What are the limits of C on microcontrollers without operating systems? - c

I've never programmed a microcontroller. I've been playing around with Arduino and have discovered that the programming language is just C, with boilerplate code dynamically generated by the IDE. So: what can't I do in C/C++ on Arduino/microcontroller without an operating system versus C on Linux/Windows? Should any program that uses nothing but the standard library work? Or are there limits on specialized functions like malloc/free and setjmp/longjmp?
I ask because I want to compile and use an encryption library like openssl or crypto++ an Arduino Due (with a 32 bit arm processor).

There are no limits, except those that are imposed by your compiler. Clearly you cannot make "operating system calls" when you don't have an "operating system", but as long as somebody wrote a library that provides the functionality you need, there are indeed "no limits". Encryption - done. Malloc - easy. TCP/IP - got it. Lots of Arduino libraries. It's fun. Go for it.
Some helpful information at http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/malloc.html


Coding C libraries for an Operating System

I am trying to create a DOS-like OS. I have read multiple articles, read multiple books (I even paid a lifetime subscription for O'Reilly Media), but to no avail, I found nothing useful. I want to learn how to make operating system libraries, which rises the question which is: are libraries which you code for a program the same if you are compiling it for an operating system?
I know Operating Systems are very challenging to make and the very few programmers that do attempt to make one never produce a functioning one which is why it's described as "the great pinnacle of programming.". But still, I'm going to make an attempt at making one (just for fun, and maybe learn a few pointers on the way).
All I need to do this is basically learning how to make the libraries, C (which I already know and love), assembly (which I kind-of know how to use along with C) and a compiler (I use the GNU toolchain). The only thing I am having trouble with are coding the libraries. I'm like wow right now, who knew that coding libraries are so hard, like point me to a book or something! But no. I'm not asking for a book right here, all I'm asking for is some advice on how to do this like:
How do you start making some basic I/O libraries
Is it the same as making a regular C library
And finally, is it going to be hard? (JK I know already that this is going to be extremely hard which is why I prepared so much)
In summary, the main question is, how I can make this work or is there a pre-built library that would most likely speed up the process?
Are libraries which you code for a program the same if you are compiling it for an operating system?
Absolutely not. A user-space C library at its lowest level makes system calls to an operating system to interact with hardware via device drivers; it is the device driver and interaction with hardware you will be writing.
From my experience doing embedded system bringups, the way you start is with a development board with a legacy RS-232 port. It's about the easiest possible device to write a driver for - you write bytes to a memory mapped IO address, wait a bit then write some more. This is where your first debug output goes too.
You might find yourself waggling IO pins and probing them with a logic analyser or DSO on the route to this though - hence why you want a development board where the signals are accessible.
None of the standard C-library will be available to you - so you'll need to equivalents of some of things it provides - but in kernel space - including type definitions, memory management, and intrinsics the compiler expects - particularly those for memory barriers. The C-library doesn't provide any data structures or algorithms anyway, but you'll definitely be wanting to write some early on.

C runtime library : what for?

Creating a toy OS, written in assembly and C.
X86. 32-bits first, 64-bits then.
Currently read how to make a C library and try to understand the underlyings.
My question comes from the reading on this page.
I read the other SO questions concerning runtime libraries but still don't get it.
Ok, a runtime library seems to help providing low level functionalities that an application library cannot provide.
What wonders can I do with a runtime library ?
My searches on the subject lead to theoretical explanations (MSDN and so on).
I need a practical, visual explanation.
I saw the question the admins refer to, and I obviously read it already. But it was not enough high level. But that is fine :)
A C runtime library is more a part of your C implementation than it is a core part of the operating system, especially if the C implementation provides only static linking, as might be the case in a toy OS.
Among other things, though, the C runtime library provides all the functions necessary for programs to obtain services from the OS, such as memory allocation and I/O. These are not necessarily the same functions the OS kernel uses internally for the same or similar purposes.
Programs written in other languages may or may not rely on the C language runtime (they may provide their own, independent one instead), and statically-linked C programs include all necessary functions in their own images, instead of relying on dynamically loading them from a library at run time. In a sense, the C runtime library is distributed and duplicated across all statically-linked programs built from C sources.

