angularjs - filter by multiple models - angularjs

This seems like it must be simple, I just cannot find the answer.
Let's say I have an array of data, set out like the following:
friends = [{name:'John', age:60, location:'Brighton', street:'Middle Street'},
{name:'Bob', age:5, location:'Brighton', street:'High Street'}];
Now, I want to filter the data based on a text input like so:
<input ng-model="searchText">
<li ng-repeat="friend in friends | orderBy:'name' | filter:searchText">
{{}} - {{friend.location}}</li>
This works fine but it filters the input text based on every attribute of the friend object (name, age, location and street). I'd like to be able to filter based on name and location only (ignoring age and street). Is this possible without a custom filter?

Yes, it's possible by simply passing a predicate to the filter instead of a string:
<li ng-repeat="friend in friends | orderBy:'name' | filter:friendContainsSearchText">
$scope.friendContainsSearchText = function(friend) {
return$scope.searchText) >= 0 || friend.location.indexOf($scope.searchText) >= 0

Here is how we do it with a custom filter.
[array] | search:query:columns:operator
> query: this is the term you are looking for
> columns: an array of the names of the properties you want to look for (if empty, will use the angular filter with query)
> operator: a boolean to switch between OR (true) and AND (false, default)
<li ng-repeat="item in list | search:query:['name','location']:operator">
<pre>{{item | json}}</pre>
app.filter('search', function($filter) {
return function(input, term, fields, operator) {
if (!term) {
return input;
fields || (fields = []);
if (!fields.length) {
return $filter('filter')(input, term);
operator || (operator = false); // true=OR, false=AND
var filtered = [], valid;
angular.forEach(input, function(value, key) {
valid = !operator;
for(var i in fields) {
var index = value[fields[i]].toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase());
// OR : found any? valid
if (operator && index >= 0) {
valid = true; break;
// AND: not found once? invalid
else if (!operator && index < 0) {
valid = false; break;
if (valid) {
}, filtered);
return filtered;

Alternatively you can use:
<li ng-repeat="friend in friends | orderBy:'name' | filter:{ name :searchText}">

You can put several filters just like ....
<input ng-model="Ctrl.firstName" />
<input ng-model="Ctrl.age" />
<li ng-repeat = "employee in Ctrl.employees | filter:{name:Ctrl.firstName} | filter:{age:Ctrl.age}">{{employee.firstName}}</li>


OrderBy array in AngularJS according to search

I'm still stuck with a OrderBy issue. Data comes from $http, and looks like this:
"timetable": [
"timetable": [
So what I need is to view rows where name is for example Station2, and I need them in order by time. The rows aren't ordered by time, nor by number. Amount of timetable rows varies, so row numbers don't help either. Is it possible to order them inside ng-repeat, in style of "OrderBy time where name='Station2' "?
At the moment I'm showing the results without any ordering, only with filtering. Current PHP:
<tr ng-repeat="x in rows | limitTo:5">
<a href="aikataulu.php?n={{x.number}}">
<span class="label label-primary line-{{x.lineID}}">{{x.lineID}}</span> {{x.number}}
<span ng-repeat="y in x.timetable | limitTo:-1">{{}}</span> //This is for showing the destination
<span ng-repeat="y in x.timetable | filter:{'name':'<?php echo $as;?>'}: true | limitTo:1">{{y.time | date:'HH:mm'}}</span>
$as is the station to be shown. So, now the order of the list comes straight from the JSON order, so it varies a lot.
You can use the comparator as an additional argument for the filter.
So you would expand your code to:
<span ng-repeat="y in x.timetable | filter:{'name':'<?php echo $as;?>'}: true : myComparator | limitTo:1">{{y.time | date:'HH:mm'}}</span>
You need a regexp to see if the compared string values are dates and you can do something similar to:
$scope.myComparator= function (a, b) {
// regex to see if the compared values are dates
var isDate = /(-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-)/g;
// sorting dates
if (isDate.test(a.value)) {
var aDate = new Date(a.value), bDate = new Date(b.value);
return aDate.getTime() < bDate.getTime() ? -1 : 1
// default sorting
return a.index < b.index ? -1 : 1
A thing worth noting is you would need a different regular expression to find your date format. Something along the lines of the following might be sufficient:
NOTE: This is untested code and serves only as a guide to the right approach. Make sure your version of AngularJS supports the comparator as a filter argument.
You can order an array of objects by one of their properties with a filter function like this one:
angular.module('yourApp').filter('orderObjectBy', function() {
return function(items, field, reverse) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
return (a[field] > b[field] ? 1 : -1);
if(reverse) filtered.reverse();
return filtered;
Use it like this
<div ng-repeat="elem in data | orderObjectBy:'number'">
// ...

