How to view non-stored fields per document? - solr

I have a field like this:
<field name="status" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" required="false" />
Using LukeRequestHandler I can view only statistics of the indexed terms, I can view indexed terms per document if stored="true". TermsComponent can show only frequencies of terms, I cannot view terms per document.
Is it possibly to look inside the inverted index without setting stored="true" and reindexing Solr?

In order to view the indexed terms for a single document, you need to use the full Luke application, not the LukeRequestHandler. You would need to copy the index folder from your Solr data directory to another location, then open it in Luke.
There is however a workaround within solr itself - do a search that will return just the one document, and facet on the field you want to examine. Every term in the index for that field on that document will be an entry in the facet output. Here is a full sample URL for this kind of search:
If you decide to go the Luke route, you can step through your index (or search for an individual document) and view just one document.
The official Luke page is here, but it only supports up through 4.0-ALPHA:
You can find Luke for versions beyond 4.0-ALPHA here:
There is an effort underway to absorb Luke into the Lucene/Solr source code as a module, so it will always be current and released at the same time as each Lucene/Solr version.


Indexing PDF files with Solr 6.6 while allowing highlighting matched text with context

I am new to Solr and I need to implement a full-text search of some PDF files. The indexing part works out of the box by using bin/post. I can see search results in the admin UI given some queries, though without the matched texts and the context.
Now I am reading this post for the highlighting part. It is for an older version of Solr when managed schema was not available. Before fully understand what it is doing I have some questions:
He defined two fields:
<field name="content" type="text_general" indexed="false" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
<field name="text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true"/>
But why are there two fields needed? Can I define a field
<field name="content" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
to capture the full text?
How are the fields filled? I don't see relevant information in TikaEntityProcessor's documentation. The current text extractor should already be Tika (I can see
in the returned JSON of some query). But even I define the fields as he said I cannot see them in the search results as keys in JSON.
The _text_ field seems a concatenation of other fields, does it contain the full text? Though it does not seem to be accessible by default.
To be brief, using The Elements of
Statistical Learning as an example, how to highlight the relevant texts for the query "SVM"? And if changing the file name into "The Elements of Statistical Learning - Trevor Hastie.pdf" and post it, how to highlight "Trevor Hastie" for the query "id:Trevor Hastie"?
Before I get started on the questions let me just give a brief how solr works. Solr in its core uses lucene when simply put is a matching engine. It creates inverted indexes of document with the phrases. What this means is for each phrase it has a list of documents which makes it so fast. Getting to your questions:
Solr does not convert your pdf to text,well its the update processor configured in the handler which does it ,again this can be configured in solrconfig.xml or write your own handler here.
Coming back why are there two fields. To simply put the first one(content) is a stored field which stores the data as it is. And the second one is a copyfield which copies the data for each document as per the configuration in schema.xml.
We do this because we can then choose the indexing strategy such as we add a lowercase filter factory to text field so that everything is indexed in lower case. Then "Sam" and "sam" when searched returns the same results.Or remove certain common occurring words such as "a","the" which will unnecessarily increase your index size. Which uses a lot of memory when you are dealing with millions of records, then you want to be careful which fields to index to better utilise the resources.
The field "text" is a copyfield which copies data from certain fields as mentioned in the schema to text field. Then when searching in general one does not need to fire multiple queries for each field. As everything thing is copied into "text" field and you get the result. This is the reason it's "multivaled". As it can stores an array of data. Content is a stored field and text is not,and opposite for indexed because when you return your result to the end user you show him what ever you saved not the stripped down data that you just did with the text field applying multiple filters(such as removing stop words and applying case filters,stemming etc).
This is the reason you do not see "text" field in the search result as this is used solr.
For highlighting see this.
For more these are some great blog yonik and joel.
Hope this helps. :)

Is there a way to view search document fields that are only indexed but not stored via the solr admin panel using the query tool?

I want to view the indexed but not stored fields of a solr search document in the solr admin query tool, is there any provision for this?
Example Field Configuration:
<field name="product_data" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="false" docValues="true" />
If you're using schema version 1.6, Solr will automagically fetch the values from the stored docValues, even if the field itself is set as stored="false". Include the field name in fl to get the values.
However, even if you're looking for the actual tokens indexed for a document / field / value, using the Analysis page is usually the preferred way as it allows you to tweak the value and see the response quickly. The Luke Request Handler / Tool is useful if you want to explore the actual indexed tokens.