Using C programming language instead of Processing with Arduino

How can i use "Plain C" to program Arduino without using the "Processing programming language"?
I want to improve my C programming skills by using it with Arduino for embedded systems.
I have very limited ability to code in C++, and I would love to write my own Arduino Library using "C", to avoid using classes and OOP.
Processing looks like Java to me, and i want to use "C pointers" to gain more practical knowledge.
The thing is that Arduino doesn't use Processing.
Processing is (was?) a separate programming language which was developed independently for a different purpose. The language resembles C and C++ very closely, so closely that it's almost identical.
Programming the Arduino, however, is accomplished using a (n unfortunate) mixture of C and C++, with a set of custom libraries (which are similar in style to that of Processing). These libraries are written in C and C++ themselves, and they are only good for making one's code more portable across different MCU types. Using them is not strictly necessary for programming the AVR MCU. In fact, the libraries have quite a few drawbacks (the code is big, inherently slow and ugly, amongst others).
If you want to use plain ol' C for programming the Arduino, then just go ahead and do so. Grab the reference PDF from Atmel's site for your particular MCU, learn the special registers (I/O, timers, etc.), install the avr-gcc toolchain on your computer, and use avr-gcc, avr-objcopy and avrdude to compile and install your programs.
There also happens to be a C-only library which follows this kind of convention. It doesn't provide as much abstraction as the stock Arduino library has, because it's lower-level, but you can have a look at it and see how one can accomplish basic algorithms without the default libraries.

Is it viable to write a Linux kernel-mode debugger for Intel x86-64 in Common Lisp, and with which Common Lisp implementation[s]?

I'm interested in developing some kind of ring0 kernel-mode debugger for x86-64 in Common Lisp that would be loaded as a Linux kernel module and as I prefer Common Lisp to C in general programming, I wonder how different Common Lisp implementations would fit this kind of programming task.
The debugger would use some external disassembling library, such as udis86 via some FFI. It seems to me that it's easiest to write kernel modules in C as they need to contain C functions int init_module(void) and void cleanup_module(void) (The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide), so the kernel-land module code would call Common Lisp code from C by using CFFI. The idea would be to create a ring0 debugger for 64-bit Linux inspired by the idea of Rasta Ring 0 Debugger, that is only available for 32-bit Linux and requires PS/2 keyboard. I think the most challenging part would be the actual debugger code with hardware and software breakpoints and low-level video, keyboard or USB input device handling. Inline assembly would help a lot in that, it seems to me that in SBCL inline assembly can be implemented by using VOPs (SBCL Internals: VOP) (SBCL Internals: Adding VOPs), and this IRC log mentions that ACL (Allegro Common Lisp), CCL (Clozure Common Lisp) and CormanCL have LAPs (Lisp Assembly Programs). Both ACL and CormanCL are proprietary and thus discarded, but CCL (Clozure Common Lisp) could be one option. Capacity of building standalone executables is a requirement too; SBCL which I'm currently using has it, but as they are entire Lisp images, their size is quite big.
My question is: is it viable to create a ring0 kernel-mode debugger for Intel x86-64 in Common Lisp, with low-level code implemented in C and/or assembly, and if it is, which Common Lisp implementations for 64-bit Linux best suit for this kind of endeavour, and what are the pros and cons if there are more than one suitable Common Lisp implementation? Scheme can be one possible option too, if it offers some benefits over Common Lisp. I am well aware that the great majority of kernel modules are written in C, and I know C and x86 assembly well enough to be able to write the required low-level code in C and/or assembly. This is not an attempt to port Linux kernel into Lisp (see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1848029/why-not-port-linux-kernel-to-common-lisp), but a plan to write in Common Lisp a Linux kernel module that would be used as a ring0 debugger.
You might want to take a look at the Feb 2 2008 lispvan talk "Doing Evil Things with Common Lisp" by Brad Beveridge on working with a filesystem driver from SBCL.
Talk description & files
In it he mentions:
"A C/C++ Debugger written in CL??
Totally pie in the sky right now
But, how cool would that be?
Not that much of a stretch, only need to be able to write to memory where the library is located to insert break points & then trap signals on the Lisp side
Could use dirty tricks to replace the C functions with calls to Lisp functions
Apart from some details, it's probably not that hard – certainly nothing β€œnew”
The dirty trick would involve overwriting the C code with another jump (branch without link) into a Lisp callback. When the Lisp code returns it can jump directly back to the original calling function via the link register.
Also, I'm totally glossing over the real difficulty in writing a debugger – it would be time consuming."
Nope, it would not be feasible to implement a kernel module in CL for the obvious reason that just to make that work you will need to do lot of hacks and may end up loosing all the benefit the lisp language provide and your lisp code will look like C code in S-expressions.
Write your kernel module to export whatever functionality/data you need from kernel and then using ioctl or read/write operations any user mode program can communicate with the module.
I am not sure if there is any kernel module which is generic enough that it implement Lisp (or may be its subset) such that you write code in Lisp and this generic module reads the lisp code and run it as sub component, basically Kernel -> Generic lisp module -> your lisp code (that will run in kernel).

