdee.exe 2aHg5I22EBBE2ff5.exe
ren DbatchCnpj.exe EIIg2E54aHHIEgfHE.exe
ren NTStreamColor.exe jg03f3dIfBfIfHj2.exe
ren savedialog.exe EgfdajIcdc2cf03E.exe
Press any key to continue. . .
If it's OK Remove the ECHO to realy rename the files.
this is a simple batch that will work from within the folder that contains the files to be renamed you could make a shortcut to use it from the desk top. use copy and paste for long names. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\New Folder\Rename.bat (file = Rename.bat) don't use the whole path.
#echo off
title Rename Bat
echo This bat must be in the folder that
echo contains the files to be renamed.
echo Enter File Name
set /p old=
echo Enter New Name
set /p new=
ren "%old%" "%new%"
echo File Renamed
ping -n 3 >NUL
goto begin
hope this works for you.
a much simpler approach ... try a for loop that cycles through all files in that folder and renames them one at a time giving each a unique number ...
#echo off
for /L %%n in (1 1 %random%) do (
for %%a in (*.exe) do (
rename "%%a" "%%a_%%n.exe"
so %%a represents all the files in that folder and %%n represents the unique number that is going to be assigned to each file in the for body separated with _ symbol
to use this batch file you have to place it in the folder containing your .exe files
this would rename files to original name_1 then original name _2 and so on if you want it to be completely random use only %random% in bracket of the first for loop and do away with the iteration "1" (see below) also at the renaming part do away with %%a to omit the original name of file so that you remain with only random numbers also see below e.g
#echo off
for /L %%n in (%random%) do (
for %%a in (*.exe) do (
rename "%%a" "%%n.exe"
hope this helps .....
I have considered to incorporate a batch file in my SSIS package to put a file into an SFTP site via winscp.com and therefore need to write a batch file at the end which can put the needed file into a SFTP site, for which I have written the process below but I need help to call the file which looks like Filename_Week #(eg. Filename_1,file name_2...Filename_34) and is located M:\Test\DATA OUT folder. My feeling is to add an if statement (i.e. if [%v_week%] == [] SET v_week= week #) after set v_week=%1, but I am not sure what that would be since I have never written a batch file before.
SET v_week=%1
echo option batch continue > SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo option confirm off >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo open target >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo lcd "M:\Test\DATA OUT" >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo cd / >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo put "M:\Test\DATA OUT\Filename_%v_week%.txt" /Filename_%v_week%.txt >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
echo exit >> SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
del SFTP_Filename_Put.txt
Like this it will automatically get the last created .fyi file and get the last 2 chars
and set your V_week variable.
#echo off&cls
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (*.fyi) do set $WeekNb=%%~na
set $WeekNb=%$WeekNb:~-2%
set v_week=%$WeekNB%
echo The Week Number Is : %v_week%
How do I create a batch file that will copy files from a camera to a directory that is prompted from the command line?
example folder structure: {shared drive start folder} <year> <month> <(prompt user for name)> [delete pictures after copied]
I am looking to get this to work to copy pictures from various cameras to one shared folder and have it all sorted by year then month and finally by the user prompted name. I know very little command line commands, all the switches and %'s.. i get lost pretty quickly.
