cleartool error: Unable to rebase stream - clearcase

Can't rebase stream to the foundation baseline. Probably the baseline is corrupted.
Is it possible to fix this baseline?
cleartool: Error: Version map for baseline is unavailable.
cleartool: Error: Unable to get unlabelled baselines in foundation
cleartool: Error: Unable to determine if configuration is valid
cleartool: Error: Unable to rebase stream

First, are you sure to select the right baseline?
If you select a composite baseline, it is per its nature unlabelled.
Second, what version of ClearCase are you using? Is your project a multisite one?
Your error message is seen in the IBM technote "Creating a child stream in a ClearCase MultiSite environment results in Error"
The root cause for the problem is that baselinelbtype on a site where you are creating the stream has got a following postfix:
whereas the baselinelbtype on a site where baseline has been created and it's mastered object is as follows:
You can check out this IBM technote "Version map for baseline is unavailable"
To confirm this issue, go to a command prompt, change directory (cd) into a UCM view and into the root of the component with the offending baseline.
Run a cleartool lsbl -l and check on each baseline from the bottom up for Label Status, noting those that are unlabelled baselines.
Then starting at the oldest unlabelled baseline and working forward, run chbl
cleartool chbl -incremental baseline:#\.
This will apply a label status to each unlabelled baseline and will then allow a rebase of a child stream.


How to resolve .checkedout file in IBM Clearcase?

My eclipse suddenly shut down, and after that for a particular file, there are two files present:
the main file and
a .checkedout version of it.
Now the main file is not checkedout out from my machine, still if anyone else tries to check out the file: it shows it is checked out already.
I have seen from Clearcase explorer too, it is the same there.
Any solution for this?
It depends on the version of ClearCase (client and server, including their OS), and of the type of ClearCase view you are using (snapshot, dynamic, web view)
But in general, if a file is checked out and should not be, you can delete any checked out status associated to your view.
However, please note it will cancel all your checked out files done in this particular view (for that particular Vob), so make sure it won't impact your current work in progress (save it first elsewhere to be safe).
cleartool descr -l vob:\myVob
# get the uuid of the user's view from the description of the vob
cleartool mount \myVob
cd m:\mynewView\myVob
cleartool rmview -force -uuid old_view_uuid
Note: you can also get your view UUID with
cd path/to/my/view
cleartool lsview -l -full -pro -cview
That way, nobody else will see any of your previously checked out file as "checked out".
Note that a .checkedout file is typically the result of a failed checkout for permission issue.
Unable to rename "M:\myView\myVob\path\to\afile.png" to "M:\myView\myVob\path\to\afile.png.keep": Permission denied.
Checked out version, but could not copy data to "M:\myView\myVob\path\to\afile.png" in view: File exists.
Correct the condition, then uncheckout and re-checkout the element.
Copied checked-out version data to "M:\myView\myVob\path\to\afile.png.checkedout".
Checked out "M:\myView\myVob\path\to\afile.png" from version "\main\myStream\0".
Attached activity:

Cancel or complete a rebase operation in UCM

I had a dynamic view and I started a re-base operation on that view, then before doing a cleartool rebase -complete I removed that view accidentally!
Now the problem is that I cannot do a rebase -complete or rebase -cancel in another view attached to the same stream.
How can I resolve this issue, I get the following error:
cleartool: Error: No tag in region for view "00000000.00000000.0000.00:00:00:00:00:00".
cleartool: Error: Unable to start view "".
cleartool: Error: Unable to cancel rebase.
With cleartool rebase, you can try and resuming the operation with a new view (which should be attached to the same destination stream)
cleartool rebase -resume -reset -view aNewUCMView
that would be using the option:
-reset -vie/w new-development-view_tag
Resets the target view to a new development view.
Use this option should the target view become inaccessible.
As in "Can't resume or rebase stream on snapshot view on windows":
I would recommend for that new view to be a dynamic one, instead of a snapshot one: it is quicker to start and succeed/fail, and you can do multiple tests without waiting for the view to update itself (update being done only in a snapshot view).
If you see:
cleartool: Error: The view cannot be retargeted because
the current integration activity "rebase.STREAM_NAME.20141124.170858"
has checkouts.
You will have to unco everything (see first "How to find all checkedout files with ClearCase cleartool?"), and then:
cleartool rebase -cancel -reset -view aNewUCMView

cleartool Unable to determine modified elements in "<UUID>" in stream "<stream name>"

