Google Page Speed Service and CloudFlare - mobile site separate domain - mobile

I have become an access to the Page Speed Service from Google. I would like to use it, but I have the problem, that I have my mobile site on separate domain.
Do you have some suggestion what to do and to use one of this services to distribute my content to the world and handle the redirection to my domain if someone is opening the from his phone?

I don't believe the mobile site would be impacted at all. Have you actually seen any issues with it on?


How we can implement security testing on banking domain mobile application?

I have one banking domain mobile application then how i will implement the security testing on that Application?
I am not a security expert but i thing at least the below things should be tested:
1- check that all services requested from the are encreptyed, at least the login services and if there is any payment or personal/company information.
2- check if the app uses any physical files to store data in a plain text.
3- if there is login/buying items/ or any functionality that gives users more things, you should check if you can create fake requests.
4- also try to test the middle man, use fiddler to edit the requests/ response going through the app, and would that edit take effect.

Beta-testing of products inside KiK

Is it possible to publish application in Kik, but restrict access for limited number of users?
Something like Facebook sandbox mode.
Kik is simply a mobile web browser. Your webapps can run on any users device without Kik's permission. So there many means by which you can accomplish what you described.
Kik itself doesn't have a service to do this yet but that doesn't mean you cannot do it.

What can google app engine build in to?

I've been looking at this for the past hour and can't find a direct answer. Does this build into a website and anyone who can access a browser have access to it and that's it?
I was curious if it can build for mobile devices like Apple, Android, Windows Phones and also have a web page for it. Pretty much looking for an engine that can build for web/pc + android, apple, windows phones, kindle etc .
Any advice is greatly appreciated, sorry for the newbie question. Thank you in advance.
You can use it to build anything that are served from an URL (e.g.
That includes web pages, the "backend" for any application that GET/POST something to an http:// - which means any mobile Apps. And anything else you can imagine that make use of http:// to communicate between a client and a server
And a very important requirement, you need to have some programming knowledge in order to use this. Otherwise you should be looking for more general web hosting service.

Responsive links in HTML Email directing customers to mobile site or desktop site

We recently had a mobile site built which was great but when we send out our html emails I'm having to use media queries on the links to send customers to the desktop site or mobile site as the URLs are different Eg. and
I'd like to use something like '' so I can do away with the media queries and have one link which is built up of both the mobile and desktop links. The setup advice on this site is not very helpful.
Does anybody know how to do this?
Personally, I don't like the sound of that. You cannot guarantee that the mail/webmail client will be able to support "responsive links", regardless of the device that the user is viewing it on. Hence, you could very well be pointing users to the wrong device specific site.
What I would do, is point all of your email links to the main site version. At that point, you should have some form of device detection in place on your server. Your site logic should be able to forward the user on to the correct site specific page (e.g. mobile visitor sent to mobile version of same page, desktop user not redirected).
If you don't any redirection logic in place (you really should, read this), basically this is what you're looking to achieve:
If you're not following the rules laid out by Google regarding redirects and canonical link tags, you may find yourself in trouble at some point.
If this is all a bit beyond your technical ability, I'd suggest you speak with whoever built your mobile site as this isn't for the faint hearted.

develop Web sites for mobiles

I want to implement "mobile website provider" tool. Basically, It intake desktop website url and generate a mobile version of website without edit/add additional content to the desktop website. I am planning to design a product like (what does. This website create mobile websites). This tool should be hassle free to client(who are not tech savvy.)
1.Q) I want to know kind of functionality involved in this process.
2.Q) In Java Technology, I need the tool set and functionality of this actitity.
As I am new to this mobile application environment. Any information(web links) regarding this will be appreciated.
its not like
I had a website and I want to "mobile"ize it. 1) What kind of java tool set I have to use to create mobile web site? 2) How to test in multiple mobile devices 3) How the domain name will be created for mobile websites.
Check out our Wapple Architect tech ( - we allow you to use the same content from web to mobile, but if it's mobile, instead of outputting the html, use a web service to turn it into the right content for that particular handset.
Mobilizes the same domain, no need for or anything like that.
Check on a mobile for example!
there are certain plugins which mobilise your website .
they check user agent and if user agent is of mobile browser they load another css of mobile and if you want to redirect some another redirect it ther.
you dont have to buy separate domain make sub domain or cname like
try some javacripts code which detect browser type and redirect accordingly.
The best place to learn about mobile toolkits are
WURFL - The open source community built around profiling devices and managing their capabilities (
Mobile Elements - A tool to help you build mobile sites using a proxy type approach (
Device Atlas - A device profiling tool (
