I've got a C program which runs fine, but after around a week of running it always seems to segfault. I've compiled it with -g and run it through gdb and it looks like it pointing to the following code.
In my main loop I call a function (actually to try and debug why its crashing)
char config_debug[10];
I then read a conf file and based on the current setting in it, it sets config_debug to true
Then in my program I call this:
(line 312):
debug("send off data",config_debug);
This is the function:
int debug(char *debug_info, char *config_debug)
if ( strcmp(config_debug,"true") == 0 )
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("/tmp/debug.log", "a");
(line 55):
fprintf(fp, debug_info);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
return 0;
void chomp(char *s) {
while(*s && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r') s++;
*s = 0;
Can anyone see anything wrong with the above 2 functions?
Here is a trace if it helps:
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0xb6d7a67c in vfprintf () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt
#0 0xb6d7a67c in vfprintf () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6
#1 0xb6d83cd8 in fprintf () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6
#2 0x0000a848 in debug (debug_info=0xc304 "send off data", config_debug=0xbec0cb5c "true") at station.c:55
#3 0x0000b614 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbec0cd94) at station.c:312
fprintf(fp, debug_info);
is wrong, and incorrect (possible undefined behavior) if debug_info contains a % (followed by some characters like s for instance).
You should read fprintf(3), enable all warnings in the cross-compiler e.g. by compiling with -Wall -g passed to your cross-compiler (clang would have warned you and gcc should, at least with -Wextra, but perhaps does not). In your case you could simply replace that faulty fprintf with a simpler and faster call to fputs(3) like:
fputs(debug_info, fp);
(in emebedded applications, fputs is often worth using, since it is faster than fprintf; actually sometimes the compiler optimize fprintf into something simpler.)
and replace the fprintf(fp, "\n"); with a simple putc('\n', fp);
BTW, it is confusing to have config_debug be both a global variable and a parameter. Avoid name collusions to improve readability. Be sure that config_debug and debug_info are null terminated strings.
fprintf(fp, debug_info);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
Above two statements are wrong.Modify Like this
fprintf(fp,"%s", debug_info);
fprintf(fp,"%s", "\n");
see fprintf()
From # Basile Starynkevitch comment, added.
You can also use fputs() and fputc() These are simpler and more efficient.
I wrote the following code in GDB online debugger :
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int p , n;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("abc.txt","r");
while ( (n = getc(fp))!= EOF)
printf( "the chareacter here is %d \n", n);
n = fclose(fp);
return 0;
While executing the code I am getting a segmentation fault at the line where I am trying to fetch the characters from the file. I know that as the file does not exist the segmentation fault error is coming.
However, what intrigues me is the absence of the messages that I am trying to print on the screen. I tried checking on debugger and once I found:
optimized out written near the line no
However, I tried putting getchar() here and there, the messages got printed on the screen even if the segmentation fault persists.
How to explain this? Why is this happening? Why are the messages printed when I am putting getchar() at different places?
I had tried writing this code on a Solaris server and compiling using GCC. The code got compiled but I did not get any output message even when a file with the name provided in the directory existed.
As answered by Yunnosch, you probably forgot to check against failure of fopen(3). A better habit is to always check that, at least by coding:
fp = fopen("abc.txt","r");
if (fp == NULL) { perror("fopen abc.txt"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); };
and take the habit of doing at least that everywhere. Using perror(3) (or strerror(3) with errno(3)) is a useful habit to get, since you want some reason related to the failure (given by errno perhaps thru perror).
More generally, always read the documentation of functions that you are using (for standard functions, at least on some reference website, and possibly in the C11 standard n1570), and take care of handling their failure (at the very least, by checking against failure and exiting with a useful message to stderr); for Unix functions, see their man pages (on Linux, start on intro(2) and intro(3); for Solaris, start with intro(2) & intro(3)..). In your Unix terminal, try also man fopen ... For POSIX standard, start here.
what intrigues me is the absence of the messages that I am trying to print on the screen.
That is simple. stdout is buffered (see also setvbuf(3)), and often line-buffered. So a printf which does not end with a \n has its output still inside the buffer, and not yet on the screen. The habit to get is to almost always end your printf(3) control format string with a newline, or else to flush the buffer explicitly using fflush(3).
For a newbie, there are few reasons to avoid ending your printf with an explicit \n. So use instead
Otherwise, call fflush(NULL); quite often in your program. BTW, for these buffering reasons, fflush(NULL) should be done before calls to system(3), fork(2), execve(2) and other important program-wide functions.
optimized out written near the line no
That probably happens in the C standard library itself (e.g. in getc from some libc.so), which is usually not compiled with debug information. In practice, trust your C standard library: you are much more likely to have bugs in your code that in libc.