Solr: should I index large fields?

After a webpage has been crawled with Apache Nutch 2.2.1, contents of that page are pushed to Solr. Solr stores the contents of entire webpages in the "content" field, so data in that field is usually very sizable. So here's my concerns:
Should I index the "content" field in Solr? Indexing such a large field will increase index size. In Solr's schema.xml file I found the following recommendation:
NOTE: This field is not indexed by default, since it is also copied to "text"
using copyField below. This is to save space. Use this field for returning and
highlighting document content. Use the "text" field to search the content.
<field name="content" type="text_general" indexed="false" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
However, if I left this field unindexed, would it increase search response time significantly?
I'd greatly appreciate any information that will help me to understand benefits of not indexing this large field or benefits of indexing it.
If you're going to search against the field, it needs to be indexed. The example in the schema assumes that since you're going to search against text instead of content, there is no need to create the index twice. They do however want to keep a reference to the content by itself, so that it can be displayed in the application or used for highlighting (which require the whole field content to be available).
If you don't seen any situation where you'll need the field for querying, there is no need to create an index for the field.

Solr click scoring implementation

after searching and searching over the net, i've found a possible open-source solution for the click-count-popularity in solr (=does not require a payd version of lucid work search).
In my next two answers i will try to solve the problem in a easy way and in a way a little bit complex...
But first some pre-requisites.
We suppose to google-like scenario:
1. the user will introduce some terms in a textfield and push the search button
2. the system (a custom web-app coupled with solr) will produce a web page with results that are clickable
3. the user will select one of the results (e.g. to access to the details) and will inform the system to change the 'popularity' of the selected result
The very easy way.
We define a field called 'popularity' in solr schema.xml
<field name="popularity" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
We suppose the user will click on the document with id 1234, so we (=the webapp) have to call solr to update the popularity field of the document with id 1234 using the url
and posting in the body
<field name="id">**1234**</field>
<field name="popularity" update="inc">1</field>
So, each time the webapp will query something to solr (combining/ordering the solr 'boost' field with our custom 'popularity' field) we will obtain a list ordered also by popularity
The more complex idea is to update the solr index tracing not only the user selection but also the search terms used to obtain the list.
First of all we have to define a history field where to store the search terms used:
<field name="searchHistory" type="text_general" stored="true" indexed="true" multiValued="true"/>
Then we suppose the user searched 'something' and selected from the result list the document with id 1234. The webapp will call the solr instance at the url
adding a new value to the field searchHistory
<field name="id">**1234**</field>
<field name="searchHistory" update="add">**something**</field>
finally, using the solr termfreq function in every following query we will obtain a 'score' that combined with 'boost' field can produce a sorted list based of click-count-popularity (and the history of search terms).
This is interesting approach however I see some disadvantages in it:
Overall items storage will grow dramatically with each and every search.
You're assuming that choosing specific item is 100% correct and it wasn't done by mistake or for brief only. In this way you might get wrong search results along the way.
I suggest only to increment the counter or even to maintain relative counter based on the other results that the user didn't click it.

Know indexing time for a document in Solr

Is it possible to know the indexing time of a document in solr. Like there is a implicit field for "score" which automatically gets added to a document, is there a field that stores value of indexing time?
I need it to know the date when a document got indexed.
Solr does not automatically add a create date to documents. You could certainly index one with the document though, using Solr's DateField. In earlier versions or Solr ( < 4.2 ), there was a commented timestamp field in the example schema.xml, which looked like:
<field name="timestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NOW" multiValued="false"/>
Also, I think it bears noting that there is no implicit "score" field. Scores are calculated at query time, rather than being tied to the document. Different queries will generate different scores for the same document. There are norms stored with the document that are factored into scores, but they aren't really fields.
femtoRgon give you a correct solution but you must be carefull with partial document update.
If you do not do partial document update you can stop reading now ;-)
If you partially update your document, SolR will merge the existing value with your partial document and the timestamp will not be updated. The solution is to not store the timestamp, then SolR will not be able to merge this value. The drawback is you cannot retrieve the timestamp with your search result.