$filter with OR [duplicate]

I want to use the filter in angular and want to filter for multiple values, if it has either one of the values then it should be displayed.
I have for example this structure:
An object movie which has the property genres and I want to filter for Action and Comedy.
I know I can do filter:({genres: 'Action'} || {genres: 'Comedy'}), but what to do if I want to filter it dynamically. E.g. filter: variableX
How do I set variableX in the $scope, when I have an array of the genres I have to filter?
I could construct it as a string and then do an eval() but I don't want to use eval()...
I would just create a custom filter. They are not that hard.
angular.module('myFilters', []).
filter('bygenre', function() {
return function(movies,genres) {
var out = [];
// Filter logic here, adding matches to the out var.
return out;
<div ng-init="movies = [
{title:'Man on the Moon', genre:'action'},
{title:'Meet the Robinsons', genre:'family'},
{title:'Sphere', genre:'action'}
];" />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="genrefilters.action" />Action
<br />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="" />Family
<br />{{genrefilters.action}}::{{}}
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | bygenre:genrefilters">{{movie.title}}: {{movie.genre}}</li>
Edit here is the link: Creating Angular Filters
UPDATE: Here is a fiddle that has an exact demo of my suggestion.
You can use a controller function to filter.
function MoviesCtrl($scope) {
$scope.movies = [{name:'Shrek', genre:'Comedy'},
{name:'Die Hard', genre:'Action'},
{name:'The Godfather', genre:'Drama'}];
$scope.selectedGenres = ['Action','Drama'];
$scope.filterByGenres = function(movie) {
return ($scope.selectedGenres.indexOf(movie.genre) !== -1);
<div ng-controller="MoviesCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | filter:filterByGenres">
{{ }} {{ movie.genre }}
Creating a custom filter might be overkill here, you can just pass in a custom comparator, if you have the multiples values like:
$scope.selectedGenres = "Action, Drama";
$scope.containsComparator = function(expected, actual){
return actual.indexOf(expected) > -1;
then in the filter:
Here is the implementation of custom filter, which will filter the data using array of values.It will support multiple key object with both array and single value of keys. As mentioned inangularJS API AngularJS filter Doc supports multiple key filter with single value, but below custom filter will support same feature as angularJS and also supports array of values and combination of both array and single value of keys.Please find the code snippet below,
myApp.filter('filterMultiple',['$filter',function ($filter) {
return function (items, keyObj) {
var filterObj = {
applyFilter : function(obj,key){
var fData = [];
if (this.filteredData.length == 0)
this.filteredData =;
if (obj){
var fObj = {};
if (!angular.isArray(obj)){
fObj[key] = obj;
fData = fData.concat($filter('filter')(this.filteredData,fObj));
} else if (angular.isArray(obj)){
if (obj.length > 0){
for (var i=0;i<obj.length;i++){
if (angular.isDefined(obj[i])){
fObj[key] = obj[i];
fData = fData.concat($filter('filter')(this.filteredData,fObj));
if (fData.length > 0){
this.filteredData = fData;
if (keyObj){
return filterObj.filteredData;
arrayOfObjectswithKeys | filterMultiple:{key1:['value1','value2','value3',...etc],key2:'value4',key3:[value5,value6,...etc]}
Here is a fiddle example with implementation of above "filterMutiple" custom filter.
:::Fiddle Example:::
If you want to filter on Array of Objects then you can give
filter:({genres: 'Action', key :value }.
Individual property will be filtered by particular filter given for that property.