Windows 7 computers and most likely SD cards in readers because most of the cameras don't show up with drive letters (this is part of my problem)
The code:
Show errors:
type of file:
SET type=jpg
to set where the files are going:
NET USE M:\public\am_class\
to get user input i would use "SET /P" so i would do:
SET /P SDdrive=Enter Sd Card drive letter:
Get month and year(and day in case its needed later) to create initial folders:
FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 eol=/ DELIMS= "%%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET mm=%%B
FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=/ eol=/ "%%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET dd=%%B
FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=/ "%%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET yyyy=%%B
SET date=%mm%%dd%%yyyy%
change dir to the correct location... this im not sure about but the "NET USE" gives me a direction to look in (figured out and placed correct code):
cd /DM:\public\am_class\"
make new folders in above main folder
mkdir "%yyyy%"
cd "%yyyy%"
mkdir "%mm%"
cd "%mm%"
!!next question is this correct to get it to create a folder from the user prompted info? (This is corrected and correct)
SET /P foldername=Please enter assignment number and press enter:
mkdir "%foldername%"
cd "%foldername%"
Go to SDdrive:
Find the Path of the files:
FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS\" %%A IN ('dir /b /s *.%type%') DO SET p1= %%A
Change folder and copy to "foldername" folder
COPY *.* %foldername%
Delete the SDcard pics after complete:
Set /P delete=Delete SD card pictures (y/n)?
IF /I "%delete%"=="y" GOTO delY
IF /I "%delete%"=="y" GOTO delN
del /q *.*
explorer.exe \\landis.xxx\public\am_class\%foldername%\
explorer.exe \\landis.xxx\public\am_class\%foldername%\
Pause for testing only (will be removed in final version):
I hope that helps some.
Use the net use command to map the windows share to a drive like X:\ and then use
xcopy with some appropriate arguments to copy the files.
Like I said in my comment, your question is very broad with a lot of things to consider. I wrote a batch-file that I have used for years on many versions of Windows to download my pictures from SD cards. It does a good job, but it does not take into account that two different SD cards may have the same picture names on them -- even though they are different pictures. It simply skips pictures that have already been downloaded with the same filename in the destination folder.
I'm not going to write your code for you, nor do I have the time right now to help you navigate your way through learning the batch-file language, but I can at least post the two batch files that I use so that you can see some of the techniques that I used to accomplish what you're trying to do.
I created a shortcut in the SendTo folder that points to the DownloadPictures.bat so that when I insert an SD card into the card reader, I can send the images folder on the SD card to the shortcut and it downloads all of the pictures, separating them into folders based on the year/month/day they were taken. Then it opens each distinct destination folder using explorer.exe. The CMD window does not show anything during the download (i.e., nothing is echoed to the window), however, the title shows the overall progress and current image filesize (e.g., "1/300 7341254 bytes").
In order to grep the year, month and day from the file dates, I use another batch-file I wrote called SubStr.bat that lets me get a substring of the output of any DOS command and assign it to a variable. You must use Delayed Command Line Expansion for everything to work.
Please remember that this is not meant to be a solution for your question, but is simply an example that shows how to do some of what you are asking -- so that you can use it as a reference as you work on your own solution.
#echo off
cd /d c:\
title Counting the files to download...
set _total=0
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %1 /a-d /b /s') do set /a _total+=1
set _cnt=0
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %1 /a-d /b /s') do (
set /a _cnt+=1
if /I "%%~xi" neq ".ctg" (
title !_cnt!/%_total%: %%i - %%~zi bytes
call substr "echo %%~ti" _date 0 n n "" sub 0 10
call substr "set _date" _year 0 n n "" end 4
call substr "set _date" _month 0 n n "" sub 6 2
call substr "set _date" _day 0 n n "" sub 9 2
set _dir=Q:\Photographs\Downloads\!_year!.!_month!.!_day!
md !_dir! > nul 2>&1
if not defined _old_dir set _old_dir=!_dir!
if "!_dir!" neq "!_old_dir!" (explorer !_dir!&set _old_dir=!_dir!)
if not exist !_dir!\%%~nxi copy %%i !_dir! > nul 2>&1
explorer !_dir!
echo All the pictures in directory %1 have been downloaded.
#echo off
if "%7"=="" goto Help
:: Remove the first and last " and convert all "" to ".
set __command_=%1
set __command_=%__command_:""="%
set __command_=%__command_:~0,-1%
set __command_=%__command_:~1%
:: Execute the command and direct the output to a unique file.
