Nested tabs using angularjs - angularjs

Need to create nested tabs.
In a page there will be multiple Person id tabs as outer tabs and on clicking each tab it will open inner tabs like Home,Office etc., and on clicking inner tab - Home, the tab content will display.
Outertab: Person 1 Person2
Innertab: Home Office
Refering the site - , created outer tabs with content. created 2 separate tabset but not able to give link between the two tabset.
Can someone help me how to write directive for nested tabs? Any reference links?

I believe that AngularUI Router is what you are looking for. The majority of UI-Router's power is in its ability to nest states & views. Follow the link I've provided and take a look at the section Nested States & Views.
This Plunker example incorporates AngularUI Router to achieve a similar functionality you are looking for.
This layout composed of nested views is exactly what for the AngularUI Router is used for:
So TabsTemplate will dynamically render the first level of tabs (any number).
TabTemplate could be a template without any dynamic content as Home and Office tabs are always there.
OfficeTemplate and HomeTemplate are again templates that are populated dynamically based on the selection of the current person.

You can refer to how angular bootstrap tabset directive is written.
Reading the tab code helped me understand how directive work. Now I can build many components from the ground up.
I build myself a simpler version of the tabset directive, it doesn't render the content, just the tab-heading element. So I can decide what inside the content via a tab selected callback. And for nested tabs, I just need to put in another tabset directive.


When I change the view ($state.go(view)) I need to change tab

I have a problem with a custom directive that I wrote to simulate a tab view in angular.
This directive has only a method to redirect from a state to another.
This directive works fine.
The template of the directive is a div with a uib-tabset and some tabs that contain the views to show them.
This works fine.
Now I need this feature: from a view in a tab, I need to change view with a state.go(view) and I must also go to the tab which contains that view.
I tried different solutions that I found here or in other forums, but probably my requested feature is different from others.
Thank you.
I resolved with the answer in this link.
Sorry for my repost.
Angular UI bootstrap tabs - Can't change tabs with a button inside a tab

Angular ui-router: selectively populating templates in named views

These are the premises I'm trying to implement with ui-router:
The root page has a ui-view; on click it is populated with the main page (main.html).
The main page has two named ui-view's: view1 and view2.
The main page also has four links to populate (1) page11 or page12 in view1, (2) page21 or page22 in view2 (in any combination).
I use abstract states to be able to select which page goes to its respective named view.
I posted my attempt on plunker, any ideas if this is achievable?
I think this plunk explains more clearly what I'm trying to achieve. Click on page11 and then on page21; each will display their template and clear the other. I need both templates to be shown simultaneously.
This is how I solved this problem: I created a directive that compiles markup (using $compile) and used two directives in my html page, each with a different markup.

angularjs expression not evaluating for bootstrap data-target

I'm required to populate my bootstrap powered left navigation based on permissions stored in database.
Permission based menu data set will be fed from web api
So i tried to extend directives to change my static menu to dynamic menu .
Everything goes well except collapse functionality is not working as expressions for dynamic ids for data-target is not evaluated somehow.
I have created ti mimic the issue I'm facing.
is not evaluated and hence expand/collapse is not working.
I have also added hardcoded IDs in 2nd menu to show that my approach will work if the expression is evaluated as required.
Manage to solve the issue by removing target attribute from parent link.
updated the fiddle and now its working as per my need.
please note that for proper functioning of bootstrap collapse plugin
would be required.
This jsfiddle is like yours, it use recursive ng-repeat. The googgle discussion about rendering tree like structure is here.
The different between ng-if ng-switch to ng-show ng-hide is, ng-if will not render the html
if the condition not met rather than render those elements that is hidden but taking up
resources. It is not evident for menus because there are not alot of binding/watches use. But
imagine you have render 5 - 6 tabs with lots of form data.

anchor tags and dynamic views in angular.js

I'm taking my first steps with angular, looks promising but i have some issues, hope someone can help.
i have a long html page divided to sections
each section is an anchor tag, you can navigate to it from top menu.
the content in each section changes according to some parameters the user selects.
so the 3rd section's content for instance can be different(template) each time.
my problem:
i would like to dynamically load views into the section.
as i understand it i have only one ng-view that corresponds to specific rout.
how can i load a view (template+controller) dynamically as the user slides to the anchor tag?

"angular way" for dynamically adding directives

I’m very impressed with Josh's answer about ‘angular way’ and declarative style in client-side.
But can you help me to understand, how to do that:
I have a single-page app with the menubar in the left side, and div container on the right-side.
When user clicking the menu item in the left menubar, on the right side I must to open the new tab with some grid,like this:
In angular I realized the <grid> directive.
When user click menuitem, I must add dynamically this grid directive with params on the right side.
What is the angular way for doing this functionality?
I found article about dynamic tabs, and this is example how I use it in my case
Since you asked a general question, let me give you a general answer. It should be helpful :)
AngularJS is model/data driven, and if you want to make any change to the UI, the first thing you may think is how to achieve it by changing data. Given this idea, we can implement it like this:
Define a ng-repeater, which should render tabs for a list of Tab objects called MyTabs, for instance.
When you want to add a new tab, then create a tab object and add/push it to MyTabs.
AngularJS will magically render it on the UI, thanks to the 2-way data binding.