But if you wanted to something like filter by individual Property and filter globally for all properties then you can do something like this.
<tr ng-repeat="supp in $data | filter : filterObject | filter : search">
Where "filterObject" is an object for searching an individual property and "Search" will search in every property globally.
I've spent some time on it and thanks to #chrismarx, I saw that angular's default filterFilter allows you to pass your own comparator. Here's the edited comparator for multiple values:
function hasCustomToString(obj) {
return angular.isFunction(obj.toString) && obj.toString !== Object.prototype.toString;
var comparator = function (actual, expected) {
if (angular.isUndefined(actual)) {
// No substring matching against `undefined`
return false;
if ((actual === null) || (expected === null)) {
// No substring matching against `null`; only match against `null`
return actual === expected;
// I edited this to check if not array
if ((angular.isObject(expected) && !angular.isArray(expected)) || (angular.isObject(actual) && !hasCustomToString(actual))) {
// Should not compare primitives against objects, unless they have custom `toString` method
return false;
// This is where magic happens
actual = angular.lowercase('' + actual);
if (angular.isArray(expected)) {
var match = false;
expected.forEach(function (e) {
e = angular.lowercase('' + e);
if (actual.indexOf(e) !== -1) {
match = true;
return match;
} else {
expected = angular.lowercase('' + expected);
return actual.indexOf(expected) !== -1;
And if we want to make a custom filter for DRY:
.filter('filterWithOr', function ($filter) {
var comparator = function (actual, expected) {
if (angular.isUndefined(actual)) {
// No substring matching against `undefined`
return false;
if ((actual === null) || (expected === null)) {
// No substring matching against `null`; only match against `null`
return actual === expected;
if ((angular.isObject(expected) && !angular.isArray(expected)) || (angular.isObject(actual) && !hasCustomToString(actual))) {
// Should not compare primitives against objects, unless they have custom `toString` method
return false;
console.log('ACTUAL EXPECTED')
actual = angular.lowercase('' + actual);
if (angular.isArray(expected)) {
var match = false;
expected.forEach(function (e) {
e = angular.lowercase('' + e);
if (actual.indexOf(e) !== -1) {
match = true;
return match;
} else {
expected = angular.lowercase('' + expected);
return actual.indexOf(expected) !== -1;
return function (array, expression) {
return $filter('filter')(array, expression, comparator);
And then we can use it anywhere we want:
{name:'Jack Bauer'},
{name:'Chuck Norris'},
<li ng-repeat="item in list | filterWithOr:{name:['Jack','Chuck']}">
Finally here's a plunkr.
Note: Expected array should only contain simple objects like String, Number etc.
you can use searchField filter of angular.filter
$scope.users = [
{ first_name: 'Sharon', last_name: 'Melendez' },
{ first_name: 'Edmundo', last_name: 'Hepler' },
{ first_name: 'Marsha', last_name: 'Letourneau' }
<input ng-model="search" placeholder="search by full name"/>
<th ng-repeat="user in users | searchField: 'first_name': 'last_name' | filter: search">
{{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
<!-- so now you can search by full name -->
You can also use ngIf if the situation permits:
<div ng-repeat="p in [
{ name: 'Justin' },
{ name: 'Jimi' },
{ name: 'Bob' }
]" ng-if="['Jimi', 'Bob'].indexOf( > -1">
{{ }} is cool
The quickest solution that I've found is to use the filterBy filter from angular-filter, for example:
<input type="text" placeholder="Search by name or genre" ng-model=""/>
<li ng-repeat="movie in ctrl.movies | filterBy: ['name', 'genre']:">
{{}} ({{movie.genre}}) - {{movie.rating}}
