Angular JS Navigation from Login Page to Dashboard Page - angularjs

I have a login.html and dashboard.html. Login.html contains the login form and I want users to go to dashboard.html after successful login.
The Problem:
login.html is not a view so we can't use routes to navigate to dashboard.html. But I want to maintain the angular control over both files.
How can I do that.
Shall I same ng-app on both files.
Currently: I am using:
Please guide the best way for doing so.

// check if successful
$scope.isLoginSuccessful = true;
<div ng-show="!isLoginSuccessful">
<!-- Login Form -->
<div ng-if="isLoginSuccessful">
<div ng-include src="'dashboard.html'"></div>


Controlling html outside the ngview when page changes

I have a single page angular application and this is my index.html file:
<html ng-app="myApp">
<div id="bash">...</div>
<div id="menu">...</div>
<div ng-view></div>
Then I have a home controller with its template and an about us controller with its own template as well. And I want their templates to come up in the ng-view which is happening already but I want the #bash to only come up when the url ends with /home and hide when the url ends with anything else.
I can't do that through the home controller because it's outside the ng-view
and I can't do this through a normal JS file as well because the application loads once.
I can go through each controller and have a js function that changes #bash's css and turns display into false but I'd rather just have a condition in one place and I'm sure it's doable. Any ideas?
Why couldn't you do that from the home controller?
<div id="bash" ng-show="bashShown()">...</div>
$scope.bashShown = function() {
return $location.path().endsWith('/home');

how to switch ng-view to normal page

See image
=>Layout1 master page which include ng-view in that i used angular routing.
=>Layout2 login.cshml page when I tried to call login page
this login page included in ng-view which i donot want
its total different page Login.cshtml
I called this page like
Log out
when I tried url directly in address bar like http://localhost:1395/admin/home/Login
it works fine see image
but i tried from master panel to login page it shows wrong see first image
example code
<div>Layout 1</div>
<div ng-view></div>
<div ng-controller="contactcontroller">
Contact Page
<div ng-controller="helpcontroller">
Help Page
routing code
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/admin/home/contact", {
templateUrl : "contact.html",
controller: "contactcontroller"
.when("/admin/home/help", {
templateUrl : "help.html",
controller: "helpcontroller"
<div>Layout 2</div>
///Login code
when I call this url admin/home/help and admin/home/contact pages included in ng-view but when I call admin/home/login i donot want this include in ng-view it is separate header and footer . I want call as separate page
Thanks in advance
It is hard to understand this, but I'll take a shot at answering the question.
Your problem is probably unrelated to angularjs, what it seems to me is, that you're probably using ASP.NET MVC and your Login action is rendered inside the master layout. Basically you need to render the page without the template. See this question and answers there: Razor View Without Layout
I will also point out that angular is used for single page applications and it is hard to mix angular and ASP.NET MVC routing. You should probably decide which routing you will use. Sure, you can use .NET and initialize angular in every page, but I don't recommend this. If you can, build all your pages in angular and then then use ASP.NET Web API as a back-end.
Also you don't need to use ng-controller attribute when you use routing and specify controller.

AngularJS show login/logout in menu based on user status

I am making a simple angularJS application and pretty new to it. I have a menu like this
home login
I want the login to change to logout if the user has successfully loggin in. I have implemented the login (psuedo implenation), the probem I am facing is, my menu is at the top out out '
I looked at this question AngularJs, change menu item whether user is connected or not but I could not get my problem solved with it.
How do I fix this? My controller for home looks like this
scotchApp.controller('mainController', function($scope, user) {
// create a message to display in our view
$scope.isUserLoggedIn = user.getSession();
$scope.message = 'Everyone come and see how good I look!' + user.getSession();
$scope.submit = function(){
alert('Thank you. Request is sent successfully');
where user is FactoryService. That part is working fine. Any help is appreciated.
If I show {{isUserLoggedIn}} value next to menu it always show false, which is the problem. But if I put that in home.html, it show correct value. The problem is I can't build the logic with {{isUserLoggedIn}} in the menu.
I would recommend you to use ui-router.
It provide nested views and will help you a lot with this issue.
Here is a quick example(in plunker) of how to use it in your case (really simplified) :
Here is how your states should look :
.state('app', {
templateUrl: 'head.html',
controller: 'HeadCtrl',
.state('app.feature1', {
templateUrl: 'feature1.html',
And your differents HTML files :
Index.html (just showing the body part) :
<body ng-app="testApp">
Head.html :
<div class="header">
You are currently <span ng-show="user.connected">connected</span><span ng-show="!user.connected">disconnected</span>
<div class="page">
I am Bill <button ng-click="connect()">Connect as Bill</button>
I am Steve <button ng-click="connect(1)">Connect as Steve</button>
<button ng-click="disconnect()">Disconnect</button>
What you need to understand is that if you reach the "/feature1" url, you will be in state app and its substate feature1 (state app.feature1)
The first ui-view will be filed by app state's template. The ui-view in the template will be filed by feature1 state's template.
I know this is a bit unclear, but try to follow a "gettting started" guide and this exemple should help you a lot.
Hope it helped

AngularJs one page app ng-view trouble

I am brand new to AngularJs and after following some tutorials I decided to try to implement a one page app into one of my projects. I have it working but I had one question about this code. Could I change what is shown on the first page before they navigate to anything? I don't want it shown on every page just when they first land on it before clicking any links.
var app=angular.module('single-page-app',['ngRoute']);
templateUrl: 'home.html'
templateUrl: 'about.html'
Here you can handle controller for specific route as well.
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="single-page-app">
<div ng-controller="cfgController">
<li>About us</li>
<div ng-view>
This DIV loads templates depending upon route.
The pages load fine and if I try to add something to the index.html under ng-view it doesn't show up on the page.
You want to put the content to show up when a user first hits your site under in your "home.html" page which is linked to your "/" route for "ng-view". When a user clicks a link, they will be taken to a new route, and the code/ will be replaced by the route they selected.

Angular, Login State, and Conditional Includes

My index.html looks like this:
<div ng-include src="'common/header.html'"></div></div>
<div id="view" ng-view></div>
However, I don't want the header.html to show up when the user is not logged in. AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn() is available to use. How do I make this work?
Do I need to broadcast the login event from the LoginController so that HeaderIncludeController can update itself or something? Seems really messy...
<div ng-include src="'common/header.html'" ng-if="loggedIn()"></div>
$scope.loggedIn = AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn;