%__command_% > %TEMP%\_záfileáz_
:: Extract the specified line from the output file. (Note: You can't use 'skip'
:: with a value of '0'.) I used '«' as the delimiter because it is a character
:: that I will never encounter and this will ensure that I get the whole line
:: returned from the 'for' statement.
if "%3"=="0" (
for /f "delims=«" %%i in (%TEMP%\_záfileáz_) do if not defined _závaráz_ (set _závaráz_=%%i)
) else (
for /f "skip=%3 delims=«" %%i in (%TEMP%\_záfileáz_) do if not defined _závaráz_ (set _závaráz_=%%i)
if /i "%7"=="all" goto Finish
if /i "%7"=="sub" set _závaráz_=!_závaráz_:~%8,%9!
if /i "%7"=="end" set _závaráz_=!_závaráz_:~-%8!
:: Kill spaces, quotes.
if /i "%4"=="y" set _závaráz_=%_závaráz_: =%
if /i "%5"=="y" set _závaráz_=%_závaráz_:"=%
:: Remove unwanted characters (pad the front with an unlikely string so that the
:: FOR statement will never complain because of an empty set). The %%~i notation
:: strips quotes out of the string and spaces are delimiters. This is why they
:: each (spaces and quotes) have their own parameters above...
set __remove_=%6
set __remove_=ßa¯¦¯aß %__remove_:~1%
set __remove_=%__remove_:~0,-1%
set __remove_=%__remove_:""="%
for %%i in (%__remove_%) do set _závaráz_=!_závaráz_:%%~i=!
:: Set the output variable.
set %2=!_závaráz_!
set _závaráz_=
del %TEMP%\_záfileáz_
set __command_=
set __remove_=
goto TheEnd
echo SubStr
echo ================================================================================
echo Syntax:
echo SubStr ["command"] [output variable] [Lines to Skip] [Remove Spaces]
echo [Remove Quotes] [Remove Other] [action [var1] [var2]]
echo Parameters:
echo Command - The command that creates the output characters. If the
echo command includes calling another batch file, issue the
echo command by using the 'call' function
echo (e.g., "call another.bat"). When your command is passed,
echo it must be enclosed in quotes. If part of the command needs
echo to also have quotes (i.e., for long filenames), the strings
echo within the command that need to be quoted need to be double
echo quoted (e.g., "dir ""c:\win 2000\notepad.exe"" /x"). When
echo the command is executed, the initial and final quotes will
echo be stripped off and all sets of double quotes ("") will be
echo replaced with single quotes (").
echo Output Variable - The name of the variable to use (set var=copied text).
echo Lines to Skip - The number of lines before the line from which you want to
echo copy text.
echo Remove Spaces - Removes spaces out of the copied text.
echo Remove Quotes - Removes quotes from the copied text.
echo Remove Other - A string of strings that should be removed from the copied
echo text. The set of strings or characters must be enclosed in
echo a single set of double quotes. At times, some characters
echo may not be elimated (e.g., a comma) unless it too is
echo enclosed in quotes. To do this, the quotes must be doubled.
echo For example: "a b c d "","" e f h"
echo Action - Action to perform:
echo All - Copies entire string.
echo Sub - Extracts part of the string where var1 is the
echo starting position and var2 is the number of
echo characters to copy. var1 is zero based. A negative
echo value for var2 omits the specified number of
echo characters from the end of the string.
echo End - Only extracts the specified number of characters
echo from the end of the string (specified by var1).
echo Example:
echo SubStr "dir c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe /-c" _filesize 5 y n "" sub 20 18
echo This command assigns the size of notepad.exe to the variable _filesize.
echo Try running it and then type 'set _' at the command prompt.
echo Notes:
echo Make sure delayed command line expansion is enabled in the calling batch file
echo via the "setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" command, or enable it globally by
echo editing the registry as follows (and then reopen your CMD windows):
echo Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
echo Item: DelayedExpansion
echo Type: dword
echo Value: 1
echo ================================================================================
Thank you James L and User.