The upside is that angular-filter is a fairly popular library (~2.6k stars on GitHub) which is still actively developed and maintained, so it should be fine to add it to your project as a dependency.
I believe this is what you're looking for:
<div>{{ (collection | fitler1:args) + (collection | filter2:args) }}</div>
Please try this
var m = angular.module('yourModuleName');
m.filter('advancefilter', ['$filter', function($filter){
return function(data, text){
var textArr = text.split(' ');
angular.forEach(textArr, function(test){
data = $filter('filter')(data, test);
return data;
Lets assume you have two array, one for movie and one for genre
Just use the filter as: filter:{genres: genres.type}
Here genres being the array and type has value for genre
I wrote this for strings AND functionality (I know it's not the question but I searched for it and got here), maybe it can be expanded.
String.prototype.contains = function(str) {
return this.indexOf(str) != -1;
String.prototype.containsAll = function(strArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {
if (!this.contains(strArray[i])) {
return false;
return true;
app.filter('filterMultiple', function() {
return function(items, filterDict) {
return items.filter(function(item) {
for (filterKey in filterDict) {
if (filterDict[filterKey] instanceof Array) {
if (!item[filterKey].containsAll(filterDict[filterKey])) {
return false;
} else {
if (!item[filterKey].contains(filterDict[filterKey])) {
return false;
return true;
<li ng-repeat="x in array | filterMultiple:{key1: value1, key2:[value21, value22]}">{{}}</li>
Angular Or Filter Module
$filter('orFilter')([{..}, {..} ...], {arg1, arg2, ...}, false)
here is the link:
I had similar situation. Writing custom filter worked for me. Hope this helps!
App.filter('searchMovies', function() {
return function (items, letter) {
var resulsts = [];
var itemMatch = new RegExp(letter, 'i');
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if ( itemMatch.test( || itemMatch.test(item.genre)) {
return results;
<div ng-controller="MoviesCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | searchMovies:filterByGenres">
{{ }} {{ movie.genre }}
Here is my example how create filter and directive for table jsfiddle
directive get list (datas) and create table with filters
<div ng-app="autoDrops" ng-controller="HomeController">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<ng-Multiselect array-List="datas"></ng-Multiselect>
my pleasure if i help you
Too late to join the party but may be it can help someone:
We can do it in two step, first filter by first property and then concatenate by second filter:
$scope.filterd = $filter('filter')($scope.empList, { dept: "account" });
$scope.filterd = $scope.filterd.concat($filter('filter')($scope.empList, { dept: "sales" }));
See the working fiddle with multiple property filter
Using Angular providered filter comparator parameter
// declaring a comparator method
$scope.filterBy = function(actual, expected) {
return _.contains(expected, actual); // uses underscore library contains method
var employees = [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'b'}, {name: 'c'}, {name: 'd'}];
// filter employees with name matching with either 'a' or 'c'
var filteredEmployees = $filter('filter')(employees, {name: ['a','c']}, $scope.filterBy);
Using Angular providered filter negation
var employees = [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'b'}, {name: 'c'}, {name: 'd'}];
// filter employees with name matching with either 'a' or 'c'
var filteredEmployees = $filter('filter')($filter('filter')(employees, {name: '!d'}), {name: '!b'});
My solution
ng-repeat="movie in movies | filter: {'Action'} + filter: {'Comedy}"
the best answer is :
filter:({genres: 'Action', genres: 'Comedy'}

