Check box does not checked in notification subscription block drupal 7 - drupal-7

I am using notification module in D7 for content tags subscriptions,
In notification module have multiple tag option but i enable this block
it is not showing the tags .


Salesforce Send Email UI not displaying

The UI to send emails from Salesforce (including Subject, Body, etc.) is not displaying:
This Activity section is visible on the right of a Contact Record.
On the Related List "Activity History", the button "Email" is showing the same empty UI.
I am logged as a System Admin, I have all the permissions to access the object EmailMessage;
The UI displays as expected when using Saleforce Classic:
Any idea of why the send Email UI is not displaying the normal set of fields (Subject, Body, To, etc.) with Lightning Experience?
Is it in same org, same user? You may have org-wide email ban (Setup -> Deliverability -> No access) or on profile are you sure you have "send email" selected?
Have you viewed same object in classic and lightning? maybe what you viewed in lightning doesn't have "allow activities" ticked in object's definition.
It sounds like it's "just" the email composer rich text area because the send button is there. And couple more (but not all) buttons, interesting.
I'd expect 6 buttons: attach, merge field, template, preview, popup, discard
Any errors in Javascript console when you view this menu in lightning? (depends on browser, Windows users typically F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J, Mac users... command+option+J I think)
The root cause of the issue was that the Layout of the Global Action Email (API Name=SendEmail) did NOT contain any field.
After dragging-dropping the fields into the Global Action Layout, the functionality started working smoothly without the "error on parameter record: ava://sfdc.uisdk.connect.api.output.RecordRepresentation "
This resolves this issue.

Gather custom events from a React app with Google Analytics 4

I'm using react-ga4 to send custom events to Google Analytics 4. I can see the events in the real-time dashboard and I can see an event with the made up name I'm using in the select of events when creating a custom event with the ui, but I can't find my data in the events tab or anywhere else outside the real-time section.
Is there something I should do on Google Analaytics and/or where can I find the custom data I'm sending?
It takes 24 hours to appear on the events tab
You can also confirm the correctness of your code by checking the event's hit from the networks tab in the dev console of your browser.
The API to GA for your event should start with In the payload tab here, you should be able to view the following fields for your event:
NOTE: It takes upto 24hrs (as mentioned in above answer) for the event to appear in the events section of your GA4 property

Linkedin tracking for single page app in Google Tag Manager

I'm trying to implement LinkedIn's insight tracking tag in Google Tag Manager on a single page React web application. Since there are no 'real' page reloads, the tag is only fired once. I have a dataLayer event that triggers on rerouting in the app, so I tried setting the tracking tag to fire on that event. The tag itself now fires multiple times but it does not track the new location.
What can I do to solve this?
It is not an official solution but you can add a custom HTML tag including this:
It will be triggered by History Change event.
You can fire Virtual pageviews on that particular dataLayer events.
What is a Virtual Pageview
Virtual Pageviewsrefers to sending the pageview hits to Google Analytics, without reloading the page. For the single page page app, virtual pageviews are good to track the sections.
Determine a standard notation for virtual pageview like /vpv/section name
On the Datalayer event, push the value of section name to the website section or something that can let you know which section the user is on.
For reporting, you can now actually see how many views happened for that particular section/page etc
The GTM tag will be normal pageview tag, you just need to put the virtual page path value in the More settings > Basic Configuration like shown below:
As pointed out in the article What Is Google Tag Manager? Do I Need It For My Website?, Google Tag Manager can listen to browser history changes, i.e. History Change is one of the pre-defined trigger in Tag Manager. So it's doable.

URLGeneration Error in WebSphere Portal

We're using WebSphere Portal ver 7. In our themes we've a flyout menu in the header. The links in the flyout menu vary based on the type of the user accessing the application.
The links are rendered using the portal navigation tags -
<portal:urlGeneration contentNode="com.XXXXX.member.XX.XXX123" keepNavigationalState="false">
The access to the contentNode is set on visibility rules. For users that do not have access to a particular content node the link is not visible.
Since the flyout menu is in the themes header, whenever a logged in user does not have access to a particular link in the menu the portal navigation throws URLGeneration errors resulting in NullPointer exceptions. These errors get logged into our SysOut. The frequency of errors gets so high that the logs roll back and it gets hard for the server team to maintain them.
Since this a WebSphere portal issue there is a fix available for it in Portal 8 onwards but not in Portal 7.
We would like to know if there could be a way the application could handle the URLGeneration errors gracefully and stop from filling our logs. We do not want to implement the same visibility rule checks in our themes because then we would lose the whole purpose of using the portal navigation and also when Business Rules change it would be another add on item to be changed.
Would like to hear some inputs.
PS - PFB error log stack trace -
[10/13/16 17:03:16:097 EDT] 00000052 CreateUrlComm E execute EJPEJ0012E: Could not find the node ID and root ID corresponding to the given content node ID.
[10/13/16 17:03:16:099 EDT] 00000052 UrlGeneration E doStartTag EJPEJ0004E: An unexpected exception occurred.
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
You can tell it to ignore, either fatal only or turn it off
or you could put exception handling around the jsp to handle it better

Drupal 7: Wysiwyg - Insert Blocks Plugin

Drupal 7 + WysiWyg + CKEditor 4
I am using Insert Blocks plugin to add blocks to content via Wysiwyg. Inserting code manually (like [block:block=1]) works. But there is no Icon in Wysiwyg which I can use to get the same result.
I was wondering if anyone is aware of a plugin that can already do that? Basically, after clicking icon, blocks will be loaded in a window and when user selects a block, above code will be automatically added.
You can create such buttons using the Shortcode module that creates shortcodes similar to the Wordpress functionality.
You can also try Token Insert, Token Insert Entity and Token Filter modules that are using tokens and are doing similar job but not as buttons on the wysiwyg editor.