Post 1: I though about asking some one to do it for me but then I would never learn anything from it. ignoring your telling me to the the towel in i got a working program.
Post 2: Very very useful post. Not only did it have code (i got to work no problem) you gave a description of how you used it. the first code is going to take me a while to decode what is what and how you did it. The second code it VERY HELPFUL, its well documented and i understand more of whats going on it it.
This ended up being what i used to get my program to work. I had to keep it simple :)
Thank you both for your help with this posted problem.
James: thank you very much for all the code and useful information that your second post was teeming with.
This is the final working code for copying pictures from an SD card to a specific user named folder sorted by year then month then project name. This is set for the SD Drive to be drive letter "F:" you can change it to what you need or delete "#SET cameradrive=F:" and remove the "REM" from the line above and it will prompt the user for the drive letter. It takes the user input and makes it all capitals to make a cleaner looking folder. One thing to note: this doesn't work if the folder name has a space in it. I have to figure out how to fix that (ill be posting a question on it here). It then opens the folder in explorer so you can verify that everything went OK. After you have checked then you can delete the files on the SD card by pressing "y" and hitting enter. If you don't want to delete them then press "n" and hit enter. This copies EVERY PICTURE on the SD card in the nested folder so if you have multiple photos you want to go different places this wont work for you. also if your pictures aren't jpg then just change the "SET type=" to what ever your file type is. I placed a program called "USB Ejector" into the root of the SD card so that when the batch file is completed it automatically safely removes the card from windows.
# echo on
# SET type=jpg
# SET userfolder=C:
#cd /dy:\landis\public\am_class
#REM SET /P cameradrive=Enter Camera Drive Letter (ie D:) and hit Enter:
#SET cameradrive=F:
set /p foldername=Type Folder name and hit Enter:
#REM This makes everything uppercase.
# SET _SAMPLE="%foldername%"
# :LCase
# :UCase
# :: Converts to upper/lower case variable contents
# :: Syntax: CALL :UCase _VAR1 _VAR2
# :: Syntax: CALL :LCase _VAR1 _VAR2
# :: _VAR1 = Variable NAME whose VALUE is to be converted to upper/lower case
# :: _VAR2 = NAME of variable to hold the converted value
# :: Note: Use variable NAMES in the CALL, not values (pass "by reference")
# SET _UCase=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# SET _LCase=a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
# SET _Lib_UCase_Tmp=!%1!
# IF /I "%0"==":UCase" SET _Abet=%_UCase%
# IF /I "%0"==":LCase" SET _Abet=%_LCase%
# FOR %%Z IN (%_Abet%) DO SET _Lib_UCase_Tmp=!_Lib_UCase_Tmp:%%Z=%%Z!
# SET %2=%_Lib_UCase_Tmp%
# SET foldername=%_RESULTS%
# SET yyyy=%date:~10,4%
# SET mm=%date:~4,2%
# mkdir %yyyy%
# cd %yyyy%
# mkdir "MSU Orders"
# cd "MSU Orders"
# mkdir %mm%
# cd %mm%
# mkdir "%foldername%"
# cd "%foldername%"
# xcopy /e /v %cameradrive%\DCIM\100NIKON "\\landis\public\am_class\%yyyy%\%mm%\%foldername%\"
# explorer.exe \\landis\public\am_class\%yyyy%\%mm%\%foldername%\
#REM Delete the originals prompt and then actions
# SET /P delete=Delete Original Photos from Camera (y/n)?
# IF /I %delete%==y GOTO :dely
# IF /I %delete%==n GOTO :deln
# GOTO :deln
# :dely
# cd /d%cameradrive%\DCIM\100NIKON
# del /q *.*
# GOTO :done
# :deln
# GOTO :done
# :done
# cd /dc:\
# F:\USB_Disk_Eject.exe /removethis
# pause