AngularJS cant get category "All" while filtering

I started to play with angular and I am trying to write a simple app that consists of categories containing items. ( I am trying to implement a tutorial for my needs )
Now I am trying to add a filter to select items by categories. I can filter them unless I choose All categories. I cant get all the categories.
I have edges service :
.controller('EdgesController', function ($scope, edges,categories) {
$scope.edges = edges.query();
$scope.categories = categories.query();
$scope.filterBy = {
search: '',
category: $scope.categories[0]
var selectedEdge = null;
$scope.selectEdge = function(edge) {
selectedEdge = (selectedEdge === edge) ? null : edge;
$scope.isSelected = function(edge) {
return edge === selectedEdge;
$scope.displayRequirements = function(reqs) {
var result = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < reqs.length; i ++) {
if (result !== '' ) { result += ', '}
if (reqs[i].name) {
result += reqs[i].name+ ' ';
result += reqs[i].value;
return result;
and I try to filter them using :
angular.module('swFrontApp').filter('edges', function() {
return function(edges, filterBy) {
return edges.filter( function( element, index, array ) {
return ===;
} );
Here is my html to get edges with categories filter
ng-options=" for c in categories"
<li ng-repeat-start="edge in edges | filter:{name:}| edges: filterBy " ng-click="selectEdge(edge)">
<span class="label label-default">{{ }}</span>
<span class="text-muted">({{ displayRequirements(edge.requirements) }})</span>
<li ng-repeat-end ng-show="isSelected(edge)">
I formed My Plunker link is here.
It doesn't work because of the attribute. In your categoriesService.js you return collection where name equals to All. But if you look into EdgesService file, you'll see that there is no such option as 'All'. So this comparison in script.js file (in your filter)
return ===;
will always return false when equals to 'All'.
The way to fix it is to change it to something like this:
return === || === 'All';
This way it will always return true if 'All' category is selected.
Also later in the course rank option will be introduced as well. You can browse the code for that project here:
Hope that helps. :)

Filtering a nested ng-repeat: Hide parents that don't have children

I want to make some kind of project list from a JSON file. The data structure (year, month, project) looks like this:
"name": "2013",
"months": [{
"name": "May 2013",
"projects": [{
"name": "2013-05-09 Project A"
}, {
"name": "2013-05-14 Project B"
}, { ... }]
}, { ... }]
}, { ... }]
I'm displaying all data using a nested ng-repeat and make it searchable by a filter bound to the query from an input box.
<input type="search" ng-model="query" placeholder="Suchen..." />
<div class="year" ng-repeat="year in data | orderBy:'name':true">
<div class="month" ng-repeat="month in year.months | orderBy:sortMonth:true">
<div class="project" ng-repeat="project in month.projects | filter:query | orderBy:'name'">
If I type "Project B" now, all the empty parent elements are still visible. How can I hide them? I tried some ng-show tricks, but the main problem seems so be, that I don't have access to any information about the parents filtered state.
Here is a fiddle to demonstrate my problem:
You basically have to filter the months to only keep the ones having at least one filtered project, and you also have to filter the years to only keep those having at least one filtered month.
This can be easily achieved using the following code:
function MainCtrl($scope, $filter) {
$scope.query = '';
$scope.monthHasVisibleProject = function(month) {
return $filter('filter')(month.children, $scope.query).length > 0;
$scope.yearHasVisibleMonth = function(year) {
return $filter('filter')(year.children, $scope.monthHasVisibleProject).length > 0;
and in the view:
<div class="year" ng-repeat="year in data | filter:yearHasVisibleMonth | orderBy:'name':true">
<div class="month" ng-repeat="month in year.children | filter:monthHasVisibleProject | orderBy:sortMonth:true">
This is quite inefficient though, since to know if a year is accepted, you filter all its months, and for each month, you filter all its projects. So, unless the performance is good enough for your amount of data, you should probably apply the same principle but by persisting the accepted/rejected state of each object (project, then month, then year) every time the query is modified.
I think that the best way to go is to implement a custom function in order to update a custom Array with the filtered data whenever the query changes. Like this:
$scope.query = '';
$scope.filteredData= angular.copy($;
$scope.updateFilteredData = function(newVal){
var filtered = angular.copy($;
filtered ={{
month.children = $filter('filter')(month.children,newVal);
return month;
return year;
$scope.filteredData = filtered.filter(function(year){
year.children= year.children.filter(function(month){
return month.children.length>0;
return year.children.length>0;
And then your view will look like this:
<input type="search" ng-model="query" ng-change="updateFilteredData(query)"
placeholder="Search..." />
<div class="year" ng-repeat="year in filteredData | orderBy:'name':true">
<div class="month" ng-repeat="month in year.children | orderBy:sortMonth:true">
<div class="project" ng-repeat="project in month.children | orderBy:'name'">
Why not a custom $filter for this?
Efficiency: the nature of the $diggest cycle would make it much less efficient. The only problem is that this solution won't be as easy to re-use as a custom $filter would. However, that custom $filter wouldn't be very reusable either, since its logic would be very dependent on this concrete data structure.
IE8 Support
If you need this to work on IE8 you will have to either use jQuery to replace the filter and map functions or to ensure that those functions are defined, like this:
(BTW: if you need IE8 support there is absolutely nothing wrong with using jQuery for these kind of things.)
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun/*, thisArg*/) {
'use strict';
if (this === void 0 || this === null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (typeof fun !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError();
var res = [];
var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in t) {
var val = t[i];
if (, val, i, t)) {
return res;
if (! { = function(callback, thisArg) {
var T, A, k;
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError(" this is null or not defined");
var O = Object(this);
var len = O.length >>> 0;
if (typeof callback !== "function") {
throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function");
if (thisArg) {
T = thisArg;
A = new Array(len);
k = 0;
while(k < len) {
var kValue, mappedValue;
if (k in O) {
kValue = O[ k ];
mappedValue =, kValue, k, O);
A[ k ] = mappedValue;
return A;
I want to thank JB Nizet for his feedback.
For those who are interested: Yesterday I found another approach for solving this problem, which strikes me as rather inefficient. The functions gets called for every child again while typing the query. Not nearly as nice as Josep's solution.
function MainCtrl($scope) {
$scope.query = '';
$scope.searchString = function () {
return function (item) {
var string = JSON.stringify(item).toLowerCase();
var words = $scope.query.toLowerCase();
if (words) {
var filterBy = words.split(/\s+/);
if (!filterBy.length) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return filterBy.every(function (word) {
var exists = string.indexOf(word);
if(exists !== -1){
return true;
And in the view:
<div class="year" ng-repeat="year in data | filter:searchString() | orderBy:'name':true">
<div class="month" ng-repeat="month in year.children | filter:searchString() | orderBy:sortMonth:true">
<div class="project" ng-repeat="project in month.children | filter:searchString() | orderBy:'name'">
Here is the fiddle:
Doesn't this work? Using a filtered variable and checking the length of it..
<input type="search" ng-model="query" placeholder="Suchen..." />
<div class="year" ng-repeat="year in data | orderBy:'name':true" ng-show="filtered.length != 0">
<div class="month" ng-repeat="month in year.months | orderBy:sortMonth:true">
<div class="project" ng-repeat="project in filtered = (month.projects | filter:query) | orderBy:'name'">

custom interval filter in angularjs

I have a collection which is ordered well until i use my custom filter on it. The filter does check if a value of each key in the collection is in a certain range.
Case 1: works fine.
ng-repeat="match in matches | orderBy: matchnumber"
Case 2: does not order! range check performs well.
ng-repeat="match in matches | orderBy: matchnumber | range:1:20"
ng-repeat="match in matches | range:1:20 | orderBy: matchnumber"
My filter:
myApp.filter('range', function() {
return function(matches, min, max) {
var result = {};
angular.forEach(matches, function(match, key) {
if (match.matchnumber >= min && match.matchnumber <= max) {
result[key] = match;
return result;
