Angular how to deal with unavailable URLs requested by $http.get or $http.jsonp, which are executed by $q.all() - angularjs

I've the following code:
eventResourcesCall = $http.jsonp('https://apicall/to/serverA');
eventsDetailsCall = $http.get('https://apicall/to/serverB');
$q.all([eventResourcesCall, eventsDetailsCall]).then(function(values){
//process data manipulation and merging
The problem is that serverA and ServerB might not be available sometimes, and when one of those are unavailable, the data processing code stops and I get an error similar to the one described below:
GET https://apicall/to/serverA?jsonp=angular.callbacks._0 404 (Not Found)
Can any one point me to a documentation or describe on the answer how to properly deal with unavailable URL requested by $http and executed by $q.all()?
What I would like to be able to do is to get an indication that the URL is not accessible and then avoid the data processing code abortion.

I would use indirect promises:
var d1 = $q.defer(), d2 = $q.defer();
function NetworkError(reason) { this.reason = reason; }
eventResourcesCall = $http.jsonp('https://apicall/to/serverA').then(
function(response) {
function(err) {
d1.resolve(new NetworkError(err));
eventsDetailsCall = $http.get('https://apicall/to/serverB').then(
function(response) {
function(err) {
d2.resolve(new NetworkError(err));
$q.all([d1, d2]).then(function(values){
var eventResources = values[0], eventsDetails = values[1];
if( eventResources instanceof NetworkError ) {
// handle error
else {
// eventResources is good, use it
// and so on...
So the indirect promises are allways resolved and the all() succeeds. But the resolution value may be of the special NetworkError class which signals the actual error in this request.
This is definitely bulky, but could be improved with some utility methods, e.g.:
function makeIndirectPromise(httpPromise) {
var ret = $q.defer();
function(response) {
function(err) {
ret.resolve(new NetworkError(err));
return ret.promise;
And the code above changes to:
function NetworkError(reason) { this.reason = reason; }
function makeIndirectPromise(httpPromise) { /* see above */ }
eventResourcesCall = makeIndirectPromise($http.jsonp('https://apicall/to/serverA'));
eventsDetailsCall = makeIndirectPromise($http.get('https://apicall/to/serverB'));
$q.all([eventResourcesCall, eventsDetailsCall]).then(function(values){
var eventResources = values[0], eventsDetails = values[1];
if( eventResources instanceof NetworkError ) {
// handle error
else {
// eventResources is good, use it
// and so on...

From Angular doc to $q: as $http returns a promise, you can catch promise rejection using either:
$q.all([eventResourcesCall, eventsDetailsCall]).then(function(values){
//process data manipulation and merging on Success
//Deal with your $http errors
$q.all([eventResourcesCall, eventsDetailsCall]).then(function(values){
//process data manipulation and merging on Success
}, function(errors){
//Deal with your $http errors


Angular: use $q.all for optional promise?