Your own source code should be compiled with gcc -Wall -Wextra -g (asking the GCC compiler to give all warnings and debug info in DWARF format, usable by the gdb debugger) and you need to improve your code to get no warnings at all before using the gdb debugger.
Be aware of undefined behavior, spend several hours reading about UB, and be scared of UB.
Try guarding against NULL in fp and for good measure make sure the debug output gets printed (as in comment by Some Programmer Dude).
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int p , n;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("abc.txt","r");
if (NULL != fp)
while ( (n = getc(fp))!= EOF)
printf( "the chareacter here is %d \n", n);
n = fclose(fp);
} else
printf("File opening failed somehow!\n");
return 0;
Note the nice touch (by Basile Starynkevitch) to only close what was successfully opened.
With the same command in my coworker's PC, my program works without the problem.
But in my PC, the program crashes with segfault;
GDB backtrace at core reads as follows:
#0 strrchr () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/strrchr.S:32
32 ../sysdeps/x86_64/strrchr.S: no such file or directory
(gdb) bt
#0 strrchr () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/strrchr.S:32
#1 0x00007f10961236d7 in dirname (path=0x324a47a0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x324a47a0>) at dirname.c:31
I'm already compiling the executable with -g -ggdb options.
Odd thing is that.. with valgrind the program works without error in my PC as well.
How can I solve the problem? I've observed that the errors occur only with strrchr, strcmp, strlen, ... string.h functions.
+Edit: the gdb backtrace indicates that the program crashes here:
char* base_dir = dirname(get_abs_name(test_dir));
where get_abs_name is defined as
char* get_abs_name(char* dir) {
char abs_path[PATH_MAX];
char* c = malloc(PATH_MAX*sizeof(char));
realpath(dir, abs_path);
strcpy(c, abs_path);
return c;
+Edit2: 'dir' is a path of certain file, like '../program/blabla.jpg'.
Using valgrind,
printf("%s\n", dir)
normally prints '/home/frozenca/path_to_program'.
I can't guess why the program crashes without valgrind..
We cannot know for sure without a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Your code looks mostly correct (albeit convoluted), except you do not check for errors.
char* get_abs_name(char* dir) {
char abs_path[PATH_MAX];
char* c = malloc(PATH_MAX*sizeof(char)); /* this may return NULL */
realpath(dir, abs_path); /* this may return NULL */
strcpy(c, abs_path);
return c;
Now, how could this lead to an error like you see? Well, if malloc returns NULL, you'll get a crash right away in strcpy. But if realpath fails:
The content of abs_path remains undefined.
So strcpy(c, abs_path) will copy undefined content. Which could lead to it copying just one byte if abs_path[0] happens to be \0. But could also lead to massive heap corruption. Which happens depends on unrelated conditions, such as how the program is compiled, and whether some debugging tool such as valgrind is attached.
TL;DR: get into the habit of checking every function that may fail.
char* get_abs_name(char* dir) {
char abs_path[PATH_MAX];
char* c = malloc(PATH_MAX*sizeof(char));
if (!c) { return NULL; }
if (!realpath(dir, abs_path)) {
return NULL;
strcpy(c, abs_path);
return c;
Or, here, you can simplify it alot assuming a GNU system or POSIX.1-2008 system:
char * get_abs_name(const char * dir) {
return realpath(dir, NULL);
Note however that either way, in your main program, you also must check that get_abs_name() did not return NULL, otherwise dirname() will crash.
Drop your function entirely and use the return value of realpath(dir, NULL) instead.
Convert type
char* c = malloc(PATH_MAX*sizeof(char));
I get a segmentation fault and using gdb and backtrace, it is thrown at vprintf.
#0 0x006e8779 in vfprintf () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1 0x006f265f in fprintf () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2 0x08049fd1 in write_tofile (logfile=0x9843090 "~/www/log") at example.c:446
It happens when I call
file = fopen(log_file, "a"); // log_file = "~/www/log"
fprintf(file, buffer);
Can fopen handle files from different directories? Would anyone have a clue as to why it segfaults here?
Using '~' as an abbreviation for your home directory is a shell thing, and isn't necessarily available in C. This is likely to cause the fopen to fail, and you're not checking the return code.
You must never fail to check for errors in operations that aren't 100% under your control. If you don't know whether a file exists and the open operation must succeed (and that's something you really cannot know for sure, ever), you must test:
FILE * f = fopen(log_file, "a");
if (!f) { /*error, die? */ }
fprintf(f, buffer);
Also make sure that buffer is a valid pointer to the first character of a null-terminated array of characters, and that the string doesn't contain any format specifiers.
For just printing a raw string str, it is safer to use fputs(str, f), or fprintf(f, "%s", str) if you must.
Check the contents of buffer. You have either a unescaped % symbol and/or no null terminating character.