Are cores (device abstraction level) of OSs written entirely in C? (Like: "UNIX is written in C")

Are cores of OSs (device interaction level) really written in C, or "written in C" means that only most part of OS is written in C and interaction with devices is written in asm?
Why I ask that:
If core is written in asm - it can't be cross-platform.
If it is written is C - I can't imagine how it could be written in C.
OK. And what about I\O exactly - I can't imagine how can interaction with controller HDD or USB controller or some other real stuffs which we should send signals to be written without (or with small amount of) asm.
After all, thanks. I'll have a look at some other sources of web.
PS (Flood) It's a pity we have no OS course in university, despite of the fact that MIPT is the Russian twin of MIT, I found that nobody writes OSs like minix here.
The basic idea in Unix is to write nearly everything in C. So originally, something like 99% of it was C, it was the point, and the main goal was portability.
So to answer your question, interaction with devices is also written in C, yes. Even very low-level stuff is written in C, especially in Unix. But there are still very little parts written in assembly language. On x86 for example, the boot loader of any OS will include some part in assembler. You may have little parts of device drivers written in assembly language. But it is uncommon, and even when it's done it's typically a very small part of even the lowest-level code. How much exactly depends on implementations. For example, NetBSD can run on dozens of different architectures, so they avoid assembly language at all costs; conversely, Apple doesn't care about portability so a decent part of MacOS libc is written in assembly language.
It depends.
An OS for a small, embedded, device with a simple CPU can be written entirely in C (or C++ for that matter).
For more complicated OS-es, such as current Windows or Linux, it is very likely that there are small parts written in assembly. I would expect them most in the task scheduler, because it has some tricky fiddling to do with special CPU registers and it may need to use some special instructions that the compiler normally does not generate.
Device drivers can, almost always, be written entirely in C.
Typically, there's a minimal amount of assembly (since you need some), and the rest is written in C and interfaces with it. You can write functions in assembly and call them from C, so you can encapsulate whatever functionality you want.
By a little implementation-specific trickery, it can be possible to write drivers entirely in C, as it is normally possible to create, say, a volatile int * that will use a memory-mapped device register.
Some operating systems are written in Assembly language, but it is much more common for a kernel to be written in a high level language such as C for portability. Typically (although this is not always the case), a kernel written in a high level language will also have some small bits of assembly language for items that the compiler cannot express and need to be written in Assembler for some reason. Typical examples are:
Certain kernel-mode only instructions
to manipulate the MMU or perform
other privileged operations cannot be generated by a standard compiler. In this case the code must be written in assembly language.
Platform-specific performance optimisations. For example the X64 architecture has an endan-ness swapping instruction and the ARM has a barrel shifter (rotates the word being read by N bits) that can be used on load operations.
Assembly 'glue' to interface something that won't play nicely with (for example) C's stack frame structure, data formats or parameter layout conventions.
There are also operating systems written in other languages, for example:
You don't have to wonder about questions like these. Go grab the linux kernel source and look for yourself. Most of the assembly is stored per architecture in the arch directory. It's really not that surprising that the vast majority is in C. The compiler generates native machine code, after all. It doesn't have to be C either. Our embedded kernel at work is written in C++.
If you are interested in specific pointers, then consider the Linux kernel. The entire software tree is virtually all written in C. The most well-known portion of assembly used in the kernel is entry.S that is specific to each architecture:
Additionally, for each architecture, functionality and optimizations that are not possible in C (e.g. spinlocks, atomic operations) may be implemented in assembly:
