I have run into a problem using PostGIS ST_DWithin using geometry points that has me completely stumped. Even though I'm using geometry points with SRID 3857 (see below), ST_DWithin interprets seems to interpret the third argument ( double precision distance_of_srid ) as DEGREES. Here's an example.
Using this table test_person_avg_lngs_lats:
Column | Type | Modifiers
avg_lng | double precision |
avg_lat | double precision |
person_avg_location | geometry(Point,3857) |
store_lng | double precision |
store_lat | double precision |
store_location | geometry(Point,3857) |
and the following query:
SELECT avg_lat, avg_lng, store_lng, store_lat,
ST_Distance_Spheroid(person_avg_location, store_location, CAST('SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG","7030\"]]' AS spheroid))/1000 AS distance,
ST_DWithin(person_avg_location, store_location, 1) AS dwithin
FROM test_person_avg_lngs_lats
WHERE ST_DWithin(person_avg_location, store_location, 1)
The query returns results that interpret the third argument to ST_DWithin as 1 DEGREE versus 1 METER, even though I'm using geometry points with SRID 3857 which I have confirmed, uses meters units. Whatever N I pass as the third argument to ST_DWithin, the results consistently return distances around N * 100 km ( ~ 66 miles ). That's why I'm assuming ST_DWithin is interpreting it as 1 DEGREE.
Here is a sample result that should be interpreted as one meter (distance is in miles):
avg_lat avg_lng store_lng store_lat distance dwithin
43.3275959623, -71.1169553872, -71.0626, 42.3291, 68.9794023576, true
This is the closest I've come to something on the subject: ST_DWithin takes parameter as degree , not meters , why?
Any ideas as to what might be causing this, or what I might look for to move forward in analyzing the problem?
I'm using:
POSTGIS="2.0.0 r9605" GEOS="3.3.3-CAPI-1.7.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08" LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" RASTER
(1 row)
PostgreSQL 9.1.9 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3, 64-bit
(1 row)
Obviously, distance_of_srid uses the same distance units of the SRID, which is typically either degrees or meters. With the geometry type, distances are calculated on a flat Cartesian plane using maths familiar to most high school students. The units are not interpreted for the geometry type.
However, this assumes that the data are actually projected with the correct SRID. If you mix a projected SRID like 3857 with lat/long coordinates expressed as degrees than you will get unexplainable garbage. Review how you populated the person_avg_location and store_location columns, because I'm 99.9% certain that there was an error there.
I used ST_Distance_Spheroid in PostgreSQL (with Postgis) to calculate the distance between Woking and Edinburgh like as follows:
CREATE TABLE pointsTable (
id serial NOT NULL,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
location Point NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO pointsTable (name, location) VALUES
( 'Woking', '(51.3168, -0.56)' ),
( 'Edinburgh', '(55.9533, -3.1883)' );
SELECT ST_Distance_Spheroid(geometry(a.location), geometry(b.location), 'SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]')
FROM pointsTable a, pointsTable b
WHERE a.id=1 AND b.id=2;
I got a result of 592km (592,053.100454442 meters).
Unfortunately, when I used various sources on the web to make the same calculation I consistently got around the 543km mark which is different by 8.2%.
source 1 - 338 miles (543.958 km)
source 2 - 544.410km
source 3 - 543.8km
Luckily, the third source clarified that they were using the haversine formula. I am not sure about the other two sources.
Did I do something wrong in my queries or is this down to a difference in the formulas used? If so, which calculation is closest to the shortest distance a crow could fly, keeping a constant elevation?
You swapped the latitude and the longitude. If you put them in the right order you would get 544 430m. The distance computation is using the great circle arcs, which is the true shortest distance between points over a sphere.
WITH src AS (
select st_geomfromtext('POINT(-0.56 51.3168)',4326) pt1,
st_geomfromtext('POINT(-3.1883 55.9533)',4326) pt2)
ST_DistanceSpheroid(pt1, pt2, 'SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]') Dist_sphere,
ST_Distance(pt1::geography, pt2::geography) Dist_great_circle
FROM src;
dist_sphere | dist_great_circle
544430.941199621 | 544430.94119962
(1 row)
On a side note, there is a warning
ST_Distance_Spheroid signature was deprecated in 2.2.0. Please use
Can someone help ?
Here is the part of my code (sql) which doesn't work :
SELECT ST_LENGTH(geom) into distance FROM
SELECT ST_GeographyFromText('srid=4326;linestring(lon_bus lat_bus, lon_stop lat_stop)') AS geom)
AS dis;
lon_bus, lat_bus, lon_stop and lat_stop are coordinates I get from my database. When I try this, I have an error of parsing. But when I replace these variable by numeric, it works. Can someone help me on it? I would like to keep these variables in my code.
It doesn't work because the WKT with variables is invalid. Remember, WKT is just regular text, so don't confuse WKT with SQL.
You can make a LineString from two point geometries, then cast it to ::geography.
SELECT ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint(lon_bus, lat_bus),
ST_MakePoint(lon_stop, lat_stop))::geography AS geog
SELECT 1 AS lon_bus, 2 AS lat_bus, 3 AS lon_stop, 4 AS lat_stop
) AS data;
To get the geodesic length, use ST_Length on the geography.
Based on the usage, the question isn't about how to make a linestring, but how to calculated the distance between two geographic positions. There are several ways to do this:
ST_Distance(bus, stop) AS cartesian_distance,
ST_Distance_Sphere(bus, stop) AS sphere_distance,
ST_Distance(bus::geography, stop::geography) AS geography_distance,
ST_Length(ST_MakeLine(bus, stop)::geography) AS geography_length
SELECT ST_MakePoint(lon_bus, lat_bus) AS bus, ST_MakePoint(lon_stop, lat_stop) AS stop
FROM (SELECT 1 AS lon_bus, 2 AS lat_bus, 3 AS lon_stop, 4 AS lat_stop) AS data
) AS data;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------
cartesian_distance | 2.82842712474619
sphere_distance | 314283.687770102
geography_distance | 313588.397192902
geography_length | 313588.397192902
The last two get the same result. If you don't need the linestring (e.g. to draw on a map), then the simplest method is used for geography_distance.
I would like to ask how to create a circle with radius=4km. I have tried the ST_Buffer function but it creates a larger circle. (I see the created circle by inserting its polygon into an new kml file.)
This is what i am trying.
INSERT INTO camera(geom_circle) VALUES(geometry(ST_Buffer(georgaphy(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(21.304116745663165 38.68607570952619)')), 4000)))
The center of the circle is a lon lat point but I don't know its SRID because I have imported it from a kml file.
Do I need the SRID in order to transform the geometries etc?
KML files are always lat/long and use SRID=4326. This SRID is implied if you use geography. Geography is a good way to mix-in the 4 km metric measure on lat/long data ... excellent you tried this!
Try this statement to fix up the casts, and use a parameterized point constructor:
SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(21.304116745663165, 38.68607570952619)::geography, 4000);
And if you need to cast this back to geometry, add a ::geometry cast to the end.
Update on accuracy
The previous answer internally re-projects the geometry (usually) to a UTM zone that the point fits within (see ST_Buffer). This may cause minor distortions if the point is on the edge of two UTM boundaries. Most folks won't care about the size of these errors, but it will often be several meters. However, if you require sub millimeter precision, consider building a dynamic azimuthal equidistant projection. This requires PostGIS 2.3's ST_Transform, and is adapted from another answer:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geodesic_buffer(geom geometry, dist double precision,
num_seg_quarter_circle integer)
RETURNS geometry AS $$
SELECT ST_Transform(
ST_Buffer(ST_Point(0, 0), $2, $3),
('+proj=aeqd +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lat_0='
|| ST_Y(ST_Centroid($1))::text || ' +lon_0=' || ST_X(ST_Centroid($1))::text),
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geodesic_buffer(geom geometry, dist double precision)
RETURNS geometry AS 'SELECT geodesic_buffer($1, $2, 8)'
-- Optional warppers for geography type
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geodesic_buffer(geog geography, dist double precision)
RETURNS geography AS 'SELECT geodesic_buffer($1::geometry, $2)::geography'
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geodesic_buffer(geog geography, dist double precision,
num_seg_quarter_circle integer)
RETURNS geography AS 'SELECT geodesic_buffer($1::geometry, $2, $3)::geography'
A simple example to run one of the functions is:
SELECT geodesic_buffer(ST_MakePoint(21.304116745663165, 38.68607570952619)::geography, 4000);
And to compare the distances to each of the buffered points, here are the lengths of each geodesic (shortest path on an ellipsoid of revolution, i.e. WGS84). First this function:
SELECT count(*), min(buff_dist), avg(buff_dist), max(buff_dist)
SELECT ST_Distance((ST_DumpPoints(geodesic_buffer(poi, dist)::geometry)).geom, poi) AS buff_dist
FROM (SELECT ST_MakePoint(21.304116745663165, 38.68607570952619)::geography AS poi, 4000 AS dist) AS f
) AS f;
count | min | avg | max
33 | 3999.999999953 | 3999.9999999743 | 4000.000000001
Compare this to ST_Buffer (first part of answer), that shows it's off by about 1.56 m:
SELECT count(*), min(buff_dist), avg(buff_dist), max(buff_dist)
SELECT ST_Distance((ST_DumpPoints(ST_Buffer(poi, dist)::geometry)).geom, poi) AS buff_dist
FROM (SELECT ST_MakePoint(21.304116745663165, 38.68607570952619)::geography AS poi, 4000 AS dist) AS f
) AS f;
count | min | avg | max
33 | 4001.560675049 | 4001.56585986067 | 4001.571105793
I'm looking to create a db model of various units and their relation to each other. For instance, 36 inches = 3 feet = 1 yard = .9144 meters etc. This table would also store cups in ounces, pounds, kg, grams, cm and all sorts of measurements.
How do you do this? I was thinking about something like this:
Amount | Units | ConversionFactor | ConversionUnits
1 | foot | 12 | inches
1 | yard | 36 | inches
But frankly, this seems like a terrible idea. Trying to figure out how many feet in a yard would be very convoluted, and I don't think I could ever store all the conversions I need.