Presumably fopen failed & returned a NULL pointer.
You should check the return value of fopen before using it, and use errno to determine what the error was.
EDIT: To answer some questions, this is the revised and still not working code (most of it was there to begin with, but I should have been explicit that I initialised the file pointer, etc). Again, only works if I either add a write before the exp() or remove the exp() entirely:
FILE *outfile;
char *outfilename;
outfilename = (char *)malloc(FILENAME_MAX*sizeof(char));
strcpy(outfilename, "outfile.txt");
outfile = fopen(realoutfilename, "w");
/* If this is uncommented, there isn't a segfault
if(realoutfile!=NULL && imoutfile!=NULL){
fprintf(outfile, "\r\n");
gauss = (double*) calloc(points, sizeof(double));
/* Maths and stuff */
/* this prints fine */
printf(outfile, "%g,\r\n", gauss[i]);
/* Seg fault is here */
fprintf(outfile, "%g,\r\n", gauss[i]);
And I'm compiling with:
gcc main.c -lm -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -g -o main
To clarify, it doesn't reach the end of the function - so it's not the freeing that it crashes on. The crash is when it tries to write to the file in that for loop.
I've checked that exp() isn't over or underflowing, as I say, I can printf the output, but file writing is a no-no. It also fails if I try a simple call, say exp(2).
The gdb backtrace is (I'm not that familiar with gdb, thought it might help):
#0 0xff15665c in _malloc_unlocked () from /lib/libc.so.1
#1 0xff15641c in malloc () from /lib/libc.so.1
#2 0xff1a8c80 in _findbuf () from /lib/libc.so.1
#3 0xff1a8f0c in _wrtchk () from /lib/libc.so.1
#4 0xff1ad834 in _fwrite_unlocked () from /lib/libc.so.1
#5 0xff1ad798 in fwrite () from /lib/libc.so.1
#6 0x000128ac in gaussian ()
#7 0x00010f78 in main ()
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The problem, is here:
outfilename = (char *)malloc(FILENAME_MAX*sizeof(char));
outfilename = "file.txt";
You can't assign a string like that, you have to use strcpy:
strcpy(outfilename, "file.txt");
What's happening is that you're are overwriting the outfilename pointer with the string assignment. Then you try to free it free(outfilename);. Since you are freeing a string literal, the behavior is undefined, hence the crash you are getting.
As for why it crashes in one case and not the other. The behavior is undefined, therefore anything is allowed to happen. It's possible that your exponential function code does something to the stack/heap that could be causing it crash/not crash.
EDIT : I hope it's just a typo or mis-copy, but I also don't see where outfile is initialized. If it really is never initialized, then that's the other error. (and most likely the one that's causing your particular segfault)
So it should look like this:
FILE *outfile;
outfilename = (char *)malloc(FILENAME_MAX*sizeof(char));
strcpy(outfilename, "file.txt");
outfile = fopen(outfilename, "w");
if (outfile == NULL){
// Error, file cannot be openned.
First, you really should compile with all warnings enabled and with debugging information produced; with gcc that means the -Wall -g flags.
FILE *outfile;
outfilename = (char *)malloc(FILENAME_MAX*sizeof(char));
outfilename = "file.txt";
You should use strdup and I see no call to fopen eg
outfile = fopen(outfilename, "r");
And you should learn to use the debugger gdb (or perhaps its ddd graphical front-end).
outfilename = "file.txt";
/* snip */
You can only free something you got back from malloc. You can't pass free a pointer to a constant!
(this was asked on ffmpeg-devel list, but counted way offtopic, so posting it here).
ffmpeg.c loads multiple .c's, that are using log.c's av_log -> av_log_default_callback function, that uses fputs;
void av_log_default_callback(void* ptr, int level, const char* fmt, va_list vl)
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "[%s # %p] ", (*parent)->item_name(parent), parent);
... call to colored_fputs
Screen output:
static void colored_fputs(int level, const char *str){
fputs(str, stderr);
// this causes sigsegv just by fopen()
FILE * xFile;
xFile = fopen('yarr', 'w');
//fputs(str, xFile);fclose(xFile); // compile me. BOOM!
av_free(xFile); // last idea that came, using local free() version to avoid re-creatio
Each time, when fopen is put into code, it gives a segmentation fault of unknown reason. Why this kind of thing may happen here? Maybe due to blocking main I/O?
What are general 'blockers' that should be investigated in such a situation? Pthreads (involved in code somewhere)?
fopen takes strings as arguments, you're giving it char literals
xFile = fopen('yarr', 'w');
Should be
xFile = fopen("yarr", "w");
if(xFile == NULL) {
perror("fopen failed");
The compiler should have warned about this, so make sure you've turned warning flags on (remeber to read them and fix them)