I refactored my code have cleaner code without duplication. But I'm wondering if the use of $q.all is the best option in my scenario...
Code logic:
I have an "optional" promise. In 1 scenario I need to call an external API (= promise), in the other scenario, I don't need that external call (= no promise).
So I created a variable in which I can store the promise (or null for the scenario without promise).
$q.all waits for the promise and then checks if the return value is something returned by the promise (scenario 1) or null(scenario 2).
Function before refactor
model.updateWish = function(wish) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (wish.image) {
// Rename temporary image.public_id to wish_id
cloudinaryService.renameImage(wish.image.public_id, wish._id,
function (image) {
// Update wish with renamed image
wish.image = image;
$http.put(URLS.WISH + "/" + wish._id, wish).success(function (wish) {
defer.resolve(wish);"wish updated", wish);
} else {
$http.put(URLS.WISH + "/" + wish._id, wish).success(function (wish) {
defer.resolve(wish);"wish updated", wish);
return defer.promise;
Code after refactor
model.updateWish = function(wish) {
var defer = $q.defer();
var renamedImagePromise = null;
if (wish.image) {
// Rename temporary image.public_id to wish_id
renamedImagePromise = cloudinaryService.renameImage(wish.image.public_id, wish._id)
.then( function (image) {
// Update wish with renamed image
wish.image = image;
return wish;
// Wait until renameImagePromise is resolved and send updated wish to server
if (wishWithRenamedImage[0]) { // $q.all returns an array, wish is in "wishWithRenamedImage[0]"
wish = wishWithRenamedImage[0];
$http.put(URLS.WISH + "/" + wish._id, wish).success(function (wish) {
defer.resolve(wish);"wish updated", wish);
return defer.promise;
Both functions work, but I'm wondering if this is the best implementation for my requirements...
Use $q.when and also avoid the deferred anti-pattern:
model.updateWish = function(wish) {
̶v̶a̶r̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶e̶r̶ ̶=̶ ̶$̶q̶.̶d̶e̶f̶e̶r̶(̶)̶;̶
var renamedImagePromise = null;
if (wish.image) {
// Rename temporary image.public_id to wish_id
renamedImagePromise = cloudinaryService.renameImage(wish.image.public_id, wish._id)
.then( function (image) {
var wishClone = Object.assign({},wish);
// Update wish clone with renamed image
wishClone.image = image;
return wishClone;
// Wait until renameImagePromise is resolved and send updated wish to server
return $q.when(renamedImagePromise).then(function(wishWithRenamedImage){
var wishToPut = wishWithRenamedImage || wish;
return $http.put(URLS.WISH + "/" + wish._id, wishToPut)
.then(function (resolve) {
var wish =;
̶d̶e̶f̶e̶r̶.̶r̶e̶s̶o̶l̶v̶e̶(̶w̶i̶s̶h̶)̶;̶"wish updated", wish);
return wish;
̶r̶e̶t̶u̶r̶n̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶e̶r̶.̶p̶r̶o̶m̶i̶s̶e̶;̶
Out of an abundance of caution, I modified the code to clone the wish object. When an object reference is passed to a JavaScript function, that function can mutate that object. With functional programming best practices, mutating objects should be avoided.

How to return data from web api controller using angularjs?

Hi I am developing one web api with angularjs application. I am doing file upload module. I am facing problem in returning object once file upload is finished.
Below is my api code to save file related data to database and if it is succsfull I am returning object.
NCT_FileUpload obj = new NCT_FileUpload();
obj.file_path = uploadPath;
obj.user_id =9;
int result = entityObject.SaveChanges();
if (result == 1)
return Request.CreateResponse<NCT_FileUpload>(HttpStatusCode.OK, obj);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "1");
This is my angularjs code.
$scope.uploadFiles = function () {
$scope.uploading = true;
// then() called when uploadFiles gets back
.then(function (data) {
// promise fulfilled
$scope.uploading = false;
if (data === '') {
$scope.formdata = new FormData();
$ = [];
$scope.countFiles = '';
} else {
alert("Shit, What happended up there!!! " + data);
}, function (error) {
$scope.uploading = false;
//Server Error
alert("Shit2, What happended up there!!! " + error);
Below is my service code in angularjs
if (typeof === 'string') {
} else {
return $q.reject(;
Here i want to check with object and not as string.
I am able to save data in server, If i put below code in api controller i am able to display done. But i am returning object so my data will not be empty. Currently my error function is executing. I want to handle object returned from api in success function. Is there any way to do this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) ;
I think the problem here is the generic parameter. Change this:
return Request.CreateResponse<NCT_FileUpload>(HttpStatusCode.OK, obj);
To this:
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, obj);

AngularJS chaining promises - need to do work before the next 'then'