I am using ClearCase UCM - Multisite (version 7.x) When I rebase a partcular stream, I get following error.
cleartool Unable to determine modified elements in "<UUID>" in stream "<stream name>"
Advancing to baseline "temp2.6922" of component "cframework_src"
Updating rebase view's config spec...
Creating integration activity...
Setting integration activity...
Merging files...
cleartool: Error: Unable to determine modified elements in vob "14828f48.3c1411d6.a3a2.00:01:80:c3:ed:84" in stream "stream_name".
cleartool: Error: Unexpected error in rebase.
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform merge.
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform integration.
cleartool: Error: Unable to rebase stream "<stream_name>".
The magic uid somehow relate to a Vob family uuid-- listed below
Tag: \cframework_src
Global path: \\svr-inh-net-01\ccvobstore2\cframework_src.vbs
Server host: svr-inh-cc-02
Access: public
Mount options:
Region: MGI_WIN
Active: YES
Vob tag replica uuid: 510b4e21.ecef11df.8889.00:01:84:38:25:75
Vob on host: svr-inh-cc-02
Vob server access path: /project/ccvobstore2/cframework_src.vbs
Vob family uuid: 14828f48.3c1411d6.a3a2.00:01:80:c3:ed:84
Vob replica uuid: 510b4e21.ecef11df.8889.00:01:84:38:25:75
Vob registry attributes: replicated
What is the real maning of the error? How can I fix this?
More info
There are other streams which under same pvob. They all work fine.
Sync is complete - no errors - anywhere.
What is puzzling is lack of information in error logs and clearcase logs.
This solution resolved the issue:
canceled the current rebase
After clearing the rebase, issued the following commands against
the branch type:
cleartool checkvob -hlink -f brtype:<stream name>#\***pvob
cleartool checkvob -hlink -f brtype:<stream name>#\childvob
cleartool checkvob -global -acquire -f brtype:<stream name>#\***pvob
This repaired issues with the branch type.
After performing this step, issued "cleartool chstream -generate"
or sycn the stream with the project from the GUI.
This is usually linked to a Vob not declared in the current region, either the \cframework_src itself, or one of its adminVob/PVob (since it is an UCM Vob).
Try a cleartool descr -l vob\cframework_src to see all the linked AdminVob and check if they are registered.
Make also sure it isn't related to right issue when accessing to a specific element (file or directory), by doing a cleartool ls in the destination view (the one where the rebase is in progress).
If it is limited to a specific stream, do a:
cleartool descr -l stream:aStream#\aPVob
Compare its output to the same command for another Stream (which works), in order to check if there is a permission issue (like a "Group NOBODY", because it was created with the wrong CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP)

cleartool: Error: Checkout disallowed for element "."

I got the error while trying to check out the "." directory in clearcase.
view is syncronized with the stream config and all components are modifiable.
The stream has foundation baselines as well as recommended baselines.
The vob is the component of ucm pvob.
cleartool co -nc "."
cleartool: Error: Checkout disallowed for element ".":
the component containing the element or the current stream is read-only
in this project, or the stream lacks foundation baselines.
cleartool: Error: Unable to check out ".".
How would you troubleshoot this error message?
It seems '.' represents the root folder of the vob here.
The vob is the component of ucm pvob.
Make sure you don't checkout a pvob.
You need to checkout the vob of the component (associated to a pvob), not a pvob.
I have seen this message when trying to checkout an element within aVob/lost+found folder.
If that is the case, you need to not select that 'lost+found' directory in the config spec.
element /aVob/lost+found -none
double-check your component is indeed writable in the project (properties on the project)
make sure your stream knows about that
cleartool chstream -generate stream:a_stream#\a_pvob
make sure the config spec of your view is in sync with the Stream configuration
cd /path/to/your/view
cleartool setcs -stream

What's the syntax to remove a baseline in ClearCase?

It looks like I can remove a just created baseline from ClearCase UCM with a simple command:
$ cleartool rmbl p_xxx_main_2_0_3_1
but this gives me the error:
cleartool: Error: Unable to find baseline "p_xxx_main_2_0_3_1".
cleartool: Error: Unable to remove baseline "p_xxx_main_2_0_3_1".
I can list the baselines:
$ cleartool lsbl -s
I'm running this operations in the stream snapshot view. It looks like I need to specify more info. How should I specify the baseline?
You should at least specify the pvob (UCM Project Vob where the baseline is defined):
cleartool rmbl p_xxx_main_2_0_3_1#/vobs/apvob
If you don't know the pvob of the baseline, it is the same than the one of the Stream where your UCM view is currently attached to.
And you can get the Stream of your view by typing (anywhere within said view):
cleartool lsstream -cview