What other ideas are there? I know this is a solved problem. Thanks!
Store conversions to SI units, not to other non-metric units. Then you can convert between units in without needing to know the explicit conversion.
Unit | Class | Base Unit Multiplier
foot | length | 0.304800610
yard | length | 0.914401830
square foot | area | 0.092903040
So 14 feet in yards is:
14 feet * 0.304800610 = 4.26720854 meters
4.26720854 meters * 0.914401830⁻¹ = 4.66666667 yards
Pick a base unit for each dimension you are interested in (read that wiki page, it'll be useful). For example, if most of your data is in SI units, you would pick kilogram for mass, second for time, metre for distance, and so on. If most of your data is in US units, pick units from the US customary units, for example pound for mass, foot for length, second for time.
Then store, for each actual unit you want to be able to handle, the conversion factor to the dimensionally-appropriate base unit. So if you choose foot as your base unit of distance, store
Unit Dimension Factor
Foot Distance 1
Metre Distance 3.28084
Mile Distance 5280
To actually do a conversion, once you've checked that the dimensions match, simply multiply by the Factor of the source unit, and divide by the Factor of the destination unit. For example, to get from metres to miles, multiply by 3.28084, then divide by 5280.
CREATE TABLE UnitConversion
[FromUnit] NVARCHAR(100),
[ToUnit] NVARCHAR(100),
[FromOffset] DECIMAL(29,10),
[Multiplicand] DECIMAL(29,10),
[Denominator] DECIMAL(29,10),
[ToOffset] DECIMAL(29,10)
ToUnit = (FromUnit + FromOffset) * Multiplicand / Denominator + ToOffset
I think the original post's proposed schema is fine, apart from not including Class (as in Seth's answer) - you don't want to try to convert between pints and inches.
Converting between two units where neither of them is the conversion unit is simply achieved by retrieving both units' conversion records and dividing one factor by the other (eg. 36/12 = 3 feet in a yard).
If you are particularly concerned about accuracy, you could ensure that all units for a given class have entries for all other units in the same class - this strikes me as overkill, though.
I have an application which receives GPS data from a mobile device as well as receiving co-ordinate data it also provides signal strength from the GSM network.
I am trying to plot the points on a map to display areas of good signal strength and areas of poor signal strength.
When I have a few points it all works well, the points are retrieved from the database and a square is built around the point with the top left corner 0.5km from the point. I then display the square shapes on the VE map using colour coding for signal strength.
The problem is that there may be thousands and thousands of readings and I need a way to average out those readings that are less than 0.5km from each other or I need to build the square (or circle perhaps) in SQL Server and average out the intersections.
I have no idea where to begin with this so any pointers to decent articles or some tips would be much appreciated.
One simple and somewhat inaccurate way to do this would be to decrease the granularity of your data. It might not even be inaccurate, depending on how accurate your x, y measurements are.
let's say we have the following data:
x y signal_strenth
10.2 5.1 10
10.1 5.3 12
10.3 5.5 8
If we floor the x and y values, we get:
x y signal_strenth
10 5 10
10 5 12
10 5 9
Then we can average those values by the floored x and y to show that we have average signal strength in the rectangle (10, 5) to (11, 6).
Here's the SQL:
floor(x) as rectangle_xmin,
floor(y) as rectangle_ymin,
floor(x) + 1 as rectangle_xmax,
floor(y) + 1 as rectangle_ymax,
avg(signal_strength) as signal_strength
from table
group by floor(x), floor(y);
Now, admittedly, you'd ideally want to group data points by distance from point to point, and this groups them by a maximum distance that varies from 1 and to square_root(2) =~1.44, flooring them into rectangular blocks. So it's less than ideal. But it may work well enough for you, especially if the flooring/grouping is less than the error in your measurement of position.
If floor() is not granular enough, you can use floor( x * someweight) / someweight to adjust it to the granularity you want. And of course you can use ceil() or round() to do the same thing.
The whole point is to collapse a bunch of nearby measurements to one "measurement", and then take the average of the collapsed values.
You might want to look into Delaunay Triangulation where you can plot X,Y,Z coordinates into a graph. It might be possible, not knowing exactly what you have for points, to use X,Y for the location and then plot the Z as signal strength and create a spike graph. I've only seen c++ examples CodePlex sample but it might be something you can write a SQL function for.
geography::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CONVERT(varchar, AvgSignalReadings.rect_lngmin / 100) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar, AvgSignalReadings.rect_latmin / 100) + ')', 4326) as Location,
AvgSignalReadings.lat / 100 as Latitude,
AvgSignalReadings.lng / 100 as Longitude,
FLOOR(l.Latitude * 100) as lat,
FLOOR(l.Longitude * 100) as lng,
AVG(l.SignalStrength) as SignalStrength,
COUNT(*) as NumberOfReadings
FROM SignalLog l
WHERE l.SignalStrength IS NOT NULL AND l.SignalStrength <> 0 AND l.Location IS NOT NULL
AND l.[Timestamp] > DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY FLOOR(l.Latitude * 100), FLOOR(l.Longitude * 100))
AS AvgSignalReadings