I am working on a promise chain. The first call is an $http call to check if a user exists, and then if it does, theres a bunch of .then() statements that run sequentially.
My question is this.. in that first call, i don't want to return the promise of the $http request because if the user doesn't exist, the results are just an empty array and the promise resolves, thus triggering the next action to look up information about the user. I wrote the following code...
(see the part in comments about being the important part i'm asking about)
$scope.checkIfUserExists = function() {
if (angular.isObject($scope.admin.Inductee.Contactor)) {
var handleFault = function( fault ) {
if (typeof(fault) === 'string') {
switch (fault.toUpperCase()){
case 'NODATA':
// Go ahead an save
case 'STATUS':
// just get the 'duplicate records check' sign off of there
// The save button is disabled by the critical error
$scope.hideSave = false;
case 'ASSIGNED':
// just get the 'duplicate records check' sign off of there
// The save button is disabled by the critical error
$scope.hideSave = true;
} else {
$scope.getMatchingIndData = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var locals = {};
var checkUser = function(dupeJson){
var checkUserDeferred = $q.defer();
// abandoned promise replaced with my own
.then(function(results) {
var data =;
if (angular.isArray(data) && data.length > 0){
var highestMatch = data[0];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(data[i].Score) > parseInt(highestMatch.Score)) {
highestMatch = data[i];
} else {
// Reject the 'overall' promise here
// to effectively break the chain
return deferred.reject('NODATA');
.catch(function(fault) {
// Any other failure should break the chain
// of http requests at this point
return deferred.reject(fault);
return checkUserDeferred.promise;
loadindividual = function (highestMatch) {
return $http stuff about the highestmatch
// set data in locals
parallelLoadStatusAndInducteeData = function(individual) {
return another $http promise based on the last then()
// set data in locals
loadCeremonyData = function (inductees){
return another $http promise based on the last call then() // set data in locals
reportProblems = function( fault ) {
.then(loadindividual, reportProblems)
.then(parallelLoadStatusAndInducteeData, reportProblems)
.then(loadCeremonyData, reportProblems)
.then(function() {
.catch( reportProblems );
return deferred.promise;
Must I take into account the abandoned promise, since I really need to promise to resolve when the data comes back, and i need to reject it if there is NODATA. This is handled in the calling function's chain.
Also, I'm aware of antipatterns here. I'm trying my best to not nest promises, maintain the chain, as well as handle exceptions.
Ok I have a few comments for you:
// revert if and return immediately
// to reduce indentation
if (typeof(fault) !== 'string') {
switch (fault.toUpperCase()) {
You don't need deferred objects:
var checkUser = function(dupeJson){
// this is not abandoned because we are returning it
return sttiJoinDataFactory.checkIfUserExistsNurseleader(dupeJson)
.then(function(results) {
var data =;
if (!angular.isArray(data) || data.length <= 0) {
return $q.reject('NODATA');
var highestMatch = data.reduce(function (highest, d) {
return parseInt(d.Score) > parseInt(highest.Score) ?
d : highest;
}, data[0]);
return highestMatch;
}); // you don't need catch here if you're gonna reject it again
// loadIndividual will be called
// after everything inside checkUser resolves
// so you will have your highestMatch
// you don't need to repeat reportProblems, just catch in the end
// if anything rejects prior to this point
// reportProblems will be called

Angularjs for loop issue

There's a for loop and inside the for loop I'm calling an AJAX request. The issue I encountered is, the for loop finishes before the requests complete.
I want the for loop to continue to it's next iteration only after the required AJAX request completes.
PS- AJAX works fine. I do get my desired information from the server. It's just the for loop iterations complete first without waiting for the AJAX request success function to fire up. So when the AJAX success function finally fires the value in the variable cid is inconclusive as it has been overwritten by the last iteration of the for loop.
I want the for loop to continue only after the AJAX success function is executed.
if (window.cordova) {
db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB("my.db"); //device
} else {
db = window.openDatabase("my.db", '1', 'my', 1024 * 1024 * 100); // browser
var query = "SELECT * FROM order_product";
$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, []).then(function(res) {
if (res.rows.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
console.log(" foreach SELECTED shopcart-> " + res.rows.item(i).id);
var cid = res.rows.item(i).coffee_id;
$"", {
cid: cID
.success(function(result) {
if (cid == 6) {
//do something
} else {
//do something else
Using for is unsafe for asynchronous operations if you need the iteration index, use it only to store the required values to make the async operation ($ in this case), it should looks like:
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
var item = res.rows.item(i);
after consider that $http returns a promise, then you should be able to map all elements from items
var getsugarUrl = '';
// Map the values to obtain the promises on each $http operation, the allSettled method of the
// [Kriskowal Q library]( will be simulated
// this is because when one of the http requests fail then the $q.all method break and reject with an error
var promises = (item) {
var cid = item.coffee_id;
return $, { cid: cid })
.then(function (result) {
// You can take advantage of this closure to handle the result of the request an the
// cid property, store your modified result on the value property from the return
return {
state: 'fullfilled',
value: {
result: result,
cid: cid
} // your modified result
// Handle when the http request fails
.catch(function (err) {
return {
state: 'rejected',
error: err
finally handle the results obtained using $q.all (you need to inject the $q service)
.then(function (responses) {
// iterate over the results
.filter(function(response) { // only fullfilled results
return response.state == 'fullfilled';
.forEach(function (response) {
if (response.value.cid == 6) {
//do something with response.value.result
} else {
//do something else
With this solution the http requests aren't resolved sequentially, but you have control over when they've finished together and you will have the correct value of cid
Check more about JavaScript Promises
$http uses promises, which means you need to think of the problem within the promise paradigm.
Consider a recursive option where you pass in an array of your cID's, and each call sends a $ for the 1st cID in the array; if the call succeeded, we continue recursively with a smaller array, until there are no more left.
One promise is created & returned in the 1st call, which is notified on each successful query (allowing you to do your per-cID logic), and finally resolved when all queries are done (or rejected if any query fails).
// This function is called without deferred;
// deferred is used on recursive calls inside the function
function doPost(url, cidList, deferred) {
if (deferred === undefined) {
deferred = $q.defer();
var cid = cidList[0];
$, {cid: cid})
.success(function(result) {
// query succeeded; notify the promise
deferred.notify({cid: cid, result: result});
if (cidList.length > 1) {
// there are more items to process; make a recursive
// call with cidList[1:end]
doPost(url, cidList.slice(1), deferred);
} else {
// we're done; resolve the promise
.error(function(message) {
// there was an error; reject the promise
deferred.reject({cid: cid, message: message});
return deferred.promise;
// build the list of cIDs to pass into doPost
var cidList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
// start the queries
doPost("", cidList)
.then(function() {
// promise resolved
console.log("All done!");
}, function(info) {
// promise rejected
console.log("Failed on cID " + info.cid + ": " + info.message);
}, function(info) {
// promise being notified
console.log("Just did cID " + info.cid + ": " + info.result);
// your per-cid handler
if (info.cid == 6) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Since the motivation for the question had more to do with variable scope (rather than sequential HTTP requests), this is all you really need:
// Build the CID list so that we can iterate it
var cidList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
// Iterate the list & call $
cidList.forEach(function(cid) {
// your $ logic; each call will have its own
// cid thanks to closures
Each iteration will have it's own cid, which you can use in your .success() or .error() handlers without worrying about it being overwritten. As with the other solution, the requests aren't sequential, but you probably didn't need them to be in the first place.

How can I wait for $http response before continuing with angular.forEach loop

I'm making an AJAX request for each item in a loop, the end REST service can only perform one request at a time so I need the loop to wait for each request to complete before continuing with the next. How do I do this?
For reference, the end service is performing update tasks on DynamoDB tables - only one table can be modified at once hence my requirement to wait until I get a response before continuing. I could send them all to the server in one hit and handle there, although that makes it hard to receive feedback when each update is completed.
function (value) {
var postdata = {
bla: value
$'/some_url', postdata)
function(result) {
function(data) {
Do you really need the forEach? I would not use it and go for something like that:
function req(arr) {
if (angular.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0) {
var postdata = {
bla: arr[0]
$'/some_url', postdata)
function(result) {
function(data) {
// if you want to continue even if it fails:
If you really must make one request at a time (are you sure there isn't a more efficient alternative?), then you'll have to use something other than Angular.forEach.
What about something like this (you will need to inject $q):
function doWhateverWithAll(someArray) {
// Mark which request we're currently doing
var currentRequest = 0;
// Make this promise based.
var deferred = $q.deferred();
// Set up a result array
var results = []
function makeNextRequest() {
// Do whatever you need with the array item.
var postData = someArray[currentRequest].blah;
$'some/url', postData)
.then( function (data){
// Save the result.
// Increment progress.
// Continue if there are more items.
if (currentRequest < someArray.length){
// Resolve the promise otherwise.
else {
// TODO handle errors appropriately.
// return a promise for the completed requests
return deferred.promise;
Then, in your controller/service, you can do the following:
// deal with results.
